Friday Dark Meat Only Open Comments

In a surprising and potentially controversial move, fast-food chain Chik-fil-A announced its newest initiative aimed at promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion: a menu exclusively featuring dark chicken meat. This decision, intended to challenge traditional poultry norms, has sparked both intrigue and confusion among chicken lovers and social justice advocates alike.

Chik-fil-A’s CEO, in a statement filled with buzzwords and phrases like “inclusive flavor profiles” and “culinary justice,” explained the rationale behind the change. “We have listened to the calls for greater representation and equity in the fast-food industry,” the CEO announced, with a gleam of enlightenment in their eyes. “By focusing solely on dark chicken meat, we aim to create a more inclusive and culturally diverse dining experience.”

The new menu boasts tantalizing items like the Dark Chicken Meat and Watermelon Deluxe Sandwich, the Spicy Dark Meat and Chitlins Wrap, and even a Dark Meat Nuggets Platter for those craving a full-on dark meat extravaganza. Chik-fil-A’s marketing team has gone to great lengths to emphasize the rich flavors and succulent textures that come with the decision to exclusively serve dark chicken meat.





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June 2, 2023 7:54 pm

I watched Biden’s speech late this afternoon, coming in the midst of the 6 pm news.  He stared ahead as if glued to the view of his teleprompter writ in large letters.  Must have had some kind of medication that for some reason had a side effect of going quite a long time between eye blinks,  at a very slow… Read more »

June 2, 2023 6:37 pm


Speaking of, I did remember to take my torn American Flag to the VFW Hall in Tomball earlier this week for a proper disposal. They had a box set out front to deposit them.

June 2, 2023 6:08 pm

#32 Bones

My car is old school requiring a key, her’s does not. Whichever one I get in I either do have key in my hand and not needed or key is in my pocket when I do need it. Most times meaning I have to get out of the car to retrieve said key.

Dr phil Good-E=1984
June 2, 2023 5:28 pm

So the Debt Limit Passes the Senate and now the Republican House declares victory, the Slimy NY Used Car Salesman from the Democrat controlled Senate says they won and the Doddering Old Fool in the White House says he saved the country from those EVIL Republicans.   SO!!! Any losers, why yes Virginia, the American people are the losers. They vote… Read more »

Dr phil Good-E=1984
June 2, 2023 5:07 pm

Contempt of Congress charges are a Nothingburger just like the can’t party. Backstabbing nothingburgers. Texas cornservatives say vote for me because by gawd I’m a true cornservative and then they proceed to elect phlegmy, slimy, swampy, weasley adam Schiffty schiff like dud phlegmlan as speaker of the Texas house and he squashes cornservative bills and goes after Paxton. Wash repeat… Read more »

June 2, 2023 3:35 pm

Contempt of Congress charges are a Nothingburger.

Just ask Eric Holder.

June 2, 2023 3:35 pm

There are a bunch of the push button start vehicles here at the office; to date, we have never had a push button failure.  I really like the pushbutton tech; Imuch prefer to not have to dig in my pocket to find the right set of keys.  There are some days where I drive 4-5 different vehicles, the push button… Read more »

June 2, 2023 3:33 pm

Wife’s brother, nephew and a few others made a big haul on red snappers the past couple days. Not sure where they went but they were in nephew’s boat. They sure look good.

June 2, 2023 3:27 pm

First vehicle I’ve had with the push button start, the grouchy old man in me proclaimed that would be a problem someday.

June 2, 2023 3:25 pm

It does have gas in it! Won’t do no good cause she won’t turn over. I do have a feeling it might be in the fancy dancy push start button cause it doesn’t seem to be working right. But I’ve been down that road of changing parts on a hunch…

June 2, 2023 2:14 pm

#24 GJT:  Did she run out of blinker fluid again?

June 2, 2023 1:56 pm

#24 GJT:  Wire to the starter solenoid come loose?

June 2, 2023 1:33 pm

Yay for me! I got the shaggy front yard mowed, and didn’t get rained on! Shucks, it may not  rain at all today, the chances have dropped. But it’s done, so I can concentrate on another chore for the whole weekend: I need to clean the floors downstairs. Vacuum the rugs which are covered with cat hair, and mop the… Read more »

June 2, 2023 12:42 pm

#24 GJT: Did you check the fuel gauge?

Hello all y’all

June 2, 2023 12:29 pm

Just had to send off the wife’s Hyundai Sonata to a mechanic’s shop. Dang I hate having to pay someone else to do repairs but I don’t know what else to do. It died on her coming home from the grocery store last night and won’t make a lick now. Battery is good, all fuses good. Went to auto parts… Read more »

Dr phil Good-E=1984
June 2, 2023 12:24 pm

22 they probably knew there was enough votes to pass it so they were safe voting against it. it’s a game the can’t party plays all the time. Next up for the can’t party is to throw you crumbs on the fib and the Wray contempt charge. They’ll probably call him in but in the end nothing will happen. It’s… Read more »

Super Dave
June 2, 2023 11:24 am

#21 Dr phil Good, FWIW; My congress critter, Barry Moore and my two Senators, Tuberville N Britt all voted against the bill.

Dr phil Good-E=1984
June 2, 2023 11:20 am

Surprise surprise.

one of the greatest can’ts of all time, John Cornhole, voted yea on the bust the bank and weaponize the irs bill.

they refer to it as the fiscal responsibility act but like all of their poisonous bills it’s anything but fiscally responsible.

