Thursday’s Books R Not Us Open Comments

Who remembers Jim Wright of Fort Worth, Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives ?

The House ethics committee investigated Rep. Wright after a complaint by Newt Gingrich of Georgia, then a little-known but outspoken Republican congressman. While clearing Rep. Wright of several allegations, the committee cited him for five violations involving gifts and income from bulk sales of his 1984 book, “Reflections of a Public Man.”

The panel ruled that Fort Worth businessman George A. Mallick, a friend and business partner of Rep. Wright and his wife, Betty, had an interest in legislation before Congress. Therefore, the panel ruled, Mallick shouldn’t have provided housing to them, and the company co-owned by the two couples shouldn’t have provided Betty an $18,000-a-year salary and use of a car.

Also, the committee said Rep. Wright had sold his book in bulk on several occasions as a way to evade limits on honoraria and other outside income.

“Everybody wants to be a bodybuilder, but nobody wants to lift no heavy-ass weights.”         – Ronnie Coleman, Champion Body Builder

In the political publishing industry, however, the top “authors” have gamed the system entirely. The entire genre is a fraudulent mess of epic proportions.

I’m only 34, but I’ve been in the media and publishing space for quite some time, having written for pretty much every major right of center publication you could think of. I have no idea how long this massive grift has been occurring, but I can assure you it’s been going on for decades.

One such high profile example of political ghostwriting dates back to 1956, with Profiles In Courage, the 1956 volume that helped to establish the intellectual and political bonafides of John F. Kennedy.


It’s a given that many of us in the space already wrote off the idea Noem would write any of her own book. But she has taken the laziness of politician “publishing” to new heights. She apparently didn’t proofread any of her book either, despite narrating the audiobook. Given the historic botch job, I’m glad that the public is starting to ask more questions about this incredibly sketchy operation.

The Kristi Noem saga has exposed an open secret about the political publishing industry: a tiny percentage of “authors” in the space write their own books. And those real authors are often smothered by fake authors with a machine in place to promote their fake autobiographies, which take time and opportunity away from those who have put in the work.

For politicians, I would estimate that maybe 1 percent write their own books. Some spend occasional time with their ghostwriter in order to best express their personality and ideas. Others, like Noem, just mail it in entirely, and have the ghostwriter rely upon public material from speeches and appearances.

As for your favorite TV personality/social media influencer? It would be generous to say that 5 percent write their own books. It is very rare to hear about cable news talking heads with faces full of delicately applied makeup putting in that kind of hard work.

These tasks are usually delegated to an underpaid 20-something, who may or may not be in routine contact with the “author” during the writing process.






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May 16, 2024 9:12 pm

We were originally supposed to leave Minneapolis at 1945hrs, but due to the schizzle making contact with the rotating oscillator, that has been pushed back to 2200hrs. 5 hour layovers suck bigly; 8 hour layovers suck more biglier.

May 16, 2024 8:47 pm

glad y’all be okay. Heard there is a lot of glass blow outs in d-town Houston.

Super Dave
May 16, 2024 8:45 pm

From El Gordo over yonder;

I poured out another 2″ of rain fall this afternoon, bringing my total for the past couple of weeks to around 10″. Looks like we might have another storm on the horizon for tonight. Keep it coming.

Super Dave
May 16, 2024 8:40 pm

Dang y’all getting some serious weather. Daughter texted us with a video of the stormy weather in Midland. 60 MPH winds and rain. Apparently that stuff will be here about 6 AM in the morning but not nearly as bad.

May 16, 2024 8:17 pm

Lost power here as well. No damage and we are good but neighbor two houses down got a pine tree on his roof. It was his neighbor’s dead pine that he’s been complaining about for a year now but never would do anything about it. We are pretty sure he is not insured.

May 16, 2024 8:05 pm

Shelters opening up in Bellville.

May 16, 2024 7:44 pm

All good here. More limbs down.
Word is Bellville got creamed, once again. Real bad in the north part of the County.
Bellville schools cancelled tomorrow.

Saw one of those gigantic high power transmission towers down in Cypress.
Thats a lot of folks without power. For days.
I’ve never seen one of those blown down before in this area.

May 16, 2024 7:01 pm

My younger sister was freaking out. A tornado hit in her street not to long ago. Frantic text messages. She’s okay. Hubby and I were like “This is cool!”

May 16, 2024 6:36 pm

340000 Centerpoint customers without power. 36000 in the area around my domicile. My whole house generator is moving right along

May 16, 2024 6:35 pm

80-100 MPH winds heading into downtown Houston.
Y’all okay?

May 16, 2024 6:18 pm

Texpat…IIRC, there were a lot of children’s books at the illegal children’s shelters. I remember seeing them on in the floor in one camera shot, and they were all the same. Something tells me they were those books, out something similar.

Dr phil Good-E=1984
May 16, 2024 5:27 pm

Dr. Phil Good Iain Murray is a conservative scholar at the Competitive Enterprise Institute and here is his reaction to the SCOTUS ruling

zee vupremely verroupt vangavooed venquins vill votes vhow vee vhell vhem voot.

vee halves zee vhotos oves vevreevones ove zem.
vue vet zee victure? no vay vout vor zems vut vour vay.

