Judit Varga, former Justice Minister of Hungary, Member of the Hungarian Parliament
During her first visit to Texas, Hungarian Minister of Justice Judit Varga sat down with The Dallas Express to talk about how Hungary has confronted the issues of border security, showing parallels to the current situation in America.
Minister Varga has served in the position since 2019 and will be resigning from the role at the end of this month to participate more actively in the upcoming elections.
“I will be chairing the European Affairs Committee in the National Assembly, because I’m an MP in the Hungarian parliament, and probably I will be heading the list for the European elections of our conservative party, the Fidesz,” Varga explained.
“This gives me greater freedom to speak my mind, to try to convince as many citizens across Europe as possible,” she continued. “This is the way forward.”
Varga has been a vocal advocate for protecting Hungary’s territorial sovereignty and the nation’s traditional pro-family values. Her trip to Texas was prompted by a desire “to enhance synergies between conservative politics all over the continents.”
and this from The Hungarian Conservative,
‘There are several similarities between Hungary and Texas in their politics,’ Minister of Justice Judit Varga stated in an interview with The Dallas Express, published on Wednesday.
‘We believe in family, national sovereignty, and we don’t think that mass illegal migration would be beneficial for the future of our country, and the list goes on,’ she remarked.
The US newspaper noted that the minister has long been a vocal advocate for protecting Hungary’s sovereignty and traditional family values. Her first trip to Texas was motivated by the desire to ‘strengthen cooperation among conservatives across continents.’
‘We need to make friendships, get to know each other, and find common ground,’ said Varga. ‘While there might be differences in the details, when it comes to fundamental principles, I believe we understand each other’s words,’ she added.
Looking at the immigration crisis in the United States, she drew parallels between Hungary’s struggle with the Brussels institutions of the European Union and Texas’s fight with Washington.
We have a referendum saying no to mass migration. We have public consultation of our citizens,” she continued. “And this is the key to our success, that we are standing by the people.”
Concluding on the issue of mass migration, Varga said, “I just would like to add, we are human beings. We are Christians. We have hearts, and we know there’s a real asylum situation and refugee situation.”
“Since the outbreak of the war, we let in more than 1.5 million real asylum seekers from Ukraine,” the minister noted. “We provide them all the healthcare and every kind of treatment, accommodation, travel, logistical possibilities, whatever they need.”
“So there is a real difference,” Varga insisted, reemphasizing the distinction between true asylum seekers and economic opportunists. On the southern borders, where not refugees but economic migrants typically come. “They are walking through safe countries. … They are not persecuted anywhere, and I don’t think it’s a human right to wake up anywhere in the world and point at a country on the map and say, ‘I have a human right to live there.’” “So last year, we alone stopped 270,000 illegal migrants.”
64 SD
Yeah, funny how time can heal all wounds but almost never seems to wound the heels.
Spotted over yonder, here ya’ go Shannon; A Linda Ronstadt Tribute.
He walked away from his family on Christmas Eve 1986. My boy’s best friend growing up was 15 when on Christmas day, his dad just walked away, leaving his son and a wife that would do anything for him. He said he just couldn’t do it anymore and moved in with his heavy set Mexican girlfriend and her 3 kids. Damnedest thing I ever saw and I had no idea what was going on, sadly his wife/son didn’t either. FWIW; Huntin’ buddy and I hunted with the dad and our 3 kids for 2 seasons and the guy was a… Read more »
The Kenyan in his own words.
fundamentally disfigure Amereeka.
Well the Kenyan did say he wanted a million man army.
illegals get to arrest citizens.
vue vill comply vith zee vnew vorld vorder.
vincerly, zee wef
59 Shannon
Those coonasses with their turducken are just amateurs. If they had stuffed a giant alligator with a bunch of turduckens, they might have been a contender.
I’m catching “The Dershow” on Rumble. Dershowitz is giving his impression of the Trump indictments.
His legal analysis pretty much matches what I’ve heard: it’s all BS. It stretches restrctions on the 1st Amendment to the breaking point. According to Dersh, Jack Smith could be indicted under the rules of his own indictment.
I just threw up a little. Why not throw some raw oysters in for good measure.
On one of the big party nights, they ate a dish that should still be in the Guiness Book as the largest dish – a whole camel stuffed with sheep, which are stuffed with chickens and fish.
