Got the weeds mowed before the supposed rain comes. Before that I had to go around the property picking up stick, branches. Before that I had to get the tars on my trailer aired up. Before that I had to finish getting my side by side going to pull the trailer around the property picking up sticks, trees branches. After that beer has been involved.
I don’t know where this bunch of house flies has come from, but they have no fear. I haven’t figured out where they came from, but it must be from a place where science has removed that fear gene. Last night I was sitting on the couch and I kept feeling one landing on my neck, my hair, even my glasses. Nothing like looking up a fly’s butt to make a girl scream and wave hands frantically. I just got back from church and decided to break my fast with some eggs – one tried to land on my plate,… Read more »
I can envision uncklo sitting in his favorite Bellville watering hole, sipping his favorite Merlot, with a lone star beer chaser and listening to this as he flirts with the waitress, Jenna Lee Buford.
Hubby is excited about the Belleville car show tomorrow. He thinks he has the tuning problem on his new car resolved, and is planning on bringing it to the show. I may follow a little later in the day. It’s rare that I willingly get up at 5:00 a.m., but he’s going to do that so he can get his car entered and parked.
Earlier this week, the Departments of Health and Human Services (HHS), Education (DoED) and the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) announced the initiation of a “comprehensive review” of more than $5 billion in federal grant money that goes to Columbia, “in light of ongoing investigations for potential violations of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act” related to antisemitism on campus.
They showed them the money ! The U.S. Department of Agriculture granted Southern University Agricultural & Mechanical College in Louisiana $600,000 to study menstrual cycles in “transgender men,” according to a new database compiled by the American Principles Project.The database, “Funding Insanity: Federal Spending on Gender Ideology under Biden-Harris,” states the school “will Study Menstrual Cycles in ‘Transgender Men And People With Masculine Gender Identities, Intersex, And Non-Binary Persons.’” and, “It is also important to recognize that transgender men and people with masculine gender identities, intersex and non-binary persons may also menstruate,” it states. “At any given moment about 26% of… Read more »
Wow. Top DC prosecutor Ed Martin wrote to the Dean of Georgetown Law School (maybe the most expensive at $80K per year, $113K+ total): First, have you eliminated all DEI from your school and its curriculum?Second, if DEI is found in your courses or teaching in anyway, will you move swiftly to remove it?At this time, you should know that no applicant for our fellows program, our summer internship, or employment in our office who is a student or affiliated with a law school or university that continues to teach and utilize DEI will be considered. Georgetown University was founded… Read more »
I have a church function today, for which Hubby will be picking me up soon. Between losing our parking lot (garage under construction), and construction in the area, parking is scarce. Hubby is very supportive and insists on dropping me off and picking me up so I don’t have to pay parking or get into fisticuffs over parking spaces. So, here’s the C&C roundup for today; I don’t have time to dive and delve for y’all on this one: Good morning, C&C, it’s Friday! Yesterday, my alert assistant pointed out an astonishing fact: this month is Coffee & Covid’s Fifth… Read more »
I am waiting on an overdue signature-required delivery before I can leave. Meanwhile, Shannon sent me this link to lawprof Josh Blackman’s comments on Volokh Conspiracy regarding Amy Coney Barrett and her fitness to be a Supreme Court Justice. Blackman is widely read and has substantial influence in legal circles. He doesn’t think much of Barrett’s qualifications in his See, I Told You So column. With each passing day, Justice Barrett is demonstrating why she had no business being appointed to the Supreme Court. Indeed, she should have never been put on the “short list” before she decided a single… Read more »
Thanks for the heads up on the Medal of Honor Museum, I’ll put it on the list. I don’t ever intentionally go to the Dallas but somehow end up there often.
This is what Democrats are using as an excuse to scream and wail about Medicaid. The states have been ripping off the federal government for hundreds of billions, if not trillions for at least 40 years and then Obama and his Obamacare made it even worse. It is straight up legalized fraud. Before Texas’ embarrassment of a congressman, Al Green, was kicked out of the House chamber during President Donald Trump’s address on Tuesday, he shouted “You have no mandate to cut Medicaid!” while pointing a cane at Trump.Green is dead wrong. Trump does have a mandate. And it comes from… Read more »
By the way, I got to meet the real Davy Crockett. That’s right. My choir and music teacher at Memorial Jr. High, Mrs. Hinkle, went to the University of Texas with Fess Parker and they were lifelong friends. He stopped by the school one day and surprised everybody with a brief visit in the choir class. He was a very tall, big man. Parker wanted to be a fighter pilot in WWII, but he couldn’t fit his 6’6″ body into the cockpits of the day.
