Andrew Breitbart

It’s been reported that Andrew Breitbart, a warrior for truth and a man who was relentless against the left-wing mainstream media, has passed of natural causes.
I personally want to extend my condolences to his family. He was taken from us far too young. No one plans to lose a husband or father at only 43.
The loss of just this one man will affect millions who have come to rely on him and his “Big” web sites to offer access to stories and news that they could find nowhere else. He was bigger than life, getting in the face of his enemies and forcing them to discuss things they would rather leave in the dark. He thrived on the fight. He relished the battle. And he was successful in forcing the media to at least admit the possibility of certain things, like the ACORN and Planned Parenthood scandals, stories that they still tried to shy away from.
He has been responsible for encouraging “citizen journalism,” giving the ordinary citizen the same responsibility as “professional jourlists” to report on stories. He gave us the same, if not more, respect to study and report on a story as the professionally coiffed and attired pretty faces. He enabled the common man to realize that yes, their opinions counted, and that yes, they who were willing to take on the “irrelevant” stories were worthy to be heard. James O’Keefe was one such citizen journalist who has made a difference. I hope there are many more. He was a warrior for the truth. We need an army of warriors to carry on his work and to free us from the tyranny of limited journalism.
Rest in peace, Andrew, rest in peace.