When Fay lived in Libya, they made some pretty good local friends. The ten days leading up to a wedding of a friend was one, long series of parties. One night, the women of the wedding party stripped Fay naked and dressed her in the bride’s wedding dress – a beautiful, culturally appropriate Libyan garb. The photos are pretty cool.
Of course, alcohol consumption was outlawed there.
Wink, wink. Nudge, nudge.
When Fay and I started dating she was working three jobs to keep things afloat. She ultimately lost her home.
There seems to be no limit to what these sick bastards will do to defy God and the most fundamental human moral principles. Costa Coffee was today accused of glamourising ‘complex and dangerous surgery’ by covering a van with a cartoon image featuring mastectomy scars. The UK’s largest coffee chain defended its use of the image to promote ‘inclusivity and diversity’ but was branded ‘crass and irresponsible’ and ‘absolutely bonkers’ – and there were calls for a boycott of the company on social media. The image, depicting an androgynous-looking character wearing long shorts with scars below each nipple, is taken… Read more »
Oh, he and I had our nasty long-distance fights for a few years.
With one problematic, minor child still living with her mother (and me), Fay had to continue to seek his financial help and also concerning the tree-transplanting-trucks business that he also stuck Fay with liquidating.
Ultimately, over the many years, we buried the hatchet and welcomed him into our home for his rare visits to Bellville.
#53 Shannon: Obviously the former guy was a blibbit; 20 lbs of feces packed in a 10 lb bag. Fay did well with you .
Thanks Shannon! That makes me feel better I’m not the only confused. 😀
You is the better man.
He walked away from his family on Christmas Eve 1986.
To go live with his longtime girlfriend in West Virginia. Still there.
By Thanksgiving 1988, Fay was married to a better man.
GJT In the new issue of the Bellville Times is coverage of the recent public meeting of the Appraisal District Board. Much discussion of the new Exemptions. Most of which covered the nightmare of issuing upcoming “provisional” tax statements which will include figures both ways – with the current exemption and with the new, higher exemption should the voters pass it in November. The over-65 school exemptions came up….which is where it got really complicated and the Board is seeking clarification from the State on certain issues. By the time I finished reading the article I felt dumber and more… Read more »
#45 TT: I am thrilled that the FB-LIE caught the pedos and traffickers. The cynic in me suggests that the ones they busted aren’t part of the approved minor sex trafficking that is run by the CIA or FB Lie or State Dept or whatever.
Ya gotsta go through the proper channels dontchaknow . . . .
Ain’t it great living under totalitarian bms Vampyre rulers.
Vue veel eat zee bugs in zee darkness dressed in vyour Vinston Smith vuniform and vue vill like it.
zee wef
#47 Shannon that makes sense but what became of him? D.I.V.O.R.C.E. ?
45 Super Dave
Fay and her first husband lived around the world. He worked for Exxon and Exxon contractors. His expertise was in refinery process and instrumentation.
Libya, Puerto Rico, Venezuela, Aruba (twice)
White girls can’t jump
While I’m happy that a buncha pedophiles and traffickers have been caught, and that 59 kids have been recovered (though they may never fully recover), the comments to this article are pretty darn honest.
Sikh Soldier and British/Indian Soldier. Taken in India by my dad in WW II.
I thought Fay was raised on a ranch, ME sounds like the Oil Patch.
Yup, I fixed honey garlic chicken N taters in my Dutch Oven last night and used 6 boneless thighs, always do. They’re tastier and much more moist than the breast.
#8 #9 #10 😀
I’ve already quit for the day and had a shower. I may have overheated this morning but when you’re wrasseling an El Gordo push mower on the steep banks of the pond it can get hot. We hit about 95 so far but our low 57% humidity really made a difference. I even felt a cool breeze working at the big pond but my shirt was soaking wet. 😉
Our pecan trees look like they’re trying to make nuts, but with this heat and drought, they may all fall off before harvest.
I just checked the long range forecast. How depressing. Temps up to 106, and zero chance of rain until next Tuesday.
Rhett is just over 200 gallons left. I may go to city water soon, to protect the pump.
37 Tedtam
I got it. My chicken curry recipe’s liquid to solid ratio is much less, but I don’t preserve it, I eat it right away. It’s hard not to after inhaling the aromas while cooking.
Texpat – the recipe is designed for canning, which convention requires enough liquid to cover the solids in the jar. You can always reduce the amount of liquid and add more later if it’s too dry.
