Friday Open Comments

BREAKING: FBI kills man because he made threats to a president who isn’t Trump

In a bizarre case of mistaken presidential identity, the FBI has reportedly taken swift action by eliminating a man who made threats against the wrong president.

“If the man had made threats against Trump, it wouldn’t have been a problem,” FBI Director Christopher Wray said. “But he made threats against Biden, so we had to kill him.”

The man, who goes by the pseudonym “Threat-Selective Steve,” had a moment of reckoning when he realized that his previous “it’s just a joke” attitude didn’t hold up when the target shifted. “I thought we were living in a world where making threats against certain presidents was just a quirky way of expressing political dissent,” Threat-Selective Steve said, befuddled.

Sources close to Threat-Selective Steve suggest that he may have believed in a mythical hierarchy of presidents, where making threats against one president was seen as edgy political commentary, while threatening others was deemed a grave offense. “It’s like he thought he was part of some secret club where it was okay to threaten certain leaders, but not others,” commented one acquaintance.





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August 12, 2023 12:05 am

Good Night All, Hope tomorrow is not as hot as today.  It was really uncomfortable to be outside for even just a few minutes. Lately just coming out the back door and into the garage to get in the car leaves me hot and so glad for the AC my Buick has at the ready so it starts about a… Read more »

August 11, 2023 10:07 pm

108F in College Station. Again.


August 11, 2023 9:21 pm

Katy is a large town on the west side of Houston.  A 16 year old teenager from there has died of a heart attack.


August 11, 2023 9:00 pm

Billy Cat didn’t show up for his supper until after dark, so then I sat out back with him to be sure no raccoons tried to take his food. He licked his bowl clean, then sauntered away, probably to rest up a bit by lying in the grass. Next time I looked out, I didn’t see him. And I had… Read more »

August 11, 2023 8:17 pm

It seems the bikers at Sturgis are completely, completely leaving the Bud Light booth alone.

August 11, 2023 8:11 pm

Oh, my, I love Kari Lake!  Here she is, milking a cow and trolling the reporters.

Kari Lake mocks Regime Media to their faces while milking a cow: “You know there are only two genders, right? The New York Times should try to milk a cow and then try and milk a bull and see how that goes.”

August 11, 2023 8:06 pm

We’ve eaten dinner and I’ve pitted another bag of cherries.  They are halved and sitting in the freezer.  Elsa’s room got painted today, and come Monday Handyman will be putting my requested shelves in place, then start painting the upstairs master bath cabinets.  Hubby’s going to Bryan to file eviction paperwork on a tenant. I’d like to feel sorry for… Read more »

August 11, 2023 7:50 pm

Saved it Texpat, sounds delicious. Do you drain the ground beef at any point?

August 11, 2023 7:00 pm

#66 Dr. phil;

The list isn’t even complete, we revolted in our beginnings for less.

August 11, 2023 6:53 pm

I did have a chore/project list looking back at me this morning, but I ignored it and had a series of naps, instead. Enjoyed every one of them!


Dr phil Good-E=1984
August 11, 2023 6:34 pm

Besides totalitariancrats and their media propagandists who else actually believes the official narrative on the Utah story? somone? anyone? Ferris? a few of the propagandist media’s recent greatest hits. ivermectin is horse paste. hcq will kill you. covid was not created in a lab. the fib is honest. dr faucistein is the greatest expert on infectious diseases he cannot be… Read more »

August 11, 2023 6:30 pm

Well, our outdoor thermometer (sensor in the shade on the front porch) says it’s all the way down to 99  now – the high we saw here at the house was 100 but when we got in the car, the thermometer in it said it was 104 outside… Consequently, I’ve been freezing thing for freeze-drying, and finished one load with… Read more »

August 11, 2023 5:56 pm

TP 1731:  I don’t believe that they attempted to arrest Craig Robertson: they executed him for speech.

So much for due process

August 11, 2023 5:43 pm

52 Mharper, 53 Adee

The time it never rained, indeed.

I took a stroll around the house – first time in number of days. Then, I fixed a late lunch of a couple eggs, a couple of sausage patties, and toast at 2pm.

I sat down and promptly fell asleep and just now woke up.


August 11, 2023 5:24 pm

About an hour and ten minutes ago, while I was zipping west on 290, the dashboard thermometer indicated 108F.  That is hot, I don’t care who you are.

August 11, 2023 5:02 pm

Well, several frustrating hours later, the problem is supposedly solved.  The credit card charge was supposed to be accurate, Kevin had me go through an update process, and he PROMISES I won’t receive any more ugly emails about being cut off from my payroll function.

By the way, the high temp where he is in Tennessee is 89.

Dr phil Good-E=1984
August 11, 2023 4:43 pm

I like it when people say ‘I’ve never been a conspiracy theorist but…’

And my response is usually  “I’ve always been a conspiracy theorist and…”

August 11, 2023 4:12 pm

#57 WB

Yep, caught me in a typo.  I know the difference, but as you can tell by the above post, my mind is somewhat kerfluffled this afternoon.

August 11, 2023 4:11 pm

Well, my gift for weird situations has popped up again. Remember my recent ranting about Quickbooks forcing me to pay for “enhanced payroll”?  I was unable to do it through the menu options as directed, so spent four hours with Latasha, who was not only patient but very capable and friendly.  She managed to work around a software issue that… Read more »

August 11, 2023 4:06 pm

The principles appreciated the gifts.

