Jessica’s Middle Finger to Jesus

David Jennings (via Texpat) posted a thread last week on the ghoulish “Holiday Celebration” being sponsored by Democrat state representatives Jessica Farrar and Carol Alvarado. Both are Catholic. Farrar, at least during election season, is supposedly a practicing Catholic. I know this because she is a member of my parish.
To hold a political celebration at the country’s largest abortatorium during a season when we celebrate the birth of our Savior is beyond cynical. For a Catholic, and anyone else who believes in the sanctity of life, it is sacrilegious.
Here’s the flyer posted on David’s site:

I discussed this with our parish priest this morning. He was also very troubled and pointed out something I hadn’t realized. In addition to Sundays, Catholics have a set of Holy Days of Obligation. These are days when the faithful are obligated to participate in the Mass.
Representatives Farrar and Alvarado, both Catholic, have chosen one of these Holy Days to hold their “Holiday” celebration. And not just any Holy Day. They have chosen December 8, the solemnity of the Immaculate Conception.
I have long ago given up trying to make sense of the thought processes that lead people to support the bloody practice of abortion. I just take it to the Lord in prayer. But this Democrat celebration…all I can do is echo David’s question – How sick can Houston Democrats get? Don’t tell me the Devil isn’t real.

The angel Gabriel was sent from God
to a town of Galilee called Nazareth,
to a virgin betrothed to a man named Joseph,
of the house of David,
and the virgin’s name was Mary.
And coming to her, he said,
“Hail, full of grace! The Lord is with you.”
But she was greatly troubled at what was said
and pondered what sort of greeting this might be.
Then the angel said to her,
“Do not be afraid, Mary,
for you have found favor with God.
Behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son,
and you shall name him Jesus.
He will be great and will be called Son of the Most High,
and the Lord God will give him the throne of David his father,
and he will rule over the house of Jacob forever,
and of his Kingdom there will be no end.”
But Mary said to the angel,
“How can this be,
since I have no relations with a man?”
And the angel said to her in reply,
“The Holy Spirit will come upon you,
and the power of the Most High will overshadow you.
Therefore the child to be born
will be called holy, the Son of God.
And behold, Elizabeth, your relative,
has also conceived a son in her old age,
and this is the sixth month for her who was called barren;
for nothing will be impossible for God.”
Mary said, “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord.
May it be done to me according to your word.”
Then the angel departed from her.
— Luke 1:26-38





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December 6, 2011 6:16 pm

if not she would likely die a slow, gruesome and painful death Do you say that knowing what this procedure entails from other sources besides Numbers 5? Because there I do not see where it says that she would die. In order for there to be a possibility for her to re-marry her original HUSBAND, one of them must die.… Read more »

December 6, 2011 11:35 am

Darren – Numbers 5: What a fantastic example of what can happen to meaning when one translates from one language to another. I still have yet to install my Biblesoft PC5 program on my computer at work. When I get home this afternoon, I will look into that passage in greater depth. The bitter cup: This concept is used frequently… Read more »

December 5, 2011 11:12 pm

but rubbing your personal parts up against a piece of diseased flesh would be a huge turnoff That does it, I’m going celebate!!! 😉 (Mrs. Darren said, “I better not!” when I shared this comment to her.) OT people were very fearful of contagious diseases. Leprosy near the genitals would be rather off-putting. Unless you were a pervert. Excellent point,… Read more »

December 5, 2011 10:56 pm

#21 Darren I agree. “Thigh to rot” to me sounds pretty much like cursing the woman with a disease that wastes away flesh. Rotting thighs would make her pretty much undesirable to a man. I mean, a woman without a foot or a hand could still be attractive enough to have sex with, but rubbing your personal parts up against… Read more »

December 5, 2011 9:51 pm

I’m glad to see some takers. A big reason I addressed this here is because I highly value the religious insights of folks who post here(and it does relate to the topic at hand). A poster on a blogspot site who goes by “Eveningsun” declared God an abortionist. He said that the bbile tells of priests who presided over abortion… Read more »

fat albert
fat albert
December 5, 2011 9:33 am

Darren, I’d be more than willing to comment if I had more details. There are plenty of wacko nut jobs out there who are willing to take the fabric of scripture and warp it to fit their own twisted ideas. I don’t believe that you can stay true to the whole of scripture and see abortion as anything other than… Read more »

December 5, 2011 8:55 am

Which passage(s)?

December 5, 2011 12:26 am

On another blog a poster recently argued that a passage of the Bible demonstrated how God commanded His people to abort babies conceived via adultery inm order to keep the bloodline of the husband pure. While I absolutely, 100% reject this interpretation of scripture, I would like others here to give their tae on it. I will do so only… Read more »

December 4, 2011 9:14 pm

And, you’ll see that we refer to Mary as “The Immaculate Conception”. Not “the product of an unwed pregnancy, for which we need to make an appointment. Is Thursday at 4:00 pm good?”

