Friday’s Texas Rules the Universe Open Comments

 An asteroid is seen near Earth in this artistic illustration. (photo credit: PIXABAY)

An asteroid around the size of almost 33 armadillos is set to pass by Earth on Sunday, according to NASA’s asteroid tracker.

The asteroid in question has been designated 2023 FL2 and was discovered just this year, according to the Center for Near-Earth Object Studies (CNEOS) at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL).

For those wondering how this measurement is being calculated, the metric is the total length of the nine-banded armadillo species of armadillos, including the tail, and not while it is rolled up into a ball.





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Super Dave
April 1, 2023 4:29 am

I do believe that it’s April Fools Day and the joke is, no weekend thread.

About the “Big Picture” Tucker’s show last night was pretty good if you can find it.

Meanwhile It’s time to make coffee, a little early but I need my coffee.

Mornin’ Gang

March 31, 2023 11:47 pm

Here I am rolling in to read all the comments for today.  Good stuff as usual on many topics. Especially appreciated by me are all the links to sources bearing great interest and information of consequences vital to comprehending just how big a mess we as American people are allowing to blindly thrive. Regarding Wisconsin’s  Senator Joseph McCarthy’s long fight… Read more »

March 31, 2023 9:56 pm

I didn’t get anything much done today. The only thing I planned to do was to start sifting through documents related to my 2022 taxes, and I didn’t do any of that. Quick run to the grocery store, that was about it. A wonderful long nap.

Manana, gang.

March 31, 2023 9:27 pm

I do pretty damn good, but I don’t have hours on end to do the reading that I want and need to do to keep myself informed. I appreciate the other people here sharing stuff that I have missed. If I have already seen it, I move on to the next post. Likewise for things in which I have no… Read more »

March 31, 2023 9:16 pm

We don’t want you gone, ElGordo. But concentrating on 2 or 3 macro-issues is going to get very boring. And not everyone believes that some world-wide conspiracy based in Beijing and Moscow is responsible for all the ills of this country. I guess we shouldn’t take it so personally that you often come rolling in here saying we are wasting… Read more »

March 31, 2023 8:13 pm

It’s not Lutherans, but those pesky Presbyterians who are the real terrorists.

The Presbyterians are minor league wannabe’s in the Lutheran farm system. What, exactly is a “Presbyterian” anyway?

Sounds like a bunch of splitter mumbo jumbo to me.

El Gordo
March 31, 2023 6:30 pm

I read virtually every thing posted on here that I can read, but I will admit that my scrolling finger does cramp up at times.  And I’m not trying to dictate that we only discuss topics that I’m interested in.  I am suggesting that we try to pull back the curtain to see what is actually back there when these… Read more »

March 31, 2023 5:27 pm

Texpat’s 4:11 pm is required reading.

El Gordo
March 31, 2023 5:14 pm

Anyone remember when Clinton gave the scientific secrets of the MERV system to the Chinese in return for cash?  It goes back a long way.  Wonder why Rice University no longer accepts donation from Shell Oil but does admit Chinese nationals to the tune of about 50% of its student body?  And Rice is not unique in this respect.  Wonder… Read more »

March 31, 2023 5:02 pm

Texpat 16:11 hrs:  This is the BIG SEPARATION of the sheep and the goats as is written.  I wonder who on the world stage today is going to declare themself “The One?” The willingness/ignorance of so many people to reject what is right to do that which profits them immediately, knowing that  it is wrong and harms others.  The left… Read more »

March 31, 2023 3:00 pm

#41, 45

Dang! I’m ready for battle now! Where’s Dr phil Good, I’m getting behind him.

March 31, 2023 2:45 pm

41 Bones

What a fine ad.

March 31, 2023 2:34 pm


The cover story this month is about Truth Barbeque in Brenham, which has made every Top Barbecue list in the state.

I’ve tried to go there, but I’m not willing to stand in line forever to eat anymore. Maybe I’ll have to try on a weekday some time.

March 31, 2023 2:19 pm

All China and Border News All The Time is the only way to go. Anything else is a silly distraction cooked up by the Commies. That half the citizens of this country appear ready to forfeit their God given rights  to our Lords in Washington is not a worthy subject. That the culture has been intentionally poisoned beyond repair is… Read more »

March 31, 2023 1:49 pm

Generally speaking 99% of all advertising is insulting to the intelligence of an imbecile and I hate it – tv, billboard, radio, EFFING POP-UPS, etc. This ad,, is an absolute winner.
My prayer every morning is that the people would wake up from their wokeness and realize what is happening.
Watch the ad. Be encouraged.

March 31, 2023 1:25 pm

TP @ 12:20 – the title of that vid clip should say: “spotless BUT slower than a 3 legged cat trying trying to cover up poop on a frozen pond!” At the speed er uh LACK thereof shown – patrons would STARVE before the cooking robot had enough clean dishes to produce a meal! Those inventors have a long LONG… Read more »

March 31, 2023 1:24 pm

Picked up two rolls of blue disposable shop towels. They’re like bags of potato chips – getting smaller and smaller and cost more.