I’ve learned about “dry canning,” which I use now for meats. Ground beef canned with liquid comes out with a texture resembling dog food, and I’ll only use it if I can disguise it in a casserole or some such.
. Attention: preppers, foragers, and the rest of you…. Scooter Cheatham has dedicated his life to voluminous books that document uses for Texas’ plants Since 1995, Cheatham’s nonprofit Useful Wild Plants has published four volumes, each counting 600 or more pages and collectively weighing nearly 20 pounds. When completed, the set will include at least 20 volumes and document the economic uses of more than 4,000 plant species, both native and naturalized. “There’s nothing else like our volumes in the world,” says Cheatham, seated at UWP’s office in East Austin. “They’re the most comprehensive, interdisciplinary treatment of plant species ever… Read more »
30 Tedtam
Looks good, but are the amounts for liquids correct ? I calculate over 12 cups of fluid with chicken broth, coconut milk, lime juice, juice from 4 cups of tomatoes plus moisture from onions.
Maybe it’s right. It just seems like a lot. I’m still an amateur cook.
Beyond sick: wife of dying man contacted to request his organs – he was dying because Canadian medicine refused to give him a kidney when he refused the jab In May, Trillium Gift of Life Network (TGLN), the Ontario organ donation agency, called Meghan Harper to harvest her husband Garnet’s organs as he lay dying because the hospital refused to provide organ transplants to unvaccinated Canadians. “They call you while you’re sitting next to your dying loved one and they ask you if they can have his organs,” Megan told independent journalist Monique Leal. /snip “Meanwhile, he wasn’t good enough to receive… Read more »
Tedtam – thanx for the recipe… I have the Ball Complete Book of Home Preserving, not the one you referenced.
Good on those Sikhs! If more people would stop the shoplifters with baseball bats and clubs, they may wind up choosing a different career path. Or they would get dead, either way, the shop owner and society in general wins.
When serving curried chicken, she would also provided numerous small bowls of “toppings” to add for your personal taste, which would include peanuts, cold pineapple, homemade HOT toasted coconut, and several others. This was how it was served in the ME countries in which she lived.
26 Tedtam
You don’t mess with the Sikhs. They have been fierce fighters for hundreds of years. The thief is lucky they didn’t whip out their traditional weapon of choice, The Kirpan.
Man, that sounds good.
Not sure what I would do with the massive amount of leftovers. I could try to reduce it to three chicken breast.
You could also try using chicken thighs…which was Fay’s preference when making curry chicken.
Bsue – do you have the book: “The Complete Guide to Pressure Canning” by Devereaux? If so, I use (and modify) her chicken curry recipe on page 184. 2 tbsp olive oil 1 large onion (2 cups) sliced 6 garlic cloves, minced 5 tbsp red Thai curry paste (or whatever intensity you desire, I use green paste) 1/2 tsp ground black pepper 5 boneless, skinless chicken breasts, 2″ pieces 8 cups chicken broth (home made if you got it) 3 cups organic coconut milk 4 cups peeled, diced tomatoes 3 cups carrots, peeled, 1″ thick rounds (I skip this, substitute… Read more »
Three 1 pound trays of chili freezing, waiting for Elsa.
When her room gets finished, I’m going to be keeping her busy.
Hungarian leadership cares about its country, citizens, history and culture.
in the animal farm states of Amerika our joined@thehipparty-Vampyres despise its citizens, history, culture and the country.
it was necessary to fundamentally transform it and the communist Creature from the Kenyan lagoon has done so.
Mr potato head news networks brand.
if it doesn’t fit we must omit.
Justice: served!
The absolute brazenness of the thief is mind boggling.
The sad thing is that these store owners will probably get sued and lose their store.
These are the types of studies constantly cited and quoted in congressional hearings and state legislative hearings across the country to influence public policy on policing, prosecutions and criminal punishment. A public Florida university fired a professor after completing a months-long investigation into allegations of research misconduct in racial bias studies. Criminologist Eric Stewart “demonstrated extreme negligence in basic data management, resulting in an unprecedented number of articles retracted” and “numerous other articles now in question,” according to a five-page termination letter Provost James Clark at Florida State University sent to Stewart earlier this month. “The damage to the standing… Read more »
if it doesn’t fit they must omit.
Part 2 of the Texas Tribune three part series on the Texas Attorney General Office