Wednesday Hell On Wheels Israeli Women Open Comments

Lt.-Col. Or Ben-Yehud

Squad of female IDF combat troops eliminated nearly 100 Hamas terrorist

Only a few have had the chance to witness the extraordinary actions of the Caracal Battalion during their battle against Hamas terrorists.

Lt.-Col. Or Ben-Yehuda, the commander of this unit, now recounts her experiences in the southern Gaza Strip, where her battalion eliminated approximately 100 terrorists. She also has a clear message for those who question the capabilities of female fighters in the Caracal (Desert Lynx) and Tank Battalion.

As the assault on the Gaza border area began, Ben-Yehuda swiftly moved from the battalion headquarters in Nahal Raviv to a post on the Egyptian border with armored personnel carriers. Rockets were raining down, and warnings arrived regarding potential terrorist infiltration in the Shlomit and Bnei Netzer towns.


For nearly four hours, terrorists attempted to outflank Ben-Yehuda and her team, engaging them in firefights. More vans arrived, but the Caracal Battalion commander effectively thwarted them. Additional Light Anti-Armor Weapon (LAW) missiles were launched, further eliminating terrorists: Some were killed, and others retreated.

Despite wounds to some of her soldiers, they persevered.

After hours of intense combat, soldiers from the Shayetet (flotilla) 13 Navy Special Forces unit arrived to clear the base of terrorists. Drones were launched to assist them. The firefights continued, and wounded soldiers were evacuated. They remained at the base for a total of 14 hours until it was fully secured.

This is an incredible story.  I never agreed with the proposition women should enter into combat.  I could make small concessions for a tiny nation like Israel, but the horror of a nation sending their women into harm’s way has always been beyond the pale for me.

Maybe I’ll change my mind…a little.

May God bless them and keep them.






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Dr phil Good-E=1984
October 25, 2023 9:53 pm

Brought to you by Spyzar.

October 25, 2023 8:13 pm

Re: Newsom

If the Dems had any sense at all they would cut bait and get Newsom nominated. Maybe contract with Arkancide to off one of the people in the way.

The guy will beat any of the Republicans.


October 25, 2023 7:57 pm

I’ve missed Steve Inman. I need a new source for him.

October 25, 2023 7:50 pm

No rain here yet but plenty of clouds around holding something. A wonderful sunset played peek-aboo with the clouds.  Tonight it was pitch dark at 7, and we get closer and closer to earlier nightfall.  Losing daylight time will hurry that along.  Playing games with the sun twice a year is bothersome.

October 25, 2023 7:14 pm

If y’all liked the car-keying perp getting his just desserts earlier, here’s a Steve Inman narrated video of a “beatdown buffet”.

Some questionable language and lots of well deserved violence.

Once the tide started turning, the whole store got in on the rehabilitation efforts.  It cracked me up that one dude was wearing the robber’s motorcycle helmet while he delivered his own beat down.

October 25, 2023 6:35 pm

I heard Johnson’s speech today, and it sounds promising.  But this is Washington, and right now TPTB are just determining which screws to tighten.

We shall see.

October 25, 2023 5:52 pm

#25  Bonecrusher

Speaker Johnson certainly must have made the lefties’ heads explode with his inaugural speech today.  He sounded very Reaganesque.   A wonderful surprise.  There were and are conservatives, and then there was Ronald Reagan to lead the charge.  I heard his speeches in real time, not archival recordings. 🙂

Dr phil Good-E=1984
October 25, 2023 4:11 pm

Even McCarthy sent several substantial funding bills for border protection and every single one was killed by Schumer.

mcLuntz knew they would fail.
it’s all part of the shell game.

pull all funding for Ukraine and shut down the government until the border is shutdown.

but they won’t.

October 25, 2023 3:53 pm

#28 Praises be!!!!!

October 25, 2023 3:36 pm

I made it through a major shopping trip without crutches.