Oops sorry. I forgot all subjects are banned from here except geopolitics and the border.

El Gordo
March 31, 2023 1:03 pm

I am truly convinced that Dr phil Good is the only sane person left who is dealing in reality and not chasing all these social stories down the endless rabbit trails leading to nowhere.  Just ignore that stuff and it will go away.  So long as someone can get a headline with outrageous behavior and take your eye off the… Read more »

Dr phil Good-E=1984
March 31, 2023 12:22 pm

Not one mention of the erased border and stolen elections by Hawley in that clip.

they’re all cartel bought and paid for pack mules in congress.

March 31, 2023 12:10 pm

TP @ 11:20 – I reckon I’d pay good $money$ to watch an AI lab try to perfect ANY robot to be

a short order fry cook (a la Waffle house), dishwasher, or busboy er uh PERSON

Dr phil Good-E=1984
March 31, 2023 12:04 pm

I’ll say it again, Sam. Kevin McCarthy @SpeakerMcCarthy Alvin Bragg has irreparably damaged our country in an attempt to interfere in our Presidential election. says the guy who could’ve cared less about the 2020 stolen presidential election, the 2022 midterm theft, the Katie Hobbs stolen election in AZ  and is ok with 40 years of the joined@thehipparties open borders destruction… Read more »

Dr phil Good-E=1984
March 31, 2023 10:49 am

Has anything ever happened to anyone Mr Haney has grilled during the congressional kabuki theatre hour?

as far as I can tell he’s batting 0 for 236.

March 31, 2023 10:36 am

FU Santa Anna

March 31, 2023 10:27 am

This past Monday was the 187th anniversary of the Palm Sunday Goliad Massacre.

342 Texan prisoners of war lay dead in the sun, killed by musket, lance and treachery.


March 31, 2023 10:11 am

Morning, gang. Today I need to start sorting through piles of paper and isolating the items that apply to my 2022 1040 tax forms. I probably won’t actually start working on it today, but I’d like to have everything ready for tomorrow.

March 31, 2023 9:53 am

From the comments at the C&C: Just one more tidbit to add to all this: The Christian school that monster shot up last week (and who deliberately hunted down the pastor’s daughter, according to those who watched the body cam video) is Presbyterian. Trump was confirmed Presbyterian as a child. Don’t forget that there is a level to this war… Read more »

March 31, 2023 9:48 am

The weather is nice this morning, with a good breeze. I’ve finished my breakfast and coffee, so I think I’m going to head out and set up a tub or two. BTW  – there’s been a report of a new Eucharistic miracle that occurred right here in the states.  A minister was distributing Communion and thought he was going to… Read more »

March 31, 2023 9:42 am

To every living person on the globe: We are all in this together, and it is long-past time we all ACTED like we are in this together. The world will not enjoy a one-party, nuclear-armed United States run by democrats, no matter how much they despise President Trump and hope to see him jailed. That would be an epic disaster… Read more »

March 31, 2023 9:32 am

Thanks Super Dave! I thought so too, even if he was beat by a girl. She’s pretty good BTW. She was a rookie just starting out last year as well, she gotta a daddy-money car though. That’s our excuse anyway, and we’re stickin to it!

March 31, 2023 9:18 am

I’ve heard many warnings to the outraged to not allow themselves to be provoked to violence.  We know the FBI is out there, just waiting to drag folks to jail for looking crosseyed at the wrong politician.  If anything happens, I fully expect martial law to be declared “for our safety,” and it would probably be in place as voting… Read more »

Super Dave
March 31, 2023 9:11 am

GJT; Here ya’ go, GJT Jr. third place winner.

I still think third place is pretty dang good.

El Gordo
March 31, 2023 9:08 am

BRIIC nations falling in to line.

What’s really going on while everyone is outraged about some goofy trannys and such.

Super Dave
March 31, 2023 9:01 am

I’m still amazed you can get 780 ft/lbs of torque out of a battery that size.

Me too, I figured it was around 500 Ft Lbs until I looked it up;

780 ft-lb max torque and 1,000 ft-lb nut-busting torque

Super Dave
March 31, 2023 8:59 am

My #21 Oh and if you purchased and installed all the gas saving devices gadgets from J.C. Whitney you’d save so much gas that you’d have to drain your tank once a week or so.  😀

Super Dave
March 31, 2023 8:56 am

GJT that reminds me of something funny. Years ago I ordered a battery powered impact wrench from J.C. Whitney. It hooked to the car battery and like most thing from J.C. Whitney it was junk BUT this was after they discovered the Cheap Chinese junk. The first time I used it sparks flew while trying to get the lug nuts… Read more »