Thursday Big Oil Open Comments

Our own Jazz Hands Club is planning a “silent protest” against Big Oil this Saturday, October 15th. I’m a little confused, because one of their other supposed causes is high unemployment. I’m not sure how trying to shut down an industry that supplies, directly or indirectly, about 50% of the jobs in our area helps, but whatever.

Energy Day is sponsored the big oil companies responsible for the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and for building the Keystone XL Pipeline, a potential serious environmental disaster running from Alberta, Canada right into our backyard! Valero and other oil refining companies are seeking a tax refund to the tune of $135million to cover the cost of hydrotreating equipment to reduce pollution. This refund is coming from our property taxes. Money meant for schools may go to large oil companies to cover these costs! We need to educate festival goers that there are serious threats to our planet, local tax money wasted, and a serious corruption chain behind big oil!

Big Oil hates children! And pollution! Oh…wait.
Every Jazz Hands event must be heavy on symbolism. This one is no different:

We will march the perimeter of the festival in white shirts and red bandannas or $1 bills over our mouths. Why do we cover our mouths? Why are we silent? Because the 99% of the citizens in this country do not have a voice in this country! Why do we wear white? It’s the opposite of black, the color of oil, and a symbol of the corruption and collusion rampant in the big energy industry.

Black is the color of corruption??? Racists!!! Jazz Hands are racist!!!
Thankfully our Houston Chapter made sure to get their Orwellian hand signals down pat at the General Assembly last night. Nothing worse than a mob of trendy hipsters running around flashing random hand signals willy-nilly while the Human Megaphone is trying to get its act together:

Hand signals

  • Hands raised to either side with fingers up, wriggling fingers (jazz hands, some call it) -also the sign for ‘applause’ in sign language. This is used to show that you agree with the speaker, and is also used when a proposal is being presented, as as measurement of consensus
  • Hands held out in front in a SO-SO gesture means you’re not loving the proposal, but you don’t have a big problem with it either.
  • Hands held out in front (similar to above) but hanging downward, rotating back and forth. This means that you really disagree with the proposal or statement a speaker is making, but (in the case of a proposal) are are not so strongly opposed that you will Move To Amend (the X symbol)
  • Point of INFORMATION- This IS NOT to be used for questions and not for opinions, not matter how pressing yours might be! a Point of Information is only to be used when something being said is lacking a critical piece of factual/empirically based information, or if the basic facts being presented are not accurate.
  • Point of PROCESS- Holding fingers and thumbs to form a TRIANGLE. This means we are not sticking to adopted PROCEDURE. For example, if someone held their hands up in the POINT OF INFORMATION signal but starts rambling about their opinions, this signal can be used to express this opinion. The moderator *might* at that time direct the speaker to add themselves to the STACK to have a turn to speak their opinions.
  • WRAP IT UP / DO YOU HAVE A POINT?- Rolling the hands one over the other in front of oneself, as though to say “let’s keep things rolling”





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October 13, 2011 11:38 pm

GOP sources in Washington and Florida say that Rubio’s senatorial chief of staff, Cesar Conda, has been a major force in persuading Florida Republicans to move their primary to January. “Cesar used to be with Romney’s campaign,” one informed source explained to me in an interview today, adding: “Conda used his contacts to push the primary to the 31st because… Read more »

October 13, 2011 11:34 pm

How Did Obama Know About ‘Fast And Furious’ Before Holder?
This Breitbart link shows a clip from an interview with Obama in March where Obama acknowledged the existence of Fast and Furious and Eric Holder testified on May 3rd that he first heard about it within “the last few weeks” of his own testimony.

October 13, 2011 11:19 pm

For the record, I do not judge Marcus Luttrell or SEAL Team 10 either way. Their ultimate decision proved fatal but I do not in any way judge them ignorant, stupid, or ortherwise incompetent. Had they decided to kill the two adults and one teenager on the spot, I would not judge them a barbarous, cruel, immoral, or in any… Read more »

October 13, 2011 11:08 pm

wagon; By bringing (or attempting to bring) harm to your side, they become a combatant. I agree. But what if they are no threat in the immediate moment? In June of 2005, Luttrell led a four-man team of Navy SEALs into the mountains of Afghanistan on a mission to kill a Taliban leader thought to be allied with Osama bin… Read more »

October 13, 2011 11:03 pm

Wow. I don’t even know how to respond. You don’t have to. I support capital punishment. I like order. I see it as honoring life, not inflicting death. I like the idea of a firing squad. It’s very American and it carries out justice. I also find it a very humane way to die. Even more humane than the sleepy… Read more »

October 13, 2011 10:23 pm

#117 EG
Most of the people and sources cited in that Zerohedge piece are unhinged or insane, but even they can stumble over a nugget of truth now and then.
Very interesting stuff if you sift out all the nonsense.

October 13, 2011 10:22 pm

#110 – HARUMPH (we aint ALL boring yanno Brutha)

October 13, 2011 9:55 pm

I think it was my first year in Utah as a student and there was an execution carried out by the firing squad. I fell in love with Utah right there and then.

