Wednesday’s American Left Mental Crisis – Open Thread

They have learned nothing and they know nothing anymore. It is truly shocking.

How honest are we about our ignorance? How honest do we want to be? In answer to that eternal question, which is—or should be—of particular interest to reporters, the 20-page, 12-essay onslaught of postelection “dispatches” that dominates the latest issue of The New Yorker is one of the most honest pieces of magazine publishing we are likely to ever see. Some of the greatest minds in America have gathered in the pages of the country’s leading weekly to declare how little they understand things now, and how little they care to understand them moving forward.


The New Yorker drew together some of its highest-end chroniclers of the American zeitgeist, who then reveled proudly in their own attachments to in-group biases and cliches. They celebrated a kind of communion with their suffering readership, who found comfort in the certainties these writers gave them. This communion is grounded in ignorance. “I was alarmed by the number of white men who had shown up to vote,” the short story writer Lorrie Moore recalls of her polling place, refusing to interrogate her alarm. Pulitzer Prize-winning author Jennifer Egan introduces us to two Trump voters she met while door-knocking for Kamala Harris in Allentown, Pennsylvania, but they turn out to be a racist and a loner, exactly the types of people we needn’t trouble ourselves over.

If, in fact, these people dominate leftist thought and policy in America for the next two generations, the absolute dominance of consevative polkicy and leadership will last beyond my lifetime.

and enjoy this bit of disturbing revelation,

“American Fascist,” Yale historian Timothy Snyder’s contribution, uses some variation on the word “fascist” 44 times across two and a half pages, along with 15 combined mentions of Hitler, Mussolini, and Putin. One imagines the interior of Snyder’s brain as a scarcely endurable popcorn machine, a rhythm of repetitive hissing and clicking that produces buckets of nearly identical thought kernels. Perhaps silence would be even harder for Snyder to endure.

These people have power and they must be defeated, crushed and damned.





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Super Dave
November 27, 2024 8:29 pm
November 27, 2024 7:30 pm

We lucked out. The insurance inspector (remember how I ranted about his incompetence recently?) had issues with our electrical panels at our Bryan property. He was concerned about them being part of a recall and we’d have to have an electrician sign off on them or have them replaced. I contacted the manufacturer today via e-chat and he cleared it all up. The recall was for units made between 2000 and 2002. Our panels are from 1972. The inspector was 30 years off. But I have documentation from Schneider Electronics that clears it all up, and it didn’t cost us… Read more »

November 27, 2024 5:30 pm

EV Slay

November 27, 2024 5:15 pm

Happy Thanksgiving

November 27, 2024 5:05 pm

I just finished a batch, 1 gallon at 100Proof, right at a 30 day ferment, which is twice normal. Very nice taste. I ran out of wood chips so I am toasting up a fresh batch in the oven right now.

November 27, 2024 4:04 pm

We have taken care of enjoying Thanksgiving Dinner today at a good restaurant that has it on the menu today as well as tomorrow and maybe Friday.

Leisurely dining in a not full restaurant was much appreciated. No screaming small kids there today. The staff agreed that tomorrow is going to be like a zoo. We brought home most of my very generous turkey portion for sandwiches tomorrow. We’re likely to be watching football.

Super Dave
November 27, 2024 3:50 pm

The Western Electric 2A turntable, circa 1926, was created for Vitaphone broadcast and movie sound systems. The rare stereophonic version had a moving coil cartridge, the turntable ran at 33-1/3 RPM. The flutter and wow were far less than any modern turntable. Rumble was -65 dB or better. The angular error of the tonearm is so small that a straight-line tracking arm was not considered necessary. This was accomplished with cast iron parts, ordinary copper wire, common ball bearings, and a 1 horsepower electric motor.

November 27, 2024 3:14 pm

Left Targets Trump Appointees With Bomb Threats, SWATting Hoax Calls Designed to Get Them Murdered by Cops.

This was found on ACE. My first question is: seeing as how the phone number calling in the threat(s) are known to police; these could be burner phones; how much investigation is there into those making the false threats? This sort of thing is not funny at all and innocent people are going to get killed because of it. There have to be painful consequences!

