Weekend Open Comments






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March 19, 2023 11:54 pm

Weather guessers are warning that our low tonight will be 32 here across the Brazos from Richmond.  Fortunately our patio plants are still next to the back porch and not out on the patio.

Winter is fickle when Spring is about to take over.

Good night all.  We’ll see what the morning brings.

March 19, 2023 9:49 pm

About the anchovy paste

You could always use anchovy filets? Remember there’s a couple bottles of clam juice in there too.

Sardines might work as well. They’d probably fall apart while you’re cooking it all.

El Gordo
March 19, 2023 9:14 pm

Kinda early, but never too early to start think abut bedtime.  I did not get a nap in today since I was outside most of the day messing with stuff.  I’ll probably try to mow tomorrow once it warms up a little.  I think last night was out last close to freeze of the season, but of course there are… Read more »

Super Dave
March 19, 2023 9:11 pm

Wagonburner, I saw the seafood stock. I’ve not tried that but I’ll keep it in mind for the next batch. About the anchovy paste, I like it but it’s salty. I guess a squirt would be OK for a big pot of Gumbo though.

Super Dave
March 19, 2023 9:07 pm

The pine trees will soon be assaulting us with their pollen.

Really?! The pine pollen is just about over here, it started in February and peaked the first week in March.

March 19, 2023 8:51 pm

The pine trees will soon be assaulting us with their pollen.

March 19, 2023 8:44 pm

#79 Tedtam – everything up here in the woods has been a strange shade of lime green from oak pollen (or maybe it’s just the car, since blue and yellow make green…) for days…

El Gordo
March 19, 2023 6:35 pm

Not too sure about the digital currencies being proposed to replace the worthless paper currency we currently use, but I will take gold or silver, bullion or coin, for any of my goods and services you might like to acquire.  Just saying.

March 19, 2023 5:47 pm

73 Squawk

So I spent most of last night enduring a series of weird, strange prescription medicine-induced nightmares.

And now I’ll have a night of comment-induced nightmares.  I honestly didn’t realize the Trilateral Commission was a serious thing anymore.  I think we all hoped it had faded into obscurity like Jimmy Carter.

March 19, 2023 5:30 pm

Yep. Had a bunch of crawfish & shrimps from H‑E‑B last night.  Leftovers are in the baggie. Got extra shrimps and andouille to round it out. The seafood stock and clam juice give it an extra little bit of seafood flavor. Might try a big squirt of anchovy paste next time. * Not shown is the trinity sweating out in… Read more »

Super Dave
March 19, 2023 5:13 pm

Guess what dinner is tonight at the hogan?

If I didn’t know better I’d think it was Gumbo. I finished off the last of my Gumbo Friday night. It gets better with age.

March 19, 2023 4:37 pm

Guess what dinner is tonight at the hogan?

March 19, 2023 3:48 pm

The Chron (Business section) has quite an article today explaining crypto-currencies and transactions using them, notably bitcoin but also other cryptos, promoting them as the coming thing, everywhere.  (Except the bitcoin folks seem to have a hard time convincing ordinary people when their “currency” is not backed by anything more tangible than thin air.) You have to read it to… Read more »

March 19, 2023 2:53 pm

#72 mharper42,

Ouch, squared.  That can be miserable, especially when you forget it is there and accidentally hit it on something hard or not so hard. Nail polish to the rescue for lots of things needing gluing back together when you don’t have any glue handy.

March 19, 2023 2:47 pm

Trilateral Commission calls 2023 ‘Year One’ of new world order and The BIS Wants “Absolute Control” Of Your Money Via Central Bank Digital Currencies The General Manager of the Bank of International Settlements (BIS), Agustin Carstens, sent a chilling message regarding the future direction of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). “We don’t know who’s using a $100 bill today and… Read more »

March 19, 2023 2:18 pm

Back from the grocery run, spent over $100 on backyard critter chow, for both daytime (squirrels and birds) and nighttime (raccoons and possums) clients. Yesterday while hand-trimming dead twigs on ligustrum bushes, I got a finger nail caught on something and then it had a snag that was very close to “the quick”. I use plain nail polish to try… Read more »

March 19, 2023 2:00 pm

You just can’t beat a homemade hamburger. With steak fries.

El Gordo
March 19, 2023 1:41 pm

Temp is up in the mid 50s now, and I think I’m about done for the day.  I’ve still got to go back out and put everything back in the tool shed, but I’ve just about completed my gardening chores and every square inch if about full.  I’ve got a few stragglers left over from the greenhouse that are not… Read more »

El Gordo
March 19, 2023 12:10 pm

Temp is in the mid 50’s headed to the low 60’s, but no wind, no clouds, and absolute beautiful to be out messing around in the yard.  I’ve switched to shorts and tshirt and gotten a few chores finished up.  Plan to finish up the planting except for perhaps few stragglers.  Everything is looking pretty good except the tomatoes.  They… Read more »

March 19, 2023 12:08 pm

RE:  B

Well, nowadays one can graduate from Harvard with an undergraduate degree without ever taking a single history course.  If those in charge of educating the supposedly “brightest” have no respect or interest in history, then the most important feature of past knowledge is lost.  All the red flags of former ages are unseen and unheard.

March 19, 2023 11:52 am

Morning, gang. I got up late; the cats insisted, poor babies. But as soon as they’ve eaten, they all conk out for their after-breakfast naps. The HouChron had a very easy sudoku this morning that only took 35 minutes to work. As soon as I finish my breakfast, I think I’ll do a quick run to Kroger.

