Monday Iowa Open Comments

Well, the Iowans are gearing up for their caucus activities. Let’s take a look at the state that will fling down the first official gauntlets in this Republican primary race:
Iowa has an area of 56,276 square miles, making it the 26th largest state in the country. It’s population, as of the year 2010, was 3,046,355, making it 30th in population. They are also seeing some increase in population from Hispanics, like Texas:

The Census counted 120,031 more Iowans in 2010, a 4% increase from a decade earlier. More than half of that growth (58%) came from Hispanics. The number of Hispanics hit 151,544, up from 82,473 in 2000 — an 84% increase.

Compare this to the city of Houston, TX, MSA with an estimated population of 5,946,800. They are also seeing a shift from rural to more urban concentrations in population. What will this do to the culture of Iowa, and how they vote?
I wonder how the Scandinavians feel about the influx of Mexican-flavored immigrants. Decorah hosts Nordic Fest a three-day celebration of Decorah’s Scandinavian heritage. Will there be an upcoming Cinco de Mayo celebration?
The major industries in Iowa are agrigultural, including corn, swin, soybeans, and food manufacturing. I was surprised to find that they are also an insurance center. I guess if you’re not cut out for pig farming, and you want to live in the city, insurance is one way to go.
Herbert Hoover was born there. So was John Wayne. Go figure.
Iowa was the 29th state becoming a state on December 28, 1846 . The highest point in Iowa is Hawkeye Point, in northwester Iowa. It is 1,670 feet above sea level. Some would debate that fact, saying the the presidential caucus is the highest point for the state. The low point is where the Mississippi River and Des Moines meet, 480 feet above sea level. I would venture to say that the low point will be the day after the caucuses finish, especially if Ron Paul is in the lead. Preferring to feel elevated, they Iowans call their state “The Hawkeye State”.
The name Iowa comes from Ioway, the French word for the Bah-kho-je Indian tribe that lived in the area. The state motto is “Our liberties we prize and our rights we will maintain”. The state song is very imaginatively named “The Song of Iowa”. I find it interesting that their state rock is the geode – you know, the rock that when you crack it open is empty?
Quaker Oats, in Cedar Rapids, is the largest cereal company in the world.