Friday Open Comments

Well, this might ‘splain a lotta things:

U.K.’s Largest Pediatric Gender Clinic Ignored Autism Connection In Teens Seeking Sex Changes, New Book Claims

This is from the Daily Wire, so you may not be able to access the text at the source.

The U.K.’s largest pediatric gender clinic has been accused in a new book of medicalizing teens with comorbidities, including more than a third of patients who showed signs of “moderate to severe” autism.

The book, “Time to Think: The Inside Story of the Collapse of the Tavistock’s Gender Service for Children” by BBC Newsnight journalist Hannah Barnes, alleges that the the Tavistock Clinic, an NHS facility in the U.K. officially called the Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS), ignored evidence that 97.5% of children seeking chemical and surgical sex reassignment services had autism, depression, or other problems that may have explained their unhappiness. 

Just reading that much, it fits with the groomers picking on the mentally unhealthy. /spits

After conducting over 100 hours of interviews with clinicians and patients during research for the book, Barnes found that staff at the facility sought to push a pro-transgender policy and, as one whistleblower put it, treated children who might not have been transgender as “collateral damage.”

According to the book, former staff said many children, including those with neurodevelopmental disorders like autism and ADHD, were unnecessarily prescribed drugs and even surgery. The book reports that less than 2% of children in the U.K. have an autism spectrum disorder, but approximately 35% of GIDS referrals “present with moderate to severe autistic traits.” 

Children and adolescents on the autism spectrum are disproportionately represented among the large, newly emerging cohort of children claiming to be transgender. Over the past 10 years, there have been at least nine studies connecting Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and transgender identities. Rates of autistic traits in these studies range from 5% to 54% among those with gender dysphoria, significantly higher than among the general population.

Some researchers believe the percentage of young girls with autism who believe they’re experiencing gender dysphoria is actually higher, and that many females who have autism go undiagnosed. Up until recently, autism was considered a “boy’s diagnosis,” affecting males-to-females by a ratio of 4-to-1. Experts now believe that girls’ autistic traits present differently, which may require a separate diagnostic criteria to detect. 

A recent study published in 2022 used a mathematical model to predict the true male-to-female ratio, which they estimated as being closer to a 3-4 ratio. The study notes, “Eighty percent of females remain undiagnosed at age 18, which has serious consequences for the mental health of young women.”

The following paragraphs further down the article almost made me jump out of my chair:

Barnes reports that some staff at GIDS felt that children who would have reconciled themselves with the bodies they were born with were being denied that chance by the use of drugs. Dr. Anna Hutchinson, a senior clinical psychologist at GIDS, stated that the service quickly began to “accept everyone.”

Although puberty blockers were intended to give children “time to think” about whether they wanted to transition fully, Dr. Hutchinson realized that almost all of them ended up taking cross-sex hormones such as testosterone and estrogen, which have irreversible effects. When she recognized this, it was a “holy f***” moment for her.

There’s more, but you get the idea.

Years ago there was a famous picture of a vulture waiting in the background for a young child close to death in the foreground.  That’s how I picture these pieces of human debris who are waiting to take advantage of the mentally impaired.






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El Gordo
February 17, 2023 9:31 pm

Owls lose.  About bedtime.  I’m gonna go watch a YT video or something and call it a day.  Nite nite you all,.

El Gordo
February 17, 2023 8:15 pm

Oppening night for college baseball.  Rice has dumbed down its baseball schedule just like all the others and is playing Louisiana something or another.  Remains to be seen if they will do any better than they did last season, which was their worst in recorded history.  In other news, nothing else happening that I can tell.  I’ll be back in… Read more »

February 17, 2023 8:10 pm

All Patrick has been able to do is viciously purge the Senate of virtually every RINO or castrate them.

Otherwise, the Speaker, his Chair of the Calendars Committee, and the rest of his henchmen own the place.

February 17, 2023 8:05 pm

Just another example of how the Dems play this game better’n us.

February 17, 2023 7:55 pm


No insult intended.

But Phelan and his predecessor Joe Straus were/are Progressives of the smelliest kind and have controlled the Lege since 2009.

You and Dr phil can blame Patrick and Abbott all you want.

February 17, 2023 7:40 pm

Red Snapper is the holy grail of fish for me. I only want salt and pepper, grilled or broiled to perfection. And a large handful of Texas blue crab dumped on top.

Super Dave
February 17, 2023 7:34 pm

I’ll stick with my heavenly Pepperidge Farm Double Dark Chocolate Chunk Nantucket cookies, thank you. Now that’s the time! I’m not much of a cookie fan but I do love those little bags of Pepperidge Farm cookies and I sometimes grab a bag. BTW; The Dark Chocolate Nantuckets are the best with the Tahoe White Chocolate Macadamia’s a close second.  … Read more »

February 17, 2023 7:32 pm

I’ve been “fasting” from Blue Bell the last few months, opting for their sherbet instead. Or nothing at all.

