It does not make sense. They tore The Rice Hotel SHAMROCK down
Note to self: post the Rice Hotel sometime in the future
Best Tex/Mex if you had never had Tex/Mex before.
If it was just me and him on a 100 mile stretch of road…. I am gonna get a ticket.
And they are leaving this thing up? Does not make sense.
While not a sigular Texas instituion I loved the pecan logs.
hey doc
My outrage and fury over this “bill” Mike Johnson is pushing is not doing my AFib any good. Her Highness insists on watching Jesse Watters while we are eating pizza. The long list of manure in this legislation is enough to make anyone physically ill.
And I’m part of this story: Vatican ‘on the brink of Bankruptcy’ due to dramatic decline in global donations under Pope Francis’ Leadership Couldn’t happen to a more deserving fellow. I, and millions of other Catholics, have stopped donating to pachapapa’s various slush funds and mismanaged pet projects. The Vatican, which is the global headquarters of the Catholic Church, may be on the brink of bankruptcy, according to the Daily Express. A combination of factors brought about the crisis, but many blame the management of Pope Francis, who became the 266th pope in 2013.A decade later, in 2023, the Vatican reported an operating deficit… Read more »
Next story from the C&C: Talk is cheap, which is why I almost skipped this non-story, but social media was buzzing about it all day yesterday. NBC’s article was headlined, “Biden says he supports a congressional stock trading ban.” You have got to be kidding me. You could cut the irony with a knife. Indeed. Anyway, Joe said, “I think we should be changing the law that we have to abide by at the federal level—that nobody, nobody in the Congress should be able to make money in the stock market while they’re in the Congress. Not a joke.”Nancy Pelosi, one of… Read more »
Mr. C. points out that Pelosi was absent during this important time. Because of her fall in Luxembourg, she was unable to swing the mallet on her underlings. … But this time, the aging, day-drinking former Speaker, 106, was sidelined in Germany for hip replacement surgery (“hüftgelenkersatzoperation,” and I am not making that up). /snuffle snort/ I’m sure they were happy about it. But the surgery was definitely bad timing what with Democrat committee elections this week, and the result was chaotic. Without her withered hand guiding the tiller, Pelosi’s preferred picks plunged into obscurity. Progressive darling Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, 35, lost… Read more »
It’s never too late for delightful snark: Good morning, C&C, it’s Wednesday! It’s time to start getting your shopping done, stat. In today’s roundup: NeverTrumpers join progressives trying to get off the sinking SS Woke and throws élites under the boat; Pelosi’s unexpected tumble produces other unexpected results in House committee elections and the end of an era; Ukraine’s terrorists assassinate Russian general who investigated Biden’s connections to illegal US biolabs; and another forgettable drone story update as useless feds conscript the sundowner-in-chief. *** Rats and sinking ships: As progressives scurry down the bow lines and line up nose-to-tail to… Read more »
Oh, and both of the dentists working on me (one was assisting, it’s holiday season and they are shorthanded). They both selected rosaries from my purse stash. The instructor, Dr. Salto, is an Aggie and happy to see my ring. He told he ladies to take good care of me because I was an Aggie. We laughed when he pointed out that the one with the drill was from LSU.
He was going to get a rosary before I left, but he was nowhere to be found. Maybe next time.
Finally settling in. I got into the dentist’s chair a little after ten this morning. The new dentist assessed the problematic waaaay back molar and agreed that the razor sharp edge should be ground down as well as replace the missing filling. She had to grind out some more tooth to provide a better surface for the composite to grip. There may not be much left of that thing soon, and if there’s a next round – or even if not, it may end up being needed – it may get its own crown. /sigh/ It never ends. So, here… Read more »
Well, let’s see, these are rodents and in all my experience and knowledge, they are omnivores that will eat any thing if they get hungry enough. Why is this some kind of surprising revelation ? I’m convinced there has to be something in the water to make people in California so stupid. They’re going to elect Kamala as governor. Enough said. DAVIS, Calif. — Evolution works in mysterious ways. Sometimes, it creates specialized carnivores with sharp teeth and claws; other times, it turns seemingly peaceful plant-eaters into opportunistic hunters. Scientists have just documented the latter in action, discovering that California ground… Read more »
The current Christmas Crapulous Continuing Money Spewing bill has been pulled.
