Tuesday Open Comments

Enlightening Americans about, well, American Jews is not always easy since the mainstream media loves to distort their positions and opinions and pollsters take huge leaps to describe their voting habits without ever actually surveying their loyalties.

Jews’ outsized presence in the culture, media and as commentators, mostly as leftists, distorts the genuine character of Judaic America.  There are probably more eloquent Jewish voices on the Right than on the Left, but one would never know it being bombarded with the relentless propaganda of elitist dogma in academia and entertainment in the American Public Square.

Listen here to some of my fine Jewish compadres, nearly heartbroken, at The Tablet.  It is not just about Jews for, as the saying goes, Jews are the canary in the coal mine of civilization.

Stop Being Shocked—Once and for All

None of the horrors you are witnessing this week—not the massacre of Jews, not the betrayal by public figures and popular activist movements, not the moral insanity of our universities and cultural spaces—happened by accident.

For the past decade, an elite consensus began to emerge. It was marketed as a worldview of optimism, of progress and justice brought about by the dawning of correct morality. It favored using the power of digital monopolies and elite institutions to reeducate Americans in new and better ways of thinking, writing, speaking, and being.

Many of us at Tablet believed strongly, and still believe, in the possibility of creating a better world. But something bothered us from the very beginning about these ideas, and the people pushing them. Every time we pressed on one of the newly mass-embraced policy proposals or narratives—intersectionality, decolonization studies, the Iran nuclear deal, Russiagate, Black Lives Matter, the Women’s March, critical race theory, COVID lockdowns—a weird thing would happen: The idea itself fell apart at the seams within seconds of contact with reality, and yet its defenders got more sure of themselves, more performatively boastful, more passionate and gleeful about smearing anyone who dared to question them.

and this,

Tablet didn’t wade into the culture wars for its own sake. We did it because we feared we saw an emerging world in which the broad-minded American civic ideals and institutions that had kept us safe for so long were falling apart, which was bad for the country—and also meant that Jews would once again be seen as enemies to be eliminated.

As a result, our archive now looks like the answer to the question faced by so many people this week—namely: What the hell is going on?

Below is a selection from the past five years.

There are 20 links to great columns and articles from the last five years.  

I urge you to read as many as you have time.







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Super Dave
November 21, 2023 8:52 pm

Well I brined my turkey this morning and since Sister happened to be here after helping my wife spend money she helped me with getting the dang thing bagged up. FWIW: She was impressed with the ingredients in the brine.

Super Dave
November 21, 2023 8:49 pm

Dang, I just realized that I’ve been A.W.O.L. all day! SO!

Mornin’ Gang,…..Afternoon? Evening?    😀

Super Dave
November 21, 2023 8:47 pm

“You (meaning we) do understand how Austin (nee: Washington) works.”

Yup, that says it all.  ~SIGH~

Oh and remember that after Dan P_atrick got to Austin he said that the State Legislature was a full time job and Texas needed to change the constitution so the lawmakers would meet every year and for the whole year!

Yeh right. ~SPITS~

November 21, 2023 7:27 pm

I wasn’t aware that Biden installed a new CDC director over the summer. She was on the boob-tube this morning as I walked by.

I’m less than impressed. I don’t think a Friendly-Mom type is going to save the agency’s reputation.

The Raleigh newspaper featured a recent WaPo article about this woman.

November 21, 2023 4:44 pm

I’m typing in “MORNING, Y’ALL” again because around noon I laid down on my bed again, thinking a short nap would feel good. Apparently IT DID — feel good, that is… and 3 cats joined me… and the nap timer was acting like its job was to give me another hour or two… It sure was warm and comfy under… Read more »

Dr phil Good-E=1984
November 21, 2023 3:36 pm

Their motto….

