Tuesday Open Comments Port Bolivar “Lit”house.

It was quite the surprise for BSue and me to drive by the Port Bolivar Lighthouse and see it lit up.  Yet there it was.  So the natural question for me was, Why Now?  I am 67 years old and I have never seen the light on.  Did they get jealous because Port Isabel lighthouse was lit?


If I miss my guess it was lit up for a fund raiser to repair and restore the light house.

(EDITED BY ME) The lighthouse has been in Amy Chase’s family since 1947, when her great uncle purchased it from the government…….

The lighthouse been through multiple hurricanes, including Hurricane Ike, and even survived the Texas City Blast. Chase said these happenings have taken a toll on the lighthouse.

MORE | 147-year-old Bolivar Point Lighthouse ‘at risk,’ in dire need of repairs

“There was more and more deterioration to the top of the lighthouse and to the lighthouse,” Chase said. “So in 2015 my cousin, Michael Maxwell, started the Bolivar Point Lighthouse Foundation.”

The foundation was founded by Maxwell and Mark Boyt. Boyt and Maxwell are descendants of the first private owners of the Bolivar Point Lighthouse.

The nonprofit was created with the sole purpose of restoring the lighthouse and opening it up to the public for the first time ever.  

According to Chase, their first order of business is to raise $150,000 to take the top of the lighthouse down.  (Total funding for what needs to be done approx $5 million)

If you are interested in learning more please visit the Bolivar Port Lighthouse Foundation.




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El Gordo
December 27, 2022 10:48 pm

Bedtime for me out here.  There’s a pretty good football game on TV, but they have some screeching banshee woman announcer on there and I just can’t handle that any more.  You all have a good night now.  More tomorrow.

December 27, 2022 10:07 pm

Happy trails to y’all.

December 27, 2022 9:31 pm

Too much fun around here. I’m out.

December 27, 2022 9:28 pm


The $292.37 profit on the project was icing on the cake.


December 27, 2022 9:26 pm

Well I’ll be.

Grandma, too, was rescued, de-loused, and reunited with her pup.

December 27, 2022 9:23 pm

The last two houses I renovated I created a nice homeowner binder that included every manual/warranty for every appliance and device, interior & exterior, in the house.  Included were all the manuals for the HVAC.  It also had the manufacturer and specs for all the tiles, wallpaper and every paint color in the house. Also included was a copy of… Read more »

December 27, 2022 9:15 pm

I liked the story of the gas station dog, getting herself a real home!

December 27, 2022 9:06 pm

109 Shannon

So grandma lived was locked away in basement of the gas station?

Forget this old grandma.  She’s probably the same woman wanting to cuddle up to a loose pig and call it Bacon.  There’s nothing you can do in these circumstances.

El Gordo
December 27, 2022 8:55 pm

I seem to recall a while back writing a diatribe about electrical outlets and that they should be at least 30″ up the wall so old people could use them and not break their backs.  And now, with wireless internet and mesh networking and the like, I’m getting ready to install a couple of outlets about a foot below the… Read more »

December 27, 2022 8:52 pm

So grandma lived was locked away in the basement of the gas station?

December 27, 2022 8:13 pm

105 GJT

The GFCI acts as the weakest link in the chain, if wired in series in a circuit. But just glancing around the net I saw several times the GFCI plug itself should be closest to the panel, or IOWs, first in line.



December 27, 2022 8:09 pm

Squawk @7:35 PM

Got em in the bath.  Guess I should move that one

If it’s within 36″ of the sink, I would.  All my countertop receptacles are GFI no matter where they are because it gets a little wild around here bathing dogs in the sink, etc.


December 27, 2022 8:07 pm

The GFCI acts as the weakest link in the chain, if wired in series in a circuit. But just glancing around the net I saw several times the GFCI plug itself should be closest to the panel, or IOWs, first in line.

