The Fakest Monday Ever Open Comments


An independent journalist just exposed Wikipedia for allowing Biden entries to be manipulated.

A new report revealed Wikipedia’s permissive role in the concerted effort to protect President Joe Biden by blocking Americans from reading politically-negative information tied to his embattled son. According to data entries reviewed by independent journalist Lee Fang, Wikipedia allowed special consultants “hired” by Hunter Biden to manipulate the “Hunter Biden” page with “stealth edits.” Wikipedia, a site funded by leftist billionaire George Soros, seemingly stood idly by as entries tying Hunter to damning bribery scandals were edited “without any fingerprints.”

As reported by Fang, Hunter ordered FTI Consulting, a crisis management public relations firm, in 2014 to help him and his dad save face by keeping Americans from accessing the Bidens’ ties to shady business dealings on Wikipedia. In one email, Hunter advised Ryan Toohey, then an advisor at FTI, that Eric Schwerin, a business partner of the Bidens, would be making “additional edits.” According to Fang, “Toohey, emails from Hunter’s laptop show, confirmed that his company would get to work.”

How about this bored Chinese housewife who created hundreds of completely fictional stories about early Russian history on Wikipedia before anyone discovered her ?  This was not artificial intelligence – just a very skilled and talented liar.

Posing as a scholar, a Chinese woman spent years writing alternative accounts of medieval Russian history on Chinese Wikipedia, conjuring imaginary states, battles, and aristocrats in one of the largest hoaxes on the open-source platform.

The scam was exposed last month by Chinese novelist Yifan, who was researching for a book when he came upon an article on the Kashin silver mine.

Discovered by Russian peasants in 1344, the Wikipedia entry goes, the mine engaged more than 40,000 slaves and freedmen, providing a remarkable source of wealth for the Russian principality of Tver in the 14th and 15th centuries as well as subsequent regimes. The geological composition of the soil, the structure of the mine, and even the refining process were fleshed out in detail in the entry.

Of course, we have Breitbart and what is below is only an example,

Things Rush Limbaugh Never Said

Hoaxes have also been spread by Wikipedia’s sister site WikiQuote, which contained fake quotes attributed to conservative radio personality Rush Limbaugh. Added back in 2005, the quotes included one praising Martin Luther King Junior’s assassin and another arguing slavery had merits. The quotes endured several months until an editor removed them, noting another quote was adapted from an Adolf Hitler quote. However, the quotes ended up in a blog post and two later ended up in a 2006 book by Jack Huberman. The bogus quotes were restored in 2008 citing the Huberman book and became the subject of repeated edit wars.






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August 21, 2023 11:30 pm

Yea for Needville. What a great team.   Now they can get some rest before they play again. Yes, today was a bit cooler thanks to less humidity and a breeze that stayed with us all day.  We only made it to 99.  Guess it is back to the 100+ again tomorrow, groan.  I could actually make it down the driveway… Read more »

August 21, 2023 8:09 pm

Texas (Needville) just knocked off Cali in the LL World Series – so they get to play again but not til Wednesday, when they may have to play Cali again…

Dr phil Good-E=1984
August 21, 2023 7:29 pm

It was very difficult to sit on that Cincinnati intel just so you could watch it via your old vintage VHS recorder.

fast forward. One of the greatest inventions ever made so one can skip all the mind numbing, scatterbrained commercials.
A real time and mind saver.

August 21, 2023 6:21 pm

Little League World Series Needville (Texas) vs California is ahead 2-0 in the top of the 1st

Dr phil Good-E=1984
August 21, 2023 6:03 pm

I’m glad texpat didn’t spoil the ending of the ATP Masters 1000 tennis final between Alcaraz and Djokovic in Cincinnati yesterday like he did this past Wimbledon final.:) I watched the first set then recorded the rest for later viewing. all I can say is it was the best 3 set match I’ve ever seen. all hail the G.O.A.T. @… Read more »

August 21, 2023 6:00 pm

One of my sisters said it so accurately:  “Watching my paycheck spurt out the end of my hose.”

August 21, 2023 5:34 pm

I’ve spent hours out in the yard moving 3 sprinklers trying to help the plant life at Chez Harp. I also collected 3 buckets full of small dead twigs from the shrubs.  It hasn’t felt as hot today as the last several weeks.

