Spouse and I were watching the Olympic fortunes of the folks representing Texas very well. There are still lots of various sports to watch, and some of those we didn’t know were sports, but they are included in the festivities.
But then, after all these years most of you know me well enough to know that I think bears are equivalent to Communists – the only good ones are dead ones.
Should you be so unfortunate as to reside in SE Texas in August, the most expensive, hardest-working machine in your life is your residential Air Conditioning unit(s).
But then, after all these years most of you know me well enough to know that I think bears are equivalent to Communists – the only good ones are dead ones.
The forerunners of the International Olympic Committee and its various spawn among the nations have set the standards for corrupt international institutions for perhaps a thousand years? Maybe more?
However, in the end it is about these dedicated athletes.
I was 19 years old living in a quaint little house out on 45th Street in Austin with the then love of my life. We paid $50 a month in rent and about $12 a month for water, electricity and natural gas. I was making about $300 a month so we were rich. We also owned a Brazilian Weeper Capuchin monkey named EE Top. He got his name because all he did was screech with a sound like “Eee-Eee”
Yes, I have given in and watched some of the Olympics…despite the fact that the French Olympic Committee – and their full partner Satan – produced the most despicable public display of its kind in recent memory.
Certainly these amazing American athletes were not involved. Nor were 99.9999% of the other athletes.
Who knew that Cuero, TX has an extraordinary Italian restaurant? La Bella Tavola
The Salmon Picatta on angel hair pasta can only be described as heavenly.
Should the redhead side-trip ever materialize, Mr. Squawk, dinner at La Bella Tavola is sure to follow.
Today, we had some business to conduct after lunch at the DeWitt County Courthouse in Cuero, Texas.
This glorious edifice was completely restored – inside and out – in the early 2000’s.
It is breathtaking, inside and out…
Actually getting some things done around here. Hubby’s getting some veggie beef soup, using some stuff from my garden. The rest of what I picked yesterday is blanched and in the freezer. I had to order some things for Hubby over the ‘net. Getting some bookkeeping done, have more to do….and NASA Sis is almost done with my new rosary handout. Fr. Felix will be tickled pink. Or I will, anyway.
Read the story linked at my 9:17 AM. Tulsi Gabbard was featured in a highly critical interview of Biden and Harris on Laura Ingraham’s show on July 22nd and she was secretly placed on the FAA/HSA domestic terrorist list the very next day.
What a zoo! Getting off to the beach around here reminds me of the “Home Alone” scene where the kids are running up and down the stairs and the Cop, Joe Pesci is trying to figure out who lives there. Daughter left about 9 AM in the her Vette to pick up her hubby at the airport.The rest of the crowd left in the Tahoe and they’ll all meet up at Pier Park for lunch and then, shopping until they can check into the beach house at 4 PM. YES PM! I need to make a grocery and Ice run… Read more »
So now Kama Kameleon is in favor of fracking? Does anyone really believe this? Fracking, that dangerous new technology that was first used in the 1950s, is now ok or is it still dangerous?!? I find it interesting in the VP choices of Rs vs Ds; Obama picked Biden as impeachment insurance, John Boehner actually confirmed this as to why they refused to impeach Obama. Joe “The Dip$#!t” Biden picked Kamala for exactly the same reason: No one wants her to be potus; and now here we are. Bush #43 picked Dick Cheney as someone who could reasonably take over… Read more »
The Simposio Internacional de Actualización en Pediatría (International Symposium of Pediatric Updates) later removed the interview from YouTube although photos can still be found on Facebook.
There are no limit to the evil destructiveness of the Biden/Harris administration. Even I find this shocking. In an exclusive breaking story, several Federal Air Marshal whistleblowers have come forward with information showing that former U.S. Representative and Presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard is currently enrolled in the Quiet Skies program. Quiet Skies is a TSA surveillance program with its own compartmentalized suspected terrorist watchlist. It is the same program being weaponized against J6 defendants and their families. Quiet Skies is allegedly used to protect traveling Americans from suspected domestic terrorists. The photo below is a screenshot from the actual Target Package… Read more »
Think about all of the times that you’ve heard @KamalaHarris
speak. Have you ever heard her enunciate a single thought that was meaningful, profound, astute, or intelligent? I haven’t. She knows nothing; she’s done nothing; she has achieved nothing (other than in non-meritocratic pursuits). She is a baffling dolt; an imbecile void of any semblance of a mind. She is vacuous. She is @justintrudeau
I’m fighting one of my worser headaches, and I need to focus on cleaning up some of my work backlog and do other grown-up things – so here’s the C&C for today and I’ll see if I can check in during the day (I especially like the Gorsuch take on the legal environment): Good morning, C&C, it’s Monday! It’s been quite a weekend. Your essential news roundup includes: last week’s Dow Jones slide crashes into the rest of the world markets and they topple over; media lies about reasons; the market-Middle East connection; markets and the election; U.S. media buries… Read more »
This is a brilliant idea. Estee Palti is the woman who does uncanny imitations of Kamala online.