March 19, 2023 11:41 am

The first time I read the VDH piece, I read it as “childishness”.

Still applies.

March 19, 2023 11:18 am

Well look at that!

Super Dave
March 19, 2023 11:12 am

From the Victor Davis Hanson post; But the aging and dying empire battled more than the challenges of internal divisions, or an unforeseen but deadly pandemic and the empire’s disastrous responses to it. The last generations of Byzantines had inherited a global reputation and standard of living that they themselves no longer earned. They neglected their former civic values and… Read more »

March 19, 2023 11:01 am

#59 Shannon,

VDH nails it as usual.  Great find.

March 19, 2023 10:49 am

#59 Shannon


March 19, 2023 10:46 am

#56 Texpat, Wonder if those people in the video are not overweight because it is the Depression era, and many if not all things were scarce at times, including food. My Mom in nurses’ training in Madison in the 30s one day only had a can of corn to eat….  And her father, sire of 13 children of whom 11… Read more »

March 19, 2023 10:42 am

I saw one fat lady.

March 19, 2023 10:20 am
El Gordo
March 19, 2023 10:14 am

Morning gang.  Reports say it got down to 32 degrees early this morning, but a quick check around indicates no discernible plant damage.   Hopefully that is our last close call for this freeze season, but it is always subject to some rogue storm showing up with golbal warming, cooling, climate change, or whatever.  Since it’s still early, I’m going… Read more »

March 19, 2023 10:03 am

Good Morning Hamsters, We were stuck at 45 degrees since 6 this morning, all wrapped up in a snow sky and a faint breeze.  This is not conducive to do much inside the house and to avoid going outside unless absolutely necessary.  The exception here is doing laundry that requires attention for brief periods only.  Finally made it to 48.… Read more »

March 19, 2023 9:53 am

I colorized, restored and created a sound design for this video of New York 1930s, We start on Manhattan’s West Side, at 12th Avenue and 42nd Street, at the ferry terminal of the West Shore Railroad, the New York, Ontario and Western Railway, and the Weehawken Ferry. aftre we have a Crowd Scene street we can see the beautiful fashion… Read more »

March 19, 2023 9:04 am

A teenager is suing a health care company and the doctors who put her on controversial puberty-blocking drugs at age 12 and removed her healthy breasts in a double-mastectomy surgery when she was just 13 years old, accusing them of “intentional fraud and concealment.” Layla Jane, an 18-year-old detransitioner represented by attorney Harmeet Dhillon, claims in a letter of intent… Read more »

Super Dave
March 19, 2023 8:19 am

Old Electronics Porn; Weston Electrical Company Brass DC Meter 1898.  From the looks of the Book Mark it was for 28 VDC, a ship’s engine room perhaps.

March 19, 2023 8:18 am

Keep on red-pilling those left-wingers.. Texas mom Laura Maria Gruber always considered herself a “woke” liberal in favor of progressive causes, even sending her young daughter to a charter school that celebrates “diversity, equity and inclusion,” according to the school’s web site. But she never thought her 13-year-old would be asked to play a “seducing hooker” in a bizarre classroom… Read more »

March 19, 2023 6:22 am

Super Dave, it’s 39 here in the woods – clear to mostly dark, at the present time….

Super Dave
March 19, 2023 5:28 am

42 degrees here this morning DANG cold and I’m kinda’ tired of it. My wife had the first good night’s sleep in a week and is, of course still sleeping. I’m having my first cup of coffee and thinking I may fix sausage N eggs a little later.

Mornin’ Gang

Dr phil Good-E=1984
March 18, 2023 11:36 pm

yo all the rest of you r van winkle hosers

all the rest of you r van winkle hosers yo

Dr phil Good-E=1984
March 18, 2023 11:31 pm

yo Texpat

texpat yo

mb says

Dr phil Good-E=1984
March 18, 2023 11:28 pm

yo Bruddah Squawk

bruddah squawk yo

Dr phil Good-E=1984
March 18, 2023 11:19 pm

yo unckyay

unckyay yo

El Gordo
March 18, 2023 10:06 pm

Well, bedtime is about here again already.  Cold outside, but not much wind.  Started work on one of my Absolutely Nasty Sudoko Level 4.  Got all the easy ones filled in, but no breakthrough yet on the tougher ones.  My heart is just not in it right now.  After being encouraged by finding my first batch of worms are still… Read more »

Super Dave
March 18, 2023 8:49 pm

JOKE OF THE DAY: Sam has been in business for 25 years and is finally sick of the stress. He quits his job and buys 50 acres in Alaska as far from humanity as possible. He sees the postman once a week and gets groceries once a month. Otherwise it’s total peace and quiet. After six months or so of… Read more »

Super Dave
March 18, 2023 8:36 pm

Imagine you’re the pilot of a British-operated, Boeing 314 Clipper crossing the Atlantic in early-1942. Your passenger insists on having a go at the controls, but you can’t really say no.


Super Dave
March 18, 2023 8:34 pm

There y’all are! I’ve been getting a message saying that the site couldn’t be found check your, yada yada yada. BIL made it home this afternoon and my wife rolled in about 5 PM so all is well here. Doctor said BIL was doing surprisingly well especially for his age. I figure he’ll be back to normal in no time.… Read more »

March 18, 2023 8:09 pm

Well, I finally went outside about 7 pm. I did some more trimming on my freeze-damaged ligustrum bushes. Some of them are looking Ok, but several are not. I guess I’ll coddle even those for a year or two, and hope they eventually look like a planned set again.

March 18, 2023 7:44 pm

#38: Bed sheets work well also.