Thursday Motorcycle Enthusiast Open Comments

The below graphic does a pretty good job of categorizing motorcycle enthusiasts.

It doesn’t mention those pansies with those retarded vehicles with two front wheels and one rear wheel. Those things are ridden by people with absolutely no self-esteem whatsoever.
You can also tell a lot about motorcycle enthusiasts by the way they park. To wit:
Good motorcycle enthusiast:

Another fine, upstanding motorcycle enthusiast:

Spawn of Satan jackass dork-weasel idiot scooter rider:

See how easy it is?





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August 4, 2011 10:43 pm

#128 – ROFL

August 4, 2011 10:18 pm

#127 mharper42
Joe Straus tricked me into coming here.

August 4, 2011 10:10 pm

Texpat, why do you live in New Jersey? There must be some explanation.

August 4, 2011 10:06 pm

So is Joe Str@us a prohibited verbiage now? Or is Str@us just causing problems as usual?

August 4, 2011 9:56 pm

Seven of Katfish’s comments were hung up (you can thank Joe Straus). I set them free.

August 4, 2011 9:47 pm

Katfish was saying earlier that he had comments that disappeared, but now I’m too dispirited to go back and check for them…

August 4, 2011 9:45 pm

#120 mharper42 I live a few miles west of New York City in Bergen County, NJ. The big local thrift store run by the hospital auxiliary burned down and the Salvation Army lost their lease. A couple of others suffered similar defeat. None of them are re-opening. It’s not as easy as you think here. I think those thrift outfits… Read more »

August 4, 2011 9:44 pm

Ok, but I feel cheated. I coulda been a contender!

August 4, 2011 9:31 pm

If there were comments hung up in the spam filter that were finallly released, they fall into the chronology of comments at the time of day they were made. Therefore, the numbering system for comments gets bumped to accomodate them. It’s automatic.

August 4, 2011 9:29 pm

Texpat, you surprise me. Never throw something usable away, you can always donate to any number of charitable thrift stores.

August 4, 2011 9:27 pm

#117 WB Her Highness wouldn’t let me throw the damned thing away because I had moved it about 300 times during major renovations. I finally put my foot down and out of the blue, a neighbor showed up and said the local family needed it and couldn’t afford to buy one. I’m really glad we could help out, but I… Read more »

August 4, 2011 9:23 pm

This is like one of those time travel stories where someone messes with the past and changes the future… I was scrolling back to check for a link I had not had time to explore earlier tonight, and I found that my original “setup” comment #99 had mutated: 106 mharper42 says: August 4, 2011 at 7:51 pm I’m takin’ the… Read more »

El Gordo
August 4, 2011 9:10 pm

One of my daily must read blogs is Powerline. They recently sponsored a contest for the creative community to present, in whatever media they chose, impressions of the present debt situation in this country. Here is a video that did not win anything, yet carries a powerful message. If you like it, they are posting other entries on their own… Read more »

August 4, 2011 8:54 pm


as the author of the OP, I can’t claim it.

I thought that was The First…

El Gordo
August 4, 2011 8:39 pm

Is it QE3 yet?

Super Dave
Super Dave
August 4, 2011 8:17 pm

Sniff, Sniff,…Dang Dammit, I guess jimb is right, 😉 Oh well.

Super Dave
Super Dave
August 4, 2011 8:13 pm

Oh and as someone mentioned ’bout the B24,…I think,… if there is NO oil under the Harley, it’s outta’ oil.

Super Dave
Super Dave
August 4, 2011 8:07 pm

mharper42 “No good deed goes unpunished” 😀

Super Dave
Super Dave
August 4, 2011 8:05 pm

Texpat and Wagon, FWIW; I already have a real nice “Hood Ornament”, that would be my lovely Bride and she LQQks as good today as she did 36 years ago when I married her. 😉
Oh and her Fountains are 34 D’s and she weighs 100 Lbs soaking wet.

August 4, 2011 7:59 pm

Mah charitable deed went unnoticed, what duz that tell ya?

August 4, 2011 7:51 pm

I’m takin’ the high road today & set it up for someone else 🙂

August 4, 2011 7:51 pm

My fate seems to be gettin’ here as the vital number is looming on the horizon.

August 4, 2011 7:50 pm

#87 Darren

pleaded guilty Thursday

I read that article and its comments — they were brutally honest and funny.

Super Dave
Super Dave
August 4, 2011 7:27 pm

#91 mharper42, I always tell my young-uns that I learn sumptin’ new every day, and you’ve provided me with a very good one! I’ll have to Google it. Hey I’m a Redheaded Step Child SHAZZAM. #92 Simple, I came that close, (holding fingers apart) to buying a used Ural w/sidecar and camo paint a couple of years ago. Too cool.… Read more »

August 4, 2011 7:16 pm

Speaking of survival manuals, one from Argentina who has experienced an economic collapse has penned one.