There was strong push-back from the grass roots and from the incoming administration. It is possible that the squishy Rs are learning that THEY WILL BE PRIMARIED IF THEY CONTINUE IN THE OLD WAYS.
Be ready for the phrase from the Ds: harsh, draconian cuts.
Powell is a deep state swamp critter too tanking the market on purpose.
end the fed reserve.
all he needs to do now is trot out dr faucistein to give a speech on Covid 1984.
and just for grins let dr brix de la scarfs speak too.
If this new Trump administration and Congress can’t at least stop this kind of disgusting fraud, then all is lost. Many musicians struggled during the pandemic. Lil Wayne wasn’t one of them. He sold master recordings from his record label’s artists for more than $100 million. He was pardoned for felony gun possession in a last-minute action by then-President Donald Trump. He purchased a $15.4 million mansion in the mountains of Los Angeles.And, as a Business Insider investigation found, he received an $8.9 million grant from a little-known pandemic-relief program that he used to cover more than two years’ worth of… Read more »
Boy, I sure am glad that really smart Matt Gaetz got McCarthy run out of the Speaker’s office and replaced him with the brave, strong, fearless Mike Johnson. It saved the day. Seriously, is there anything these wimps in Congress won’t roll over for ? The government funding bill includes a one-year extension of the State Department’s Global Engagement Center (GEC), an agency that funds organizations that censor conservative media including Breitbart News.The provision extending funding for the program is on page 139 of the 1,537-page continuing resolution, which was unveiled Tuesday night just hours before the House will vote on the short-term… Read more »
The phony preacher speaker has to be compromised.
only a loser would push this shinola.
I always like my tartaric acid in a nice Malbec or Cabernet.
“Previous studies on the effects of wine on cardiovascular health have produced inconsistent results. This may be in part because research often relies on people reporting how much wine they drink. Instead, in the new study, researchers measured the amount of a chemical, called tartaric acid, in participants’ urine. Researchers say this is an ‘objective and reliable measure’ of wine consumption.”
I wanna wish everyone a Merry Christmas….. oh and a warning. With all the Christmas and New Years parties you might misplace your keys and need a ride. There are some of us here that would rather not take an Uber or call a taxi. So we decide to buy a horse……. well…….
Staying with the Texas memories theme, ID channel is doing a show on the Texas Cheerleader Mom tonight. Supposedly the daughter is going to bring never told information on the story.
I saved this one from last night. The puppies finally decided to not put up with it anymore.
Surprise, surprise ! It is ironically absurd these people get a cost-of-living-allowance to compensate for the inflation they voted to approve.
This is from a large Pro-Terrorism rally in NYC Sunday. If this had been a Trump rally or Pro-Life rally, the participants would be the subject of a major DOJ and FBI investigation. Why should these people get away with inciting mass violence against American citizens and our government ? “Our rifles will be pointed at the U.S. government and the Zionist entity,” declared the speaker at a recent pro-Palestinian rally in New York, as he described American “imperialists” as the “number one terrorists,” and expressed solidarity with Hezbollah, a U.S.-designated terrorist organization, Iran, and other members of the “Axis… Read more »
The communist creature from the Kenyan lagoon STILL thinks he’s pResident as he slithers and slimes his communist underlings into action.
