Here’s something light for the weekend. The highlighted dance from “Strictly Ballroom” (“Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps”) is pretty intense. I’ve seen some of these scenes, may have to check out the others. I like a good dance scene. There’s the famous and incredibly athletic scene from “Seven Brides for Seven Brothers”. The movie “White Christmas,” while an obvious foil to display the singing and acting talent instead of developing a good plot, contained several memorable dance scenes. I do miss performers who could sing and dance without looking like they’re looking for tricks on the street corner. Do you have any other suggestions?
Weekend Dance Open Comments
And here is Dr. Malone’s Sunday Strip.
I finished my Sunday night Fulton Sheen virtual study with my church lady friends. I realize no one has posted the WIP! Sacrilege!
The Week in Pictures: Ad-Vance Guard Edition
Missing photo for my 6:59
Darn it . The photo won’t post!!!!
It was nice to see that the (Squawk)Box family was represented.
.- Texas Scorecard
Fox put the NASCAR race on FS1 which I don’t have and it is ridiculously priced to stream. I am not a happy camper.
Gug guhh duhhh
Here ya go, SQK.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, GJT has built hisself a new BBQ Grill. 😉
BTW; GJT you said something about “then there was that……”
Were you talking about Jeffery Toobin being a reporter back then?
Hi gang, checking in late and I have no excuse. I finished up the 4 part OJ Simpson documentary on Netflix that GJT had recommend and I can say it was very informative and worthwhile to watch. I did learn a lot that I missed back when it was on TV everyday and even though everyone on the planet knew OJ was guilty I can now understand how the “Dream Team” pulled off the greatest Race-Bait Hustle in the history of the country. You’ll have to watch the series to fully understand but remember that the OJ trail was only… Read more »
I’m so glad Hubby is toting my rather ample butt to and fro between home and church. The city did a surprise “we’re tearing up the street next to your church and removing all of that street parking” maneuver. Plus, there was some huge volleyball tournament going on at the GRB, which is only a few blocks away. The public lot on the south side of my church was packed, and all of the street parking was taken. He doesn’t want me riding the metro train, for safety reasons.
Are you still chasing that lost hour?
then this just might be for you.
they should just move the clocks back one half hour next weekend and then never touch them again.
guess that would be too easy for the deceptively deceptive degenerate dipschitts in money washing dc.
Good doggies.
How many dues-paying members of unions like SIEU, NEA and AFT are actually fake identities created to draw SS checks and then auto-paid to the union accounts ?
I’ve been fascinated by the science of genealogy, using DNA to solve cold case crimes through family trees. Normally it is an individual or small team digging through ancestry files attempting to solve cases but we watched a program on 20/20 or Dateline where they talked about this lab in The Woodlands called Othman Research now doing this and having huge success. I couldn’t find anything on the size of the company but by the footage on the show, it is a very big building with lots of employees and high dollar equipment. Not heard of them before. Cool stuff.… Read more »
That blinding sun going east is gonna be rough for morning commutes.
but it’s good fer ya says the time changers.
almighty government still screwing with the clocks.
Texas was supposed to opt out a few years ago.
I guess those republicant’s still can’t get it done because they put totalitariancrats in charge in the Texas house.
it’s a great swindle they got going.
I really like this guy and want to see him in a position of national authority, not just in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
I have not heard or read a whole lot about this particular moon mission; like whose rocket is lifting the cargo, who is paying for it, who all had cargo on the rocket, etc.
Who is ‘Intuitive Machines?’
Eugene Volokh quoting the Prime Minister of Poland:
“500M Europeans Are Begging 300M Americans for Protection from 140M Russians Who Have Been Unable to Overcome 50M Ukrainians for Three Years”
Dr. phil
It’s my recollection that Rush Limbaugh acknowledged that Chrissie Hynde was a hottie, but not a girl who you would take home to meet your momma.
I picked up a hitchhiker last night and he asked “How do you know I’m not a serial killer?” I replied “The chances of two serial killers being in the same car are astronomical.” 😀
Pam Blondie Sessions sure went quiet.
More quiet than an Epstein client list that probably doesn’t exist.
my prediction is she will become the doj equivalent of kangarooed penguin Amy coney sauerkraut dog and there will be no perp walks in the next 4 years.
traitor mayorkas?
I got back from the car show and decided to take a couple of Tylenol before getting on the treadmill. While I waited for the pain killers to kick in, I made yet one more pink rosary to start replacing the three pink ones I gave away today. I gave away a total of five – not my record, but a good way to spread the Gospel. Two of them went to little girls who were shopping with their mother and grandmother. I told the adults that I’d love to give their little girls, about five and 7, rosaries and… Read more »
Note the bright spots in center of the exhaust gas stream as well as the hour glass shape to the exterior of the stream.