Dr phil Good-E=1984
November 21, 2023 3:17 pm

Never surrender. – Winston Churchill the Kentucky Swamp Turtle shell of the eCan’ts party never got that memo. they’re motto is when the going gets tough phluck your voters and vote with the totalitariancrats.-Every time. and when your country is being invaded like never before, always surrender but make sure and collect as much laundered foreign war blood money for… Read more »

November 21, 2023 1:28 pm

Texpat – don’t know if you’re interested in this substack article, but here it is: https://wmcresearch.substack.com/p/spike-protein-denervation-an-important?publication_id=770713&post_id=139035326&isFreemail=true&r=pn3fy I have long maintained that Myocarditis alone cannot account for the dramatic increase in Sudden Cardiac Deaths since the appearance of COVID and its mRNA vaccines. I now submit proof that the Spike Protein induces denervation, which, of course, can have fatal consequences when… Read more »

November 21, 2023 1:11 pm

Tedtam Popping back in – wow! what a hornet’s nest! I guess I get where Childers is coming from: Yeah and so do I.  We who complain need to shut up for the sake of party unity.  That is Childers’ target, party unity.  That is precisely where he is headed.  We should shut up and that will give thge republicans… Read more »

November 21, 2023 12:41 pm

Texpat – I’ve been catching those two headlines and lightly skimming those stories with hope that the tide may finally be turning.

November 21, 2023 12:09 pm

Never surrender.
– Winston Churchill


November 21, 2023 12:07 pm

Morning, gang. I sat outside with Billy Cat while he ate his breakfast. I didn’t much care for the cold wind that was twirling the trees around, so I was glad to get back inside. He has settled himself into the plants growing on the east side of the garage, and looks to be asleep there. I made a long… Read more »

November 21, 2023 11:59 am

Air Force tells their members that they shouldn’t exercise their First Amendment rights by attending a Turning Point event: The text message to members at Minot Air Force Base warned “that participation with groups such as Turning Point Action could jeopardize their continued service in the U.S. military.“ Reached for comment by Fox News Digital, a spokesperson for Turning Point Action… Read more »

November 21, 2023 11:56 am

Popping back in – wow! what a hornet’s nest! I guess I get where Childers is coming from: Bad guys in office (both parties)? Sure, you bet. Republicans failed, often?  Sure, you bet. R’s failure allowed dangerous Dems to have their way with our government? Sure, you bet. Should be allowed to be angry, disgusted, and disappointed? Sure, you bet.… Read more »

November 21, 2023 11:46 am

Musk goes thermonuclear on the Soros-backed Media Matters. Here’s hoping that he crushes them like the roaches they are.

The allegations in the lawsuit are explained here.

November 21, 2023 11:18 am

The Weather Guessers said it would be windy today, mid 50s, and overcast.  Thus far that is correct on all counts, the wind being the winner of the lot.  Leaves already on the ground are getting picked up and blown someplace else.  Leaves departing trees swirl about before landing somewhere at the whim of the wind. Trees sway gracefully most… Read more »

November 21, 2023 11:14 am

People gripe about candidates because they do not do anything.  I am prolly one of the biggest pessimistic optimist cynics you have ever come across but I ain’t looking for Superhombre. to save us.  Now there are those that do.  Frankly Childers sounds to me like his has a bone in his craw about people complaining at all. It isn’t… Read more »

Dr phil Good-E=1984
November 21, 2023 10:56 am

The real reason people act cynical about candidates “not doing anything” or being WEFFED-up or being moles or RINOs or whatever, is because those cynical people harbor a childlike belief in the Superman theory of politics. They’re hoping a political Superman will fly in and save them. And every time the next person they thought would be Superman fails to actually be Superman, they… Read more »

November 21, 2023 10:03 am

KILL SUPERMAN ☙ Tuesday, November 21, 2023 ☙ C&C NEWS Childers starts with a welcome observation: the lack of “we’re all gonna DIIIEEEE!”  or “you’re gonna kill Grandma!” without jabs freshly jabbed, or masks not firmly in place. Yeah, me too. Enjoy your Thanksgiving gatherings with joy and highly visible smiles!  He mentions that half-hearted CDC attempt to get folks… Read more »

November 21, 2023 9:28 am

November 21, 2023 7:29 am

Trying to wake up here, but hearing the news that Paxton is suing Pfizer, et al, and Media Matters, sure made waking up a little better.

November 21, 2023 6:58 am

Today is Tuesday, but for me it is like a Friday before a long weekend; our office is closed Wed, Thurs, and Fri., so after today I am off till next Monday. re: O/C: All the people ‘standing with the palis’ are outing themselves as ‘goats.’  In the End Times there will be a great separation: God’s people and those… Read more »