Weekend Duckspiracy Open Insurrection

A crowd of crazed ducks was spotted gathering their numbers to storm the Texas Capitol and attempt to put an end to the Deep Flock nonsense going on within.

But fear not, there were some members of the mob that seemed a bit “off”.

These guys were clearly not part of the rest of the flock. They were interlopers, bent on derailing the movement and provide information to their leaders about the nefarious activities of the others and to point out the leaders of the flock.

Namely these guys. Notice the unusual headwear and plumage. They’re just looking for trouble.

Troubled onlookers observed the goings on with a mix of concern, wonder, and pity.




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Super Dave
July 23, 2023 9:26 pm

It just started raining again.   YES!

July 23, 2023 9:18 pm
Super Dave
July 23, 2023 9:08 pm

Since my sister was coming for supper I decided that it was about time for some real tamales so I fixed refried/charro beans, Spanish rice, guacamole and steamed up some pork tamales. Half the tamales were imported from Fort Worth Texas and half were purchased locally from the wife of one of the guys that helped build my Pole Barn.… Read more »

July 23, 2023 8:13 pm

That slippery slope… Dutch Doctors Now Euthanizing Patients with Autism Several Dutch citizens who had autism or other intellectual disabilities have been euthanized by doctors in the Netherlands under the authority of the nation’s globalist government. In recent years, a number of Dutch patients have died by physician-assisted suicide after doctors determined their afflictions were untreatable obstacles to a normal life, researchers… Read more »

July 23, 2023 7:10 pm

El Gordo found this airplane-in-trouble video and posted it on his FB page. I found it — I think the word is SPELL-BINDING — so here’s the link for those who like intense videos. (Use Skip Ads when needed…)


July 23, 2023 6:40 pm

Still darker to the south so maybe the rain has not ended. Spouse is out on the patio watering the potted plants that seem to be hanging in all right.  The semi-overcast makes that possible this time of evening.  I must go to the local nursery tomorrow to get rose fertilizer and other flowering plants fertilizer. I’ve been putting that… Read more »

July 23, 2023 6:34 pm

no rain


July 23, 2023 5:00 pm

Just got up from a nap and was delighted to see we have 5/100 in the rain gauge.  Every drop counts.

July 23, 2023 4:56 pm

For once, I’m happy to have a dark cloud hanging over my head.



July 23, 2023 4:56 pm

#79 Texpat,

Consider sending that info to several Republican members of Congress who will comprehend the problem. 🙂

In terms of the Biden Bunch, we know they are hopelessly all in for socialism and have no clue about energy sources.  And many of them are only dimly aware they are alive.

July 23, 2023 4:54 pm


July 23, 2023 4:18 pm

According to the Journal, the US can’t sell the oil because the companies that would unload the oil are worried about Iranian retaliation in the Persian Gulf. “Companies with any exposure whatsoever in the Persian Gulf are literally afraid to do it,” a Houston-based energy executive involved in the matter told the paper. The executive said that several companies contacted about… Read more »

July 23, 2023 3:51 pm

I stayed after mass for a bit this morning.  First I had a nice conversation with some of my Latin class friends, then went back inside for some prayer time and adoration.  Came home and took a quick cruise around my garden – poor plants are looking pitiful. As I was giving them a drink I discovered caterpillars and butterfly… Read more »

July 23, 2023 2:56 pm

#75 Shannon,

Yea, you got some rain.  Yes we are south of I-10. Nothing dark in the sky over that way yet

“If wishes were horses, then beggars would ride.”

July 23, 2023 2:50 pm

We’re back from a leisurely lunch at our favorite Mexican restaurant nearby.  We’re stuffed as usual and bringing a lot of it home for lunch tomorrow.  The restaurant La Cocina (The Kitchen) gives generous portions, so much so that folk considerably younger than we are also request a box to take the rest home.  It is not part of a… Read more »

July 23, 2023 2:38 pm

Had a little storm pop up between Columbus and Sealy.

All the action right now on the radar is south of I-10.

Good luck Adee and Tedtam.

July 23, 2023 12:36 pm

Nice story. The heroic Dallas couple who helped police arrest a most wanted fugitive got a huge surprise from a fellow citizen. When Cliff Freeman learned Crime Stoppers was not going to issue an award to the couple, who have six children, he knew something had to be done, Fox 4 reported Friday. Kenyatta and Briana Jordan were shocked when… Read more »

Super Dave
July 23, 2023 12:05 pm

I didn’t know that. Lehman Brothers Lehman Brothers, a former Fortune 500 global financial services firm, was founded in 1850 in Montgomery Alabama. Henry Lehman, the first of the Lehman brothers to immigrate to the United States, arrived in Mobile in 1844 from Rimpar, Bavaria. Soon after his arrival, he loaded up a wagon with merchandise and spent the next… Read more »

July 23, 2023 11:25 am

Mowed the shriveled weeds by 11am. My neighbor even joined in on his mower and helped me with some of it.