December 4, 2011 9:00 pm

There have been only four people who did not suffer being born with the stain of original sin: Adam, Eve, Mary, Jesus. Two of them blew it (and thereby “created” original sin). The other two lived their entire lives free from sin, despite the concupiscence resulting from original sin.

December 4, 2011 7:58 pm

#13 Darren,
St. Anne is Mary’s mother.

December 4, 2011 7:48 pm

“Holiday Celebration”

Exactly. If Christians cannot even say they are celebrating Christ’s birth, then why not further erode their standards to no longer celebrate the renewal of human life?

December 4, 2011 7:46 pm

A lot of people confuse the Immaculate Conception. Most non-Catholics, and even some Catholics, think it refers to the conception of Jesus. That is false. Mary was considered to have been conceived without the stain of original sin, as every other human being. Therefore, her conception was immaculate, without stain. This made her a fit vessel to carry the Son… Read more »

December 4, 2011 5:25 pm

#10 Bones
Don’t worry about me, I want everyone to say exactly what they think about everything. BTW, I daresay most of those influenced by Ayn Rand tend to be conservative atheists. It remains to be seen whether any of you are going to find me “delightful-in-person”!

December 4, 2011 3:49 pm

THEME SONG for the Nanzi Pelousi, Kennedy clan, Jessica Farrar types.

December 4, 2011 3:48 pm

#9 EG: I agree sir. The description of the Ds is spot on accurate, anything to win is acceptable because whatever advances the cause of the Ds is the truth and good regardless of what the facts or reality may reveal. The commies, by the way, follow the same MO. There really is no greater surface indicator of a person’s… Read more »

El Gordo
December 4, 2011 3:10 pm

Here’s the deal in a nutshell. How better to signify their belief in the superiority of man over the superiority of a supreme deity. Why if there were a God, how could he let such horrendous things happen, the argument must go. If human life is not sacrosanct, then what else is? Answer, nothing. Therefore, carving up these babies in… Read more »

fat albert
fat albert
December 4, 2011 2:48 pm

I unfortunately will not be able to attend. I did, however, leave a detailed message (as requested) at the listed number. . . . . . . . . .

December 4, 2011 1:54 pm

The passage from St. Luke, above, is the scripture of the Feast of the Annunciation (March 25th I believe). IMHO, the insult given by the Democrat hypocrites in their choice of date and place could possibly only be made worse by scheduling a party on the Feast of the Annunciation. Or December 25th. Shudder Seems to me this is a… Read more »

December 4, 2011 1:43 pm

Mharper A lot of people confuse the Immaculate Conception. Most non-Catholics, and even some Catholics, think it refers to the conception of Jesus. That is false. Mary was considered to have been conceived without the stain of original sin, as every other human being. Therefore, her conception was immaculate, without stain. This made her a fit vessel to carry the… Read more »

December 4, 2011 1:41 pm

I guess since Democrats are not lauded for their fidelity to moral causes, nor are they confused by hypocrisy, I’m not surprised. If the Kennedy and the Pelosi families can get away with this, we wouldn’t want to be discriminatory against any of our Southern Democrats. Especially if they are of a protected minority group. Right?

December 4, 2011 1:34 pm

#2, #3
Explain, please, although I guess I could try to look it up.

December 4, 2011 1:15 pm

n.b. – the Immaculate Conception refers to Mary’s conception in St Anne’s womb.

Yes, that’s a distinction most do not know.

December 4, 2011 12:35 pm

It’s unlikely that there will be any temporal fallout accruing to Farrar. She does need to be concerned about the state of her immortal soul.
n.b. – the Immaculate Conception refers to Mary’s conception in St Anne’s womb.

December 4, 2011 12:00 pm

Hamous, please keep us posted if there is any fallout that comes to your attention.

December 6, 2011 6:16 pm

if not she would likely die a slow, gruesome and painful death Do you say that knowing what this procedure entails from other sources besides Numbers 5? Because there I do not see where it says that she would die. In order for there to be a possibility for her to re-marry her original HUSBAND, one of them must die.… Read more »

December 5, 2011 11:12 pm

but rubbing your personal parts up against a piece of diseased flesh would be a huge turnoff That does it, I’m going celebate!!! 😉 (Mrs. Darren said, “I better not!” when I shared this comment to her.) OT people were very fearful of contagious diseases. Leprosy near the genitals would be rather off-putting. Unless you were a pervert. Excellent point,… Read more »

