Tuesday’s Strategic War Planning Open Commentary

Walker Percy is one of the more celebrated American novelists of the late 20th century.  One novel he wrote was titled Lancelot in which the protagonist is named Lamar A. Lancelot.  He is a convicted murderer of his wife and a summary of his fictional life is here.

The pseudonym adopted for the following two part essay is the same Lamar A. Lancelot.  He is a former high level and recognizable official in the Trump administration with many important things to say about how a future Trump administration might succeed or miserably fail.

This is no bulls**t important advice.

People can whine and bitch about useless congressmen and senators who have virtually no statutory or police powers and bitch about arrogant bureaucrats protected by ancient civil service laws and regulations, but there are only certain options a contrarian chief executive like Trump will have and he had better be aware of them.  The system has been modified and rigged against him and should he win again the lynching parties are going to be ready and waiting.

Irregular Order, Part I

What it will take to break the Deep State.

Happily, those preparing for the next America First administration understand how the lack of appropriate appointees weakened the Trump Administration. They are identifying and preparing a corps of “politicals” to drive implementation of the next America First president’s program. This effort is necessary and worthy of our support. However, we must recognize its limits.


Quantity has a quality all its own. First, we face a profound problem of numbers. Even if the next America First administration finds high-quality politicals for all of the approximately 8,000 appointed positions that exist now, plus the approximately 50,000 identified in the “Schedule F” initiative, this relatively small cadre will oversee hundreds of thousands of career “feds” who can obstruct the president’s program, whether through active “Resistance” or simple foot-dragging. As we sawduring the Trump Administration, politicals cannot trust anything this bureaucratic host does—everything must be questioned, double-checked, and re-written. Sustaining this level of vigilance can wear down even the strongest among us.

a further part of the problem,

The part of the iceberg under the water. Even our analysis above does not fully convey the scope of the problem, because it does not consider the network of external ally and client entities with which the formal bureaucracy shares “governance” and through which it actually does much of what offends America First. This network includes state and local governments; “non-governmental” organizations, certain charities, and other “civil society” groups; labor unions, trade associations, and pressure groups; consultants, contractors, and other “implementing partners”; international and multilateral organizations; and academic institutions and think tanks.

and the first step of the solution,

Target the bureaucracy’s weakness. Happily, such approaches remain possible, if difficult to pursue, because the bureaucracy has a critical vulnerability: it has not yet discovered a generally-applicable way to fund itself and its clients without the intervention of Congress and the White House. The next America First administration must exploit this. Cutting off funding for whole offices, bureaus, programs, and activities would eliminate them at a stroke—sparing politicals from the procedural minutiae and litigation involved in firing individual feds or ending individual programs, while also starving the bureaucracy’s external clients.

The author not only provides solutions to the Deep State Leviathan, but he also explains all the naive assumptions about curing these problems and fighting the obstinate jackasses that have consumed and defeated Trump, past presidents and well-intentioned politicians.

Simply nominating great Cabinet members and other agency directors will not cut it.  The old adage about “Personnel is Policy” helps, but it is no longer the whole solution.

Irregular Order, Part II

In part I, we explored why America First cannot put its hopes in personnel alone; why we also need “irregular order” that exploits Deep State weakness; and “force multiplier” techniques for a relatively small cadre of America First political personnel.

Now we turn to the irregular order approaches themselves. All three use the bureaucracy’s critical vulnerability—funding—but at different points in the government funding process. None will be easy to execute. But any would be preferable to the status quo, where the Constitution’s Appropriations Clause has been reduced to an annual ritual of humiliation for the political branches of government.

These three approaches need not be used in the order presented below; rather, they could be used in a sequence or combined in a hybrid approach—e.g., constitutional impoundment for agencies that are amenable and soft impoundment for those that are not. Ultimately, however, “how” and “when” are questions of prudence for those who will pay the price and reap the rewards of irregular order.

Please read the whole thing.





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November 7, 2023 10:01 pm

Ohio number 1 passes, allowing baby killing.

November 7, 2023 9:46 pm

It looks like Texans are voting down the proposition that would allow District judges to serve beyond the age of 75…..to 79.