I would give me an awe feeling inside

Wow. I don’t even know how to respond.

El Gordo
October 13, 2011 9:46 pm

I see that by many accounts, skepticism is growing about the validity of the Iranian assassination plot being used by Eric Holder to divert attention from his Congressional subpoena. Seems things just don’t add up, even to some in the MSM who actually claim to know how to add…

October 13, 2011 9:36 pm

By bringing (or attempting to bring) harm to your side, they become a combatant.

October 13, 2011 9:33 pm

this includes avoidance of direct, intended harm to noncombatants and avoidance of disproportionate harm in the use of otherwise justified means of war. I agree with that premises. I do not support intended killing of civilians (noncombatants) unless they become a legitimate target (tha they would bring harm to my side) and I do support avoiding harm to noncombatants but… Read more »

El Gordo
October 13, 2011 9:32 pm

#105 – I glad to see that you recognized the redundancy in the terms “crazy” and “woman” and made the necessary correction.

October 13, 2011 9:01 pm

#110 Shannon This is not just a Christian question, although since Tim is a Christian, pointing him towards those documents and discussions oriented that way is appropriate. Anyway, I thought that is what blog forums were for – the open discussion and civil debate of serious issues. James Turner Johnson of Rutgers University: James Turner Johnson is Professor of Religion… Read more »

October 13, 2011 8:55 pm

timben; Here’s something this Mormon has to say regarding “just war”. 14 Now the Nephites were taught to defend themselves against their enemies, even to the shedding of blood if it were necessary; yea, and they were also taught never to give an offense, yea, and never to raise the sword except it were against an enemy, except it were… Read more »

October 13, 2011 8:37 pm

“Could you sit on a capital murder trial jury and convict another human being to death?” I could. I would give me an awe feeling inside which would cause me to make sure that’s the right decision but it’s that feeling which I think is necessary in order to ensure justice. Cops lie. Witnesses lie. Judges lie. Everyone lies. If… Read more »

October 13, 2011 8:22 pm

82 timden I have heard the term “just war” uttered by a few learned folks especially after 9/11. My question to this august assembly is this: Can anyone point me to a coherent definition of “just war” and help me correctly understand the scripture where Jesus tells me it is ok to kill my fellow man? I can help. But… Read more »

October 13, 2011 8:15 pm

Hamous #20;
I think it was my first year in Utah as a student and there was an execution carried out by the firing squad. I fell in love with Utah right there and then. (Though I’d never want to live there).

October 13, 2011 7:49 pm

107 Adee
Thanks for the reminder.
A great movie. I’ll have to dig it up again soon.

October 13, 2011 7:40 pm

A side note on Michaelangelo and Julius II interactions as artist and patron, friends and opponents. Charlton Heston played Michaelangelo to Rex Harrison’s Julius II in 1965’s The Agony and the Ecstacy. It’s a whale of a good movie covering the period of the painting of the Sistine Chapel. As I recall, Julius II was pretty much the last of… Read more »

October 13, 2011 7:22 pm

#85 texpat
Almost knocked his pretentious @$$ out of those gay stretchy pants he had on.

October 13, 2011 7:19 pm

And here all this time I thought the only use for thalidomide was to disfigure infants in the womb.

Actually it was for morning sickness for crazy pregnant wimmins.

Super Dave
Super Dave
October 13, 2011 6:59 pm

#85 Texapat, I had that video for our safety meeting on Tuesday. Motto, wear your helmet. 😉

Super Dave
Super Dave
October 13, 2011 6:50 pm

Oh,…Crap! I posted before I scrolled down to see where we were. I defer to “Iron Mary Cash” for the coveted #100. Arrrgh

October 13, 2011 6:50 pm

Only on Hambone will you find a connection between leprosy and numismatics.

Simple Simon
Simple Simon
October 13, 2011 6:49 pm

mharper, Molokai…the home of Father (Saint) Damian Father Damien or Saint Damien of Molokai, SS.CC. (Dutch: Pater Damiaan or Heilige Damiaan van Molokai; January 3, 1840 – April 15, 1889), born Jozef De Veuster, was a Roman Catholic priest from Belgium and member of the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary,[1] a missionary religious order. He won… Read more »

Super Dave
Super Dave
October 13, 2011 6:48 pm

Roseanne thinks anyone with over $100 million should be beheaded. Interesting that her net worth is $80 million. I guess she doesnt make “the cut”.


Simple Simon
Simple Simon
October 13, 2011 6:45 pm

96…mharper There was a leper colony in South Louisiana for years and I think it finally closed in the mid ninties. I lived on the Western Coast of Africa in Angola during the eighties. We had a leper colony next to us in a fishing villiage. I think the name of the village was Malimbo. We did not directly employ… Read more »

October 13, 2011 6:45 pm

Official recommended listening list for refugees from the 24 hour political news cycle….
Nasty Girl Category (my favorite):
Bonnie Rait
Marcia Ball
Allison Kraus 
Shake Russell/Dana Cooper
Guy Clark
Update pending…
Damn, I almost feel human again.
Call me at election time will ya?