However I went into B. Bros. for a red onion tonight and they had pints on sale 2/$5.

1 Homemade Vanilla. 1 Pecan Pralines ‘N Cream.

That’s six months worth!!!!

Super Dave
February 17, 2023 7:27 pm

Did ya ruin another nice slab of Snapper, getting it blackened?

Oh yes it it was fine!  😉

February 17, 2023 7:24 pm

49 Shannon That the Lt. Governor is the most powerful pol in the state has not been true for a long time. Really ?! Republican House members with a majority have happily and proudly shared power with Dems for decades. I lived in Texas for five decades while the Lt. Governors ran the state and then suddenly belated Republican Lt.… Read more »

February 17, 2023 7:12 pm

Did ya ruin another nice slab of Snapper, getting it blackened?

February 17, 2023 7:04 pm

Great photo, SD.

I see your wife made you dispense with the camo shorts and hole-y Kubota fanboy tshirt. And shave.


February 17, 2023 6:57 pm


I’ll stick with my heavenly Pepperidge Farm Double Dark Chocolate Chunk Nantucket cookies, thank you.

Super Dave
February 17, 2023 6:55 pm

Well the motley old NASA gang made the Seabrook Classic Cafe today. Oddly enough, 6 were coming besides me but 2 of my closest co-workers got caught up in a meeting that went past lunch by 45 minutes and couldn’t make it but Wintrick who I’ve not seen in a while just happened by so we officially had a quorum… Read more »

February 17, 2023 6:53 pm


The broth of the Chicken & Dumpling is really very good – close to Fay’s homemade chicken soup, but I left half the dumplings behind. Fail!!!

February 17, 2023 6:47 pm

#54 – Ya MEANIE!

February 17, 2023 6:46 pm

Girls Scouts are just another CommieWoke indoctrination organization.

Bake your own cookies.

February 17, 2023 6:42 pm

When company was expected, she would make the dumplings from scratch. Just perfect.

February 17, 2023 6:39 pm

I was attacked Attacked I tell you!

Little cutie in green with a lithp jumped me coming out of Specs!

It’s Girl Scout COOKIE time dangit!     🙂

February 17, 2023 6:39 pm

The HEB Simple Meal kitchens are now producing fresh soups.

I tried the New England Clam Chowder last week and it was pretty good. Tonight it’s the Chicken and Dumplings which is pretty good, too.

The dumplings aren’t right, but then, nobody’s but Fay’s ever are.

February 17, 2023 6:21 pm

The Texas House is largest biennial gathering of sleazy whores on the planet.

February 17, 2023 6:18 pm


That the Lt. Governor is the most powerful pol in the state has not been true for a long time.

Republican House members with a majority have happily and proudly shared power with Dems for decades.

It’s just a fact.

February 17, 2023 6:13 pm

The Spectator is reporting (behind paywall) that this will be the first Presidential race in a long time without a Texan.

”Since 1976, every competitive presidential primary on the Republican side has had one thing in common: at least one candidate has hailed from Texas.”

February 17, 2023 5:45 pm

43 Shannon Where’s Dan Hatrick ?  I guess the office of Lieutenant Governor has lost all its historical vaunted power or maybe Dan just doesn’t have the guts to get the job done and stand up up to Phelan.  Traditionally, the most powerful office in Texas has been the one he sits in. Does Dade Phelan have secret scandalous photo dossiers… Read more »

Dr phil Good-E=1984
February 17, 2023 5:03 pm

Whenever I think of Klaus Ve vant your soul Blofeld I think of this song.

Dr phil Good-E=1984
February 17, 2023 5:00 pm

Can’t have a blue sky day anymore without tic tac toe chemtrail patterns in the sky.

starting to wonder if maybe the chemtrail believers are correct knowing what I know now about this nefarious and treacherous government.

Dr phil Good-E=1984
February 17, 2023 4:57 pm

You don’t really expect Abbott to do anything about anything do you unck?

not much to a governor who lets his state get invaded.
phelan must be his real border czar while Klaus Ve Vant your soul Blofeld greases his palms to keep those borders

open open open

keep them illegals rollin’
oh ho.

February 17, 2023 4:33 pm

Gov. Abbott, in his State of the State address yesterday, made not a single mention of child genital and breast mutilation or chemical puberty blockers.

RINO Speaker Phelan runs everything in Austin.