December 27, 2022 8:01 pm

Pooping back in. One thing that Hubby and I insisted on was outlets installed higher than usual. The carpenter called it commercial height and prepared accordingly.   We have yet, to this day, regretted that decision. It’s amazing what a difference shall things like make. So simple that one tends to forget them. Then comes the day when you need… Read more »

December 27, 2022 7:47 pm

In the houses I have renovated, I never put any receptacle in a kitchen or bathroom, GFI or not, lower than 36″ counter height. For some idiotic reason, after WWI the rule of thumb for electricians became “hammer height” about (12-13″) to establish how high a receptacle should be from the floor.  They stood a 12 oz. hammer on the… Read more »

December 27, 2022 7:35 pm

The Bavarians know how to do sauerkraut. With caraway. I don’t know what’s wrong with the rest of those Krauts. We lived in a condo in suburban Munich. Our next door neighbors (common wall) were two adorable 80 year old sisters. Every three months or so they would spend several days cooking. sauerkraut. My bedroom was upstairs. I could hardly… Read more »

December 27, 2022 7:31 pm

The only requirement I know of is: Any receptacle within 36″ of a sink,  faucet, tub or shower must be GFI. There should never be some low level receptacle with a GFI unless it is some unusual circumstance involving a wet area and in that case there should be no low level receptacle anyway.  No receptacle in a bathroom or… Read more »

December 27, 2022 7:19 pm

The electrician gets to have fun though searching out GFCI outlets hidden behind heavy bookcases and furniture lol. And it could be in a room across the house where the problem is.

December 27, 2022 7:17 pm

I don’t like the GFCI’s because when I decide someone needs a toaster in their bath water, I want it to work.

December 27, 2022 7:13 pm

I don’t think HEB carries Poffenberger’s Sausage.

I don’t think he could keep up with that kind of demand.

December 27, 2022 7:08 pm

GFI Receptacles I think GFI receptacles are great innovations and have saved lives.  However, the architectural/electrical follow through on design and installation has been non-existent.  There has been no attempt to educate the public why they exist in homes and no guidance in the electrical industry to make it logical to the homeowner.  It’s as if suddenly these weird, incomprehensible… Read more »

December 27, 2022 7:01 pm

With caraway seeds, of course.

You can’t claim to be sauerkraut if you don’t have caraway seeds.

December 27, 2022 6:59 pm

Shannon, did you get those at HEB, or that fancy meat market over there??? They sound delish!!!!

December 27, 2022 6:58 pm

Yeah. I’m not going to miss flushing the facilities with water out of the big garbage can.

December 27, 2022 6:56 pm

It’s so lovely that it’s warmed up enough to come back into the land of hot and cold running water, washing dishes, showers, and laundry… motion sensor on the porch light renewed…  plants back outside where they enjoy being… and projected low’s of 40 or above for the next 10 days – well, after tonight but it ain’t supposed to… Read more »

December 27, 2022 6:53 pm


We don’t know nothin’ about brats around here.

But we do know about Pecan-smoked  Double-Black-Pepper german sausage.

Wish I‘d had the foresight to buy some extra crunchy sauerkraut.

December 27, 2022 6:51 pm

What a great nap I had! I woke to total darkness, although I soon found it was only 6:15. Cats have been fed and I had a late lunch, due to my errand run today. Not sure what I will want when the time is right.

December 27, 2022 6:49 pm

Trying to force in two small freezers what looks like small spec in a Costco buggy … that woman, I swear…

December 27, 2022 6:31 pm

texanadian and friends opposing Communism. Wish y’all luck, son.

Standing for liberty, kneeling for no man.

December 27, 2022 6:26 pm

But I’d rather have two broken big toes than what they did to you today, Bones.


December 27, 2022 5:32 pm

Title 42 stands. -SCOTUS

December 27, 2022 5:31 pm

TexMo, don’t listen to me whine about my schnoz; it ain’t a wart on the dogs butt compared to what you have been going through.  Get well soon my friend.

December 27, 2022 5:27 pm

73 GJT

One lady wants to cuddle up to it and name it Bacon.

Every neighborhood has one.  This is the woman who has been rejected by every online dating service in existence.  The world can be a scary place.

December 27, 2022 5:01 pm

#82 – Shannon – thanx for the inspiration. I’m always looking for signposts to help guide me in picking the music for “next Sunday…”  And I’m 99% sure we have that in our Karaoke system… One down, 3 more to pick out – that just seems like a perfect one to kick off the new year

December 27, 2022 5:01 pm

Our sunny afternoon with 55 degrees is nice for a winter’s day.  The physical therapist and I mostly walked around inside the house about 15 times this afternoon. It was a bit too cold to go walking outside despite the inviting sunny day.  My last PT session will be next week, and then I’m on my own to keep on… Read more »

December 27, 2022 4:54 pm

At rehearsal this morning, I told them we’d be better off playing this recording rather than having me sing it.

The Man.