I went looking for weird stuff to buy on Amazon, because this crowd would probably not only appreciate such a list, but may actually enthusiastically embrace it. Here goes:
Multi-colored toilet bowl light Kinda like disco for the bathroom. Who wouldn’t want that? I mean, over 10,000 people like it so far!
Ice cream lock – protect what is really important to you! Lock up your ice cream and you won’t have to open your gun safe because of your roommate with boundary issues.
Dirt cologne – For when you tell your wife you were in the back forty but were really elsewhere. You don’t have to stop with dirt, though. Other scents include Paperback, Mildew, Kitten Fur, and Condensed Milk.
Ostrich travel pillow – Ummmm, no thanks. It looks too weird to put on my head. Although it may clear the seat next to me, other available seats pending.
Edible seasoned grasshoppers – The WEF is behind on this one, as the description says they’re a delicacy in Oaxaca, Mexico, and called chapulines. It seems they go well with beer. I’ll take their word on that one.
Flatulence filtering underwear – Guys, if the wife gets this for you, she’s trying to tell you something. Hint: Just say thank you and put them on.
Bob Ross Waffle maker – it seems that the kindly, gently speaking gent with the “happy little trees” has a bit of a cult following. Who wouldn’t want to eat his face? Oh, wait, that didn’t come out right…
Dinosaur taco holder – ’nuff said. Who wouldn’t want a triceratops with a taco spine?
One pound of fake body fat – in case you need motivation. Or an anatomy lesson.
Banana wine bottle stopper – for those who truly enjoy getting drunk instead of being serious about their wine
Insect catcher – Since I can’t squish anything other than a mosquito without gagging, this might actually be for me. Catch and release isn’t just for fishing any more.
Giant Gummy Python – This just begs the question: Why? Eight feet and 27 pounds of gummy candy in the shape of a snake? Again – WHY?
Hamburger Flash memory stick – Well, it would be easier to locate on my desk, anyway.
Bone shaped pens – perfect gift for the med student. Maybe.
Finger Hands – Yes, little hands to be worn on each finger. For when a simple wave good-bye isn’t enough.
“I Could Pee on This” book – It has a cat on the cover, but I think it covers dogs, too. I wonder if it contains poems about little boys?
Potty Putter golf game – For those long, constipation sessions.
Well, that should get ya’ll started on your shopping list!
Texans trolling the phony “Oilers” from Tennessee on Twitter.
U.S./ Mexico border rail crossings shut down.
Hubby and I were dining out one night when about five families arrived, kids dressed to the nines. I figgered they must’ve come from some church or other formal event. I was impressed that these kids, ranging from very young to young teens, were extremely well behaved. The families were eventually seated in a large room together just before Hubby and I finished our meal. On the way out, I veered off into their room. Hubby looked exasperated and made some kind of noise, but I kept going. I entered their room and interrupted their conversation. Did I mention that… Read more »
We were out for a late lunch at Olive Garden this afternoon and brought home a lot to consume tomorrow. It was the second OG restaurant in our area, with an attentive staff like the first one in Rosenburg and equally good food. We live about halfway between the two locations and have dined in the first one over several years. The second one is likewise a family-friendly place, and amazingly families with small children are doing very well teaching the kids how one acts dining out. Rarely do we hear shrieking little kids in either place as parents get… Read more »
Yeah, reverse is a work in progress for me yet.
I’m going to have to watch myself with the FD meatballs…they made a good snack.
My HEB was blowing out a bag of 8 small honeycrisp apples for $1.72.
I should have bought two.
They’re like candy. But, then, honeycrisps always are.
#72 GJT You may be a real hot rod on that zero turn mower but I bet you don’t look as good on it as I do. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>SCRAAAAM>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 😀
The first meatballs I did took a long time… Next batch I cut half-way thru and they went a little quicker…. I’m not sure where the records from those batches are – I’m still not nearly as organized with such things as “you know who” on u-tube; but much better than I was…
I watched Mark Levin’s show tonight and he made a very good point about Biden’s impeachment. That is that all the grifting and money laundering with our foreign enemies is important but hard for the low information voter to understand connecting all the dots but Biden’s total disregard for the border and willfully keeping it wife open is an easy impeachable article 1, second would be using a half a trillion dollars of tax payers money to pay off student loans with the approval of the House. And third would be financing our enemies; Russia and Iran. Article 4 can… Read more »
Hubby’s never let me on our mower. He loves that thing. So does Handsome Son, which is a good thing. That’s when I usually see him, when Handsome comes to borrow it for his yard.