February 17, 2023 3:46 pm

42 just waiting here for me…

February 17, 2023 3:32 pm

26 texpat

like this?

<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-23594″ src=”” alt=”” width=”232″ height=”264″ />


February 17, 2023 3:25 pm

Rush Limbaugh passed away two years ago today. May he R.I.P.

February 17, 2023 3:01 pm

One more from the IJ newsletter: Allegation: Unruly inmate at Oklahoma County, Okla. jail is escorted to a cell, where a 320 lb. officer kneels on his back to uncuff him. Afterwards, he lies unmoving for nearly six hours before a nurse finds him unresponsive. Jesus wept! He’s dead of a severed spinal cord. Officers: Okay, but what if that’s… Read more »

El Gordo
February 17, 2023 3:00 pm

Tt at 12:37 – It’s doubtful that at that point I will care very much.

February 17, 2023 2:58 pm

This is excellent news.  Let’s hope they get it right this time.

And in en banc news, the Second Circuit will reconsider its decision that former high school athletes do not have standing to challenge the Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference’s policy of allowing transgender students to compete in women’s track and field.

El Gordo
February 17, 2023 2:53 pm

#32 – Thanks for releasing the post.  Still looking for audio. This kind of made a mess out of SWA schedule, especially for a Friday afternoon which is always crazy busy with the mix of business travelers, weekend get away travelers, and so forth all converging on Friday afternoons.

February 17, 2023 2:51 pm

Reported from the Institute for Justice newsletter: This Lexington, Ky. comedy of errors involves a garden shed aflame; a fire investigator’s request to access a neighbor’s surveillance footage; the neighbor’s refusal; a sketchy warrant affidavit for the footage; issuance of the warrant; police executing the warrant on the neighbor’s house; the neighbor’s mom burrowing through a ceiling to (the gov’t… Read more »

February 17, 2023 2:24 pm

Scientists are scrambling to explain why the continent of Antarctica has shown Net Zero warming for the last seven decades and almost certainly much longer. The lack of warming over a significant portion of the Earth undermines the unproven hypothesis that the carbon dioxide humans add to the atmosphere is the main determinant of global climate. Under ‘settled’ science requirements,… Read more »

February 17, 2023 2:19 pm

“Last year there was an enormous, well-coordinated backlash against this topic which just changed the sentiment,” Aniket Shah, global head of ESG strategy at Jefferies Financial Group Inc., said in an interview. “The sentiment came all the way down to financial advisers and individuals deciding where to put their investments.” The ESG industry in the US faced a reckoning last… Read more »

February 17, 2023 1:47 pm

Israel announces founding of ZPEC (Zionist Petroleum Exporting Countries) in another move to take over the world. Israel has exported crude oil material for the first time, with a shipment headed to Europe from the country’s offshore Karish gas field, according to an announcement Tuesday by Greek gas company Energean. The London- and Tel Aviv-listed firm is in charge of… Read more »

February 17, 2023 1:31 pm

30 El Gordo I have a banner from the WordPress dashboard across the top of my screen and one thing it does is notify me of any comments hung up for moderation.  When I saw your #28 comment, it showed zero comments on hold. When I opened the entire dashboard it showed 1 comment – your #30 – on hold.… Read more »

February 17, 2023 1:24 pm

This entire nonsense started by Kari Lake really needs to stop. Not wanting to be left out of the DeSantis Derangement Syndrome (DDS) asylum, a few people on the right have also started bashing DeSantis with baseless lies, lies, and more lies. The latest desperate bid to undermine him is that billionaire busybody George Soros “endorsed” Governor DeSantis. When I… Read more »

El Gordo
February 17, 2023 1:04 pm

Here I am feeding the information of local interest as it relates to air travel in and out of Hobby, and now all of a sudden my posts are disappearing.

February 17, 2023 12:59 pm

Now that Russia has finally demanded the UN hold hearings on the destruction of their pipelines, will they ask Monkey Werx to come testify as a witness ? Actually, that would be hilarious.  A military intel geek from Texas going to Turtle Bay to essentially bear witness against Joe Biden.  Would he live long enough to get there ?  Or… Read more »

El Gordo
February 17, 2023 12:58 pm

More info on N14QB, the Honda Jet closing down Hobby Airport. Still looking for the audio with ground control.


February 17, 2023 12:50 pm

22 Squawk

That earthquake site is very, very cool.

February 17, 2023 12:35 pm

I thought I had figured out how to edit/enlarge photos on this Mac, but apparently I was wrong.

El Gordo
February 17, 2023 12:19 pm

Airplane off the runway over at Hobby.  Anyone know anything about it?  Female pilot;  protected controller, etc.? Looks like a Honda Jet to me, but I can’t tell for sure.