Tuesday Open Comments

Immigrants know better.

This article is from 2019, but no less true today.

In his foreword to the fiftieth-anniversary edition of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s The Gulag Archipelago, Jordan Peterson asks us to reflect on this indisputable reality:

No political experiment has ever been tried so widely, with so many disparate people, in so many different countries (with such different histories) and failed so absolutely and so catastrophically. Is it mere ignorance (albeit of the most inexcusable kind) that allows today’s Marxists to flaunt their continued allegiance—to present it as compassion and care? Or is it, instead, envy of the successful, in near-infinite proportions? Or something akin to hatred for mankind itself? How much proof do we need? Why do we still avert our eyes from the truth?

In sum, socialism has failed empirically and morally. So, why are so many young Americans, enjoying political freedomstable institutions, and economic opportunities envied and desired by so many other people across the world, willing to sell their birthright for a failedregressive ideology?


Writing in the Harvard Crimson, Romanian student Laura Nicolae lambasts her peers for strutting around on campus in Che Guevara T-shirts and romanticizing communism:

Roughly 100 million people died at the hands of the ideology my parents escaped. They cannot tell their story. We owe it to them to recognize that this ideology is not a fad, and their deaths are not a joke.

Communism cannot be separated from oppression; in fact, it depends upon it. In a communist society, the collective is supreme. Personal autonomy is nonexistent. Human beings are simply cogs in a machine tasked with producing utopia: they have no value of their own.

In USA Today, Venezuelan student Daniel Di Martino recalls living under and fleeing Chavez/Maduro’s socialist regime and warns his adopted country not to embrace the failed statist policies that destroyed his homeland:

I watched what was once one of the richest countries in Latin America gradually fall apart under the weight of big government.

I didn’t need to look at statistics to see this but rather at my own family. When Chavez took office in 1999, my parents were earning several thousand dollars a month between the two of them. By 2016, due to inflation, they earned less than $2 a day. If my parents hadn’t fled the country for Spain in 2017, they’d now be earning less than $1 a day, the international definition of extreme poverty. Even now, the inflation rate in Venezuela is expected to reach 10 million percent this year.

Venezuela has become a country where a woeful number of children suffer from malnutrition, and where working two full-time jobs will pay for only 6 pounds of chicken a month.

I’ve heard plenty of horrific stories from my parents, who grew up in Maoist China, with regular food shortages and deprived of other basic needs we take for granted today. Censorship and ideological conformity were rigidly enforced in an environment that has been described as an “Auschwitz of the mind.” My mother’s grandfather and uncle were killed during the Cultural Revolution, for the crime of being privileged landlords. Red Guard thugs beat them to death with shovels and dumped their bodies in a nearby river—a favorite disposal site, which was used so frequently that the waters flowed red with blood.

Such ghastly accounts were common during that era. Communism produced destruction and death on an unprecedented scale in the world’s oldest civilization. The Red Guards destroyed more Chinese treasures and artifacts in one decade than the European imperialists and Japanese invaders combined. Millions perished. Tens of millions more were persecuted, exiled, imprisoned, beaten, or tortured (often in horrifically creative and sadistic ways). It was only after Mao’s death, once the chaos from the Cultural Revolution had subsided, that Deng Xiaoping’s reforms gradually (and still incompletely) opened up one of the most repressive regimes of the 20th century.


I think that professors promoting this sick ideology should be forced to allow people like the above survivors to speak to their classes.  Nothing like real life to intrude on utopian dreams of the ignorant.

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June 27, 2023 10:26 pm

You sayin’ Elsa’s got broccoli in her teeth???

Nat’s got flat squares of frozen whooped egg…

June 27, 2023 9:13 pm

Tedtam @ 7:45 – Trust me – I feel your pain…  I got up early one morning to weigh trays and go back to sleep for a couple hours… One tray had lost 0.2 oz and another had gained it… I finally went to HEB and got a scale that weighs in Kg – only problem is that I haven’t… Read more »

Super Dave
June 27, 2023 9:00 pm

My #32, That’s right up there with Donald trump being more Injun that Elizabeth Warren.  😉

June 27, 2023 8:59 pm

During the time we had fantasies of closing down entire departments – Energy, Education etc, no I was not in favor of opening a completely new department adding thousands and thousands of bureaucrats . It was stupid, we knew how it would turn out. We knew.

Super Dave
June 27, 2023 8:51 pm

This has been all over Fox News tonight and I think that it’s just hilarious. Donald Trump is the only living US president whose ancestors didn’t own slaves, report says. Donald Trump is reportedly the only living US president whose ancestors did not own slaves. That’s because Trump’s ancestors came to America after slavery had already been abolished. Even Barack… Read more »

Super Dave
June 27, 2023 8:45 pm

About the Patriot Act, at first glance it seems like a good idea but after giving it some thought I was against it. I  told my wife at the time that even though I liked W, I think he’s wrong on this and sadly I was proved right and it was abused worse than I could have imagined.

June 27, 2023 8:32 pm

The “unmasking” video was on Rumble yesterday. It’s not going anywhere. Don’t rely on places like Twitter or YewToob for free speech.


June 27, 2023 7:25 pm

26 Shannon Good find on that article. Back in the early 2000s, I defended Bush and the Patriot Act.  I was wrong and the Left Wing and Libertarians were right.  It is beyond ironical those who railed against that legislation and the FISA Courts ended up being the very ones to criminally abuse those powers.  We should have listened to… Read more »

June 27, 2023 6:28 pm

Busting glowies in the process of their incitement to riot is always a good thing.

I think it may be time to close that bureau entirely instead of just firing the top 5 layers en masse.

June 27, 2023 5:49 pm

25 Texpat

That was great –  De-masking the scumbags.

