Thursday Green Colonialism Open Comments

This is from part 1 of 3 in Dr. Malone’s substack:

“Green Colonialism” is real and must be stopped.

Leaders from so-called developing nations have a different take on global climate change policies. Many state that they are being forced to use green energy, which is expensive and produces less energy per invested capital. This will make it even harder for billions of people to escape poverty. The term being used for these kinds of policies which are now being forced upon developing nations by the World Bank, WEF, and the usual globalist actors has become known as Green Colonialism.

I’ve heard this argument made – that the “green economies” will hamstring developing countries and retard their development into mature industrial societies.  Of course, those who impose this greening colonialism upon the third world countries will be able to retain some measure of economic and political control while thwarting the up-and-wannabe-comers.

International Public Policy Review, May 01, 2021Green colonialism… or the fight against climate change as an excuse for imperialism

(Wealthy) countries now use the fight against climate change as a reason for pursuing imperialist activities. This has been designated as green colonialism. 

Nonetheless, the term ‘green colonialism’, just as ‘colonialism’, has been used to put a name on various phenomena. Daniel Butt defines colonialism as the combination of domination, cultural imposition and exploitation of one people by another (2013). Rearranging this definition, we restrict green colonialism to the domination, the cultural imposition and the exploitation of peoples by other peoples using environmental excuses

Green colonialism, whether exercised consciously or unconsciously, is causing serious harm to indigenous populations as well as populations from the least developed countriesThis issue is almost absent from the media, which can be explained by the difficulty the impacted populations have to raise awareness about their situation. It is therefore the most important fight to lead: make sure that their voices are heard so that policymakers listen to them. 

Financial institutions, multilateral development banks, UN/WEF, G 20 leaders, activists and wealthy nations are all putting political pressure to stop hydrocarbon projects in developing nations. They are only lending for “green energy solutions,” ergo: solar and wind energy sources. Despite the fact that hydrocarbon, and natural gas in particular, is significantly more economical, and can provide more energy services to more people than renewables alone.


Electricity is the key for “developing” nations (and their citizens) to get out of poverty. Energy frees people from poverty. Natural gas is the cleanest of all the fossil fuels. It is widely distributed, abundant and much cleaner than other hydrocarbon products. The article titled Natural Gas Should Be Part of the Discussion at Summit for a New Global Financing Pact By NJ Ayuk, Executive Chairman, African Energy Chamber explains:

JOHANNESBURG, SOUTH AFRICA / ACCESSWIRE / June 22, 2023 / Somewhere at the intersection of money and climate are more than 600 million Africans who don’t have access to electricity, 890 million Africans without methods for clean cooking, dozens of African nations that depend on hydrocarbons to fund just about every service they provide, and African industrial development that can’t move forward unless it’s powered by fossil fuels.

Yet this week, the politicians, banking experts, civil society group leaders, and others who are gathering at that intersection …are pushing an agenda that appears to be putting financing for African natural gas projects, the presumptive solution to many of the continent’s poverty woes, on the back burner, no pun intended.

The author describes how menial tasks like hand washing clothes and toting water are drains on the development of a society, and how electricity can remedy those issues and allow those citizens to spend their time on more productive endeavors.

Until a country can free its’ citizens of such labor, it can’t possibly compete with more developed nations. Solar and wind power will not get a nation below the poverty level to where it needs to be. Why should people in Africa suffer because of the idealistic climate change policies that have led to green colonialism?

In other words, “We have ours, so nertz to you!”  (To paraphrase Henry Blake.)

The African countries are outraged at this hindrance.  Author also points out that if green colonial countries would just get out of the way and allow those countries to develop their own hydrocarbon policies, they would be able to sustain themselves better and would also reduce the pressure for their citizens to seek lives elsewhere, away from the poverty.  Nuclear power is also touted as a solution to the energy poverty issue, instead of the green options which seem to be failing in Europe and America.  Parts of Europe are returning to nuclear as the cleanest and most optimal energy source.

You don’t say. /sarc off

The climate change initiatives which have been a failure worldwide continue to be pushed into developing nations – even as they have been shown to produce less energy for outrageous prices. These are solutions that, whether consciously or not, are designed to hurt the middle class and the poor. They are designed to keep developing nations economically challenged. This means that poor people will be the ones to suffer.

Green colonialism is real and must be stopped.

But what would be the virtue signaling look like then?






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September 7, 2023 10:07 pm

In case anybody is still reading or awake, tonight a three judge panel at the Fifth Circuit in New Orleans overruled the district judge in Austin and removed his injunction to remove the Texas barrier in the Rio Grande River.

September 7, 2023 9:28 pm

47 Super Dave Even though I have no sympathy for Ms. Sathanandan, my sense of justice and righteousness cannot abide this or any other woman being beaten in her own driveway in front of her children.  I don’t care if she’s a card-carrying Communist. If I had been this woman’s neighbor and present at the time, I would have shot… Read more »

Super Dave
September 7, 2023 8:34 pm

BTW; I have NO sympathy for Shivanthi Sathanandan. She didn’t care if her policies hurt the common folks so to hell with her if she gets a dose of her own medicine.

