Wednesday Miracle Drug Open Comments

Is there nothing that this medicine can’t do?  Parasites, viruses, now cancer?  But since it’s a cheap drug and Big Pharma can’t make money off of it, it’ll be hard to find a doctor who’ll prescribe it.  I may have to follow this guy’s Substack.

Ivermectin Squares Off in a New War on Cancer

With this article, I begin what I hope will be a series of reports on the use of inexpensive generic drugs for the treatment of cancer. In one of the few good things to come out of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, a growing number of physicians who pioneered effective early treatments for Covid-19 is now attempting to learn if safe, off-patent drugs can also work for cancer. So far, results are promising for drugs like ivermectin, mebendazole, and metformin, and supplements like melatonin.

John Ross was fifty-one years old when he was diagnosed, after more than a year of discomfort and growing unwellness, with Stage 3B colon cancer. A three- to four-inch tumor had almost completely blocked and broken through the organ wall; his surrounding lymph nodes were enlarged and presumed cancerous.

The story of John Ross goes on to describe how he pursued “conventional” cancer treatments, but didn’t tell his doctors he was also using ivermectin and other non-conventional treatments:

In his quest for the best care, Ross, who lives in Prescott, Wisconsin, went to two major cancer centers in the Midwest. He underwent a battery of blood draws and diagnostic tests and consulted at least a dozen physicians. But only Dr. James found and treated, he said, a low magnesium level, a Vitamin D level that was acceptable but too low, Dr. James believed, for challenging cancer, and, most critically, severe thyroid dysfunction. Nobody had tested for this, he said.

“I don’t know how you are standing here today—I’ve never seen blood this bad,” Dr. James told Ross after his thyroid result came in….” Starting three weeks before radiation and chemotherapy, Ross began, along with ivermectin, infusions of high-dose Vitamin C and glutathione; major auto-hemotherapy, also called ozone therapy; and hyperbaric oxygen therapy, along with supplements like high-dose melatonin.

The “conventional” doctors were amazed at his lack of adverse reactions to the harsh chemicals and radiation he was being given. No burns, no hair loss, etc.

The clincher, however, came in Ross’s MRI and CT scans in July of 2023. After twenty-eight radiation and chemotherapy treatments and nearly three months of the ivermectin protocol, “Ninety percent of his tumor had turned fibrous, meaning into scar tissue,” Ross’s wife, Roxanne, told me. “And the lymph nodes were half the size,” John added. An oncologist’s report called that an “excellent response.”

Dr. James saw this kind of recovery with two patients, the other one withholding his name.  The anonymous patient totally refused the “conventional”  treatment and took only the cheap stuff.

Same result.

Two years before Covid, researchers analyzed published data that strongly suggested ivermectin could be repurposed, namely put to another off-label use, for cancer. In about twenty laboratory studies, ivermectin was found to inhibit cell proliferation and induce “apoptosis”—cell death—in cancer cell lines of the breast, prostate, ovary, head and neck, colon, and pancreas. 


A seasoned group of expert doctors—often sharing their experiences in chat groups, tweets, and texts—is challenging the American model of cancer care. One patient at a time, they are using safe, off-the-shelf drugs, often alongside traditional therapies. I know of losses to cancer among their patients. But I also know of unexpected wins.

Dr. Paul Marik is a widely published critical care physician and author of a book on the potential of so-called repurposed drugs to prevent and treat cancer. Dr. Kathleen Ruddy is a retired cancer surgeon who trained at Memorial Sloan-Kettering and cared for 10,000 breast cancer patients over a thirty-year career.


Mebendazole and ivermectin, both antiparasitic drugs, doom cancer cells by disrupting the biochemical pathways on which they depend, Marik explained of the research. “They act on tumor stem cells and the tumor microenvironment. Unlike chemo, which only targets rapidly dividing cells, both ivermectin and mebendazole have been proven to act on multiple tumor pathways involving multiple different cancer types.”

“In the pre-clinical data, the twenty years of research that Paul is referring to,” Ruddy said, “there is not a cancer type that has not been impinged upon in terms of its growth and proliferation when exposed to ivermectin. Not one. Not one,” she said, gesturing with her index finger. All have succumbed, to varying degrees, when exposed to ivermectin.

