Wednesday Open Comments

This explains quite a bit, especially when I remember the study that showed that liberals act more on emotion, whereas conservatives use the logic center of their brains to decide their behaviors.



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August 28, 2024 11:07 pm

Checked Hambone to see if I have missed anything and found several new posts this evening. Caught up on those, and I’m happy that nothing outrageous has happened tonight.

Still no rain here. But it is predicted again for tomorrow, which probably will not come here either, of course.

August 28, 2024 8:16 pm

Bahia grass seedheads

August 28, 2024 8:06 pm

Thought seriously about a Hyundai hybrid SUV, just couldn’t bring myself to make the leap.

August 28, 2024 7:48 pm

Side view of healthy, thick crabgrass- like most of my lawn.

August 28, 2024 7:47 pm

Top view of single crabgrass plant.

August 28, 2024 7:03 pm

Went car shopping today and wifey picked out a new to her ‘22 Hyundai Palisade with 30K miles. Bad timing on the vehicle front, we really like the Hyundai Sonata she has now but it hit a 100K right at our retirement, not normally a concern to me but it is showing some signs of future issues and she wanted a SUV anyhow. Dealer wouldn’t give us crap on it so going to sell it outright – hate selling cars.

August 28, 2024 6:55 pm

Texans QB Case Keenum is out for the season with a foot injury, he’s on his final year of his contract and being 36 yrs old is most likely out of football. He is one of the good guys.

August 28, 2024 6:30 pm

I sneaked out and mowed the largest part of the yard just now…the part which seemingly overnight turned into a crabgrass farm. I have no idea how it could happen so fast. It is quite evil. It is tough as nails. This insanely wet spring/summer had the entire yard get away from me for weeks at a time. Over the years I have mowed 90% of the yard at about about one inch – because it is nothing but weeds anyway. It kept the grass burrs at bay and if I missed a week due to weather or back problems,… Read more »

Last edited 6 months ago by Shannon
August 28, 2024 6:17 pm

I sent Fox26 a note on their website Hotline and noted that we never saw a follow-up story.
Maybe they’ll get back on it.

August 28, 2024 4:09 pm

I cannot find a word about this anywhere, not even Fox26, the original reporting station. Does anybody remember this Baytown story from 4 months ago ? Why has it seemingly disappeared ? This wasn’t a barrio or some dump, but a nice home in a well-kept neighborhood. NEW: 10 illegal aliens busted for child pornography at Texas human smuggling ‘stash house’A group of 10 illegal migrants from Asia and Guatemala have been arrested for allegedly possessing child pornography at a Texashouse,The suspects were taken into custody after authorities searched the house, during which several electronic devices were seized by the… Read more »

August 28, 2024 3:28 pm


This will keep driving up New Jersey home prices. New York City has about 50% of their apartments on rent control, they banned AirB&B and they regulate how many apartments landlords can keep empty. It is total insanity. The only residential housing built in NYC is for the nearly rich and the very wealthy.

August 28, 2024 2:50 pm

Harris is a gutless moron.
She’s insisting on a pre-recorded, edited interview format.
She wants to bring her low testosterone running mate along with her because she can neither speak nor form in her mind complete sentences or coherent thoughts.

Last edited 6 months ago by Shannon
August 28, 2024 2:41 pm

Waiting here for whatever rain is supposed to show up today, and it would be nice if it amounted to more than the .02″ we got yesterday.

We’ve managed to have high overcast now for a couple of hours or so and would like it to amount to more rain than yesterday. Weather Wizards are still insisting there will be rain today in the Houston area. It would be nice if it parked over us for an hour or two….

August 28, 2024 2:41 pm

AT&T outage is pretty bad. I have online service thru WiFi here at home because my broadband provider has their own towers.
But phone service is completely down (except for texting).
Daughter says the County Dispatch is down for local fire departments and sheriff’s department.
Not good.

August 28, 2024 2:18 pm

Courtesy of the Biden/Harris administration.

German businesses and residents are paying the Russians $10.81 per million btu and they are heading into a serious economic downturn. Thanks to the Biden administration Texas cannot sell the same gas to the Germans that is selling in the USA for $2.07 per million btu today. Even with the LNG shipping costs we could be saving the German economy before it drags down the rest of the European economy.

August 28, 2024 2:14 pm

Lake Livingston Dam has problems and during Beryl there was concern about compromise. So what is the dam problem? Where is the information? Why izzit like pulling teeth to get a FOI request fulfilled? Why can we the people not find an inundation map if the spill way failed? This guy does yeoman work telling us what is available and not to us. Livingston Dam in Texas – Why so Secretive?! In this video, I provide an update about the public records request that I made to get more information about the situation with Lake Livingston Dam. This dam and… Read more »

August 28, 2024 2:06 pm

This former German model, now politician, gets fined for telling the truth. The AFD Party in Germany is “far right”, doncha know. That’s because anybody to the right of JFK is now considered a KKKNaziDictator.

German politician of the AFD party, Marie-Thérèse Kaiser was just convicted & fined $6,000+

Her crime? Posting statistics showing that Afghan immigrants are disproportionately committing sexuaI assauIt in Germany.

