Monday Not Freedom Open Comments

Are we really free?

Paul Craig Roberts: ‘It is no longer correct to refer to any Western government as democratic: Every Western government is a budding tyranny’

Paul Craig Roberts is the esteemed chairman of the Institute for Political Economy, an economist, educator and former assistant secretary of the Treasury under President Ronald Reagan. He authored an essay on October 30, 2023, in which he declared it’s is no longer correct to refer to the Western nations as “free.”


My question is, why do the bulk of Americans, Canadians, Brits, Germans, Frenchmen, Italians and Australians still believe they are free? Are they so influenced by their educational indoctrination, their pampered upbringing and the media gaslighting that they have lost touch with reality?

Do they perhaps know they are not free but just don’t care, having long since been stripped of any ability to feel the joys of freedom by the nihilistic nature of today’s society?

Maybe they, as Aldous Huxley suggested, have learned to enjoy their enslavement in the modern technocratic society, where there are plenty of bread and circuses to keep their minds off the unpleasant nature of their existence.


Yes, we at least still have the 2nd Amendment in America and that is a good thing. But how real is the freedom to “keep and bear arms” when the ATF is constantly looking for sneaky new ways to water down that freedom by creating “rules” out of thin air? These rules usually get challenged in court, then take years to wind through the legal system (the ban on pistol braces is a good example of this).

In the meantime, states are banning all sorts of weapons that were previously allowed. The state of Illinois recently banned an assortment of semi-automatic rifles. The very fact that I have to use the word “allowed,” shows you the 2nd Amendment is largely a fiction, not a reality….


It sounds ridiculous to say, but it is a fact:  the era of freedom in the West is over.  The false flag attack, 9/11, was used to launch the neoconseratives’ wars in Israel’s behalf in the Middle East.  More importantly, fear of “Muslim terrorists” was used to set aside constitutional protections such as habeas corpus and due process and to implement other inroads into  liberty such as the Patriot Act and the mass warrantless NSA spying on US citizens.  Today you can be arrested in Germany, France, and the UK for waving a Palestinian flag.  In the US the exercise of free speech gets you cancelled and fired.  Only approved opinions can be safely stated.  The facts simply do not matter.  Official narratives have triumphed over truth.


In the US it is not only Democrats calling for more censorship and suppression of the First Amendment.  … The Democrat Left and Republican Right now agree that free speech needs to be reined in, that it can make people uncomfortable, feel threatened, and spread misinformation by departing from official explanations. ….

The current restrictions on the First Amendment began with “political correctness” in the universities. …

The orchestrated Covid pandemic brought national censorship.  The Covid narrative could not be challenged,… The facts did not matter.  Inexpensive preventatives and cures–Ivermectin and HCQ–were prohibited from being used.  Consequently, Big Pharma made billions of dollars from a “vaccine” that did not prevent Covid …

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, the distinguished German human rights activist, has led a large group of medical scientists and attorneys for several years preparing a lawsuit in behalf of the millions of people who died or were injured as a result of the Covid “vaccine.” …

Efforts to discredit and to silence Dr Fuellmich were soon underway. A judge convicted him last May of insulting people and ordered  him to pay a large sum that was reduced to 2,100 euros.  Thus, the German court established the principle that free speech can be insulting and punished.

While traveling with his wife in Mexico, their passports were lost or stolen.  … Fuellmich was kidnapped by the German government and flown to Germany and imprisoned.  …

But Western governments are no longer accountable and can bring all the fraudulent indictments that they wish even against the President of the United States.  The purpose of this one seems to be to discredit Fuellmich and prevent his lawsuit from going forward….


And that is why Dinesh made his “Police State” film:



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November 6, 2023 9:57 pm

20 Squawk I’ve been terrified about the West Bank forever and the deadly attacks have been a steady stream, but I’ve been worried about a wholesale attack like what happened near Gaza.  The only deterrent is they live around and among Jewish villages and compounds.  It’s not like Gaza and they have no place to run to like the Gaza… Read more »

Super Dave
November 6, 2023 7:53 pm

BTW; This is going to be the third week of great weather for working outside and I’m trying to make the best of it before it gets colder for good. I can get a lot more done with highs near 80 than 100. 😉

Super Dave
November 6, 2023 7:51 pm

BTW; GJT, I hope you get better soon it seems that things got messed up right after you retired.

Super Dave
November 6, 2023 7:50 pm

Well I had a productive day. I got the big brush pile beside the little pond moved, it took most of the day but I got it done. I had to use the chain saw a lot to whack up the bigger pieces so I could move them. I worked for almost 7 hours straight but that was it, I… Read more »

Dr phil Good-E=1984
November 6, 2023 7:23 pm


that too, squawka Bruddah.

November 6, 2023 6:52 pm

Getting ready for tomorrow — I never go and vote early. I was looking at an online map of voting sites in NW Houston, and quickly realized that there are a slew of new ones close to me. And yet, several — schools, mostly — that I have voted at the last several years are not on the current online… Read more »

November 6, 2023 6:39 pm

GJT doesn’t take much to get winded. Aggravating to waste this weather getting things done that were put off due to heat waves I feel your pain man.  I have been battling COPD and emphysema for years.  You will adapt and overcome like I have.  I keep an eye on Super Dave.  He seems to come up with ways and… Read more »

November 6, 2023 6:17 pm

How’re you doing, GJT?

Doing much better but slow. Oxygen levels up to 95 consistently now, but doesn’t take much to get winded. Aggravating to waste this weather getting things done that were put off due to heat waves this year.