October 25, 2023 2:16 pm

#17 Tedtam I went out with a short shopping list for Kroger essentials. Noticed the sky looked like I would get wet before I got home. Took me maybe 15 minutes to traverse that huge store and get what I needed, including 5 large bags of critter chow. Got my cart out into the parking area and unloaded into the trunk of the car. Just as I put the key into the ignition, tiny drops of rain began to patter on the windshield. That continued until I was only a few blocks from home, so then I stayed dry while… Read more »

October 25, 2023 2:11 pm

Bones, AMEN… maybe that’ll make up for the news blurb I heard on the way back from the vet’s office just a few minutes ago that said that Bibi has agreed to postpone the clearing out of Gaza at the Scarecrow in the Oval Office’s request so that US has time to make sure OUR rockets are ready HERE…

October 25, 2023 2:04 pm

Here’s to praying that SPEAKER Johnson will make the lefties empty heads asplode.

October 25, 2023 1:41 pm

#23 Squawk,


October 25, 2023 1:19 pm

And now message from our sponsor. Do you need a Johnson.  Is your Johnson broke or damaged?  Is your Johnson worn out?  Well come on down to Johnson Supply.  We have the right Johnson for whatever your needs are. Just need a replacement part for your Johnson?  We carry a full line of replacement parts to upgrade your older Johnson bringing it into the 21st century.  Our Johnsons come in all sizes, shapes, textures  and colors.  Forget about Amazon or the big cyber stores we personally handle all our customer’s Johnsons.  Congress just got a brand new Johnson from Johnson… Read more »

Dr phil Good-E=1984
October 25, 2023 1:12 pm

Has anyone ever heard Mitch the stenchy Kentucky swamp turtle ever say the most important thing going on right now is the destruction of the US border and of our language and our culture?




Dr phil Good-E=1984
October 25, 2023 1:09 pm

We got a Speaker and his name is Johnson, but it’s just not me. well you can call him Ray and you can call him jay or you can call him Johnny or you can call him sonny or you can call him Juney or you can call him rj or you can call him rjj or you can call him rjj jr and pretty soon I’m sure you’ll be able to call him just another eCan’t co-opted rino. or you can call on 100 billion to Ukraine or you can call on 200 billion to Ukraine or you can… Read more »

October 25, 2023 12:28 pm


Yeah yanno she is going to say someone tole her Lee P endorsed her.  That woman told a bald faced lie and got caught.  Too funny.  Lee P went up one tick on my like meter.

October 25, 2023 12:08 pm

Could not have happened to a nicer person

Sheila Jackson Lee announces endorsement from former mayor. He denies it.

The controversy surrounding Houston mayoral candidate U.S. Rep. Sheila Jackson Leecontinues after she announced an endorsement from former Houston Mayor Lee Brown. The problem is, he claims he never endorsed her. In fact, he doubled down on his support of Jackson Lee’s opponent, State Sen. John Whitmire.

I did not find where anyone else posted this

October 25, 2023 11:34 am

The Chron is late again today, and it seems to be late or not delivered at all almost more than it is delivered properly.  Spouse keeps sending nastygrams, and I think he should start including the comment that the next time it doesn’t arrive at all or the late deliveries total more than 2 we will cancel the subscription.  The Chron continues to shrink more other than Wednesdays and Sundays that are larger but carry more ads.  Some days  our Fort Bend Herald is larger than the Chron…. The Chron’s problem is some upper-level management seem to be people who… Read more »

October 25, 2023 11:19 am

Hubby should be in Texas by now.  He was approaching Little Rock when we talked earlier, and he was looking for Texarkana signs.  He said he slept better than he thought he would, courtesy of the bench seat.

I’m heading out to vote and get some errands done before that darkening sky overhead decides to pee on me.

October 25, 2023 11:03 am


Izzit worng for me to watch that vidiot and enjoy it so much?

October 25, 2023 10:40 am

This guy screwed with the wrong car.

White guy beats the crap out of a black guy that deserved everything he got.  White guy arrested for assault.  End of episode one.  Episode two:  BLM gets involved and burns down the city.  Episode 3 Black guy has streets named after him, meets with president receives presidential award, statues erected in his honor.  White guy sentenced to 20 years in jail.  THE END

October 25, 2023 10:09 am

#13 TT:  The little terd that keyed the car needed to get the crap beat out of him.  Perhaps if his mom had done that a few times when he was little, he would not have keyed that car or any other in the first place.