Idea: the Fox debate should go on as scheduled and if Kamala doesn’t show, Trump will take clips of her positions as recorded oh, 60 days ago to stand in while he answers in real time.
In cases where there is no clip but there are verified positions the answers will be given by Estee Palti (@Mommyrn88)
Well Hurricane Debbie made landfall at Steinhatchee Florida as a Cat 1 Hurricane. We’ve been sweating this disturbance ever since they started talking about it but lucky for us we’ll be on the clean side of the storm and just out of it’s reach.If anyone was paying attention we’re heading down to the fancy rented beach house today in PC Beach. We all had a great time yesterday. We got the peddle boat out and everyone got a shot at navigating the thing. It is super easy to putter around in it and moves pretty fast with two idiots peddling… Read more »
First off prayers and condolences to Tim and family over the loss of BIL Bill. 61 is way too young to go so I know everyone is heart broken and surprised.
Mornin’ Gang
Good reading in today’s comments.
Spouse and I were watching the Olympic fortunes of the folks representing Texas very well. There are still lots of various sports to watch, and some of those we didn’t know were sports, but they are included in the festivities.
cache cache.
Should you be so unfortunate as to reside in SE Texas in August, the most expensive, hardest-working machine in your life is your residential Air Conditioning unit(s).
Be kind to your AC. Go change the damn filter(s).
RFK was forewarned that the bear cub story was going to soon be published.
He deserves the Presidency if only because he chose to disclose the bizarre story in Roseanne Barr’s kitchen.
But then, after all these years most of you know me well enough to know that I think bears are equivalent to Communists – the only good ones are dead ones.
I’m somewhat surprised that the RFK planting-a-dead-bear-cub-in-NYC-Central-Park didn’t rate a mention on this blog.
This was a prank of epic proportion.
It is possible that I have never laughed so hard about a prank.
I may have to vote for him.
He must have intuitively kept it a secret from me for the last fifty-something years.
I am completely devastated to find out at this late date that my brother actually lived with a monkey.
Frikkin speechless.
The forerunners of the International Olympic Committee and its various spawn among the nations have set the standards for corrupt international institutions for perhaps a thousand years? Maybe more?
However, in the end it is about these dedicated athletes.
I was 19 years old living in a quaint little house out on 45th Street in Austin with the then love of my life. We paid $50 a month in rent and about $12 a month for water, electricity and natural gas. I was making about $300 a month so we were rich. We also owned a Brazilian Weeper Capuchin monkey named EE Top. He got his name because all he did was screech with a sound like “Eee-Eee”
Yes, I have given in and watched some of the Olympics…despite the fact that the French Olympic Committee – and their full partner Satan – produced the most despicable public display of its kind in recent memory.
Certainly these amazing American athletes were not involved. Nor were 99.9999% of the other athletes.
I think I should meet with Tulsi Gabbard to discuss this situation.
Sweet Ellie Mae.
Uh huh.
Tonight on TMZ we have exclusive footage from an exclusive party last Saturday night at the west side Katy mansion of the reclusive Dr. phil.
American Noah Lyles of Alexandria, Virginia – fastest man on Earth.
Who knew that Cuero, TX has an extraordinary Italian restaurant?
La Bella Tavola
The Salmon Picatta on angel hair pasta can only be described as heavenly.
Should the redhead side-trip ever materialize, Mr. Squawk, dinner at La Bella Tavola is sure to follow.
Today, we had some business to conduct after lunch at the DeWitt County Courthouse in Cuero, Texas.
This glorious edifice was completely restored – inside and out – in the early 2000’s.
It is breathtaking, inside and out…
Finally back home after a quick, fun, two-day turnaround to Nordheim/Cuero, TX.
