Monday’s Passover Treatise on Abrahamic Religions

The Departure of Abraham by Jozsef Molnar, 1850

The twentieth century trope of an Abrahamic triad originated with what I always thought was a hopeful nod to New Age, We Are the World feelgoodism.  

We come from the same origin, the same theological father, so why can’t we all just get along ?

I have never been able to buy into the idea Judaism, Christianity and Islam were mere divergent threads of an identical cloth.  I discovered the distinguished Harvard professor of religion, Jon Levenson, about 13 years ago and was delighted he believed, as I do, Islam does not belong and its claim to Abraham’s heritage is false and unsupportable.

Levenson wrote this essay in 2010 titled The Idea of Abrahamic Religions: A Qualified Dissent and then expanded it into a best-selling book published in 2012.  The book resulting from the ideas in this essay (link is below) is more concise and direct in ultimately rejecting an Abrahamic triumvirate of religions.

Needless to say, groups like this have their work cut out for them. For it certainly seems that most Jews, Christians, and Muslims regard Abraham as the father of their own community alone, a view that is easily explained if we consider the foundational literatures of the three putatively Abrahamic communities. In Judaism, Abraham serves as the first Jew, the biological father of most Jews and the adoptive yet no less real father of those who have converted to the religion of his descendants. For Christians, Abraham has long been “the father of all that believe,” in the words of the apostle Paul (Rom 4:5), who clearly thinks that what those believers believe—and what the patriarch’s life prefigures—is the core message of the gospel. In the Islamic case, as early as the Qur’an, Abraham is emphatically said to be neither a Jew nor a Christian but rather a muslim, one who has submitted to God. In the words of the Muslim scripture itself, “the people who are worthiest of Abraham are those who followed him, together with this Prophet and the believers.” As an imam in Jerusalem put it not long ago, “Abraham is the father of one religion, and that religion is Islam.” That there are now, and have long been, Jews and Christians who make the same statement in behalf of their own religions merits serious thought.


From what I have said so far, one could easily devise a simple contrast between the Jewish and the Christian interpretations of their common father that would go like this: The Jewish understanding of Abraham focuses on the Jewish people, and others are brought in only to highlight the blessedness of Abraham and the family that descends from him. The Christian understanding of Abraham is no less focused on a specific group, in this case the Church, but it conceives of Abraham in an expansive context, as a man who bears a message of universal import, foreshadowing the universal aspirations of the Church for its gospel. Whereas, to revert to Genesis 12:3, the Jews think all the families of the earth shall bless themselves by reference to Abraham, the Christians think that in Abraham all the families of the earth shall be blessed. Though each tradition is particularistic in its own way, Judaism is inward-looking and Christianity outward-looking. But this grand contrast, like so many others involving these two traditions, is much too simple.

plus this,

There is something truly outward-looking and expansive in the story of the man who is promised that he shall be “the father of a multitude of nations,” and the efforts of the three “Abrahamic religions” to associate him exclusively with their own communities cannot altogether obliterate this. But in the case of Jews and Christians, the commonality of the three communities will always be limited by the focus of the book of Genesis on chosenness or election. The very claim that God has graciously singled out a particular people—the people of Israel or the Church—constitutes both a bond and a barrier between these two continuing communities, one that they do not share with Islam. But even in the case of Jews and Christians, to speak of the Abrahamic legacy as only a bond, or as only a barrier, is to simplify matters to the point of falsification. In this instance, as in so many others, the challenge before Jews and Christians alike is to uphold with integrity both the connections and the divisions. Since today the pressure to uphold the connections is vastly greater than the pressure to uphold the divisions, this is, alas, no easy task.

Jon Levenson has gone to great lengths to be accommodating and tolerant here.  His book linked as follows  is less concerned with diplomacy.  The best-selling book is Inheriting Abraham: The Legacy of the Patriarch in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam .







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April 22, 2024 5:24 pm

Just checking in – no real issues with my new knee (so far as I know) – and not horrible pain – just enough to make it hard to concentrate… so I’ve been doing video game/puzzles to encourage my concentrating… and riding the Exercycle thing… and trying not to driving anybody (man or beast) crazy LOL…

April 22, 2024 4:43 pm

Proof that there was a cooperative effort to take Trump down on the docs case: Now you know why the insiders like Andrew Weissmann and Barb McQuade are desperate to get rid of Judge Cannon. Without her courage on this matter, incriminating evidence of Biden’s WH and DOJ running the investigative show behind the scenes would be buried maybe forever.… Read more »

April 22, 2024 4:38 pm

Mr. C. ends his column today with the heartwarming (literally, warming) event. A bunch of strangers who didn’t give a damn about their racial differences came together to save another stranger trapped in his car from becoming charcoal.

Yes, there are good people in the world, and there is hope for us after all.

April 22, 2024 4:30 pm

Here’s the CoffeeAndCovid roundup: Good morning, C&C, it’s Monday! And we have a record-shattering Monday roundup: historic Trump trial begins in Manhattan as the Nation’s first criminal prosecution of a President gets underway; Speaker Johnson’s career goes up in flames more intense than after a Russian hypersonic missile blows up more U.S.-supplied weapons; Russia ramps up the Proxy War, apparently as… Read more »

April 22, 2024 4:28 pm

I haven’t even had time to read the C&C yet!