Super Dave
September 7, 2023 8:31 pm

Jeannie, Captain Kangaroo and Hot Lips II. FWIW; I love the look on Bob Keeshan’s face. 😉

September 7, 2023 8:26 pm

41 Bonecrusher This woman went from “Dismantle the Police Department !” three years ago to this today… Sathanandan, who had previously backed efforts to reduce the police force, urged fellow Minneapolis residents to “take back” their city and prosecute violent criminals in her post following the incident. “We need to get illegal guns off of our streets, catch these young… Read more »

September 7, 2023 8:18 pm

The following is a description from Amazon of a book I’m going to order.  I’ve never heard of the author although he sounds interesting and he is a native Texan. Hidden in plain sight all along, censorship and indoctrination software programs are finally discovered, along with the more collective techniques to control what we see [or don’t see] online. Such… Read more »

Dr phil Good-E=1984
September 7, 2023 7:43 pm

all these fake presidential polls the propagandist corporate media are pushing is just to get everyone’s brain preconditioned to except the 2024 steal easier.

Dr phil Good-E=1984
September 7, 2023 7:35 pm

Four men allegedly broke Sathanandan’s leg and beat her with their fists and guns in front of her two young children at her Minneapolis home before stealing her car and fleeing the scene, she said in the post. Sathanandan

Has she blamed maga or white supremacy yet?

September 7, 2023 7:33 pm

#40 TP:  Another leftist mugged by reality.  I wonder if this event changes her perspective?  I doubt it.

September 7, 2023 7:27 pm

21 Bonecrusher Sathanandan had previously backed efforts in 2020 to “dismantle” the Minneapolis Police Department. “We are going to dismantle the Minneapolis Police Department,” she wrote in 2020. “MPD has systematically failed the Black Community, they have failed ALL OF US. It’s time to build a new infrastructure that works for ALL communities. If you are still disagreeing with that… Read more »

September 7, 2023 7:24 pm

The peaches and nectarines from Kroger have been really good this year.  Just let them sit a few days in a big bowl on the table.  Sweet, juicy, great texture.

September 7, 2023 7:05 pm


September 7, 2023 7:02 pm

Rules concerning Emergency Use Of Ice Cream allow me to eat an entire half of a pint.

September 7, 2023 6:50 pm

It’s 80° in here. Time to break out the emergency ice cream.

September 7, 2023 6:07 pm

Bones, I bow to your way with words  😉

September 7, 2023 6:05 pm

TT, Bsue:  I was seeing the dashboard and looking at the O-CRAP-O-METER getting pegged out.

September 7, 2023 6:02 pm

We are under an ERCOT Level 2 Red Alert – Requesting energy conservation.

I had to turn my thermostat up to 79 to get the AC to turn off.

A bit warm in here now.


September 7, 2023 5:59 pm

Tedtam – funny…. I was picturing Fred and Barney in their log shaped car, sticking their feet thru the floor and stopping it

Super Dave
September 7, 2023 5:12 pm

Wife’s plane is turning final over Malibu to land on runway 8, 1900 feet 159 MPH. Heading the direction that it came from. Edited; on the ground and by landing on the short runway, I wonder how much G force was exerted when they hit the thrust reversers. Landing on the longer one was exciting enough since we stopped 25… Read more »

Dr phil Good-E=1984
September 7, 2023 4:57 pm

Yeah, he’s dead,” he said. that would mean we now have a fake, fake, illegitimate, illegitimate wooden dummy. Remember the wooden dummy that fell on his bike. I still say that wasn’t the real wooden dummy it was just a simulated wooden dummy. Since Hollyweird is also part of the deep state I believe they can pump out the body… Read more »

Dr phil Good-E=1984
September 7, 2023 4:49 pm

I wonder if the GOPeeeeeeeee will consider this an important enough hill to fight for?

never use gopeeee and fight in the same sentence.

Dr phil Good-E=1984
September 7, 2023 4:45 pm

Can we start with the jack-azz federal judge that said Texas has to remove the floating barrier please?

all WEF Abbott has to do is say no but he won’t.

no guts, no glory.

September 7, 2023 3:50 pm

Just got my trays of chicken cacciatore loaded into Nat… since they were well frozen  (in the chest freezer for more than 24 hours), I didn’t run the “freeze cycle” up like I did yesterday on the froze fruit… although, if it makes it to the dry cycle before bedtime, I’ll likely run THAT up, and check when I get… Read more »

September 7, 2023 3:24 pm

Praying mantis eats common housefly and then the youropeeon hornet.

Super Dave
September 7, 2023 3:21 pm
Super Dave
September 7, 2023 3:20 pm

I mentioned that my wife doesn’t like flights longer than a couple to 3 hours, I just hope they don’t run out of beer. 😀

Super Dave
September 7, 2023 3:16 pm

Wife just crossed the Texas New Mexico line near Clovis NM @ 38K feet 483 MPH.

