Thursday Open Comments

Biden tries to create his own amnesty program.

Because…laws don’t matter.

President Joe Biden’s administration is abusing federal law with its new program that is set to grant tens of thousands of immigrants authorization to live and work in the United States, a new lawsuit alleges.

Federal law enables the secretary of homeland security to grant “parole” to illegal immigrants after determining, on a “case-by-case basis,” that an immigrant is facing a humanitarian issue or that allowing the person stay in the country would have a “significant public benefit.”

But the administration is enabling tens of thousands of immigrants from four countries, including Venezuela, to receive parole after going through a background check and convincing a person already inside the United States to sponsor them.

The program “flouts, rather than follows, the clear limits imposed by Congress,” a new suit from Texas and 19 other states charges.

It’s asking a federal court in southern Texas to declare the program illegal and order the administration to bring it to a halt.

I don’t know about y’all, but I am so sick of the willful destruction of our country by those unwilling to follow laws, enforce those laws, or respect our Constitution,





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El Gordo
January 26, 2023 9:32 pm

Nite nite you all.

January 26, 2023 9:21 pm

An observant Jew will be buried in a relatively plain pine box after being prepared for burial by a specially trained group of volunteers called a Chevrah Kadisha.  The body is either clothed in white or his/her own clothes and wrapped in a shroud and a tallit (prayer shawl).  There is no embalming, no open casket and four holes are… Read more »

El Gordo
January 26, 2023 8:50 pm

Getting colder now that the sun is down.  Gonna stay up for about another hour and call it quits.

January 26, 2023 8:33 pm

Yep. You can be buried in nothing but a shroud in Texas.

In “Green” cemeteries!

January 26, 2023 8:24 pm

When we went up to my brother’s best friends’s place up in Crocket last weekend, best friend told the story of his dad wanted a hole dug with a backhoe on top of that hill over there,  build me a pine box, put me in it and in that hole. So they rented a backhoe and did just that. I… Read more »

January 26, 2023 7:48 pm

When I complained about the caskets to one of Fay’s sisters (who had just months before buried her husband), she said, “Well, Dennis’ was real nice. Didn’t you like that one?”

I responded, ”Yeah, I thought it was very nice. But if I spent $6,000 on her box, your sister would‘ve given me hell for eternity.”

January 26, 2023 7:27 pm

When  I was looking at caskets, they all sucked – looked so cheesy.

But when I came upon the beautiful, solid cedar one, I told him, “Make a note, I want that one for me.”


January 26, 2023 7:24 pm


Aaargh, I didn’t like the thought of Squawk in a casket like that. Guess my sense of humor is rudimentary.


January 26, 2023 7:21 pm



Great song, too.

January 26, 2023 7:09 pm

Texmo @35

I wish. BSue says it will be more like a front end loader with a backhoe.

January 26, 2023 6:53 pm

Squawk is this part of your funeral arrangements?

January 26, 2023 6:42 pm

The manager of this Chinese Buffet place is rude! You don’t need to be coming over checking on me every hour! Rude!

El Gordo
January 26, 2023 5:33 pm

Well, if you are anything like me, you will later decide that you need to upgrade your network in order to take full advantage of all that new and improved computing power at your fingertips.  After that, you will probably want to boost you isp provided network speed a notch or two to take advantage of all that new router… Read more »

January 26, 2023 5:28 pm

texanadian and texpat

Trust me that mini is going to be a huge step forward.

January 26, 2023 5:21 pm

Also, I’m not a gamer or doing huge graphics projects so I don’t need super speed or massive RAM to do what I do.

January 26, 2023 5:18 pm

28 texanadian Thanks for the tip.  I’m only interested in the basic Mac-mini M1 model.  You have to realize I’ve been operating off a 13 year old Dell desktop with only 4 GB memory so almost anything I buy now is going to be an upgrade.  My iPhone probably has more real power than this old Dell. The Apple Mac-mini… Read more »

January 26, 2023 5:11 pm

texanadian and texpat I have read a myriad of reports about the so called crippling of Macs latest and greatest.  Unless you are an uber techie with all the measuring devices to give numbers you ain’t gonna notice the speed differences the techies are screaming about.  And compared to a 13 year old windows machine this is a significant upgrade… Read more »

January 26, 2023 4:50 pm

Texpat: Read this before buying that Mac.  From AoS

January 26, 2023 4:31 pm

Well, I chickened out on raking leaves today. It is just too cold for me. Doesn’t seem urgent, either. I did do some pickup off the driveway yesterday, I think it was 6 bags, mostly pine needles. The reason that was urgent is anything I don’t get into the CoH trash bin on Wednesday for Thursday pickup… Well, if I… Read more »

January 26, 2023 4:10 pm


Thank you for the birthday wishes, Bones.