Dr phil Good-E=1984
November 7, 2023 9:46 pm

one fact I’ll always believe in is never believe a fact checker.

Dr phil Good-E=1984
November 7, 2023 9:41 pm

The first ballots/machines didn’t even arrive at one the six drop off points until after 8:30.

the fish is already stinking.

November 7, 2023 9:33 pm

Shannon – the judge likes to post images of his naked torso at the gym, then post them to his alumni website.

I saw the pics.


It’s like the Wiener pics, just higher.

November 7, 2023 9:33 pm

Whitmire may be ahead, but only 2% of today’s ballots have been counted.

The first ballots/machines didn’t even arrive at one the six drop off points until after 8:30.

November 7, 2023 9:31 pm

My wife was afraid of the dark… then she saw me naked and now she’s afraid of the light.

Rodney Dangerfield
November 7, 2023 9:22 pm


I’m just going to turn off internet until tomorrow.

Because regardless of my low opinion of Trump or the judge, I don’t believe either posted semi-nude photos of themselves or of each other in high school.

Dr phil Good-E=1984
November 7, 2023 9:15 pm

Kentucky Gov. race already called. The Democrat incumbent won reelection. All about abortion.

“we have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics,” the wooden dummy

The Kentucky Swamp Turtle will be so happy about that result he’ll probably eat several more pieces of swamp lettuce tonight.

November 7, 2023 9:11 pm

But she’ll find a way to blame it on MAGA Republicans.

November 7, 2023 9:10 pm

And She-Jack is in second place, set for a runoff.  Wouldn’t it be sweet to her get beaten?

November 7, 2023 9:10 pm

It wasn’t Trump taking selfies.  It was the judge hearing his case.

November 7, 2023 9:04 pm

Kentucky Gov. race already called. The Democrat incumbent won reelection. All about abortion.

Dr phil Good-E=1984
November 7, 2023 8:57 pm

55 unck

thought you was quoting an article.

November 7, 2023 8:56 pm

the kangaroo court over Donald Trump’s business posting bizarre semi-nude selfies of himself on his high school alumni website

Say what?


November 7, 2023 8:50 pm

When I was a youngster in Austin County, they always said don’t cross the Brazos River into Waller County after dark because you never know what those cops over there will do to outsiders, if you what I mean, son.

They pretty much just pick on the Prairie View residents these days. 😀

November 7, 2023 8:48 pm


But Daddy phil,

I did say that Federal law prevented….

Dr phil Good-E=1984
November 7, 2023 8:43 pm

It is all over y’all.  The Jardiance woman just sang.  Somehow I cannot see her pole dancing.

texpat’s whole lotta girl in blue.

November 7, 2023 8:35 pm

It ain’t over till the Jardiance Woman sings.
It is all over y’all.  The Jardiance woman just sang.  Somehow I cannot see her pole dancing.

Super Dave
November 7, 2023 8:19 pm

As for supper, I came in late and fixed me a couple of chicken sammaches from the leftover Publix baked chicken carcass. When my wife finally got off the phone with her San Leon buddy she had leftover refried beans and guacamole with chips. I’ll be chipping up a big pile of privet hedge in the morning. I’ve already got… Read more »

Super Dave
November 7, 2023 8:13 pm

I’ve tried to convince him for years to add more more pork. 50/50 just doesn’t cut it with elk.

I’ve always went with 60-40 for venison sausage and Summer Sausage but the guy in Clayhatchee makes regular sausage 50-50 but Summer Sausage 100% deer meat and it is dang good. El Gordo says it’s the best he’s ever had.  😉

November 7, 2023 8:09 pm


Give her highness a hug for me.  Yanno a platonic one.  I ain’t taking an a$$ whooping form you or her.

It does just seem to be getting weirder all the time in the world.

November 7, 2023 8:06 pm


Dang it man I was gonna change my attitude toward pickle ball and then you summarily dashed my short lived enthusiasm..