But the world is still turning, so I guess we dodged THAT bullet! 😉

April 22, 2024 4:27 pm

Finally settling behind the keyboard. I had my rosary time this morning, then only a mile (trying not to be stoopid) on the treadmill, and the treading was done very carefully. Then had to meet Hubby and a potential buyer for one of our properties at the property, after which Hubby and I had a lunch at Kelley’s to discuss… Read more »

Dr phil Good-E=1984
April 22, 2024 3:39 pm

Just found out that the phony preacher speaker broke the hastert rule to get the 95 billion blood money package passed but wouldn’t do the same for the border security bill. heard clips of him lying and whining about only having a one seat majority yet baby Jane pelosi would’ve gotten everything she wanted with just a one seat majority.… Read more »

April 22, 2024 1:50 pm

Guess what? I ran into Brookshire Brothers just now… last long shot to see if my card holder was turned in since Saturday at closing time. And it was there. Well, I’m going to have all new credit cards, Medicare Card, Supplement Card. anyway. And I’m the proud owner of a Certified Birth Certificate ($23.00). At least I don’t have… Read more »

April 22, 2024 1:32 pm

Second person has died in the Brenham Drivers License office crash.

Super Dave
April 22, 2024 1:27 pm

Now I’m headed to the County Clerk’s office to get a new birth certificate. Because the Certified, stamped copy that I have, inexplicably, isn’t good enough anymore. Yup, I went through all that BS when I renewed my last Texas License, in 2016 I think. When I got my Alabama License my Texas Star was good enough identification to get… Read more »

April 22, 2024 1:26 pm

Birth Certificates must now be on official State Of Texas “blue paper” to be considered valid.

Check the Austin County website under Birth Certificates to find out all of the documents required.

Dr phil Good-E=1984
April 22, 2024 12:56 pm

When cnn and mr potatoheadNBC, featuring a mika the mako shark sushi buffet every morning with your cup of morning Joe-blow me down, start singing his praises you know the phony Christian, lizard skinned preacher of the Louisiana swamp has jumped the giant megalodon alligator. never seen a group of people actually celebrate the destruction of the country they were… Read more »

Last edited 5 months ago by Dr phil Good-E=1984
April 22, 2024 12:52 pm

If you are a responsible person, ignore this. I can’t tell you how much you will regret not having copies (front and back) of every card and license in your wallet. Just ask me how I know. There’s a special security number on your drivers license, now. You cannot make an appointment at the DL office without it. Thank the… Read more »

April 22, 2024 12:40 pm

Okay I know everyone here just wants to live your life and not worry bout all these world events. Well. sorry, you really need to watch Brit Gillettes video. Congress just signed off on a bill that amounts to a knife in America’s belly.
. .

April 22, 2024 11:55 am

Texpat, RE: Levenson….. Reading the blurb you pulled from has forced me to read his book (on line). I know your approach on the post so I will not be busting your chops about it. I am, however, curious about what else he has got to say since you did add “His book linked as follows is less concerned with diplomacy.”… Read more »

Last edited 5 months ago by squawkbox
April 22, 2024 11:06 am

For 100 Years, Horse Diving Was A Thing, And Was Every Bit Crazy As It Sounds. The pictures in the story are worth the investment of time to look.

Pictured below is Sonora Webster Carver wife of doc Carver. For many years those two did a horse diving act. BTW she is a brunette.

Last edited 5 months ago by squawkbox
April 22, 2024 10:52 am

Brother Phil, I am worried that your blood pressure may be dangerously low.

April 22, 2024 10:38 am

If sane people were running NYC, this garbage would not happen. THe appropriate thing would be to arrest with extreme prejudice all who refused to leave the field when the children showed up to play their scheduled game. HEADLINE: NYC high school soccer game canceled after group of about 30 migrants refuse to leave the field — even after cops… Read more »

April 22, 2024 10:22 am

Texpat Could you please give me a link to your post? It appears to be circumcised out of a greater treatise I would like to read it in full context. I understand Jon Levenson’s theorem but I need some information in full context and some indication of a conclusion. I agree/disagree with him on different points NOTE no way am… Read more »

April 22, 2024 8:43 am

Good morning all y’all. Monday … coffee.

April 22, 2024 7:41 am

But yet “Reacher” will support and industry where sex trafficking and sexual abuse runs rampant.

Super Dave
April 22, 2024 7:23 am

Well dang and I really liked the Reacher series. ‘Reacher’ Star Alan Ritchson Attacks Christians Who Support ‘Rapist’ Trump: ‘He’s Their Poster Child’ “Trump is a rapist and a con man, and yet the entire Christian church seems to be treat him like he’s their poster child, and it’s unreal,” he told the trade publication. “I don’t understand it.”He also… Read more »

Super Dave
April 22, 2024 7:07 am

So Texpat, none of my business but I saw the picture of you and your lovely granddaughter and was wondering about your eye? Also it looks like you’ve lost weight.

Super Dave
April 22, 2024 6:59 am

It looks like the UAW has finally taken the first step to destroy the automobile industry in the south. Unionizing the VW Plant in Chattanooga. Rumor has it that the Mercedes Plant in Vance Alabama is next. ~SPITS~

Last edited 5 months ago by Super Dave
Super Dave
April 22, 2024 5:41 am

Oh and if you were at all interested in my Trivia Question yesterday; how did Baton Rouge get it’s name? I answered it in my @ 9:44 PM last night.
I thought about it after Shannon posted something about Sam Houston distinguishing himself serving under Andrew Jackson in the war at the Battle Of Horseshoe Bend in eastern Alabama.

Super Dave
April 22, 2024 5:37 am

Well this looks interesting I’ll have to check it out.Much cooler here at 48 degrees after the front came through but it didn’t produce any rain to speak of, .10″ to be exact. But it’ll be in the low 70’s here and back to the 80’s in a couple of days. SO! It’s Monday time to hit the ground running.… Read more »