Thursday Open Comments – TAMU & DP Troubles

Joy Alonzo, Professor, Texas A&M University Health Science Center

Joy Alonzo, a respected opioid expert, was in a panic.

The Texas A&M University professor had just returned home from giving a routine lecture on the opioid crisis at the University of Texas Medical Branch in March when she learned a student had accused her of disparaging Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick during the talk.

In the few hours it took to drive from Galveston, the complaint had made its way to her supervisors, and Alonzo’s job was suddenly at risk.

“I am in a ton of trouble. Please call me!” she wrote to Chandler Self, the UTMB professor who invited her to speak.

Alonzo was right to be afraid. Not only were her supervisors involved, but so was Chancellor John Sharp, a former state comptroller who now holds the highest-ranking position in the Texas A&M University System, which includes 11 public universities and 153,000 students. And Sharp was communicating directly with the lieutenant governor’s office about the incident, promising swift action.

Less than two hours after the lecture ended, Patrick’s chief of staff had sent Sharp a link to Alonzo’s professional bio.

Shortly after, Sharp sent a text directly to the lieutenant governor: “Joy Alonzo has been placed on administrative leave pending investigation re firing her. shud [sic] be finished by end of week.”

The text message was signed “jsharp.”

This is a developing story, but I can tell you John Sharp is a snake and always has been.  I don’t know what stupid trouble Dan has stumbled into or what his culpability is in this mess, but it has already reached across the country.

Prominent law professor Eugene Volokh wrote on Volokh Conspiracy at quoting the powerful Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE):

FIRE is deeply troubled by The Texas Tribune’s report on Texas A&M University’s censure and investigation of Clinical Assistant Pharmacy Professor Joy Alonzo for criticizing the Lieutenant Governor. {This letter reflects our under­standing of the pertinent facts, based on public information. We appreciate that you may have additional information to offer and invite you to share it with us.} We urge you to take swift, decisive action to ensure the university will meet its First Amendment obligations to respect faculty’s core expressive rights.

When citizens criticize public officials, the First Amendment’s protection is “at its zenith.” Public university faculty also have broad expressive and academic freedom rights to raise those criticisms in their classrooms, which the Supreme Court has held “occupy a special niche in our constitutional tradition,” and where “government should be extremely reticent to tread.”

This looks bad, very bad.





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Dr phil Good-E=1984
July 27, 2023 10:41 pm


good stuff uncklo.

July 27, 2023 10:29 pm

Still waiting on the Nashville mass murdering trannie manifesto. The FIB really needs to be abandoned.

Dr phil Good-E=1984
July 27, 2023 9:41 pm

I like pie.

July 27, 2023 9:30 pm

/insert boneless chicken farm comic here

July 27, 2023 9:29 pm

Oh, I’ll certainly eat chicken wings.

Properly fried.

Though they may end up in the fridge for the next day.

July 27, 2023 8:49 pm

I like wings. Bakes ’em  crispy, I don’t like them soft. And I save every bone for stock.

They used to be one of the cheapest cuts.

Now they cost as much per pound as almost every other part of the chicken. Or more.

July 27, 2023 8:38 pm

Well, even before the wing craze, my favorite chicken piece next to the thigh has always been the wing.

July 27, 2023 7:38 pm

By the way, frozen chicken feet (FOB USA) are up to $500/metric tonne if you buy a 40’ container (27 tonnes).

Thats almost 60,000 pounds of bird feet, baby.

Dr phil Good-E=1984
July 27, 2023 7:37 pm

Have Mormons ever been known for electing communists and fake Frenchmen like Pierre Delecto?

July 27, 2023 7:26 pm

While I am aware that a negligible percentage of the population actually likes chicken wings, I have always thought that they are basically useless and in the way. When cutting up a chicken for personal use my technique has always been to ensure a bit of breast meat is left on the the wing to give it some kind redeeming… Read more »

July 27, 2023 7:13 pm

40 timtom It’s true that a whole chicken is cheaper than any of its parts (except the legs? and backs).  That’s what I usually do unless a recipe calls for more than a couple chickens worth of a given part. Of course the side benefit is all the carcass that’s left over to make a yummy stock with. I’ve made… Read more »

July 27, 2023 6:54 pm
July 27, 2023 6:53 pm

A man and his wife were in their home trying to sleep, it was late. The neighbour’s dog was in their backyard and would not stop barking, loudly. The wife finally said, I’ve got to do something and got up. The dog was quiet and the woman returned to bed. In a few minutes the dog started barking again. The… Read more »

July 27, 2023 6:49 pm

TW just sent me a time saving tip. Picture a stand up freezer filled with bags of frozen water.

The caption read:

Tired of boiling water every time you make pasta? Boil a few gallons at the the start of the week and freeze it for later.

A real time saver.

Rainy and 59 here today. Sheesh.

July 27, 2023 6:48 pm

Just though about the Aussie/human relationship as somewhat like Spock’s “My mind to your mind, my thoughts to your thoughts”  🙂

July 27, 2023 6:45 pm

Oops, forgot to also mention that my cousin’s Aussies over the years also looked after the large sheep herd on the farm.

July 27, 2023 6:44 pm

I don’t buy enough chicken to even know that they separate various parts of the wing and sell them separately. They certainly didn’t do so back in my day.

Who in the hell would buy wing flats, anyway? If they are what I think they are, they’re at least 60% bone.