Pineapple turned out great – 2 quart jars pretty full… It was a pain to cut up – but now that I’ve found that core-er/sectioner I might consider doing more, if I find them on sale. It took 28 hours to get good and dry.
Biden’s motorcade was hit by a car. h/t CFP
The car, a silver copper sedan with Delaware plates being driven by a black man at the wheel appeared to his the SUV that was shielding the motorcade at the intersection across from the entrance of the campaign headquarters.
Well, this is awkward. I guess if it’s a black guy who hates the meat puppet, they’ll slap a MAGA label on him and then it won’t be so awkward.
Yahbut can you go full speed in reverse and in a straight line? I can but that did take me a while. 😉
Hubby came home just in time to help me put my Santa display up. It goes a lot faster when I don’t have to get up and down to unwrap my figures.
Then, since I was making chicken stock, we had chicken vegetable soup for dinner.
Time for Latin. Sum discipula Latinae.
Yes! And with half of our team out with injuries.
Screw you, Ms. Adams. I hope it hurts.
Sounds like the Nashville football team got embarrassed wearing the Luv Ya Blue uniforms. Blasphemy!
Never operated a zero turn mower before, what an awesome machine! Didn’t take long at all and I was zipping around trees doing 360’s everywhere (I have a lot of trees), getting into places I’ve not been able to get to before.
I need a longer straw though. IYKYK. 😀
Riced cauliflower: it looks loads better coming out of Elsa rather than Fred. Cover it with parchment paper, though. It looks I got a little snow flurry inside of Elsa.
Meatballs: Wal-Mart Great Value Italian Meatballs, cut in half, FD nicely. I may have to hide these from myself, since they taste great as a snack.
How’s your pineapple coming?
Considering as how I worked until I was 69 years + 2 months of age, I earned all of my naps after I retired. Actually, I don’t remember now what it was that would change on my 70th birthday — some benefit that I could receive up until that day, but not a single day beyond that point. But it seemed simpler to just not work beyond that point. So, physically I could have worked some number of months longer than I did, and the guys I worked with would have welcomed it, but… I had been waiting for 4-5… Read more »
I just got off the couch, pulled an MHarper and laid down for a nap. No kitties, though. I finished my latest crochet project while at breakfast with Hubby this morning – a very pink baby blanket, round. I tell ya, if it’s a boy that gets wrapped in this thing, it’ll be a girl coming out! Anyway, I was able to donate the blanket and two rosaries at church this morning. That was a good feeling, knowing that some little one will be wrapped up in something special this Christmas. Then I got to hug/kiss ten of “my kids”… Read more »
#66 TP: Agave nectar. I have an idea as to how it will ferment, however, I have no direct experience with it.
The next question is: how to finish? Toasted oak or perhaps carmelized sugar maple wood, or simply right out of the pipe?
Professor Sal has been posting almost daily.
As many expected, Red Sea Convoys are going to happen…
Morning, gang! Sudoku completed w/o errors, still working on my big Sunday coffee, and planning to go run some errands as soon as I finish my breakfast. One destination will be Office Depot on the North Loop, as I am in need of printer ink. I wasn’t sure they were open on Sunday, but I found them online and they will be there till 6 pm, so that’s a lock. Later, y’all!
Well I finally got that bathtub faucet fixed, no more dripping. 😀
65 Bonecrusher
Tired of making whiskey ? What does it take to make Tequila in your garage ?
I have an agave growing in my front flower bed that has decided to sport quite the flower stalk. The top is 8 feet from the ground and it is still growing, the stalk is approx 3″ in diameter where it leaves the plant. I actually got the tape measure out so that I would not overstate its stature or girthiness. It has flower ‘budlets’ coming off the stalk all the way up.