August 21, 2023 5:27 pm

But won’t the facial rec app interfere with the mask wearing?  I mean, that IS their target audience…

August 21, 2023 4:46 pm

Hubby made two stands for me, on which I’ll hang a curtain so I can display my rosaries at an upcoming event with my sisters.  Being the engineer, and knowing this is for me, he was apologizing that the fork on one of them didn’t match exactly how its partner stand was made.  I told him no one would notice,… Read more »

August 21, 2023 3:15 pm

TP 1509:

I hope the Canary Islanders get safe and apprehend the arsonists.

I hope they can use enhanced interrogation techniques and find out who put them up to such a horrid scheme; go up the food chain and start the severe punishments.

August 21, 2023 3:06 pm

It’s overcast and the wind has picked up a bit.  The clouds are teasing me again.

Mean clouds.

August 21, 2023 2:28 pm

In my #40 the article mentioned the temp getting up to 40C which translates to 104F.  I say ‘welcome to the party, Pal’ we’ve been dealing with this for over 45 days.

August 21, 2023 2:23 pm

Wildfire on popular Spanish tourist island Tenerife was started deliberately, official says The article states authoritatively that the Canary Islands and most of Spain have been in a drought for the last several years due to Climate Change.  I guess they think that if they put that phrase in every article, even if it has nothing to do with the subject… Read more »

August 21, 2023 2:15 pm

Finally got everything sorted out and a 5 lb bag of stir fry veggies into Nat…and we’ve made it to 2:15 with the temp only up to 98 but I’ll not be taking any bets that it doesn’t go higher… Shortie is curled up on a throw pillow catching a nap – I guess it really IS a dog’s life… Read more »

August 21, 2023 2:07 pm

#36 GJT:  Beta and She-Jack  –  Dumb and Dumberer

August 21, 2023 1:50 pm

#36… he musta fallen off his skateboard one time too many…

August 21, 2023 1:37 pm

Beto endorses SheJack for mayor. New you can use.

August 21, 2023 1:17 pm

TT: perhaps you shouldn’t leave them tee’d up like that :>)

What is kind of funny (to me at least and it doesn’t take much) is that no matter what you say a pervo like me or Pyro can twist it into something . . . . . . .off.

August 21, 2023 12:58 pm

Types deletes types deletes

Is that what they call it these days?

August 21, 2023 12:32 pm

It felt so weird handling my pieces of chili last night.

August 21, 2023 12:22 pm

#30 – I may have clicked on an old webpage… looking at the “deal drops” it looks like papaya, mango, nectarines, and celery are the deal of the moment.  But I’ve learned that it’s really hard to guess what they are or are not going to have at any point in time. #31 – I guess Nat’s table must be… Read more »

August 21, 2023 12:00 pm

I also bought these air wedges:

Someone had posted that they used theirs to raise the front of the FDer so the water would flow to the drain hole at the back of the chamber.  It works.

August 21, 2023 11:57 am

The avocados dried wonderfully.  I decided not to powder the slices, but to powder them on demand and store them in mylar in the meantime. Less surface area to react with oxygen.  I forgot to use citrus juice on the first batch, but did remember it on the second batch. I may have to go by my local gang hangout… Read more »

August 21, 2023 11:54 am

Seven reasons not to buy a Tesla.

I hadn’t thought about the sitting duck crime scenario, but…yeah.

August 21, 2023 11:45 am

Tedtam, how did your avocados turn out?  I’ve not gone there recently, but it looks like 99Cent Only has them on special

August 21, 2023 11:38 am

My backyard looks like the beginning of fall, with all the leaves on the ground.  I’ve lost my Confederate Rose it seems.  I’ve been watering her, hoping to sustain her until better weather, but every single one of her leaves gave it up overnight.  My neighbor across the street has a big one, so I can get another cutting from… Read more »

August 21, 2023 11:36 am

We’re not the only ones suffering drought.  The Panama Canal is being affected.  The downstream supply line effects are to be seen.

August 21, 2023 11:31 am

Mr. Woodpecker just stopped by the water bar for a big drink.  I’ve never seen them come down so close to the ground before, even if the water is up on a chair.  Must be desperate.

August 21, 2023 10:37 am


I agree Wiki can still be useful, I don’t remember ever depending on it for political issues. I’m sure the BS would be fairly easy to spot, they just can’t help themselves figuring everyone agrees with them and their groupthink so they can say things out loud they normally wouldn’t.

August 21, 2023 10:14 am

Morning, chickadees!