I had no idea that principles could appreciate anything.

I’m pretty sure principals can, though.

August 11, 2023 4:04 pm

29-year-old Ingrid Bergman (woof)

hubba hubba

August 11, 2023 3:10 pm

Well, we delivered two boxes of supplies to three different elementary schools.  The principles appreciated the gifts.

No one drove their VWs, though, because they don’t have air conditioning.

August 11, 2023 2:29 pm

#52 mharper42, My thoughts exactly about being heat paralyzed.  You do what you gotta do for the animals and do the things around the house that must be done but can delay doing stuff you might like to do that means you’ve gotta go outside.  And the only gotta go outside for means the grocery store or drug store or… Read more »

August 11, 2023 2:01 pm

Good Hot Afternoon Hamsters, We have a good breeze today, starting before we got up this morning and continuing with a vigor that has been missing for a week or so before yesterday.  We have also reached 98 on the front porch and 102 outside the garden room in the back.  I believe they will go higher before they stop… Read more »

August 11, 2023 1:32 pm

Afternoon, gang. I have a longish list of chores that I thought I’d get started on today, but the heat seems to have me paralyzed. The cats –indoors and Billy outside — are lucky that I got them fed before I ran out of steam. Nope, I have not accomplished anything so far today. I used to have a t-shirt… Read more »

August 11, 2023 12:41 pm

I have one in the cuspidor.  Merick the commie terd Garland appointed David Weiss as special counsel .

Dr phil Good-E=1984
August 11, 2023 12:25 pm

The reason it’s so easy for the totalitariancrats to steal elections is because the can’ts really don’t want to win anyway. they can’t even bring themselves to impeach Fidel mayorkis. perpetual losers who serve the unholy trinity of McLoser Inc and their puppet masters. Strike up the music the band has begun the joined@thehipparty polka. Pick out your partner and… Read more »

Dr phil Good-E=1984
August 11, 2023 12:12 pm

So the Gestapo shoots and kills a 75 year old man in Utah who could barely move and the Goebbels Media runs cover for the regime.

standard operating procedure for the Animal farm States of AmereeKa.

August 11, 2023 12:05 pm
Dr phil Good-E=1984
August 11, 2023 12:00 pm

I cannot believe Biden still has a chance.

see the 2020 election steal.
be the 2020 election steal.

the wooden dummy has more than a chance, he’s already won.

August 11, 2023 11:48 am

I saw Gaslight as well, and yeah, nobody uses the term correctly.

August 11, 2023 11:47 am

Getting my mowing done, just to tidy up and get the leaves these stressed trees are dropping. Best you can do is try to follow the tire tracks, there ain’t much of a grass line to follow.

August 11, 2023 11:38 am

I think the original 1957 “12 Angry Men” with Henry Fonda is also a must watch movie.  I still remember the looks that Hubby and I exchanged when it was over.  Great, great movie. Remembering that movie, I am reminded of my recent jury experience.  During voir dire, after discussing some vague traffic rules and laws, the defending attorney asked… Read more »

August 11, 2023 11:32 am

#42 Gaslight is a great movie.  I take umbrage at folks who use that term loosely, not knowing from whence it came nor what it actually means.  It’s tossed around so casually these days. It reminds me of Hannity getting called out on air for being ignorant as to what the term “drink the Kool-Aid” meant.  “Oh, it’s just a… Read more »

August 11, 2023 11:10 am

For you fans of old movies… Early this morning I caught Gaslight (1944), a psychological thriller starring Charles Boyer and a 29-year-old Ingrid Bergman (woof). It follows a young woman whose husband slowly manipulates her into believing she is descending into insanity – to cover up his criminal activities. Angela Lansbury, playing the couple’s maid, makes her acting debut at… Read more »

August 11, 2023 10:41 am

I just got off the treadmill and I stepped outside to bring my trash can in. I need to take a shower before I head out to meet hubby and the car club to distribute some gifts to some local schools. As I’m contemplating my shower, and recalling my brief experience stepping outside, I wonder if it’s worth the bother… Read more »

Super Dave
August 11, 2023 10:26 am

48 ÷ 14 = 3.43 oz. 4 oz. is a quarter pound so Dave’s patties are pretty small.   As stated in my #11; “ours were 3.4 and they were perfectly sized, I think”. I had the decimal point in the wrong place but the numbers were correct. They’re small so you’re supposed to use 2 or 3 per burger,… Read more »

August 11, 2023 10:19 am

I am able to keep the 70’s in perspective because my 50-year high school reunion is drawing nigh.

August 11, 2023 10:12 am

36 Tedtam

I was going to link that one, too.

Interesting that John Stossel is involved with that site.

Another link on that page leads to “Electability”.

I thought this one was very interesting, for what it’s worth.

August 11, 2023 9:51 am

I predict that “Dust Brown and the Seven Pronouns” will lay a giant egg at the box office.

August 11, 2023 9:34 am

Election betting odds.

I cannot believe Biden still has a chance.

August 11, 2023 9:13 am

But what I find amusing and comforting is the fact that commercials tend to use music from the 70’s and 80’s.

I guess we did something right back then.

I was wondering what commercials will sound like in another 30 years – will they have hip hop in the background?  You know, for the old folks?