Wednesday Open Comments

The Blue State Exodus Is About More Than Economics; We’re Fed up With Being Treated Like We’re Stupid

From Red State:

…we have all been writing about the California adios for at least three years now…. it started with AB5, the rabidly anti-independent contractor law that was signed by Newsom in 2019. Many of the colleagues and activists who were a part of the AB5 fight at the beginning now live in other states: Iowa, Nevada, North Carolina, Texas, Florida, Idaho… name your business-friendly, right-to-work red state, and they found it. It was not because they lacked the will to fight, but because it became a matter of self-preservation. Staying in the fight required the ability to live and work without being concerned about an adversarial government whose only intention is to destroy the livelihoods they worked so hard for.

But…but…but…I thought authoritarian  communism was the pinnacle of societal evolution!   /sarc off

With the looming Department of Labor rule changes, the push for the PRO Act, and the nomination of Julie Su to fill the post of Secretary of Labor, these same activists were still all in, but now doing it from a national perspective. We were the first casualties in California, and we saw the fallout coming to other states before anyone else was paying attention. It is no mistake that on Wednesday, as chair of the Subcommittee on Workforce Protections, California Congressman Kevin Kiley is going to do an accounting of AB5 and the damage it has done to the state — damage spearheaded by Julie Su herself, who is scheduled to begin her Senate confirmation hearings on Thursday. While California independent professionals, small businesses, and the self-employed are grateful to Congressman Kiley and feel as though we have finally been vindicated, in many ways, it has been too little, too late.

Make no mistake: California’s AB5 started the exodus, but now other Blue states are seeing their taxpayer base depart in droves. Whether it be for economic freedom, vocational freedom, protection of family, or better quality of life, the trend that started just before the pandemic is now a massive wave.


My husband and I are now among this number. We are working to move out of California before Summer ends. The state …has essentially bled us dry and left us with nothing to show for our decades of hard work. Between financial crises, illnesses, the fallout from AB5, the government’s manipulation of housing, and the rampant homelessness of which we have no desire to be a part, you can stick a fork in us…

This couple is going to borrow money to leave…because they have been robbed of the fruits of their labor.  Their friend had to do the same.  They must do this just to survive.  For another set of friends, those friends are moving to protect their children from the radical left indoctrination at the public school.

It boils down to no longer pouring money down the drain as well as quality of life. If you are paying three-quarters of your income on someone else’s mortgage, you have little to no margin for anything else. Couple this with being afraid to go out for fear of crime, Bidenflation increasing the costs of goods and services, and stepping over homeless to get to work. So, for many, moving out of their blue state has become a no-brainer.


But the icing on this crap cake is a political class that simply Does. Not. Care. This is also reflected in the departure. In California, Governor Gavin Newsom would rather go to red states and point out what is wrong with them than fix the massive issues in California. Then, when he is challenged on his poor governance, Hair Gel has the unmitigated gall to gaslight and obfuscate by claiming this is the land of freedom and people are more concerned with abortion rights and infanticide than they are about their lives and property being stolen, or their children being mutilated.

We are so lucky to not only be born in America, but to be in Texas.  Well, most of us, anyway.  I cannot even imagine doing all of the hard work that Hubby and I have done, the risks we have taken, the money we’ve lost, the stress we’ve endured…only to have the government take it and give it to someone else not willing to put in the effort.

May God bless those who are escaping the lovely hell hole that goes by the name of California.  The same for the New York, et al, refugees.  Please, just do not come here and make the same voting mistakes that destroyed your lives.

And I hope that those poorly educated but well indoctrinated skulls of mush have a “growing up” experience that’ll show them just how badly they are treating others by foisting such a disastrous agenda upon the public.  Before it’s too late.

Oooooh, that swirling!






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El Gordo
April 19, 2023 10:10 pm

Watching the live solar eclipse from Australia on YT.  It’s off to bed as soon as that is over.  Nite all.

April 19, 2023 9:49 pm

We just ended Pesach and the story of the Ten Plagues. From The Informant on Twitter: Today in #Mecca, heavy rain fell on the tomb of #Muhammad as hundreds of thousands of people came to celebrate #Ramadan, and a minute after the rain stopped, millions of cockroaches burst out of the ground causing the prayer to be interrupted. You have… Read more »

April 19, 2023 8:15 pm

There’s so many crazy things in the news today it’s hard to pick one to post.

April 19, 2023 8:12 pm

37 El Gordo

I’m happy Juan Browne had a nice ride, but I’ll take the vistas of Central Texas in the springtime over California’s super bloom any day of the week.

I lived there once upon a time and didn’t forget or lose a thing when I left so I have no reason to go back.

El Gordo
April 19, 2023 5:59 pm

Our aviation friend Juan Browne at blancolirio takes us for a spin in the Husky to look at springtime in the norther California area as the snow melts.  Short video and awesome scenery.


April 19, 2023 5:55 pm

Day 23

FBI still hasn’t release Trannie Christian School Killer Manifesto.

El Gordo
April 19, 2023 3:05 pm

Got a little nap in, but not much else accomplished so far today.  The high way repair crew that has been blocking the road in front of my house has packed up and gone, so if I need to get out for something I can probably do so now.  I peeked in on the worms, and they are all furiously… Read more »

April 19, 2023 2:52 pm

MsTT @ 1:34 – If Yall are wanting GAS – You better get on it!

April 19, 2023 1:23 pm

I see that. Uh oh.