There’s more, but you get the idea.

The idea of affordable cancer care that works as well or better than the multiple thousands dollars treatments? And you thought the real estate market was going to be decimated.  Just imagine all the cancer docs having to change specialties, the pharmacy reps finding new drugs to hawk…and all the mommies and daddies being able to hug their kids for years to come.



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Dr phil Good-E=1984
February 7, 2024 11:00 pm

They’re going through withdrawal.

their fangs need blood money.

get ready.

a deal will be reached on Feb 29th and little Mikey will cave

Dr phil Good-E=1984
February 7, 2024 10:54 pm

Oh, yes.  Are the hundreds of mountings still on the walls ?


and just when you were hearing yesterday that it was dead, the sinate Vampyres of the undead, are quite alive and they’ll never srop from trying to mount everyone and give us a fantastic fang phlucking.

February 7, 2024 9:52 pm
February 7, 2024 8:35 pm

47 Shannon

I used to think the same thing, but up here the hatred for the Boston Patriots and Red Sox is palpable.  It is the single, common and unifying theme shared by Mets and Yankees, Jets and Giants fans.

I don’t think they spend much time thinking about the Dallas Cowboys unless they get into the playoffs.

February 7, 2024 8:30 pm

I forgot the feel good story of the week. Midland police said George Samuel Butler, 37, entered a home in the 1400 block of Daventry Place “by force with a rifle,” reported, after which the homeowner placed the suspect in a chokehold “in an apparent case of self-defense.” Police said they responded to the scene just after 4 a.m.… Read more »

February 7, 2024 7:55 pm

I think the Astros have unseated the Cowboys as the most-hated team in America.

I love it.

Shove it, you losers.

February 7, 2024 7:53 pm

42 SQK

/ insert giant smiley here

February 7, 2024 7:51 pm

I tried to buy a DVD of Blazing Saddles several years ago. It was hopeless. Couldn’t find anyone I trusted to send big money to.

February 7, 2024 7:42 pm

Blazing Saddles was a hoot, is a hoot, and will always be a sly hoot.  It is a movie that makes one laugh until the sides become sore.  Do not eat anything while watching it unless you can swallow fast before you choke on whatever you are eating when a hilarious scene shows up.

February 7, 2024 7:34 pm

The Astros have class that thus far no other major league team has achieved.  Would be interesting to read about other teams’  comments on the event.  Once they recovered from the shock, that is.

February 7, 2024 7:17 pm

February 7, 2024 6:25 pm

A warning on the trigger warning. From Christian at hollywoodintoto: Max, the platform that once yanked “Gone With the Wind” from its cyber-shelves, just slapped a video trigger warning on Brooks’ vision. Anyone who wants to watch “Blazing Saddles” must endure an introduction by TCM’s Jacqueline Stewart, who joined the company in 2019 as a host and expert on film… Read more »

February 7, 2024 6:08 pm

#36 Texpat, We took them to Fredericksburg the last time they were here, which was 10 years ago.  I don’t think we will this time since there is so much to see around here in Fort Bend County that was not here 10 years ago.  They arrive Sunday evening and return home on the following Wednesday afternoon, leaving for the… Read more »

February 7, 2024 5:48 pm

And from YF:

Nice knockers!



February 7, 2024 5:47 pm

That uppity n______ hit me upside the head with a shovel. 

February 7, 2024 5:32 pm

I don’t know about the rest of you, but I had the common sense God gave me to buy a DVD version of Blazing Saddles six or seven years ago.

Just in case.

February 7, 2024 5:29 pm

30 Adee

Are you going to take your kinfolks to Fredericksburg ?

February 7, 2024 4:35 pm

Hey, Where de the white women at?

February 7, 2024 4:27 pm

32 wagonburner

The story goes that Gene Wilder agreed to do Blazing Saddles only if Mel Brooks agreed to look over a movie script that Wilder had written and to produce the movie. That movie was Young Frankenstein.