Last edited 4 months ago by Dr phil Good-E=1984
May 16, 2024 3:56 pm

Rain has been threatening here almost all afternoon, starting as just mist around noon and continuing on to heavier mist so the sidewalk and driveway to the house are wet enough to start some puddles. The weather folk have been cautioning rain this evening should be accompanied by thunderstorms tagging along and heavy rain bursts with possible hail in the… Read more »

May 16, 2024 3:34 pm

I had to log in twice today.

Super Dave
May 16, 2024 2:39 pm
Super Dave
May 16, 2024 2:39 pm

I had to log in, first time in a while.

May 16, 2024 1:57 pm

Well, I picked some more green beans and one pepper today. Also whacked some weeds, until the batteries ran out. I have some Thai basil growing rogue, so I need to be sure not to kill it. I put my seedling cups back on the porch, since it’s getting awful darkish outside as the weather moves in. My borage was… Read more »

Dr phil Good-E=1984
May 16, 2024 1:21 pm

In other news. what is Trump and the brain dead rnc thinking agreeing to a debate with Dana the trump basher and jake tapped out of real journalism long ago as moderators? why not Tucker Carlson or M Savage as one of the moderators? because it’s rigged thats why. The moderators will be out to destroy trump and help the… Read more »

Dr phil Good-E=1984
May 16, 2024 1:05 pm

The House and Senate are virtually dysfunctional. except when it comes to endless foreign wars, endless open borders and endless blood money laundering and sucking. Then they’re fully functional. 60 billion to Ukraine so fleazensky can cancel elections. same with the supremely kangrooed penguins. 9 brain frozen, penguin suited idiots, decide everything. Congress and the court jesters are all compromised.… Read more »

Last edited 4 months ago by Dr phil Good-E=1984
May 16, 2024 12:53 pm

Elise Stefanik eats Democrats for lunch:

May 16, 2024 12:06 pm

texpat from yesterday: The vast majority of that container traffic from China and Asia offloads onto trains to ship to the other lower 47 states. If they stop the trains there, the Pacific freight will simply stop coming to California and will find other more expensive ways to deliver. Costs will increase, so will prices and inflation will continue to… Read more »

May 16, 2024 9:57 am

This from an X/tweet about why Trump isn’t afraid of the debates, the conditions of which are stacked against him: Trump is not afraid of CNN.He does better when moderators are against him.It brings out his fighting spirit. The whole point is to showcase the huge difference in VITALITY between the men.Trump is ready to kick ass.Biden is ready to… Read more »

May 16, 2024 9:53 am

Mr. C. ends his column with a delightful story about a California teacher who refused to bend to transgender demands, like withholding gender bending student status to parents, refusing to let trannies use the wrong dressing areas and bathrooms, and using real pronouns instead of fake ones. She was also ordered to take down her personal social media accounts where… Read more »

May 16, 2024 9:45 am

On the AI story from the C&C: When does the AI assistant become the boss, and the boss become the assistant? I would emphatically argue you need to know about this tech story, except that soon you won’t be able to avoid it. Here’s how one AI news streamer — used to reporting on the breakneck pace of AI tech developments —… Read more »

May 16, 2024 9:35 am

Roundup from the C&C: Good morning, C&Cers, it’s Thursday! Big news today in your roundup of just what you need to know: New covid scariant takes the world by, well, a yawn; the biggest AI development yet terrifies AI reporters; Putin interview opens a window into non-Western thought; electrifying testimony in Congress from witnesses who should have been called in… Read more »

May 16, 2024 9:23 am

Holy crap! Is this guy picking up his HAND?!

May 16, 2024 9:09 am

Doing better than yesterday, but that’s a pretty low bar. I’m up and now that Handyman is through cutting the back yard, will be heading out to whack some weeds and maybe put some seedlings and/or seeds out. I have some tubs where the grown vines create a shady space below – perfect for summer lettuce. I

May 16, 2024 9:07 am

Beatitudes for Caregivers Bill Dodds | Catholic News Service Blessed are those who sleep poorly because they’re worried about their loved one or because their loved one wakes in the middle of the night and needs help, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn because their loved one, though still alive, is slipping away because… Read more »

Super Dave
May 16, 2024 8:01 am

About my @ 7:21 AM, I have no opinion on the Glock Switch and have no use for one it just bothers me that the left will use anything to advance their agenda and the truth never matters. Oh and don’t get me started on “Gun Violence” as far as I know a gun isn’t capable of violence. ~SIGH~

Super Dave
May 16, 2024 7:21 am

Watching the local news I saw this liar; United States Attorney Jonathan S. RossI don’t know how much you’ve heard about “Glock Switches” but it’s a device that converts a semi auto into full auto and is illegal Federally. Just owning the parts is considered the same as having a full auto machine gun. One of our illustrious Democrats in… Read more »

Super Dave
May 16, 2024 7:08 am

Well looking back at yesterday, I missed a lot but didn’t see anything about the barge that hit the Pelican Island bridge. FWIW; I was real busy yesterday, I picked up the big mower at the shop at 8 AM sharp and spent the whole day on it. The weather was fabulous, we’re still enjoying the low humidity that daughter… Read more »