There will be no Brunette Friday this week. I had a very special side trip on the way home.
I saw Shannon doing this routine last week. Texpat showed him how.
Actually getting some things done around here. Hubby’s getting some veggie beef soup, using some stuff from my garden. The rest of what I picked yesterday is blanched and in the freezer. I had to order some things for Hubby over the ‘net. Getting some bookkeeping done, have more to do….and NASA Sis is almost done with my new rosary handout. Fr. Felix will be tickled pink. Or I will, anyway.
Diving back in…
Read the story linked at my 9:17 AM. Tulsi Gabbard was featured in a highly critical interview of Biden and Harris on Laura Ingraham’s show on July 22nd and she was secretly placed on the FAA/HSA domestic terrorist list the very next day.
What a zoo! Getting off to the beach around here reminds me of the “Home Alone” scene where the kids are running up and down the stairs and the Cop, Joe Pesci is trying to figure out who lives there. Daughter left about 9 AM in the her Vette to pick up her hubby at the airport.The rest of the crowd left in the Tahoe and they’ll all meet up at Pier Park for lunch and then, shopping until they can check into the beach house at 4 PM. YES PM! I need to make a grocery and Ice run… Read more »
Someone should do a “Hitler In The Bunker” parody featuring the diminutive megalomaniac Peter Hotez.
So now Kama Kameleon is in favor of fracking? Does anyone really believe this? Fracking, that dangerous new technology that was first used in the 1950s, is now ok or is it still dangerous?!? I find it interesting in the VP choices of Rs vs Ds; Obama picked Biden as impeachment insurance, John Boehner actually confirmed this as to why they refused to impeach Obama. Joe “The Dip$#!t” Biden picked Kamala for exactly the same reason: No one wants her to be potus; and now here we are. Bush #43 picked Dick Cheney as someone who could reasonably take over… Read more »
There are no limit to the evil destructiveness of the Biden/Harris administration. Even I find this shocking. In an exclusive breaking story, several Federal Air Marshal whistleblowers have come forward with information showing that former U.S. Representative and Presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard is currently enrolled in the Quiet Skies program. Quiet Skies is a TSA surveillance program with its own compartmentalized suspected terrorist watchlist. It is the same program being weaponized against J6 defendants and their families. Quiet Skies is allegedly used to protect traveling Americans from suspected domestic terrorists. The photo below is a screenshot from the actual Target Package… Read more »
Yesterday @ The Farm Pond. 😉
One of my favorite congressmen, Byron Donalds, took little Georgie Stephanopoulos to the woodshed over the weekend. It was a how-to video on how to make media morons look bad.
IF you missed the WIP yesterday, it is here. Darned funny this week.
I’m fighting one of my worser headaches, and I need to focus on cleaning up some of my work backlog and do other grown-up things – so here’s the C&C for today and I’ll see if I can check in during the day (I especially like the Gorsuch take on the legal environment): Good morning, C&C, it’s Monday! It’s been quite a weekend. Your essential news roundup includes: last week’s Dow Jones slide crashes into the rest of the world markets and they topple over; media lies about reasons; the market-Middle East connection; markets and the election; U.S. media buries… Read more »
Abject dumbassery in real time.
Now this really is hilarious.
This is a brilliant idea. Estee Palti is the woman who does uncanny imitations of Kamala online.
Tell us again, how JD Vance is weird. Nope, you can’t make this up.
Well Hurricane Debbie made landfall at Steinhatchee Florida as a Cat 1 Hurricane. We’ve been sweating this disturbance ever since they started talking about it but lucky for us we’ll be on the clean side of the storm and just out of it’s reach.If anyone was paying attention we’re heading down to the fancy rented beach house today in PC Beach. We all had a great time yesterday. We got the peddle boat out and everyone got a shot at navigating the thing. It is super easy to putter around in it and moves pretty fast with two idiots peddling… Read more »
First off prayers and condolences to Tim and family over the loss of BIL Bill. 61 is way too young to go so I know everyone is heart broken and surprised.
Mornin’ Gang
Debbie is doing Florida.
The entire four years of the Trump presidency the lunatic Left swore that Trump would cancel the next election.
Now again, for almost four more years, the lunatic Right assures us that the Democrats are going to cancel the next election.
I’m pretty sick of it. I wish you people would get a life. Grow up.