Tuesday “Hangover” Open Comments

Nope, I don’t drink, I just work ungodly hours. I’ve been pushing into the wee hours now for several weeks, and the strain has caught up with me. I have a meeting I attend every Monday night, and I had the hardest time staying awake. Driving tends to perk me up, but when I got home I could barely stand. Walking upstairs was a challenge, as was getting to the bathroom and back. I think it took all of five seconds (maybe) for me to fall asleep when my head hit the pillow. I didn’t even hear Hubby’s alarm clock, nor did I wake up when he turned on lights and went through his morning routine. I could probably use another five hours of sleep.
I woke up late this morning, and I feel hung over. My head still isn’t right, and my eyes are having a hard time focusing. But the first thing I did after my morning ablutions was to look and see if the Couch was open.
Egads! My friends left out in the cold! So I stumble to the door, unlock it, and welcome you all in. Please pardon me while I get my breakfast and inject some caffeine. Another day begins.