Davy Crockett and the Geopolitics of the Alamo But beyond the unquestionable rightness of the Texian cause, the successful Revolution served to answer the burning geopolitical question of that era, namely, would America or Mexico — and would liberty or tyranny — dominate the New World?Crockett embarked upon an extensive book tour which, combined with larger-than-life stage productions such as Lion of the West and mythologized biographies like Sketches and Eccentricities of Colonel David Crockett of West Tennessee, cemented in the national mind his legend as a pioneer and frontiersman. Everywhere he went, from New York to Little Rock, adoring fans swarmed him. More and more,… Read more »
Whew, that was close. The National Medal of Honor Museum is located in Texas Congressional District 25 and that is right next door to District 30 of Unhinged Jasmine Crockett infamy. The museum was originally going to be placed near the Lincoln Memorial in DC. However, since this museum was conceived and being funded by private donations, the feds didn’t get to have final say. Dallas Cowboys’ Jerry Jones and Texas Rangers’ owner and CEO Ray Davis are co-chairs of the museum foundation so it gives you some clues about how it ended up in Arlington, Texas, a stone’s throw… Read more »
HEADLINE: Could a Bombshell Discovery Render All of Biden’s Presidential Actions ‘Null and Void’?The Biden presidency might have been the greatest con job ever perpetrated on the American people. A shocking investigation by the Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project has revealed that virtually every document bearing Joe Biden’s signature during his presidency was signed by an autopen — except for one./snipWhat’s not clear, in the case of Biden, is who was running the autopen and whether Biden was aware it was happening. Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey is demanding that the Department of Justice investigate whether Biden’s obvious cognitive decline allowed unelected… Read more »
The United States is the most innovated and productive country in the world. There are 19 Companies in the world that are worth over a trillion dollars, 14 are in the US, 4 in China and the last one, Saudi Aramco. Europe chose regulation over innovation. ~Newt Gingrich~
Where is Brunette Friday? Oh well the O.C. Piece does look interesting I’ll check it out after coffee. Maybe I can find out how it wound up in Arlington.
Mornin’ Gang
The Nazi Salute is the new In Thing. Everybody’s doin’ it !
I’m thinking about buying this one for Dr Phil Good.
I see that there are rumors about letting go of Puerto Rico. Pros and cons to that, I’m sure.
Got the weeds mowed before the supposed rain comes. Before that I had to go around the property picking up stick, branches. Before that I had to get the tars on my trailer aired up. Before that I had to finish getting my side by side going to pull the trailer around the property picking up sticks, trees branches. After that beer has been involved.
Dr. Malone’s Friday Funnies.
I don’t know where this bunch of house flies has come from, but they have no fear. I haven’t figured out where they came from, but it must be from a place where science has removed that fear gene. Last night I was sitting on the couch and I kept feeling one landing on my neck, my hair, even my glasses. Nothing like looking up a fly’s butt to make a girl scream and wave hands frantically. I just got back from church and decided to break my fast with some eggs – one tried to land on my plate,… Read more »
The federal reserve is the biggest scam going since 1913.
I can envision uncklo sitting in his favorite Bellville watering hole, sipping his favorite Merlot, with a lone star beer chaser and listening to this as he flirts with the waitress, Jenna Lee Buford.
Hubby is excited about the Belleville car show tomorrow. He thinks he has the tuning problem on his new car resolved, and is planning on bringing it to the show. I may follow a little later in the day. It’s rare that I willingly get up at 5:00 a.m., but he’s going to do that so he can get his car entered and parked.
Fire the fed and Powell.
he’s a deep state burner and market tanker.
Trumps pulls hundreds of millions in Federal grants and other support from Jew-hating Columbia University.
it is long overdue.
The Epstein client list must’ve turned into a doppelgänger Casper the ghost and disappeared.
Trump pulls security clearances for Perkins Coie law firm.
I bet that felt really good.
They showed them the money ! The U.S. Department of Agriculture granted Southern University Agricultural & Mechanical College in Louisiana $600,000 to study menstrual cycles in “transgender men,” according to a new database compiled by the American Principles Project.The database, “Funding Insanity: Federal Spending on Gender Ideology under Biden-Harris,” states the school “will Study Menstrual Cycles in ‘Transgender Men And People With Masculine Gender Identities, Intersex, And Non-Binary Persons.’” and, “It is also important to recognize that transgender men and people with masculine gender identities, intersex and non-binary persons may also menstruate,” it states. “At any given moment about 26% of… Read more »
Wow. Top DC prosecutor Ed Martin wrote to the Dean of Georgetown Law School (maybe the most expensive at $80K per year, $113K+ total): First, have you eliminated all DEI from your school and its curriculum?Second, if DEI is found in your courses or teaching in anyway, will you move swiftly to remove it?At this time, you should know that no applicant for our fellows program, our summer internship, or employment in our office who is a student or affiliated with a law school or university that continues to teach and utilize DEI will be considered. Georgetown University was founded… Read more »
I have a church function today, for which Hubby will be picking me up soon. Between losing our parking lot (garage under construction), and construction in the area, parking is scarce. Hubby is very supportive and insists on dropping me off and picking me up so I don’t have to pay parking or get into fisticuffs over parking spaces. So, here’s the C&C roundup for today; I don’t have time to dive and delve for y’all on this one: Good morning, C&C, it’s Friday! Yesterday, my alert assistant pointed out an astonishing fact: this month is Coffee & Covid’s Fifth… Read more »
I am waiting on an overdue signature-required delivery before I can leave. Meanwhile, Shannon sent me this link to lawprof Josh Blackman’s comments on Volokh Conspiracy regarding Amy Coney Barrett and her fitness to be a Supreme Court Justice. Blackman is widely read and has substantial influence in legal circles. He doesn’t think much of Barrett’s qualifications in his See, I Told You So column. With each passing day, Justice Barrett is demonstrating why she had no business being appointed to the Supreme Court. Indeed, she should have never been put on the “short list” before she decided a single… Read more »
I’m only here because of autocorrect. 😉
I did want to mention there have been 19 men who walked this earth and won not one, but two Congressional Medals of Honor. It’s astonishing.