February 7, 2024 4:12 pm

I’m having a hard time staying awake. My cats are bad models. I’m having a late lunch, and then I think I’ll go back to bed. Some of the fuzzers will probably follow me…

February 7, 2024 3:26 pm

I’m torn between that one and Young Frankenstein.

February 7, 2024 3:25 pm

Today is the 50th anniversary of the greatest movie of all time. Salud!

February 7, 2024 2:34 pm

Spouse’s brother and wife arrive at our home on Saturday evening after the flight from O’Hare in Chicago to Intercontinental in Houston and a 50-mile ride from the airport to our place via limousine.  They haven’t been here in 10 years; we’ve been going there.  Lots of new things here in that time and lots of old things are retired. … Read more »

February 7, 2024 2:33 pm

20 squack

Fixed your “Sum” link.

February 7, 2024 2:26 pm

12:21 granny

To the neocons, the Middle East is a 22-year-old hot yoga instructor, and Ukraine is a middle-aged divorcee with a psychotic ex-husband, thirteen cats, and three drug-addled grown children who all live at home.

That right there is poetry.

February 7, 2024 2:11 pm

#26 – Shannon… the very first record (45rpm) I ever owned was Bobby Vinton’s “Roses are Red, My Love” – purchased by my mother, although (at the time) our family did NOT possess a record player capable of playing 45’s… (That’s how I figured out I was getting a record player for either my birthday or Christmas – they are… Read more »

February 7, 2024 1:27 pm

Bobby Vinton is 88 years old and has been married to Delores for 62 years. He retired after a serious case of shingles in 2015. (Wiki)

February 7, 2024 1:27 pm


Super Dave
February 7, 2024 1:14 pm

Well my new computer works,…mostly now lets see if it can find my printer.

Super Dave
February 7, 2024 1:13 pm

Testing,1,2,3,4,5,4,3,2,1, You got sidetone? 😉

February 7, 2024 1:11 pm

Tedtam @ 12:41 PM

From the link:

In addition to the county-wide resolution, Canepa has sent a letter to Gov. Gavin Newsom. In it, he asked the governor to create a new minister of loneliness position for California.

Tell me this is a joke, please.

February 7, 2024 12:35 pm

Two movies to watch before Superbowel Sunday

Black Sunday. watch on Pluto

Sum of all Fears.  Rentable on Prime.


February 7, 2024 12:21 pm

Shannon #18

Yeah that is one of the better articles I have ever found on Texas Monthly.

February 7, 2024 11:54 am

14 SQK

What a great Dance Halls link.

Crider’s – near Hunt, TX – gets a nice mention.

February 7, 2024 11:51 am

Good Morning, Hamsters. Breezy here, with high clouds gathering over us that steadily cover blue sky, but that doesn’t stop sunlight from making some shadows under the trees.  This remains the dead of winter with just a warming break passing through before the next cold front arrives.  That break enables one to do outdoor things before the cold wet stuff… Read more »

February 7, 2024 11:49 am

That DH guy must be a real smooth talker and Romeo.

He had to be exceptionally smooth, because every word had to count double since he could only get a tiny few in edgewise. Bonus points for dodging the arm waving Italian ancestral genes.

February 7, 2024 11:32 am

I wondered when and where the first huge fraud would take place using the tools of artificial intelligence. Now we know and it was for $25 million+. The scammers digital replicated the voice of the company’s chief financial officer’s, along with those of other top level employees, during an online meeting. In it, they issued instructions for an employee to… Read more »

February 7, 2024 11:29 am

Henry’s Hideout Texas Monthly Some twenty miles north of Cypress, on the road between Magnolia and Plantersville, sits Henry’s Hideout. Henry Phillips called it “the horniest place in Texas,” and when you enter through the front door, you see thousands of antlers hanging on the walls. Phillips built the bar in 1937, adding the backroom dance hall in 1964. Before… Read more »

February 7, 2024 9:07 am

Oh, yes.  Are the hundreds of mountings still on the walls ?

Yes! Horniest Place in Texas. I heard the old man would offer a beer per point if you brought in antlers to hang.

February 7, 2024 9:03 am

11 GJT

Anyone remember Henry’s Hideout between Magnolia and Plantersville…

Oh, yes.  Are the hundreds of mountings still on the walls ?