August 28, 2024 1:58 pm

I would never sell any land I owned in Texas to any proxy buyer of a communist regime. I don’t care if it was two acres or a thousand. The Farm Bureau leaders seem to be more worried about members being able to cash out and buy that fancy Key Allegro condo in Rockport and 42′ Yellowfin Offshore fishing boat so they can retire in style. The Texas Foresty Association is even worse or maybe they are just that dumb. In a significant shift from its previous position, the Texas Farm Bureau will now not oppose—and may even support—the state… Read more »

Dr phil Good-E=1984
August 28, 2024 1:23 pm

Doesn’t matter if the kammunist shows up for the same old tired format, rigged debate on Sep 10, since it’ll be Trump vs the two Mobsterators anyway.

and in this corner, weighing in at 1000 pounds of pure bovine, communist propagandist bullsh!t and filling in for the kammunist, we have the kammunist media team of David Manure and Linsey shovels it.

george steppedinwhatsovis was unavailable because he’s still busy trashing women who accused slick Willy of sexual things in nature.

eye did knot have you know what with what’s her name.

Last edited 6 months ago by Dr phil Good-E=1984
August 28, 2024 1:15 pm

Came upon the rare Long John Silver’s earlier. Had to stop. It was good.

August 28, 2024 12:20 pm

AT&T had a massive outage today. I haven’t been able to open any websites until now. And it’s still slow as molasses.

Dr phil Good-E=1984
August 28, 2024 12:11 pm

One party rule in California passed taxpayer funded home loans for illegal aliens.

that’s the goal nationwide.
One party totalitariancrat rule which the Texas Cornhole, Mikey Johnson, murky Kowski, the Kentucky swamp turtle, mark Warner, Susan Tom collins, and about 150 other rinos in office will gladly and gleefully support.

what is Texas and other red states backup plan if they steal it again?

guv wascally Wabbott?

Last edited 6 months ago by Dr phil Good-E=1984
August 28, 2024 11:38 am

You want to know why I find the Red Cross despicable.

Haythem (“Ethan”) Abid, a Red Cross official, holds a PLO flag at a “Free Palestine” rally co-sponsored by the group “Montreal4Palestine,” on Oct. 22, 2024. Source: Facebook.

Super Dave
August 28, 2024 11:09 am
August 28, 2024 10:15 am

No observant Jew gets tattoos on their body due to the prohibition by God of Pagan symbolism and adornments. I realize other people do and take a libertarian position on their right to do so. It doesn’t mean I can’t criticize the practice, if only on aesthetic terms. I also think they should be aware of the risks they are taking. The Food and Drug Administration has been warning for years that some tattoo inks are brimming with bacteria—a large assortment that, when injected into your skin, can cause inflammatory reactions, allergic hypersensitivity, toxic responses, and, of course, straight-up infections. And, worse yet,… Read more »

August 28, 2024 10:08 am

Texas Governor Greg Abbott (R) announced Monday that since he signed Senate Bill 1 into law in 2021, the state has removed more than 1 million ineligible voters from its voter rolls.SB 1 aimed to “uphold the integrity of elections in Texas” by establishing uniform voting hours across the state and banning drive-through voting and unsolicited applications for mail-in ballots. and, “The Secretary of State’s office is in the process of sending all 1,930 records to the Attorney General’s Office for investigation and potential legal action,” the press release read.Over 6,000 of those removed from Texas’ voter rolls had felony convictions,… Read more »

August 28, 2024 7:29 am

Bat Girl reminded me of a dog from my past, up in the Hill Country… Sandy would go down into the Medina River and pick out a rock (oft times almost as large as her head) pull it out of the river and climb the embankment (20-30 feet or so) and carry it all the way up to deposit on our porch – some 6 or 8 acres in from the river…

August 28, 2024 7:16 am

Not quite ready for prime time.
This bat ‘girl’ is a Labrador retriever.

August 28, 2024 7:06 am

Regarding the O/C topic: Didn’t the mainstream “news” media broadcast pictures of people dying in the streets, dying on stretchers going into the hospitals, and assorted other horrors during the beginning days of the Wuhan Lung Rot? I believe that they did and some time later a lot of those images proved to either be totally staged or of different events. My suspicion is that this the way that they prepped the mental battle space for easy adoption of the clot shot. The over riding goal was to kill as many as possible while remaining out of the spotlight. The… Read more »

Super Dave
August 28, 2024 6:56 am

Trump indicted again,…..YAWN,…..

Super Dave
August 28, 2024 6:50 am

Spotted over yonder, this is pretty good; “Stay in school, or you’ll end up like him.”This is what a teacher told her elementary school class as they walked past my dad, who was in the middle of pumping out their lift station. The pumps had burned up, and my dad and his pump truck were the only things preventing sewage from overflowing. The pumps were on backorder, so my dad ended up babysitting that lift station for about six weeks. In those 6 weeks, my dad made about $36,000, which would have taken that teacher 32 weeks to earn. You… Read more »

Super Dave
August 28, 2024 6:34 am

In the local news, a New Brockton high school football player dropped dead on a practice field a few weeks ago from heat stroke and then last week another football player (quarterback) from Selma was tackled in the first game of the season and died later of a brain injury.
Sad and a little unusual. Prayers to their families.

Super Dave
August 28, 2024 6:30 am

Where is everybody? Well we got .04″ of rain late yesterday not enough to matter but it poured down for a good 5 minutes before the sun can back out and the gravel road was steaming. It is dry here after discing the west 40 we have a dust bowl for a field.
Mornin’ Gang

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