Man what a gorgeous day! Bright and sunny, already up to 66 and heading to the mid 70’s. Oh and we had 39 about daylight. 😉
Thanks for the heads up on the Medal of Honor Museum, I’ll put it on the list. I don’t ever intentionally go to the Dallas but somehow end up there often.
I’m out until much later in the day.
This clip is silly, but it made me laugh.
This is what Democrats are using as an excuse to scream and wail about Medicaid. The states have been ripping off the federal government for hundreds of billions, if not trillions for at least 40 years and then Obama and his Obamacare made it even worse. It is straight up legalized fraud. Before Texas’ embarrassment of a congressman, Al Green, was kicked out of the House chamber during President Donald Trump’s address on Tuesday, he shouted “You have no mandate to cut Medicaid!” while pointing a cane at Trump.Green is dead wrong. Trump does have a mandate. And it comes from… Read more »
Have y’all heard of this bizarre story? It popped up on on the national news this morning and I guess I missed this back in 2014.
Judge upholds ‘Slender Man’ attacker’s release from mental health facility.
Morgan Geyser, now 22, who has spent seven years at the Winnebago Mental Health Institute, was cleared for release into a group home earlier this year.
Wiki has this to say about the crime; Slender Man stabbing.
By the way, I got to meet the real Davy Crockett. That’s right. My choir and music teacher at Memorial Jr. High, Mrs. Hinkle, went to the University of Texas with Fess Parker and they were lifelong friends. He stopped by the school one day and surprised everybody with a brief visit in the choir class. He was a very tall, big man. Parker wanted to be a fighter pilot in WWII, but he couldn’t fit his 6’6″ body into the cockpits of the day.
Davy Crockett and the Geopolitics of the Alamo But beyond the unquestionable rightness of the Texian cause, the successful Revolution served to answer the burning geopolitical question of that era, namely, would America or Mexico — and would liberty or tyranny — dominate the New World?Crockett embarked upon an extensive book tour which, combined with larger-than-life stage productions such as Lion of the West and mythologized biographies like Sketches and Eccentricities of Colonel David Crockett of West Tennessee, cemented in the national mind his legend as a pioneer and frontiersman. Everywhere he went, from New York to Little Rock, adoring fans swarmed him. More and more,… Read more »
Get this boy a puppy.
Whew, that was close. The National Medal of Honor Museum is located in Texas Congressional District 25 and that is right next door to District 30 of Unhinged Jasmine Crockett infamy. The museum was originally going to be placed near the Lincoln Memorial in DC. However, since this museum was conceived and being funded by private donations, the feds didn’t get to have final say. Dallas Cowboys’ Jerry Jones and Texas Rangers’ owner and CEO Ray Davis are co-chairs of the museum foundation so it gives you some clues about how it ended up in Arlington, Texas, a stone’s throw… Read more »
HEADLINE: Could a Bombshell Discovery Render All of Biden’s Presidential Actions ‘Null and Void’?The Biden presidency might have been the greatest con job ever perpetrated on the American people. A shocking investigation by the Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project has revealed that virtually every document bearing Joe Biden’s signature during his presidency was signed by an autopen — except for one./snipWhat’s not clear, in the case of Biden, is who was running the autopen and whether Biden was aware it was happening. Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey is demanding that the Department of Justice investigate whether Biden’s obvious cognitive decline allowed unelected… Read more »
The United States is the most innovated and productive country in the world. There are 19 Companies in the world that are worth over a trillion dollars, 14 are in the US, 4 in China and the last one, Saudi Aramco. Europe chose regulation over innovation. ~Newt Gingrich~
Where is Brunette Friday? Oh well the O.C. Piece does look interesting I’ll check it out after coffee. Maybe I can find out how it wound up in Arlington.
Mornin’ Gang