August 4, 2011 7:15 pm

#89 Darren
That local law will never stand a constitutional challenge if there is anyone in San Francisco willing to mount it.

August 4, 2011 7:13 pm

#88 Super Dave
You probably couldn’t afford the chick riding in it either.

Simple Simon
Simple Simon
August 4, 2011 7:05 pm

17 Katfish, I kept restaurants sized baking pans under my FXDL to keep the oil off of the floor. The mechanics at a couple of the scooter shops say it is because of insufficent warm up time. I am not so sure. My Low Rider is a cold cold hearted lady and she has to warmed up before we go… Read more »

August 4, 2011 6:56 pm

#83 Darren

just about anywhere in Japan and still be ethnically pure.

Well, there is still an indigenous relic population called the Ainu living in Japan. Light skinned and red hair. Until recently they were thought to be Caucasian, but DNA sampling has ruled that out. But they are definitively not “Asian” genetically.
MH factoid for the day ™

August 4, 2011 6:54 pm

#81 Shannon
It was a mitzvah. There is a local family – husband out of work, wife with multiple sclerosis – and they needed it the most. He was massaging her legs every night in between taking care of the kids.

August 4, 2011 6:26 pm

Nanci Pelosi may be from China: Not aborting fetuses will soon be a crime in San Francisco. At least that’s what the city government is pushing for in its bizarre new attack on pregnancy counseling centers. Actually, “bizarre” is too mild a word to describe San Francisco’s latest outburst; even from my pro-choice perspective, the city’s attempt to essentially banish… Read more »

Super Dave
Super Dave
August 4, 2011 6:19 pm

Iffin’ I had MONEY I’d own a Fountain 38 with a couple of Mercury Bravo 700’s with the TRS drives. BUTT,…sigh, I couldn’t afford to fuel her up. 🙁

August 4, 2011 6:17 pm

Here’s some good news:

BALTIMORE — The woman caught on tape brutally beating a transgendered woman at a Rosedale McDonald’s has pleaded guilty to the attack.
Teonna Brown, 18, pleaded guilty Thursday to one count of first-degree assault and one count of a hate crime in the attack of 22-year-old Chrissy Polis.

Woman Pleads Guilty In McDonald’s Beating

August 4, 2011 6:12 pm


Expect more Godzillas to start appearing in Japan.

Hey, I don’t appreciate you dissin’ Nanci Pelopsi like that. Besides, she’s not from Japan.

Super Dave
Super Dave
August 4, 2011 6:11 pm

Why would anybody want to massage a calf’s ankles anyway?

Well the boys in Georgia,……oh never mind. 😉

Super Dave
Super Dave
August 4, 2011 6:10 pm

KatFish,…Yeh Baby!! I love the Unlimited Hydro’s, back in another life BC, (before children) I went to several of the races, the first @ lake Bluestem in Kansas then a few on here on Clear Lake, before they did away with them. Of course back in the day they powered by Merlin V 12 aircraft engines that were re-cammed to… Read more »

August 4, 2011 6:07 pm

Because they are more concerned with improving their lives than making sure their city remains ethnically “pure”; e.g., no “chocolate city”.

True. Japan can have Japanese from, well, just about anywhere move to, well, just about anywhere in Japan and still be ethnically pure.

August 4, 2011 6:06 pm

Why would anybody want to massage a calf’s ankles anyway?

August 4, 2011 6:04 pm

Any other $150 trinkets in your way, do let us know. :>)

August 4, 2011 6:01 pm


August 4, 2011 5:30 pm

Super Boats for seenyore SuperDave……….
3000 ponies??

August 4, 2011 5:15 pm

#28 Wagonburner We bought one of those ankle/calf massagers for our aunt shortly before she died. I think she used it 2 or 3 times and it has been in a box since 2009. It was a nice one and we paid about $150 for it. Had you been about 2 days quicker in your request, I would have sent… Read more »

August 4, 2011 4:56 pm

BTW, Pyro — the “Spawn of Satan” scooter, while parked in an unconsiderate manner, is not solely to blame. The red sedan to the left is parked crooked such that other cars would not have clean access to the scooter space anyway.

August 4, 2011 4:45 pm

FAA standoff over? Did the Republicans cave?

Don’t look like it.

Congressional officials said the deal arranges rubber-stamp passage by the Senate, meeting on Friday under unanimous consent so that only a few members need attend, of a bill that was approved by the House last month. The House bill extends the aviation agency’s operations, but only through Sept. 16.

August 4, 2011 4:15 pm

FAA standoff over? Did the Republicans cave?

August 4, 2011 4:03 pm

Yet another investor laments:

EIGHT months of gains wiped out in 9 trading days!!!…All I can say is … … Bravo Obama!!!
See the Third World
Without Having to Leave America
Save Big Bucks and Long Flights
Reelect Barack Obama in 2012!!!