Mtg has gone Dan Crenshaw on her voters too.

Super Dave
June 2, 2023 11:13 am

Oldest gun in America? A Conquistador’s Cannon Unearthed Certainly the oldest firearm ever found in the continental United States, and possibly the oldest-known firearm produced in the New World, a rampart gun recently discovered in Arizona is one of six associated with Francisco Vázquez de Coronado’s famous search for the “Seven Cities of Gold.”   In 1540, Spanish conquistador Francisco… Read more »

Dr phil Good-E=1984
June 2, 2023 11:01 am

Surprise surprise.

one of the greatest can’ts of all time, the Texas Cornhole, voted yea on the bankrupt the country bill.

he’s also a great judge of character.

Judge Garland’s extensive background and commitment to depoliticizing the Justice Department make him the right choice under this Administration to serve as Attorney General,” 
said Sen. Cornyn. 

June 2, 2023 10:29 am

Morning, chickadees! I thought I might be going to my doc’s office this morning for lab work, so I got up early — by alarm,natch! — fed cats but not myself — but their phone wasn’t being answered until 8:30 a.m. No opening at the lab all day. So I will be going in on Monday, but not early, so… Read more »

Super Dave
June 2, 2023 8:44 am
June 2, 2023 8:40 am

Good grief.

A Lutheran church burned down in Dickinson, too.

June 2, 2023 8:37 am

I see the church fire may have been from an elevator malfunction.

Well, I guess that’s good news.  Gotta go hurt myself, finishing packing.

Y’all behave.

June 2, 2023 8:31 am

More on AI: Once everything has been wired up with AI — and it will be — an individual citizen can easily be completely switched off, right from government headquarters, just by some bureaucrat telling the AI to do it. Then the citizen won’t be able to drive or get an MRI or buy or sell anything. Hopefully they’ll never… Read more »

June 2, 2023 8:30 am

Childers has a positive AI story, how it helps with a medical test.  Then there’s the story of an AI military drone simulation that went sideways – good thing it was a simulation! Apparently, this particular simulated drone’s AI got frustrated when the human operator picked “no-go,” since it was losing its reward (points). So it took steps to remove… Read more »

Super Dave
June 2, 2023 8:27 am

Pranking the Texas Haters. Some people judge books by their covers. The old adage reminding us not to do that is lost on reactionary people in today’s fraught world. I’m a serious gal, but I love a good joke, so I just had to put one over on the folks who browse Amazon, casting about for anti-Texas books. This book was designed for those… Read more »

June 2, 2023 8:26 am

I don’t have time to review the whole column, but here it is: FALLING DOWN ☙ Friday, June 2, 2023 ☙ C&C NEWS Roundup: Good morning, C&C, it’s Friday! Already. And your roundup today includes: Joseph Biden is falling down, falling down; virtue-signaling California teacher suspended for teaching kids about atypical sexual fulfillment; AI improves MRI scans; AI tries to… Read more »

June 2, 2023 8:18 am

As soon as I complete the waking up and packing up process, I am headed to the lands of hugs and giggles to fill up my cuddle tank.  I can’t wait to wrap my arms around those two precious girls.

I have to remember to pack all my meds, by ESSBGS, my back brace…getting old sucks.

June 2, 2023 8:15 am

Bsue – I need to check that news out.  I was packing last night, and I was in pain by the time I got last night’s stuff done.  Pain pill and a MR – knocked me out.  I’m just now getting going. I’ve been inside the Co-Cathedral once.  It’s beautiful inside.  Recovering from smoke damage will be expensive to do… Read more »

June 2, 2023 8:07 am

Tedtam – just saw this on the news…. Overnite fire at the Co-Catherdral of the Sacred Heart in Houston… Heavy smoke damage??? WOW

Super Dave
June 2, 2023 7:26 am

Bones, from your list;


Someone who’s engaged in a pointless task, who can’t concentrate, or has no direction in life can be called a bananenbieger, or “banana bender.”

HA! Can you say Kamala Harris? That fits her perfectly. BAWHAHAHA!!!   😀

Super Dave
June 2, 2023 7:12 am

So the Debt Limit Passes the Senate and now the Republican House declares victory, the Slimy NY Used Car Salesman from the Democrat controlled Senate says they won and the Doddering Old Fool in the White House says he saved the country from those EVIL Republicans.   SO!!! Any losers, why yes Virginia, the American people are the losers. They vote… Read more »

June 2, 2023 7:11 am
June 2, 2023 6:51 am


Never mind, I see there is reason to criticize that I was unaware of.

June 2, 2023 6:44 am

C’mon Genesius Times, Chik-fil-A needs no help in getting targeted.

June 2, 2023 6:43 am

The Texas Water Safari is a sleepless, non-stop 264-mile kayak race on the Guadalupe River, from San Marcos to the Texas coast.

Ending on a Sour Note

“I vowed to never do it again. But when veteran paddler Deb Richardson invited me to join her three-person crew, I forgot about the alligators, mud, log-jams, spiders and hallucinations and signed up.”

Super Dave
June 2, 2023 5:15 am

The new menu boasts tantalizing items like the Dark Chicken Meat and Watermelon Deluxe Sandwich, the Spicy Dark Meat and Chitlins Wrap, and even a Dark Meat Nuggets Platter for those craving a full-on dark meat extravaganza. What no collard greens? Another Friday has rolled around and getting in the beach mode and when that happens I tend to be… Read more »