Thanks for axing.

November 6, 2023 5:54 pm

better than Reagan who signed the disastrous 1986 amnesty bill.

better than Reagan who bugged out after the Marine Corps barracks attack in Beirut, Lebanon

November 6, 2023 5:52 pm

The Caroline Glick Show In-Focus

/Not my headline.

Dr phil Good-E=1984
November 6, 2023 5:29 pm

Tyson is recalling their dinosaur-shaped chicken nuggets.

News you can use, Dr phil.

Any of them shaped like Barney, uncklo?

Dr phil Good-E=1984
November 6, 2023 5:23 pm

Trump got more done in 4 years, even with all the opposition from the sans a belt slack, joined at the hip Vampyre parties and 4 straight years of propagandist press Russian hoax lies, than the Kentucky Swamp Turtle wing of the party has ever achieved in 40 years other than enriching themselves.

I’ll never vote for an eCan’t again.

November 6, 2023 5:22 pm

Tyson is recalling their dinosaur-shaped chicken nuggets.

News you can use, Dr phil.

November 6, 2023 5:20 pm

How’re you doing, GJT?

Dr phil Good-E=1984
November 6, 2023 5:08 pm

Love Trump and his personality. best president in my lifetime. better than Reagan who signed the disastrous 1986 amnesty bill. Trump’s a fighter who loves the country unlike the sans a belt slack, eCan’t Vampyres that have raped, plundered and sucked on so much blood money for decades that the US no longer exists as a sovereign country. The eCan’ts… Read more »

November 6, 2023 5:02 pm

Tedtam – sorry for the delay but I just now saw your message. Nope – no email. Sent a text with my email addy in case there was something missing somewhere.

November 6, 2023 2:58 pm
November 6, 2023 1:02 pm

Tulane has always been a hotbed of leftist nonsense in increasingly conservative Louisiana so this came as encouraging news. After three weeks of gingerly crafted word salad emanating from American universities, the response of Tulane University president Michael Fitts to a “Free Palestine” protest-turned-riot that injured at least one pro-Israel student counter-protester and two other students was marvelously clear: he… Read more »

November 6, 2023 12:11 pm

Just noticed the mantel clock proclaims it to be November 6, a Thursday. So no telling what year it thinks it is. That clock is kerflunkt.

It’s been on the mantel for about 20 years and has only just now messed up, so it did have a pretty good run…


November 6, 2023 12:04 pm

Biden. Trump.

The Dems have their tar baby.

And we have ours.

November 6, 2023 11:47 am

Truth 1 / Fake Feminism 0 Remember when the trendy MeToo movement promoted by all the celebrity women fell apart when it was revealed they only wanted to persecute and prosecute men who of no use to them and yet protect the men who could further their careers.  The investigations began to swerve too close to the sordid pasts of… Read more »

November 6, 2023 11:04 am

Morning, gang! What time is it, anyway? I reset all the downstairs clocks by hand, aside from the one and only “connected” clock above the fireplace mantel. It gets its time information by microwave from somewhere in Colorado. Or anyway, it used to. When I got up on Sunday, it was running through a sequence of seconds, which I assumed… Read more »

November 6, 2023 9:40 am

I voted for Donald Trump twice, the first time because Hillary was running and the second time because he had proven himself in office. I never voted for him because I liked him personally.   In all facets if life the person we like the most is frequently not the best suited for the particular job. A grumpy, big, mean,… Read more »

November 6, 2023 9:24 am

Tedtam @ 8:26 AM That’s Trump.  You can hate him all you want, but the dude knows how to get things done.  That’s my humble opinion.  I’ll vote on ability and ideology, but I try not to let personal feelings get in the way of my election votes. I have said it here before.  Unfortunately, it took until my early-40s… Read more »

November 6, 2023 8:59 am

I completely agree with Paul Craig Roberts about the loss of freedom in America and other places. However… I started reading Paul Craig Roberts back in the 1980s in the Conservative Chronicle publication on newsprint, long before the advent of the internet.  He wrote almost exclusively about monetary and economic policies and was spreading the alarm back then about the… Read more »

Super Dave
November 6, 2023 8:51 am

Bones What really astounds me is that any Jew would vote D?!? I’ve asked that question before but I’ve never received a definitive answer. It certainly doesn’t make any sense. I’ve been watching the White House Eunuch trying to get a “Cease Fire” while not calling it that. This is of course to appease all the left-wing lunatics that are… Read more »

November 6, 2023 8:35 am

#2 SD:  What really astounds me is that any Jew would vote D?!?  Why can’t the average Jew see that leftism and antisemitism go hand in glove now and always has?  Remember that the NAZIs were National Socialists.  Now that the fig leaf has been torn away from the ugly region, that the D party stands for Jew hate and… Read more »

Super Dave
November 6, 2023 8:12 am

Is anyone besides me concerned with all the Antisemitism being bred on college campuses? I can’t say I’m surprised it exists but I am a little surprised at the magnitude of it and the flagrant ignoring of Hamas’ role in the genocide of the Jewish people.

Super Dave
November 6, 2023 7:59 am

Wow! Where is everyone? Me? I’m out-standing in my field. 😀 Been up since 4, not used to the new time yet but haven’t dropped in to see what’s going on. Apparently nothing but that’ll change. It sure is a pretty day here, expected to hit the low 80’s so I’m going to get a lot done this week before… Read more »