Daughter had to work today but at least she has a nice view out her window. I love the Lufkin Pump Jack.
Nice camo. Actually, brilliantly excellent camo.
This guy appears to be some high falutin’ muckety muck in the world of islam. He states that a bunch of terrorists are going to come out of Europe because, in essence, wokism and politically correct thinking will allow them to thrive. Islam is the problem and has been since its beginning.
Physical violence against one’s political opponents is a crime. Those who commit and/or pay for said violence need to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Seize the assets of the organizations all the way up the funding chain. These are not steps to be taken lightly, everything must be fully exposed to the people so that the clear letter of the law violations can be punished regardless of who does the crime. This could easily be abused by those on the other side, so if everything is completely above board and by the book we can blunt… Read more »
Cindy McCain, heiress to a huge Arizona beer distributor fortune, widow of John, mother of Meghan and mother-in-law of Ben Domenech for some reason runs the UN’s World Food Program. From Daniel Greenfield: The UN’s World Food Program, the biggest scam without ‘green’ or ‘crypto’ in its name, is at it again.GAZA VIDEO #1The WFP has ceaselessly claimed that everyone in Gaza is starving to death for a year and a half now.GAZA VIDEO #2Back in December, Cindy McCain, who heads it, demanded $17 billion to “feed desperately hungry people.” Weeks after the brutal Hamas assault of Oct 7, Cindy McCain… Read more »
How high can an ISIS suicide bomber fly?
Notice the suicide doors, but he left the door handles in the original position. We figure someone tries to steal his car and open the door they’re going to be very frustrated.
Another view of his car
I finally found my husband at the car show. Shannon’s unable to join me darn it I was really looking forward to seeing him again.
Good comedy.
Texpat etal admins We need an infusion of new blood. Our small group of commando commenters do a bang up job but we need to G R O W our membership. To do this front pagers need to do real stories and commentaries besides open comments. SOS stories. STAY ON SUBJECT stories. We have to be active members on other social media to spread the [peanut butter with to attract other commenters. I can strengthen our Google, bing, yahoo presence. But people gotta know about us to search for us so it is up to us to spread the word.… Read more »
What is the last thingI copy pasted?
What is going on down there in Texas ? Y’all need to put every female under 40 under house arrest until y’all can figure out what the problem is. First, out at Hobby Airport, there is the young woman who stripped naked and ran up and down the aisle FOR 25 MINUTES before she was hauled off the plane. She tried to open the cockpit door and assaulted a flight attendant. It this had been a man, he would have been tackled and hog-tied by passengers in less than five minutes. Second, we have an 18 year old girl in… Read more »
Well I off to the booming metropolis of Montgomery and the Sealy Gun Show. But first we have some old school engine Porn;
First Gen 348, precursor to the legendary 409. The 280 HP 348 was first used in the 58 Chevy Impala.
BTW; GJT is likely the only other guy here that noticed the Chevy alternator that came out in the mid 60’s after the 438/409 were no longer available.
The British opened their borders to Islamic mongrels who have gang raped and pimped out their young girls for decades. Now they want to appease these invaders by condoning their habit of marrying first cousins. Putin could walk in and demand the keys to the Crown Jewels and these spineless fools would hand them over. Sir Keir Starmer today signalled Labour would block a Tory MP’s bid to introduce a legal ban on first cousins being able to marry in England and Wales.Richard Holden, a Conservative shadow minister and MP for Basildon and Billericay, has proposed changes to existing marriage legislation.Current laws state the prohibited degrees… Read more »
Well it’s the weekend and as usual I’ve been slacking off here and may do so more this weekend, sorry. I guess everyone has seen the strange ending to the Gene Hackman and his wife story. She died of hantavirus a week before he had a heart attack. Since he also had Alzheimer’s he may not have passed away had she still been taking care of him. But why didn’t they have a part or full time caregiver for him? And why didn’t family of friends check on them? In and case just Sad! Gene Hackman death timeline: Actor’s final… Read more »
You want dance. I have dance. Dmitry Krupnov & Maria Orlova in Buenos Aires, Argentina putting a little Russian touch on it.
Good morning. The president’s animosity toward Perkins Coie dates back eight years, to when two lawyers at the firm, Marc Elias and Michael Sussmann, played roles in what eventually became an F.B.I. investigation to determine if anyone on the 2016 Trump presidential campaign conspired with Russian agents to influence the outcome of that election. Both lawyers left that firm years ago.The executive order denounces what it calls “dishonest and dangerous activity” at Perkins Coie, singling out its hiring of a research firm that led to the compilation of a dossier of unsubstantiated allegations against Mr. Trump related to possible ties… Read more »