Super Dave
November 27, 2024 2:48 pm

Dave, the early years. Oh and that’s my Redbone, smooching with the Beagle. 😉

Last edited 3 months ago by Super Dave
Super Dave
November 27, 2024 2:22 pm
November 27, 2024 1:35 pm

Lovely Daughter has informed me that come Monday, they’ll be saying good-bye to Ollie, their long-lived, long-loved dog. I’ve noticed over my infrequent visits during the past year that he hasn’t been as peppy as he used to be, and I knew this day was coming, but still…. It will be strange to have only one dog greet me enthusiastically at the door when I visit. I wonder how the girls are going to take it. They visit Aggie Beau’s family for Thanksgiving, and they are taking Ollie with them to take care of him as best they can until… Read more »

November 27, 2024 12:59 pm

I’m here. Just on the road.

November 27, 2024 12:45 pm

This never gets old. So much better than hands up. Or kneeling.

November 27, 2024 12:23 pm

After immigration, Mr. C. dissects some info on red vs. blue state economic woes, pointing to the commercial (non-)market in various cities; and the growth in population between red and blue states. You know the story, and there’s charts involved, so – moving on: Resistance 2.0 is taking shape: The “pillars of the next Trump resistance,” the party’s last, best hope, are the democrat governors and mayors, along with their state attorneys general and various blue interest groups.But they face a Los Angeles skyscraper-sized problem. Back in 2016, when Trump’s first term began, Democrats were coming off eight years of flourishing under… Read more »

November 27, 2024 12:15 pm

Immigration – and the reduction thereof at both north and south borders – is the next topic at the C&C. It seems that the tariff threats wadded enough panties that leaders of both neighbors are suddenly concerned about the tidal wave of poverty that’s been transversing the borders: In an address yesterday to Canada’s House of Commons, the Canadian president begged lawmakers not to “panic” and tried to reassure them saying, “the idea of going to war with the United States isn’t what anyone wants.” There was a good reason Canadian ministers were panicky as women on the verge of… Read more »

November 27, 2024 12:11 pm

And this just wisses me off: While stealing credit for Trump’s peace deal in the Middle East, Biden and his neocons are also busily trying to make the Proxy War even harder to end. The New York Post ran a story yesterday headlined, “Biden makes last-ditch ask of Congress for $24 billion to help Ukraine.” Senator Mike Lee immediately tweeted that Biden’s new package, which the Times argued would actually fund the U.S. military-industrial complex, should actually be dead on arrival: [Mike Lee tweet]It was an especially tone-deaf move, unlikely to pass, and probably intended more to give Democrats a way to blame Republicans for… Read more »

November 27, 2024 12:10 pm

Then, there’s the Israel-Hezzie cease-fire (if it holds): This peace deal is just between Israel and Hezbollah; Hamas declined to join, and so the war in Gaza continues for now.You might think that social media would be churning over Israel’s controversially strong response to the barbaric attacks by Gaza’s authoritarian government, Hamas, and the war’s distressing effect on displaced Gazan civilians. But instead, the weight of social media discussion revolved around which president should get the credit for the cease-fire: the shadow who is Joe Biden —who rushed to take credit— or the shadow cast by incoming President-Elect Trump? Frankly, I think it’s that huge shadow thing.… Read more »

November 27, 2024 12:06 pm

First off, another Trump pick ruffling the appropriate feathers: Dr. Jay Bhattacharya as head of the NIH: It’s an out-of-the-park home run….Remember the insanity of the summer of 2021, as the jab mandates began to take shape, and as mask mania continued slowly climbing toward its grotesque summit. Somebody in the resistance sent me Jay’s cell number, … he was a senior professor of health economics and epidemiology at Stanford, one of the most prestigious universities in the world./snipTo his everlasting credit, Jay immediately agreed to help. Not only that, he refused to take any payment for his time. After… Read more »

Dr phil Good-E=1984
November 27, 2024 11:58 am
November 27, 2024 11:55 am

Time for the C&C before I begin more serious stuff: Good morning, C&C, it’s Wednesday! Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, Turkey Day, the quintessentially American holiday of giving thanks for our blessings. And we have been blessed, in heaping measure, far beyond anything we deserved and farther beyond what we’d even allowed ourselves to hope for. Today’s pre-holiday roundup includes: Trump makes his best, most deliciously ironic nomination yet; Biden tries to snake more billions to help Ukraine defends its borders; Trump Effect snaps Mexico into line within hours from Trump tweet; Canada, hit hardest, promises to help secure northern border; and… Read more »

November 27, 2024 11:54 am

Kroger wasn’t nearly as crowded as I thought it’d be. They were out of lettuce, but I should have enough to give Hubby a salad tomorrow, plus I still have some malabar spinach in the garden to stretch it a bit if necessary. I found everything I needed, so I’m going to attempt to make the carnivore faux mashed potatoes with gravy tomorrow. I found some ribeye steaks on sale, so they are now vacuum packed in my freezer. And I bought Hubby a pint of ice cream so he’ll have dessert tomorrow. I’m thinking I’m going to make myself… Read more »

November 27, 2024 10:43 am


Super Dave
November 27, 2024 10:41 am

Where is Shannon? Oh wait he’s working.