October 13, 2011 6:33 pm

#95 Simp:

Aspirin, prednisone, or thalidomide are used to control inflammation.

And here all this time I thought the only use for thalidomide was to disfigure infants in the womb.

October 13, 2011 6:33 pm

#95 Simple
From my numismatic period several decades ago, I recall that one of the Hawaian islands housed a leper colony long ago. The colony had its own coinage, featuring the caduceus medical symbol.

Simple Simon
Simple Simon
October 13, 2011 6:11 pm

80 Bonehead, Once again you are only partially correct. Leprosy is prevalent amoungst darker skinned people, but Norwegians should take care; there are numerous cases of European missionaries working in the leper colonies contracting the disease. There is something to be said about the collective human population developing an immunity to a particular virus or bacteria; but alas evolution provides… Read more »

October 13, 2011 6:04 pm

Our drones are gambling??? I’m not sure that’s any better.

October 13, 2011 5:52 pm

Woo hoo! USA drone computers not attacked by enemy hackers — it was a gambling virus according to Drudge headline.

October 13, 2011 5:49 pm

🙂 Technically, nothing prevents Warren Buffett and other “Patriotic Millionaires” from donating money to the federal government right now, but, as they continue to clamor for a higher tax rate for themselves and others, it’s easy to assume they don’t know that. Sen. John Thune (R-SD) and Rep. Steve Scalise (R-La.) have introduced legislation to ensure they do: Dubbed “The… Read more »

October 13, 2011 5:48 pm

Just for you, WB

October 13, 2011 5:18 pm

#88 TT: It kind of makes you wonder if pok-ee-stahn was ever on our side in the first place, doesn’t it? They have been making the fertilizer for the IEDs, they hid bin fishfood, formerly known as Bin Ladin, they have routinely not helped us find the insurgents and have hidden them, and now this?? I just hope the Indians… Read more »

October 13, 2011 5:08 pm

The front page of Drudge has the 3 biggest jackasses in the world wagging the index finger in separate pics.

October 13, 2011 5:04 pm

Disgusting. Repugnant. Immoral.
I’ve run out of words. /spits
I hope the family gets away safely. That poor girl. God bless her for sticking to her beliefs. And at 12 years of age, too. I hope her rapists get exactly what they deserve.

October 13, 2011 4:58 pm

#85 Texpat
I saw that one the other day. Good thing he had that helmet, eh?

October 13, 2011 4:58 pm

Absolutely crazy. I thought they sped up the film at first.

October 13, 2011 4:56 pm

You know those irritating bicyclists who think they own the road and nearly cause motorists to collide with one another to avoid them ?
Well, we now have a solution…the red hartebeest.

October 13, 2011 4:44 pm

#83 Mr. Burner,
Lemme study that a while and get back to you. Gotta go now and get the Gallopin’ Ghetto out of the shed for this weekend’s RV trip.

October 13, 2011 4:36 pm

#82 tim
You can start here. The CCC is well-footnoted with references to Scripture and the various other documents the Church uses.

October 13, 2011 4:30 pm

In re numerous posts containing the word “war” and “death sentence” above, I had the distinctly enlightening experience of working on the Texas Department of Corrections Ellis Unit Death Row for a little over a year. During that time, I came to realize that many of the residents of that facility were, but for a few circumstances, no different from… Read more »

October 13, 2011 4:30 pm

Thanks Adee, you are a wonderful tour guide for us armchair adventurers.

October 13, 2011 4:25 pm

#79 Simple: Ifn the bug leprosy was so deadly why didn’t kill us all millenia ago? I think part of the answer is that there is a segment of the population that is not geneticly predisposed to easily acquire it. The immune system, on top of the above mentioned genetic resistance, will recognize it as a pathogen and build antibodies… Read more »

Simple Simon
Simple Simon
October 13, 2011 4:15 pm

75 Bonehead,
I lived next door to a leper colony in Africa in the eighties. The members of the colony are able to reproduce at a early age before the leprosy ravages their bodies.
Modern drug treatments renders leprosy non-contagious. We haven’t gotten any stronger or immune; Our drugs have.

October 13, 2011 4:08 pm

We left Pope Julius II laying the foundation stone to the new St. Peter’s in 1506, the design in the capable hands of Donato Bramante, and the work beginning with the demolition of previous walls to make room for his master work. It was to be a long journey to completion, as Julius Ii died in 1513 and Bramante in… Read more »

October 13, 2011 4:05 pm

RE: Saudi Ambassador Assassination Plot You know, it really is getting difficult to absorb all the information flowing about the negligence and incompetence of the Obama administration. Read this posting from the Long War Journal and you can also see Bryan Preston’s comments on the piece here at PJM. Shahlai was previously designated by the Treasury Department in Sept. 2008.… Read more »

October 13, 2011 3:18 pm

#74 Pyro: That is gonna infect a whole lot of new fleas, then the rats who will not be able to survive the pestilence coming from the OWS vermin. Perhaps there could be a net positive effect for NY after all ifn all the rats die.