Thursday Note On A Car Open Comments

We’ve all inadvertently (some of us advertently) put a ding into someone’s door or fender at some point. How many of you left a note? Maybe not offering to fix it, but at least an apology? Here is the best note ever left on a dented car.

You may have noticed the dent on the left side of your car. If not, allow me to draw your attention to it now. As you can see, it is there, and so is this note, and now two and two are getting put together in your head. Allow me to confirm your suspicions: The dent and note are connected. I have dented your car and wish to apologize for it.

He invites the owner to sit and relax while he explains what happened…

Some gas is missing, isn’t it? Previously I have noticed that your car was parked here unattended for hours every day, I guess because you work nearby. Congratulations! In this economy, having steady work is good news. I certainly don’t have that luxury, as you may have gathered by my ability to stake out parked cars for entire days. Truly, you are one of the lucky ones, and I hope you remember your fortune throughout this, as your dent is repaired, and your gas tank is refilled, and your car is seized by the police.

It continues for quite a bit. You should read it.