Too bad they couldn’t get good mugshots and splash them across the Internet.

June 27, 2023 5:06 pm

The video Benny Johnson had earlier and was pulled is now at this Twitter thread.

See it while you can.

Super Dave
June 27, 2023 4:50 pm

Did I tell you that it was HOT today? I climbed on the zero turn mower at 7:30 AM and crawled off at 3;30 PM. Long day but I mowed the yards of both houses, the barn and the right of way from the highway down past the farm house to uncle Henry’s place. Man it looks good. I got… Read more »

June 27, 2023 4:26 pm

NASCAR great Jimmie Johnson’s in-laws found shot to death in Oklahoma MUSKOGEE, Okla. — Police in Muskogee, Oklahoma, confirmed Tuesday they are investigating the shooting deaths of three relatives of seven-time NASCARchampion Jimmie Johnson. The bodies of Jack Janway, 69; his wife Terry Janway, 68; and their grandson Dalton Janway, 11, were discovered Monday at a home in Muskogee, located… Read more »

June 27, 2023 3:44 pm

I just realized I never logged in today.

So here I am, way late, but waving HI Y’ALL!


June 27, 2023 2:37 pm

Senator John Tester D-Montana is a weasel.  If his new, current challenger can’t beat him, then there is no hope for Montana.  Lots of people are betting on Tim Sheehy to take out Tester and regain the Senate for the GOP. Fox News story on the very impressive Sheehy with his campaign video. Sheehy is a former Navy Seal, pilot,… Read more »

June 27, 2023 2:30 pm

I’m always amazed when some public figure goes out in public, admits the truth, says what they really think and then crawfishing the next denying what they said in from of hundreds of people.  Their phone blows up all night long with other liars and frauds berating them for telling the truth.  The next morning it’s… Oh, no, I was… Read more »

June 27, 2023 2:21 pm

Sometimes sanity lurks where you least expect to find it.  These same people, however, rejected the prevailing psychosis over COVID while everyone else was losing their head Sweden has just dealt a severe blow to the globalist climate agenda by scrapping its green energy targets. In a statement announcing the new policy in the Swedish Parliament, Finance Minister Elisabeth Svantesson… Read more »

June 27, 2023 1:58 pm

17 Shannon

It doesn’t work for me now either.  I guess Fox pulled it from Twitter since it was so fresh from last night.

Never mind. Wrong video. I can’t find the Fed fake white supremacist video anywhere right now. Somebody complained about ownership rights though. I can’t imagine Twitter banning this nowadays.

June 27, 2023 11:39 am

The link within the Benny Johnson tweet doesn’t work for me.

June 27, 2023 10:23 am

Tedtam, I just loaded Nat with the trays of eggs from yesterday – guess it was MONDAY all day long.  Run got interrupted, and I hit the wrong button – so put them back in the freezer, finished the defrost cycle, and wanted a full nite’s sleep, so didn’t start the load over til just now.

June 27, 2023 10:21 am

#14 Texpat – knee-mail UP ♥

June 27, 2023 10:17 am

I have to go meet with my cardiac surgeon.  I’ll be back later.

June 27, 2023 10:16 am

Watch stuff get destroyed in a pressure chamber filled with water.    Watch how fast the reaction takes place.  If you were in the Titan sub, looking directly at the failure point, you would be a pile of goo before your brain could register that something was happening. Painless. One minute you are looking at a spot and the next instant… Read more »

June 27, 2023 10:05 am

#11 TP:  I think I saw that on FoxNews last night.  What was done to that guy is illustrative in how the Ds view life:  all for me but none for thee. It explains why the Ds are always wanting to increase taxes, yet dodge those same taxes on themselves.  They extort money in the guise of campaign donations; failure… Read more »

June 27, 2023 9:31 am

This is a 3:56 minute interview with the poor, naive Delaware beer distributor set up by the Biden family to violate federal campaign laws.  He’s obviously not a Biden supporter any longer.


June 27, 2023 9:15 am

Kanekoa News at substack has the goods on this oily creep. In a groundbreaking revelation, it has come to light that Dr. Peter Hotez, an esteemed vaccine researcher, has been entangled in a web of funding, collaboration, and research with Chinese military scientists potentially involved in the development of COVID-19. The intricate tale weaves together key Chinese military virologists and… Read more »

June 27, 2023 9:13 am

#7 Texpat: See my #8.

Sick great minds . . . .

June 27, 2023 9:11 am

Masked feds of the Patriot Front try to merge with the Proud Boys during a march in Portland.  The Proud Boys were not having any part of it and actually unmasked some of the infiltrators.  There were blows traded and the interlopers were driven out.  Most interesting to observe was that when they were unmasked – they melted away. Warning:… Read more »

June 27, 2023 9:06 am

Benny Johnson (no relation) has a great video posted right now on Twitter.  Some guys were having a small patriot rally in an unidentified town (could be Portland) when the little soyboy feds showed up in their stereotypical khaki pants, black shirts & masks with their black caps pretending to be some white supremacists and wanted to join the rally.… Read more »

June 27, 2023 8:54 am

Tedtam @ 8:43 AM But Mr. C. found a previous tweet that stated that A&M stood to lose millions in government money if they didn’t force jabs on everyone.  Heads should roll.  An avalanche of heads. I’m old enough to remember when A&M, its alumni and supporters were very protective of their students and fellow Aggies no matter what some… Read more »

June 27, 2023 8:27 am

This is a very interesting set of comments from the Saudi ambassador. Saudi Ambassador to the U.S. Princess Reema bint Bandar Al Saud said on Saturday afternoon that Israeli-Palestinian peace was in line with Vision 2030, the kingdom’s massive social reform project. “We want to see a thriving Israel,” she said. “We want to see a thriving Palestine. Vision 2030… Read more »