I burned down a service truck at the gas station next to the eastbound Stuckey’s on I10 back around 1979. In the early days of the oilfield boom, they sent me on my first field job in Lafayette as a kid in a spare pickup truck, tools and oxygen and acetylene rig was just loosely laying down in the bed. I had a flat, pulled into that gas station and found the spare chained down with a lock but no key, no problem I had a torch! Bottles had been rolling around and cut the acetylene hose and when I… Read more »
In the 1960s, my FFA compadres and I at Spring Branch High School used to go tank up on the free sopapillas and honey they had on every table at the Pancho’s on Long Point Road. We didn’t have any money so we’d order a few tamales and that was our meal. It was shortly after that period when Pancho’s was busted by the feds for importing donkeys and mules from Mexico and mixing their meat in with the ground beef to save money.
Always looked forward to the next Stuckey’s on road trips as kids.
I too have fond memories of Pancho’s and Monterey House. Monterey Dinner and sopapillas!
Dental school had a cancellation, so I don’t have to wait until Friday. Yay!
Am I weird that I look forward to dental work?
I fixed the gross misidentification.
This was the third morning in a row that I discovered eggs were not going to magically appear in my refrigerator.
So, angrily, I just made an egg run to town.
I’m okay this morning. I tried to sleep for an hour, but I felt kind of weird. I still had an AFib reading but my BPM weren’t bizarre at the moment. I sat up and watched animal videos for an hour and then I slept pretty well. No AFib this AM. Animal videos have a real calming effect on the body and mind.
About Stuckeys, I guess y’all know that they revived the two on I 10 @ Jenkins Road between Anahuac and Winnie? They bull Dozed the one on the north, westbound side of the road and put in a new fancy one. Sort of a Buc-ees wanta’ be. The other one, they just refurbished it a little. If you rememebr they often put two Stuckeys across from each other on the interstate, limited access highways.
I’m sure I’ll get eye-rolls when I admit that I used to LOVE El Chico’s…. but now that Ive grown up, I far prefer Carmelita’s here in Conroe – my only beef is that she’s only open for breakfast and lunch – but I just see that she is open until 3…. so maybe we’ll try a late lunch sometime soon….
Huntsville AL ‘pill mill’ doctor among those granted clemency. HUNTSVILLE, Ala. — A disgraced Huntsville doctor is among the 1,500 people receiving presidential pardons and commutations.Shelinder Aggarwal, now 56, was sentenced in 2017 to 15 years in prison for issuing illegal prescriptions and health care fraud. Federal prosecutors described him as “the nation’s highest Medicare prescriber of opioid painkillers.”Last week, President Joe Biden announced clemency consisting of 39 pardons and 1,499 commutations. The latter reduces the sentence of someone who is convicted of a crime but does not clear their record.A Madison County educator is among the pardon recipients. Aggarwal’s… Read more »
If I may pry, what is the muscle relaxer they are prescribing these days?
The earliest memory I have of eating TexMex was at Felix restaurant on Westheimer.
Molina’s is pretty danged good.
Watch this dumbazz reporter grab an electric fence.
And I always liked Monterrey House Mexican restaurant.
I’m up early because sleep eluded me last night, for the most part. Even with a full muscle relaxant pill, which usually knocks me out, the constant discomfort from the sciatica kept me up almost all night. I had a way overdue insurance thing to do, so that’s done and out of the way. I have a chiropractor appointment today which may have to be rescheduled because this back tooth has a very sharp edge to it and I’m hoping the dental school can get me in today as well. “Rescheduling” Dr. Bailey may be difficult this week, since Lisa… Read more »
Nothing makes my day quite like the thought of Liz Cheney spending a substantial portion of her wealth on blood-sucking lawyers.
Tidelands Motor Inn, where Bob Newhart recorded his debut album
SO Shannon any reports from your brother? I hope all is well. 58 here and I’ve already been messing around outside in my shorts and long sleeved shirt. But winter will be back for the weekend, lows about freezing, Brrrr.
Mornin’ Gang
Foley’s. JFK.
Niels Esperson Building
The Rice Hotel
And I believe you have misidentified the Shamrock Hotel in the OC.
San Jacinto Inn
TeePee Motel, Wharton, TX