Super Dave is stalking his wife.

In a good way.

Yup, ain’t technology great? Well sometimes

I bet she’s glad that she isn’t on a horse.


September 7, 2023 2:57 pm

My karma ran over my dogma and left me catatonic.

September 7, 2023 2:51 pm

From what I have read, this woman is a big time “reduce the police” advocate.

She got car jacked and beaten in her own driveway in front of her spawn.

Karma can be unfriendly at times.

September 7, 2023 2:45 pm

I bet she’s glad that she isn’t on a horse.

Super Dave
September 7, 2023 1:34 pm

My wife is crossing the Mississippi just north of Memphis @ 36K feet, 498 MPH. Just leveled off a few minutes ago. 😉

September 7, 2023 1:26 pm

TT:  The ear thing + the weird wrinkles means that there is definitely a Bidet imposter.  I think Hillary had one as well.  IF Bidet is dead, our country is really gone and even if Trump gets 100 million votes, it won’t matter because we are in a state of lawlessness. When was the imposter placed?  Everything after that point… Read more »

Super Dave
September 7, 2023 1:18 pm

Baxter Black’s final column: A horse matters. I like living someplace where a horse matters. There is just some country where horseback is the only way to get the job done. Places where the four-wheeler is a poor second, not to mention a noisy, track-leaving unnatural conveyance. Besides, it’s hard to throw a rope from. Helicopters can spot and scare,… Read more »

September 7, 2023 12:43 pm

14 Super Dave Good.  I need to get mine updated. My tetanus shot booster expires in November since I got it before our 10 year old grandson was born 10 years ago this December.  We have a granddaughter in the oven and she is due to pop out in early January.  Hospitals up here require you to show proof of… Read more »

September 7, 2023 12:38 pm

They would be finding elected officials hanging from trees all over Texas.


Can we start with the jack-azz federal judge that said Texas has to remove the floating barrier please?

The leftists hate that thing because it is very effective

Super Dave
September 7, 2023 12:34 pm

Texpat, you’ll be glad to know that I finally took your advise and got my Tetanus shot. It’s not that I didn’t want to get one it’s just that I couldn’t seem to get a Round Tuit. I was in CVS this morning and thought about it so I asked how much it’d cost and she said it was free!?… Read more »

September 7, 2023 11:57 am

NYC Mayor Eric Adams is pacing back and forth, ranting and raving, 24/7 about the “migrants”.  There is nothing he can do because the city council is so thoroughly leftist they refuse to amend or rescind the illegal alien sanctuary laws. Yesterday, Adams made headlines declaring “this situation will destroy New York City.”  Hilariously, the Mayor is blaming Donald Trump… Read more »

September 7, 2023 11:30 am

Morning, gang! Another hot day with almost no chance of rain. I am hand watering on the sanctioned Wednesday and Saturday nights, starting at 7 pm. Well, I have a sprinkler on the ends of 3 long hoses, and I move the sprinklers every 15 minutes. But by 9 pm, it’s generally too dark to see what I’m doing. I… Read more »

September 7, 2023 10:59 am

I woke up this morning in my chair, again. With only twenty minutes before I was due in town for rehearsal. Then, I had to rush back home to meet the pest Exterminator. He did an extra heavy treatment outside. The bugs have been seeking water wherever they can find it, including inside the house. I found a tick on… Read more »

September 7, 2023 10:48 am

Super Dave

I’m with ya on the annoyances of soft water.

If you gave me a water softener, I’d give it back. Even though my appliances, fixtures, and water heater would last longer. 🙂

September 7, 2023 10:16 am

Staten Island is one of the five boroughs (counties) comprising New York City.  They are reliably and consistently Republican voters and the rest of the city residents look down their noses at them.  Staten Island now wants to secede from NYC and get out from under their thumb.  They tried to do this under Dinkins, but once Giuliani was elected… Read more »

September 7, 2023 10:09 am

I refuse to go into the City anymore.  It’s sad because there really isn’t another place like New York City.  There are many very cool places to go and things to do in NYC, but it has started down the road to becoming San Francisco East. I would never live somewhere like NYC, but it’s a great place to visit.… Read more »

September 7, 2023 9:42 am

I didn’t realize Mike DeGeurin and Dick Deguerin were that much older than I am.  Dick is 82 and Mike is 78. I was reading last night the 1994 Texas Monthly profile of the two brothers written by Robert Draper who attended Westchester High School around the time Shannon and Katfish were terrorizing the faculty there. The brothers spell their… Read more »

Super Dave
September 7, 2023 9:39 am

And when you thought things couldn’t weirder we have this; Bill Gates bets on Bud Light comeback, acquires $95 million in Anheuser-Busch shares. WASHINGTON (TND) — Billionaire philanthropist and Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates has purchased 1.7 million shares of Anheuser-Busch, a sign that he may be betting on a comeback for the company’s beer brand Bud Light. The purchase is… Read more »