August 21, 2023 9:42 am

Now, this isn’t racist because the perp is of the high-melanin group, right? Mesquite Independent School District’s elementary teacher Claire Kyle went on a poorly-considered social media rampage last month, after finding out her sister, who is black, was dating a “white man.” Among saying plenty of other ugly things, Ms. Kyle used a variety of slurs against white people,… Read more »

August 21, 2023 9:39 am

Childers reports “tepid” response to the latest round of fear-mongering over the new WLR variant.  I asked recently how long the left plans on squeezing blood out of that turnip, and it seems that the squeezing is yielding only a trickle these days. People are waking up and are tired and angry about the lies.  Moderna stock is tanking.  Good.… Read more »

August 21, 2023 9:32 am

Next up, the crumbling social infrastructure of New York, due to the climbing population of illegals.  Couldn’t happen to a nicer city, IMHO.  Maybe this is what it takes to change minds there. Yeah, right. Anyway: Woke, diverse, inarticulate New York Mayor Eric Adams has been begging the federal government for help — but to no avail. Why? One possibility… Read more »

August 21, 2023 9:28 am

And here we are, visiting the “Four legs good, two legs BETTER” division of the Democrat party. The big police defunders, aka “The Squad,” have spent well over $1M for their own protection, including private security and beefing up their blue state offices.  Cori Bush paid around $400K for security – from a pro-2A firm. Never mind that we taxpayers… Read more »

August 21, 2023 9:25 am

I’ve found Wikipedia to be pretty useful when looking up things like scientific facets, e.g., tell me all about copper and it’s properties, biological facts e.g., infection mechanisms of viruses, some history (the further back, the better) and things like that. It’s useless for recent and current events that have even the slightest whiff of controversy. Some of the sciency… Read more »

August 21, 2023 9:22 am

Now, on the DEI front – or is it the DIE front?  I think the latter is more accurate. The Hawaiian fire became so deadly (100+ dead – so far) because water was withheld to insure “equity” in who got the liquid that was necessary to SAVE PEOPLE.  I’m sorry, if someone is burning to death, I’m not stopping to… Read more »

August 21, 2023 9:19 am

Good Morning Hamsters, Another slog through the early mist and humidity and heat today without any realistic guess as to when this nightmare will pack up and go someplace else far, far away.  China might be a helpful choice….  Other side of the world and all that. Wonder if there is any correlation between G. Soros’ machinations and the rotten… Read more »

August 21, 2023 9:15 am

And the Meat Puppet has to continue being himself: On Friday, Biden responded to a reporter’s question about the Hunter investigations at a joint press conference, saying “I have no comment on any investigation that’s going on. That’s up to the Justice Department, and that’s all I have to say,” Close observers wondered if the old Dog-faced Pony Soldier was sending… Read more »

August 21, 2023 9:12 am

More trouble in Bidenland: The judge in United States v. Biden case has closed it at the request of prosecutors, supposedly so charges can be refiled later.  (Not holding my breath, but this is a changing political landscape, and if the Meat Puppet is on the way out, Fīlio Blowōrum may be the magic carpet on which he rides out… Read more »

August 21, 2023 9:08 am

Started watching the Netflix show last night on the OxyContin epidemic, Painkiller. A bit over the top fictionalization the critics say but still shows the horror, the greed and the east manipulation of big pharma and doctors. I didn’t realize it started in the 80’s. Everyone has seen the short skirted, big cleavage drug sales girls at the doctor’s office, this… Read more »

August 21, 2023 9:07 am

WATER GODS ☙ Monday, August 21, 2023 ☙ C&C NEWS Good morning, C&C, it’s Monday! It’s another new week of living in the most unbelievably indescribable time in history. Just ask Bob Peters. Your roundup today includes: CNN admits Trump was right, shattering the Matrix; trouble in Hunterland; Biden says its in the DOJ’s hands now; air pollution article illustrates… Read more »

August 21, 2023 8:55 am

Needville little leaguers will be playing tonight at 6, on ESPN 2. Wish I had it but I don’t.

August 21, 2023 8:44 am

With all the humidity floating in my backyard, I am surprised we aren’t getting rain.  It’s like walking into a warm, wet washcloth.

Dear Lord, we got the message.  Hell is just a few bad decisions away, and this is just a taste of what we’re facing.  You can let up now.  Thank you. Amen.

August 21, 2023 8:43 am

It seems as if I have one in the cuspidor. . . . .