Personally, I think they pulled the car owner off too soon.

October 25, 2023 10:02 am
October 25, 2023 9:59 am

Stories that make me /snuffle snort!/.  Reality strikes! National Review ran a very encouraging story yesterday headlined, “D.C. Mayor Introduces ‘Commonsense’ Legislation to Tackle Rising Crime.” Get this: they are re-funding the police. /snip … “We have to reverse the policy environment in the city that, quite frankly, went haywire in the last three years,” Bowser explained. Note the passive voice. The policy environment went haywire. Not anybody in particular. The article explained that Bowser’s anti-crime package, called the “Addressing Crime Trends (ACT) Now” Act, or the ACT Act, will: curb organized retail theft, address loitering around open-air drug markets, and get… Read more »

October 25, 2023 9:56 am

From the Suddenly & Unexpectedly Department, cyclist (fitness, anyone?) #8 has passed away or retired due to cardiac issues this year. In his sleep.  IIRC, from one of the scientific studies referenced recently, something happens during the sleep cycle that seems to set off these nighttime heart attacks.

Prayers of comfort and peace to the loved ones.

October 25, 2023 9:52 am

Georgia vs. Trump I’m looking forward to Childers’ legal mind breaking this down for me. I promised to weigh in on the mounting plea deals in the Fani “Fanny” Willis Georgia state  elections interference case. Is this something good? It is bad? Are lawyers starting to “flip” on Trump? Is it The End? Answer: Sort of, no, no, and no. /snip …It’s all related to interfering with the election, lying about election fraud, and hilariously, racketeering. This week, four defendants (so far) have signed plea deals, and social media has been a hot mess ever since debating what it all means.… Read more »

October 25, 2023 9:29 am

GOOD DEALS ☙ Wednesday, October 25, 2023 ☙ C&C NEWS Good morning, C&C, it’s Wednesday! Your morning roundup today includes: sullen New York Times revives the Hamas General Hospital story with giant info-graphic-laden explainer; four defendants take a plea in the Georgia election interference case and I explain; Pro cyclists falling like flies for heart issues; massive Cat 5 hurricane suddenly and unexpectedly hits Mexico; Middle East war mini-roundup; and Muriel Bowser strategically pivots on defunding the police. NEWS: The NYT finally had to admit – though they didn’t apologize – for spreading “misinformation” about the Gaza hospital attack. The… Read more »

October 25, 2023 9:13 am

From Dennis Prager:

The Hamas Slaughter Confirmed Everything I Have Believed

This is about a 7 minute read and well worth the time.  It lays bare just who and what we are up against and why.

October 25, 2023 8:58 am

I must be sloooooooowly getting better. I still dread those first few minutes getting out of bed, but I am more often relieved to find I don’t want to cry with those first steps.

Sleeping without hurting myself is still a challenge. Thank goodness for pillows. Lots and lots of pillows.

October 25, 2023 8:55 am

I smile as I remember Rush’s PMS brigade.

Can you imagine a bunch of wissed off menstrual Israeli women with guns?

October 25, 2023 8:53 am

IIRC, being killed by a woman is a weally, weally bad thing for a Muslim. I think it prevents them from accessing those 72 raisins in what they call paradise.

I’ve never understood how an end destination based on sensual pleasure was holy, but that’s just me.

October 25, 2023 8:33 am

“Hell hath no fury like the wrath of a woman scorned.”  Would guess that the remnants of Hamas by now understand what that means.  In spades.  🙂  Yea for the ladies.  The Lioness ladies….

October 25, 2023 7:32 am

A pizztoff all female battalion against a bunch of murderous, rapist, savages is going to result in a very bad day for the bad guys.  The women know what happens if they get captured so they fight that much harder.

October 25, 2023 5:04 am

The Fox Weather channel also reported that Midland, TX has had 3.19 inches of rain over the last two days.

Which is more than twice as much as they’ve had all year.

October 25, 2023 4:12 am

Good morning.

Wow. Hurricane Otis direct hit on Acapulco as a Cat. 5 storm. 165 mph winds.

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