January 26, 2023 3:51 pm

What is the Constitution ? Huh ?  What ?  How do you spell it ?  Why you making me look like a fool ? Once upon a time, Patty Murray was the perennial vote-getter for dumbest member of the US Senate in polling taken among Senate staffers each year.  She has nominated a Washington state judge, Charnelle Bjelkengren, to the… Read more »

January 26, 2023 2:46 pm

This is from over a year ago and is a report about the teenaged girl in Kentucky who used the “I need help” hand signal sitting in traffic in a car with her kidnapper unaware.  Amazingly, a driver in the car next door recognized the signal and called police. It may not just be a woman.  It could be a… Read more »

January 26, 2023 2:41 pm

My old Dell 4GB desktop computer seems to have a video card/motherboard problem.  It keeps blanking out on me or freezing up. Squawk has hypnotized me into buying an Apple computer.  You can replace a typical desktop computer tower with a Mac-mini for $599 right now.  You can also use your existing keyboard, mouse and monitor with it.  I was… Read more »

January 26, 2023 2:36 pm

TT: Congratulations on clearing you bookkeeping hurdle.  Now that the plumbing business is sold, your paperwork challenges should become more manageable.


M42:  Happy belated birfday.  May you have many more.

January 26, 2023 1:17 pm

EG, I just saw the pix of your new greenhouse posted Over Yonder. It’s cute and looks useful, but I didn’t expect it to be a green plastic (?) tent. Hope it helps you with your gardening this year.

January 26, 2023 12:41 pm

So there I am, running my errand, and I took the shortcut by going through the other side of the neighborhood — our only through street. A block in, and I saw a huge bird standing in the other side of the 2-lane street. It looked at me but didn’t fly or skedaddle. I braked and stared at it. It… Read more »

El Gordo
January 26, 2023 12:30 pm

Still cool outside but the radiant heat from the bright sun on the south side of the house feels good.  I opened one of the access panels to the greenhouse and warm, humid air came out from inside, so looks like it’s acting like it is supposed to.  I posted a couple of pics over yonder.  I think this dinky… Read more »

Super Dave
January 26, 2023 12:13 pm

I am having technical difficulties.

Texpat, I’ve been wondering where you were.

January 26, 2023 11:51 am

I am having technical difficulties.

El Gordo
January 26, 2023 11:08 am

More on the lady ramp agent who was sucked into a jet engine in Montgomery.  Affirmative action can be deadly business.

January 26, 2023 11:07 am

Morning, gang. Aside from temps in the 50’s all day long — a bit too cool for my taste — it looks like a great day for useful outdoor activity. I have an errand to run, but then I may finally start raking up the oak leaves that cover half of my front lawn. I usually get that done in… Read more »

Super Dave
January 26, 2023 11:03 am

PSA From the Mail Box; Premier Gun Show’s canceled their Pasadena Show.
Premier Gun Shows
The city is using the Pasadena Convention Center has a base for recovery operations from this weeks storms.


January 26, 2023 10:51 am

Speaking of Tuesday’s tornado:

NWS Houston can now confirm that the Deer Park/Pasadena tornado will be preliminarily rated EF3, with an estimated maximum path length of 18 mi, maximum path width of 0.66 mi, and maximum wind speed of 140 mph. We will provide a full summary later this evening.

January 26, 2023 10:46 am

Tedtam @8:45 am sometimes to the point of an audible being sent out. Heh… I do that too. Since my abs were sliced in two, that usually happens when I’m trying to lower myself into a flat position on the bed or couch. For some reason, I’m seem to do better at getting myself up off the bed or couch… Read more »

January 26, 2023 10:41 am

We had light ground frost here and 31 at 6 with a moderate breeze.  Definitely a reason to step lively on the way to retrieve the Chron just at sunup.  Morning tea and reading part of the first section took over an hour.  The rest must wait until chores are finished.  Hope the sun hangs around all day.

January 26, 2023 10:32 am

Good bright and beautiful morning, Hamsters.  Yesterday’s gloom and windy destruction of many things all over the Houston area can now be seen in sad detail.  Yesterday one death of an elderly lady was reported on the news, and thus far from reading the Chron I have not seen more deaths reported directly involved with the tornado. I hope there… Read more »

El Gordo
January 26, 2023 9:32 am

Morning gang.  Was sleeping in this morning when friend called and I just got up in time to make it to the TOK.  Frost on the punkin out here this morning and had to scrape the windshield to get out of the drive.  Showed 31 when I got up but was down to 28 just before sunup.  No news of… Read more »

Super Dave
January 26, 2023 8:36 am