Not something that we see in Houston every day.
Automobile, (not car) Porn; 1960 Pontiac Bonneville Dashboard.
Beautiful! Check out the cigarette lighter to the right of the wheel just left of the ashtray. 😉
Texpat I’ll mention Reform California to my son but he’s hoping to escape from the Peoples Republic of California in a year or so. You never can tell where opportunities will pop up but with the companies growth there are new areas opening up. FWIW; It’s hard to believe that he moved there in the fall of 2019, six months after I retired.
Good morning fellow couch critters. Crystal blue clear sky, very little wind, about 50 degrees and I am cooking up a batch in the garage, with another one waiting. I’ll be at this for most of the day.
Super Dave Reports from the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) show that 716,948 Californians moved to another U.S. state or territory between 2020 and 2021. In that same time, 385,188 Americans moved into California — making California’s net population loss 331,760 residents. And those people took $29 billion in taxable income with them — or $183,737 on average. Meanwhile, those that moved into the state earned much less at $87,000 on average. This outfit seems pretty good and might be of interest to your son on the West Coast. He may very well know about them already. Ordinary citizens from… Read more »
Texpat @ 8:49 AM we can’t wait to see her when she arrives.
BAWHAHAHA!!! Yup, I can even her the boy telling his kids; “close the dang door I’m not air conditioning the whole neighborhood”. 😉
Good morning, my name is Ellie Ruth and I am named after 2 of my great-grandmothers.
I’ll be there in 18 days.
Aw c’mon man, he’d have never heard such a thing!
I can’t imagine he ever heard anything similar growing up LOL. Funny how it goes around.
With both my tractor mower and John Deere rider broke down, and too much going on to fix right either now and four inches of leaves on the ground my son brought his new badazz Bad Boy zero turn mower over last night so I can get the yard did for Christmas. I get to play today, I’m so excited!
Don’t really know what he meant by “Dad it’s got nine hours on it and not a scratch” as he was leaving. 😀
#53 Texanadian, OK, sounds dang cold to me but everything is relative. Just throw another log on the fire. 😉
Pretty darn good for this time of the year. Just above freezing during the day, mid 20’s at night. It has been a terrific fall so far.
I ordered the boy and his bride their Christmas gift, a batch of Texas Tamales and I finally figured out how to use my bonus points. 4220 points = $42 bucks off my $300+ order oh and free shipping of course. They offer free shipping on orders more than $120 and since my order is always close to that and expedited shipping is expensive, I’d be stupid to not get it. BTW; The tamales come frozen solid. BTW; I figure the minimum on “Free Shipping” will go up and I’m surprised it hasn’t already it’s been $120+ ever since I… Read more »
Good morning Texanadian, hows the weather up there?
Oh and Mornin’ Gang
Good morning all y’all. Time for coffee.
C’mon you non-geritol taking geezers.
you’re going to have to do much better than knocking off at 9:34pm.
do I have to carry this place all by myself every Saturday night?
I expect a raise and double the Christmas bonus than the rest of these hosers mr Jersey boss fella.
40 Adee
When I was young and working around cattle and horses, I was the tall, skinny kid with arms long enough who always got drafted to reach into birth canals and free up problems with birthing calves and a colt or two. I have been there.
I’ve finally had to stop reading DrudgeReport.com. I was still trying to pick through the garbage and see if there was anything there worth knowing, but as of tonight I am done.
Bsue – good luck on the pineapple. If it’s anything like my cherries, they’ll take a frustratingly long time to process. I’m never doing cherries again.
But today’s load is strawberries, meatballs, and I’m trying out riced cauliflower to see how it does. RC sucks in Fred, so it’s either fresh or frozen unless Elsa can work some magic.
#40 Adee that’s a great story.
Just like I figured that tropical disturbance is hitting the Big Bend area of Florida so we’re only getting a little rain, .18″ in the last couple of hours.
Texpat @ 4:40 PM My wife has one just like that but it only shoots 3″ 410’s (low pressure 12,000 PSI). The new Rossi is designed to handle the higher 45 Colt pressure about 18,000 PSI. Humm maybe Santa noticed the little Rossi.