November 27, 2024 10:23 am

A tough old Albertan Cowboy told his grandson if he wanted to live a long life, the secret was to sprinkle a little gunpowder on his oatmeal every morning.
The grandson did this religiously, and lived to the age of 93.
When he died he left 14 children, 28 grandchildren, 35 great-grandchildren… and a 15-foot hole in the wall of the crematorium.

November 27, 2024 10:20 am

Gonna hafta read the OC topic later. I just finished the rosary stuff and am going to brave the grocery store this morning. I saw a recipe last night for carnivore mashed potatoes and I need to get a few ingredients.

Super Dave
November 27, 2024 9:46 am

So Diana sent me a friend request and had this to say;

Wow your post is amazing, I checked your profile and you always seems to share great articles and beautiful photos I’m very happy to meet a kind and handsome Man like you, I really want to add you as friends but failed please add me or write me a message thank you so much.

I’m thinking that there is more to this than she’s saying. 😀

November 27, 2024 9:40 am

BSue and I are doing our traditional Thanksgiving day drive. We will have our Thanksgiving feast at Kellys Diner La Margue. BSue will have the Turkey dinner with all the fixens. Me? Either chicken fried steak or shrimp dinner. Good stuff right there.

November 27, 2024 9:30 am

Thanksgiving dinner done right

November 27, 2024 9:30 am

Netanyahu responds (harshly) to the ICC arrest warrant.
Quick take: Go pound sand you anti-Semitic slime-balls.

November 27, 2024 9:17 am

Shoulda mentioned before.

Those of you who use lots of fresh herbs for your turkey should go out front of HEB and buy the plants. You’ll spend a lot less and get a lot more than with those sprigs in the produce section.

You’ll wind up with a plant that’ll make more and more and more after. For free.

November 27, 2024 8:26 am

I’m ready.

Super Dave
November 27, 2024 7:54 am

This is neat; A 1948 Craftsman 2 Man Chainsaw. 103 CC, not sure about the HP but it cost $405 new, that’d be $5305 in today’s dollars!

Super Dave
November 27, 2024 7:16 am

Oh, Emily Compagno is on Fox this morning, can you say legs? 😀

Super Dave
November 27, 2024 7:14 am

About the O.C. piece. It seems to me that after the election the left went into;
1) Denial, say it ain’t so!
2) Modest self reflection, like really, it couldn’t be us, could it?.
3) Then back to Nope, not us we’re good but we still can’t understand how 77 million IDIOTS voted for Trump.

Which brings us back to this;

If, in fact, these people dominate leftist thought and policy in America for the next two generations, the absolute dominance of conservative policy and leadership will last beyond my lifetime.


November 27, 2024 7:08 am

Drain the SwampLarry P. ArnnPresident, Hillsdale College

This guy has a pretty good handle on what is and what should be. RTWDT

Super Dave
November 27, 2024 7:07 am


One imagines the interior of Snyder’s brain as a scarcely endurable popcorn machine, a rhythm of repetitive hissing and clicking that produces buckets of nearly identical thought kernels. Perhaps silence would be even harder for Snyder to endure.

  • I love that. Oh and not sure where the Dot came from but I can’t erase it without getting rid of everything.
  • BTW; RTWDT and I hope I have time to go back and click on some of the link.s
  • Mornin’ Gang
November 27, 2024 5:31 am

re: O/C: These people are mentally and emotionally DAMAGED, they need to be institutionalized with the hope of introducing sound thought processes. Most probably can not be salvaged. I have had more than enough of these people and I loathe the destruction they have wrought on our country and the world.
The first thing to do to heal the crazy person is to get them to admit that their ideas are flawed and their thought processes are flawed. Trying to deal with someone on an intellectual basis before this is a fool’s errand.

November 27, 2024 3:53 am

This is probably been known but I did not know Taylor Sheridan’s Landman is the TV version of a podcast called Boomtown. I’ll have to give it a listen.

Boomtown was a labor of love for all of us who worked on the podcast, and nobody could have hosted but Christian, a West Texas native with roughneck experience and fantastic narrative chops,” Creydt said. “It’s a thrill to see this story and world in Taylor Sheridan’s hands and to know Christian has been so integral to a series we’re all going to be glued to.”

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