April 19, 2023 12:58 pm

NOT just mine

April 19, 2023 12:57 pm

Wow – multiple posts just literally disappeared

April 19, 2023 12:56 pm

#s 2, 6, 8 – picture visible aok here

April 19, 2023 12:14 pm

Alright, this is getting serious.

Got behind another Mercedes. With Vermont plates. Are they allowed here?

April 19, 2023 11:58 am

From Squawk’s link in #2 Dr Jonas Gross, the Chairman of the Digital Euro Association, told Middle East Monitor that the privacy and surveillance concerns over transaction data being collected centrally by a Central Bank “is only one side of the medal”. A digital currency, he said, could “also increase privacy … if a proper CBDC design is chosen. Thus,… Read more »

April 19, 2023 11:36 am

25 Squawk I do not give a crap what the elites say about how digital currencies are needed and their publically spoken reasons… Neither do I.  I could not agree more. The next thing we are going to hear from Republican House and Senate members is we need to get on the CBDC bandwagon or the US will be left… Read more »

April 19, 2023 11:25 am

I thought they said we weren’t in a recession. According to Bloomberg, the latest data from American Trucking Association shows the truck tonnage index dropped 5.4% in March versus February, the largest decline since Aug. 2012.  “Falling home construction, decreasing factory output and soft retail sales all hurt contract freight tonnage,” said Bob Costello, chief economist for the ATA. “The… Read more »

April 19, 2023 11:09 am

Here is another website for worldwide tracking of central bank digital currency by nation.

April 19, 2023 10:57 am

Looks like I should have called to schedule my Spring medical checkup at least a month ago — as opposed to waiting until I had taken care of a bunch of other things. So now, the PCP can’t see me till June 1.

April 19, 2023 10:55 am

18 Squawk The UK is going off the cliff with their new digital pound. The Bank of England and the UK Treasury are moving forward with a plan to launch a digital currency, which has been dubbed “Britcoin”. The action is part of a global effort to stay ahead of various new currency options and prepare for a future in which… Read more »

April 19, 2023 10:48 am

20 Shannon

That would be $88.26 in today’s dollars.

April 19, 2023 10:43 am

From the Court Report in the Bellville Times 100 years ago: A female was charged with affray. She entered a guilty plea and was fined $5. I had to look it up: Affray is another word for what is commonly known as a fight. It must involve two or more people, must occur in a public place, and must cause… Read more »

April 19, 2023 10:43 am

I don’t know why some can see and others cannot see the portrait photo in my #2.

Here is Jennifer Oliver O’Connell’s website.

April 19, 2023 10:41 am

Read about FEDNOW Story version FedNow: Digital Dollars Without the Tokens In July this year, the Federal Reserve will launch the most significant financial innovation in its history – FedNow. This 24/7 instant payment infrastructure has all the hallmarks of a CBDC precursor. However, is the tokenized dollar even needed? Yeah yeah I know all about states passing laws against… Read more »

Super Dave
April 19, 2023 10:04 am

On Monday my wife saw a strange looking bird in her feeder and showed it to me. It looked a little like Oriole to me but his beak was wrong. In any case I’d never seen one before, here or Texas. It was obviously passing though, heading north to his breeding grounds. Turns out it was a Rose Breasted Grosbeak.… Read more »

April 19, 2023 10:00 am

Good morning, HamousGang! I don’t get the “picture” after numerous refreshes — maybe Texpat can post the location for us?


April 19, 2023 9:38 am

I didn’t even hear about this yesterday. All Southwest Airlines flights were grounded nationwide Tuesday morning due to “intermittent technical issues.” The grounding was announced mid-morning. and, A brief perusal of the airline’s Twitter feed demonstrates the passenger above was far from alone in her dismay. The hold was lifted by late morning, but over 1,700 flights were delayed as… Read more »

April 19, 2023 9:10 am

Tedtam @ 8:21 AM I was going to look for that video of the poor, black lady in Chicago trying to buy food for her children in the completely destroyed Walmart.  I saw it last night. The damage is almost incomprehensible.  It looks as if a real tornado actually struck the store.  It was heart rending to listen to her… Read more »

El Gordo
April 19, 2023 9:08 am

Morning gang.  Had my coffee this morning and intended to mow the lawn, but the wind is already blowing and only expected to increase in velocity.  The highway department has blocked off access to the highway once again, but I really do not need to go out for anything anyway.  I’d like to go ahead and set up a couple… Read more »

April 19, 2023 8:39 am

I was on my PC earlier and picture wasn’t there, I see it now on my phone.

April 19, 2023 8:33 am

#s 2, 6, 8 – picture visible aok here

April 19, 2023 8:03 am

No picture here either. Now I gotta go look ole Jennifer up.

April 19, 2023 8:01 am

We are very happy that you love Texas and would like to move here. But first, we have this little test….

April 19, 2023 7:58 am

#3 TP:

I have refreshed the page several times and the image does not appear.

April 19, 2023 7:49 am

REMEMBER:  If you see a sizable blank space in comments, it is because there is an image there.  

All you have to do is go to the top of the page and hit refresh and it will appear.

April 19, 2023 7:45 am

#3 TP:  The picture is not visible.

April 19, 2023 7:45 am

Scott Yenor asks the question nobody wants to say out loud. Where’s the DEI at the HBCUs? It’s a curious feature of America’s Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) that they rarely have any diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) administrators or policies on their campuses, beyond what federal law requires. Howard University, for instance, the alma mater of Vice President… Read more »