Dr phil Good-E=1984
November 7, 2023 8:04 pm

Uncklo says Though a bill hasn’t made it to the Governor’s desk, both the Texas House and Senate have passed bills in recent years to keep Texas permanently on Daylight Saving Time. Unfortunately, even with a bill signed into law by a Texas Governor, uncklo didn’t say…Federal law lets states exempt themselves from observing daylight saving time — meaning they… Read more »

November 7, 2023 7:49 pm

If I have to fight then I am going to fight for something I believe in.

November 7, 2023 7:47 pm

Couldn’t sway lib neighbor to go vote, probably not even registered. He don’t care I’m liking the guy more and more.  Skip the vote 2023-2024 And I am still gonna complain.  I looked at the Constitution again and no where does it say I lose my right to speak if I do not vote, redress Congress or anything like that.… Read more »

November 7, 2023 7:22 pm

Early voting returns have all Amendments passing.

November 7, 2023 7:14 pm


Cooking up a smoked Elk sausage from a friend.

I’ve tried to convince him for years to add more more pork. 50/50 just doesn’t cut it with elk.

Hard headed SOB. Gonna spend all that money hunting in the high country, only to pinch pennies on processing?


November 7, 2023 6:54 pm

Stupid, Unregistered Libs are the ones I can stand.


November 7, 2023 6:51 pm

Will be watching the Virginia State legislature vote closely.


November 7, 2023 6:42 pm

Couldn’t sway lib neighbor to go vote, probably not even registered. He don’t care MSNBC hasn’t told him to care about it.

November 7, 2023 6:40 pm

I voted back on the 2nd day of early voting. Those property tax Amendments need to be passed.

If we can’t get enough Texans out to vote for that, we’re doomed anyway.

November 7, 2023 6:40 pm

I’m still without mower, John Deere rider needs engine work and tractor needs spindle bearings and belt. Grass is not too bad but sure would like to cut it. Think I’m up to starting on the rider but won’t beat the rain I don’t believe. But maybe….

November 7, 2023 6:36 pm

Our voting place was the Cowboy Church on 1488 between here and Fields Store. Went in about noon and it was pretty busy, I think there were about nine machines and we were about sixth in line.

November 7, 2023 6:20 pm

If you need to mow, now is the time. Wet and chilly predicted for at least 5 days starting Friday.

November 7, 2023 6:05 pm

Adee Though a bill hasn’t made it to the Governor’s desk, both the Texas House and Senate have passed bills in recent years to keep Texas permanently on Daylight Saving Time. Unfortunately, even with a bill signed into law by a Texas Governor, Federal law lets states exempt themselves from observing daylight saving time — meaning they remain on standard… Read more »

November 7, 2023 5:44 pm

Sunset is complete now as darkness moves in at 5:45PM.  That shock hangs on for quite a while after Daylight Time shifts back to Real Time.  Ugh.

November 7, 2023 5:42 pm

Eighteen sorry candidates for Houston Mayor failed to generate any real excitement.

November 7, 2023 4:36 pm


Don’t waste your time on veggie stock. There not enough left on my trays to save.

Lesson learned.

November 7, 2023 4:28 pm

We voted early and went to our usual polling place in a Richmond middle school near us in Pecan Grove.  It was in early afternoon, and the room was empty except for us and the poll workers until one lady arrived just as we were leaving.  Most of the cars in the parking lot belonged to school staff and election… Read more »

November 7, 2023 2:09 pm

I looked at the voting sites in my Near NW part of Houston yesterday, and was startled to see that some nearby schools that I’ve used in recent years were not listed at all for this election. I saw a middle school that I was totally unaware of, only 2-3 blocks off Antoine which I am on several times a… Read more »

November 7, 2023 2:07 pm

Texpat I don’t remember ever saying those mass cancellations were normal. I looked, twernt yew. My bad.  I’ll leave that right here and move along. Anyway this disaster has been in the making for a couple years now.  We are in a deep recession if not depression but won’t have it officially told us till it is so deep the… Read more »

November 7, 2023 1:40 pm

The next crash will take out the big regional banks because they are the most leveraged into CRE.

Agreed, and within minutes of reading your post I read this:


There’s a lot about ZH to not like, but they get a lot right too.