July 27, 2023 6:43 pm

The whole of a chicken is cheaper than the sum of its parts.

July 27, 2023 6:39 pm

Detransitioner Chloe Cole testified before Congress today. Extraordinary. 5 minute video.

July 27, 2023 6:38 pm

HEB used to carry one of their store brand sauces, “Southwestern Sauce” .  Man, I loved that stuff.  It was strong, so a little went a long way.  I used it on everything.  Not quite TexMex and a good stone’s throw from Texas barbecue sauce. They quit carrying it.  When I couldn’t find it on the shelves, I asked about… Read more »

July 27, 2023 6:22 pm

Note: the Tabasco habanero sauce is rather piquant.

July 27, 2023 6:18 pm

Remember the conversation about chicken wings the other day?  I was at my friendly HEB today.

Drumettes – $4.09

Flats – $3.89

Whole wings – $2.98

Legs – $1.09

the more you know

July 27, 2023 5:47 pm

Kroger had a sale going on with steaks, ground beef, and butter.  I actually got butter for $2.97 – cheaper than even Aldi.  So I’m making ghee tonight since I got maxed out the 5 box limit. I made a big batch of chili with two of the 3 pound chubs of beef.  I had also picked up one hatch… Read more »

July 27, 2023 5:40 pm

RE: dogs I think the most handsome dog I’ve ever seen was impressive even from a distance.  When I got closer and was reassured by his owner that he was gentle, I petted him on the head and asked about his heritage. Part Great Dane, part Boxer.  The dog was the size of a small pony, with a mostly Boxer… Read more »

July 27, 2023 5:23 pm

Texpat  4:27 Australian Shepherds are wonderful dogs, very smart, very loyal, they don’t miss much around them, love to play but careful around people, good with children, good watch dog that presents quite a pose sizing up new people to the home without looking like they are sizing up new people.  🙂 If we were looking for a dog, an… Read more »

July 27, 2023 5:16 pm

TP 1627:  Did this critter seem well behaved, was it friendly?

only 2 breeds?  Sarah has 15 detectable in her gene pool.

July 27, 2023 1:56 pm

Our local crackpot quack is still trying to keep us safe from Kung Flu. The virologist commented on the remarkable success of the two films ushering in the largest movie-going crowds since 2019 with “Avengers: Endgame.” Although this was considered great news for the entertainment industry, Hotez cautioned that the large numbers could produce a coronavirus “bump.” “Not to be… Read more »

July 27, 2023 1:32 pm

Did I check in this morning? Thought I did but maybe not. Went to home Depot to buy some plastic cutter string for my old edger. Swung back by Kroger and bought all the bags of Wild Mix that they had on the shelf — that was FOUR. I’m turning into a hoarder again.


Dr phil Good-E=1984
July 27, 2023 12:24 pm

Totalitariancrat corruption is always good corruption.

Dr phil Good-E=1984
July 27, 2023 12:09 pm

The story ends up being even more outrageous than I thought.

tell me more.

July 27, 2023 12:09 pm

The Land Commissioner’s daughter attends a lecture at school where the professor expresses some policy differences with the Lt. Governor, and in less than 24 hours the professor’s job is on the line?

What BS.

July 27, 2023 12:01 pm

The first link in Texpat’s OC is a lengthy article at Texas Tribune. Though the lecture was not recorded, the article does include the recollections of three students who were in attendance. When this story broke, and the details were few, I couldn’t imagine that this professor was called on the carpet for being critical of a politician, much less… Read more »

July 27, 2023 11:54 am

#11 Tedtam, That was beautiful.  The mother is an accomplished upper level dressage horse, as shown by this freestyle program featuring (probably only seen here by me) several flying change of canter leads (changing front feet that lead from the left foot to the right foot or right to left).  This is possible to do flawlessly because the mare is… Read more »

Dr phil Good-E=1984
July 27, 2023 11:52 am

Diversity, equity and inclusion training?

isn’t that training where one specific group gets excluded and blamed for every major ill under the sun and since the dawn of time while every other group is declared virtuous and righteous just by being a member of that group?

July 27, 2023 11:38 am

Having fun today with DE&I training.

I suppose it’s supposed to help our sister company blow stuff up more sensitively, thoroughly and efficiently. Somehow.

July 27, 2023 11:17 am

Texpat – that’s the same story I linked to a day or two ago.

I noticed “autism” in her list of mental issues.  The British whistleblowers also report that autism was one of the common denominators in a large number of transitioning cases that their health “service” was pushing.

Those who take advantage of the mentally vulnerable are truly despicable.

Dr phil Good-E=1984
July 27, 2023 10:52 am

When the Kentucky Swamp Turtle blue screened yesterday did they cold boot him or just hit curl+alt+delete? I see he was able to come back to the podium and finish his speech. maybe a shot of Vitamultin did the trick much like it does for the wooden dummy. or possibly they slithered out a doppelgänger turtle to finish the speech… Read more »

July 27, 2023 9:57 am

In an effort to help you people prepare for threats against your person and/or property of a more corporeal nature and the certain doom that represents, I point you to a brand new site operated by the Space City Weather guys.

The Eyewall. 

July 27, 2023 9:03 am

Childers ends with climate wackos warning us that the Gulf Stream may collapse, and then there’s the UFO testimony.

The crazy never stops.

The End