December 5, 2011 10:56 pm

#21 Darren I agree. “Thigh to rot” to me sounds pretty much like cursing the woman with a disease that wastes away flesh. Rotting thighs would make her pretty much undesirable to a man. I mean, a woman without a foot or a hand could still be attractive enough to have sex with, but rubbing your personal parts up against… Read more »

December 5, 2011 9:51 pm

I’m glad to see some takers. A big reason I addressed this here is because I highly value the religious insights of folks who post here(and it does relate to the topic at hand). A poster on a blogspot site who goes by “Eveningsun” declared God an abortionist. He said that the bbile tells of priests who presided over abortion… Read more »

fat albert
fat albert
December 5, 2011 9:33 am

Darren, I’d be more than willing to comment if I had more details. There are plenty of wacko nut jobs out there who are willing to take the fabric of scripture and warp it to fit their own twisted ideas. I don’t believe that you can stay true to the whole of scripture and see abortion as anything other than… Read more »

December 5, 2011 8:55 am

Which passage(s)?

December 5, 2011 12:26 am

On another blog a poster recently argued that a passage of the Bible demonstrated how God commanded His people to abort babies conceived via adultery inm order to keep the bloodline of the husband pure. While I absolutely, 100% reject this interpretation of scripture, I would like others here to give their tae on it. I will do so only… Read more »

December 4, 2011 9:14 pm

And, you’ll see that we refer to Mary as “The Immaculate Conception”. Not “the product of an unwed pregnancy, for which we need to make an appointment. Is Thursday at 4:00 pm good?”

December 4, 2011 9:00 pm

There have been only four people who did not suffer being born with the stain of original sin: Adam, Eve, Mary, Jesus. Two of them blew it (and thereby “created” original sin). The other two lived their entire lives free from sin, despite the concupiscence resulting from original sin.

December 4, 2011 7:58 pm

#13 Darren,

St. Anne is Mary’s mother.

December 4, 2011 7:48 pm

“Holiday Celebration”

Exactly. If Christians cannot even say they are celebrating Christ’s birth, then why not further erode their standards to no longer celebrate the renewal of human life?

December 4, 2011 7:46 pm

A lot of people confuse the Immaculate Conception. Most non-Catholics, and even some Catholics, think it refers to the conception of Jesus. That is false. Mary was considered to have been conceived without the stain of original sin, as every other human being. Therefore, her conception was immaculate, without stain. This made her a fit vessel to carry the Son… Read more »

December 4, 2011 5:25 pm

#10 Bones
Don’t worry about me, I want everyone to say exactly what they think about everything. BTW, I daresay most of those influenced by Ayn Rand tend to be conservative atheists. It remains to be seen whether any of you are going to find me “delightful-in-person”!

Super Dave
December 4, 2011 3:10 pm

Here’s the deal in a nutshell. How better to signify their belief in the superiority of man over the superiority of a supreme deity. Why if there were a God, how could he let such horrendous things happen, the argument must go. If human life is not sacrosanct, then what else is? Answer, nothing. Therefore, carving up these babies in… Read more »

fat albert
fat albert
December 4, 2011 2:48 pm

I unfortunately will not be able to attend. I did, however, leave a detailed message (as requested) at the listed number. . . . . . . . . .

December 4, 2011 1:54 pm

The passage from St. Luke, above, is the scripture of the Feast of the Annunciation (March 25th I believe). IMHO, the insult given by the Democrat hypocrites in their choice of date and place could possibly only be made worse by scheduling a party on the Feast of the Annunciation. Or December 25th. Shudder Seems to me this is a… Read more »

December 4, 2011 1:43 pm

Mharper A lot of people confuse the Immaculate Conception. Most non-Catholics, and even some Catholics, think it refers to the conception of Jesus. That is false. Mary was considered to have been conceived without the stain of original sin, as every other human being. Therefore, her conception was immaculate, without stain. This made her a fit vessel to carry the… Read more »

December 4, 2011 1:41 pm

I guess since Democrats are not lauded for their fidelity to moral causes, nor are they confused by hypocrisy, I’m not surprised. If the Kennedy and the Pelosi families can get away with this, we wouldn’t want to be discriminatory against any of our Southern Democrats. Especially if they are of a protected minority group. Right?

December 4, 2011 1:34 pm

#2, #3
Explain, please, although I guess I could try to look it up.

December 4, 2011 1:15 pm

n.b. – the Immaculate Conception refers to Mary’s conception in St Anne’s womb.

Yes, that’s a distinction most do not know.

December 4, 2011 12:35 pm

It’s unlikely that there will be any temporal fallout accruing to Farrar. She does need to be concerned about the state of her immortal soul.

n.b. – the Immaculate Conception refers to Mary’s conception in St Anne’s womb.

December 4, 2011 12:00 pm

Hamous, please keep us posted if there is any fallout that comes to your attention.