Quite humid out there.

Very refreshing is this bottle of pre-mixed Mimosa that the HEB wine guy talked me into to buying.

closing my eyes, drinking a Mimosa, and dreaming that I am at Brennan’s for Sunday Brunch

July 23, 2023 11:13 am

Just checked the small weather station for the back side of the house:  91 and 71% humidity.  Front side reads  90 and 71% humidity. Described as sunny, all those white clouds with patches of blue here and there.  Sprinkler system came on in the wee hours last night.  Most of the driveway in the front and the walkway from the… Read more »

July 23, 2023 10:59 am

I do like to work the Sunday sudoku before I venture forth from the well-named breakfast room– even breakfast waits on Sunday. Well, my breakfast does; not the cats. Even Billy Cat eats before I do.


July 23, 2023 10:55 am

I guess it’s a good thing to get to The Couch so late that any discrepancies have already been worked out amongst y’all early risers…


July 23, 2023 10:02 am

Just now looking at the Wunderground 10-Day Forecast for Bellville, TX.

It is gruesome.  There doesn’t seem to be any relief in sight from this heat wave and no rain either.

July 23, 2023 9:26 am

Good Morning Hamsters,

We seem to be off to a rather strange start this morning in Odd City perhaps somewhere in our Galaxy….

All the calendars in our house say it is Sunday, July 23rd.  Beyond that everything else seems to be in free fall.  Definitely not boring. 🙂

July 23, 2023 8:36 am

Since Wagonburner lowered the bar on standards for Weekend photographic comments, against my better judgment, I am posting this really disgusting photo only to serve the public interest. Robert Francis O’Rourke and Barry Charles Laughton, Jr. alias Stacie Marie Laughton Associated Press reports: A former New Hampshire state lawmaker and the one-time partner of a woman charged with taking sexually… Read more »

Super Dave
July 23, 2023 8:17 am

Do y’all remember John Anderson? His name came up recently and I had totally forgot that he ran as an independent in 1980 against Carter and Reagan. And since looking back is soo much easier than looking forward I guess I didn’t realize he was a typical milquetoast candidate. Proof? Right here; Diane Anderson said her father became disillusioned with… Read more »

Super Dave
July 23, 2023 7:56 am

#62 Texpat  BAWHAHAHAHA!!!!

That’s downright funny. 😉

Super Dave
July 23, 2023 7:53 am

#60 GJT, leave it to ole Dave to royally screw things up.  😀

I figger it’ll take a good couple of weeks before the Space Time Continuum falls back in sync but look at the bright side, it’ll be a real good time to get in touch with your home planet. 😉

July 23, 2023 7:52 am

From Citizen Free Press:  The Justin/Fidel Father Son Photo Collage Justin’s mother was a stupid communist infatuated with Fidel Castro and unencumbered with propriety or concerns about humiliating her husband by cuckolding him.  Margaret and her husband, Pierre, spent plenty of time with Fidel on his private estates precisely during the time Justin would have been conceived. Margaret Trudeau is… Read more »

July 23, 2023 7:24 am

Sorry guys.  Working on Latin last night, it was close to midnight…and I had a brain fart moment and thought yesterday was Sunday.

Monday now sits in its rightful place.

July 23, 2023 7:22 am

Well this will be a fine mess now that Super Dave done commented on the Monday thread on Sunday when the real Monday rolls around we’ll already have a comment and the whole dang earth will be thrown off it’s axis. We might just esplode or something.

Super Dave
July 23, 2023 6:00 am

BTW; Shannon and Texpat thanks for finding the Zebco story it was great and I had no idea that a explosive fracking company developed the Zebco Reel. They were real popular in south Alabama when I was little because they were cheap and anybody could use them. Of course the “Real” fishermen and those that THOUGHT they were fishermen would… Read more »

Super Dave
July 23, 2023 5:46 am

Just before midnight we got a lazy, 15 minute pop-up shower. Pretty sure it turned to steam when it hit the hot ground. Just be thankful for any rain that you can get. I mentioned that we got .49″ yesterday and overnight we added .o9″ for a total of .58″. The good news is that all afternoon it was overcast… Read more »

Super Dave
July 23, 2023 5:38 am

Assuming the “Monday” thread is a mistake I’ll just say it’s Sunday!

Mornin’ Gang

July 23, 2023 12:04 am

Just before midnight we got a lazy, 15 minute pop-up shower.

Pretty sure it turned to steam when it hit the hot ground.


Super Dave
July 22, 2023 9:17 pm

How about the Tri Level Pacemaker 10X50 Mobile Home. State of the art 1959. 😉

July 22, 2023 8:49 pm

I tried a recipe from my keto sauces cookbook – General Tso’s Sauce.  It turned out a bit tangier than I’d like, so I think the next time I’ll cut back on the vinegar and slightly increase the Swerve. I purchased some molds for candy and/or soap making.  The leftover sauce is in the freezer in the molds, so I… Read more »

July 22, 2023 8:12 pm

#48 TP: That is good news indeed and may it be an harbinger of many more people waking up from their wokeness and leaving the party of M-lech.  Let the great separation continue.

July 22, 2023 8:10 pm

Thank God for Italy. The Miss Italy pageant has banned transgender contestants from taking part in the beauty contest. “Lately, beauty contests have been trying to make the news by also using strategies that I think are a bit absurd,” Miss Italy Official Patron Patrizia Mirigliani said, according to TND. “Miss Italia, on the other hand, will not jump on… Read more »

July 22, 2023 7:58 pm

Mom deer and her child are back in the front pasture grazing.  Little one is now grazing well and has grown some but still sticks close to Mom.  Guessing that Mom is still nursing as she keeps track of where baby is.  They seem to pretty much ignore us when we go down the driveway to get the mail or… Read more »

July 22, 2023 7:54 pm

I’ll never forget back when Glenn Beck was on KSEV in Houston and he leaned on Dan Patrick to let Pat Gray have his own show late at night.  Gray also had his own website at the time and had posted some stupid, cockeyed conspiracy crap about some political subject.  David Jennings and I lit up his website with comments… Read more »

July 22, 2023 7:43 pm

Glenn Beck left Houston and landed in Dallas where he started producing all kinds of online content, built all kinds of expensive studios and had a large staff and payroll.  I believe the 2009-10 economic disaster finally took its toll and he hit some rough times, but somehow managed to survive and rebuild in a less expensive and flashy way.… Read more »

July 22, 2023 7:36 pm

Bonecrusher, you will be pleased about this.  You’ve quoted him often over the years. After spending a lifetime as a Democrat, former New York State Assemblyman Dov Hikind has officially joined the Republican Party, citing the radicalism and anti-Semitism growing ever worse worse in his former party. Hikind, the 73-year-old founder of Americans Against Antisemitism, was first elected to the… Read more »

Super Dave
July 22, 2023 6:27 pm

Shannon I used to listen to Glenn Beck in Houston and I liked him until he basically lost his mind and went off the deep end. Shortly afterwards he was no longer in the Houston market and I assumed he wasn’t on any terrestrial stations just On-line. When I retired and came back here I found out that he’s on… Read more »

July 22, 2023 6:19 pm

Ms Welch was arguably at her most beautiful when the film was made in 1966. She was born a couple of weeks before Fay in September of 1940.

Note: The hot, interracial make-out scene between Jim Brown and Welch was the first of its kind in mainstream film history.

July 22, 2023 5:51 pm

. Super Dave An internet search indicates that Glenn Beck is on KLIF 570 in Houston. I assume he still heads up something called Blaze Media: Blaze Media engages over 64 million people each month through our various media assets, which include Blaze News, BlazeTV, Blaze Live, Blaze Radio, Blaze Podcasts, and our highly engaged social media channels. I haven’t… Read more »

July 22, 2023 5:48 pm

42 Tedtam I was just preparing to post a comment with that very article.  I know I’ve been harping on this subject for a long time.  Like the guy who keeps predicting a flood, sooner or later, he’s going to be right…my time has come. The dumpster fire right now is downtown Baltimore.  These are first class, beautiful commercial properties.… Read more »

July 22, 2023 5:30 pm

Another actor in 100 Rifles is Eric Braeden.

Old timers will recognize him as the Nazi in the Rat Patrol television series. He played the stereotypical German soldier in many movies.

But he has spent the last 43 years playing the main villain on the soap opera The Young And The Restless.

July 22, 2023 5:22 pm

More info and warnings on the commercial real estate crisis.

The ripples will be felt far and wide. I plan to continue canning and prepping.