Thursday Open Comments

I wasn’t feeling well last night, so I didn’t prepare ahead. So sorry. I’m such a slacker!
On the topic, “The Buck Sure as Heck Doesn’t Stop Here,” we have this little gem.
And then there’s the “Pot/Kettle Diatribe” here.
And the “I don’t Give TIME my Time Anymore” reason #158.
That should be enough grist for the mill. I must water what’s left of my garden and start my overly full day.
Carry on.

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July 1, 2011 1:08 am

Hello everyone…good to see you all staying together after lst went bye-bye. I have been lurking for a while now. Lots a life changes etc etc…will post more later.

July 1, 2011 12:27 am

Glad to see you on Hammie’s couch, Sally. Missed you so much from our LST days. Please hang around some more. From our 39 years of owning Arabian horses and the research we’ve done in the history of their importation into the US and Britain in the late 1800s and 1900s, the early importers mention that while it is acceptable… Read more »

July 1, 2011 12:21 am

#84 – WTF you doin up old Man?

July 1, 2011 12:20 am

#74 – Ms ST – there’s a PGR mission Saturday…………………….hintski hintski

July 1, 2011 12:20 am

63 WB

June 30, 2011 9:43 pm

#74 ST
Give ’em hell at the Veterans’ event, and thanks for the invite, but I am locked in for some HOA events for the 4th of July. As Head Nazi, I can’t skip out.
Hope to see you on the news!

June 30, 2011 9:33 pm

#78 PyroMan

She’s the queen of finding weird crap on the internet.

Weird crap, Ok, but this site seemed a bit kinky to me.

June 30, 2011 9:31 pm

On Drudge:
Couldn’t have happened to a more deserving lunatic tyrant except possibly Achmadinnerjacket.

June 30, 2011 9:23 pm

Are you kidding?
She’s the queen of finding weird crap on the internet.

June 30, 2011 9:19 pm

#75 TT
Well, I wouldn’t have guessed that website would be your cup of tea!

June 30, 2011 9:12 pm

#70 TT
Amazing cake designs. I didn’t realize Futurama was popular in the UK. Somehow I doubt if there was a single cake there that would appeal to your daughter. (Hope not, anyway.)

Southern Tragedy
Southern Tragedy
June 30, 2011 8:46 pm

Sorry I haven’t visited Hammie’s couch for a while. Wholly Crap! When did SallyLoudMouth start posting here? *waves to Sally* Anyhoo, canceled my 4th of July BBQ to attend a rally to support our vets at 10am on Monday at the Houston National Cemetery. Hope to see/meet y’all there!!! Sign slogans ideas are most welcome. So far, mine have… Read more »

June 30, 2011 8:03 pm

Let me stipulate here that I do not know what is going on in that school. Further, I am absolutely NOT going to grant moral equivalence between Act for America and any mooooooslim oriented group; Act always get the benefit of the doubt in these cases. No you certainly do not know what’s going on at Harmony, but I certainly… Read more »

June 30, 2011 7:21 pm

Doooooooooood re: Harmony: Our prison system is full of people proclaiming their innocence, their proclamations don’t carry a whole lot of weight with me. Just because this school claims that they are not doing anything untoward does not make it so. Islam has a precept known as taquiyya which dictates that mooooooslims are commanded to deceive any non-mooooooslim. Let me… Read more »

June 30, 2011 6:26 pm

I came across something a bit ironic, or at least an unintended commentary on our age in my reading last night. I began The Red Rover by James Fenimore Cooper (written about 1827) last night and this passage caught my eye: It must be remembered that there is an undue proportion of landsmen employed in the mechanical as well as… Read more »

June 30, 2011 6:20 pm

66 wagonburner says:
June 30, 2011 at 6:13 pm
The system continues to work.

But if a 95 year old lady with poop in her britches try to get on a plane and they’ll stop her everytime.

June 30, 2011 6:13 pm
June 30, 2011 6:02 pm

First they tell me there’s no Easter Bunny, then no Tooth Fairy, then no Santa.
And now this.

June 30, 2011 5:50 pm

Even more follow up on the crap linked in #30. Specifically: * Repeating an old story, the article alleges connections where there are none. As we told the Times reporter repeatedly, Harmony Schools do not teach religion and have no affiliation with Fetullah Gulen or the so-called Gulen movement yet the article repeatedly states and implies that such an affiliation… Read more »

June 30, 2011 5:42 pm

#48 shannon

June 30, 2011 5:06 pm

Yup and for every action there is an equal opposite reaction, I.E. unintended consequences; Amazon ends deal with 25,000 California websites. Well; Our Proven Conservative Leadership passed a bill to do the same thing to Amazon in the Regular Session, and Perry Vetoed it. Then, our Proven Conservative Leadership added it to School Finance in the Special Session. Perry’s choice… Read more »

June 30, 2011 3:59 pm

If he had just stuck to telling “white people” jokes he would have been fine. Once he picked on teh ghey he’s a marked man. Teh Ghey Posse has been waiting for him to mess up again.

June 30, 2011 3:46 pm
June 30, 2011 3:44 pm

#58 SD: That was the article I linked to. It is this idiotic decision by Jerry Moonbeam Brown to raise taxes instead of cutting spending the drew me to the conclusion. Californika is sliding down the same slope that Greece is/was and leaving the same nasty, smelly skidmark of socialism on the undergarment of civilization.

Super Dave
Super Dave
June 30, 2011 3:39 pm

Californika hastens its slide down the tubes to the abyss of bankruptcy.

Yup and for every action there is an equal opposite reaction, I.E. unintended consequences;
Amazon ends deal with 25,000 California websites.

June 30, 2011 3:38 pm

Every year I warn my kids that we go fast and cover a lot – because I know that at some point they’ll be challenged and will need to explain their faith.

Guess I’ll consider myself lucky on the semi-baptist side that we’re not on a schedule. I get them from 6th grade through 8th.

June 30, 2011 3:04 pm

She doesn’t look like Biden. Not a bit.

June 30, 2011 1:45 pm

#48. The Marxist Muslim Mulatto is a private detective too?

Super Dave
Super Dave
June 30, 2011 1:43 pm

Since I’ve obviously been away for a while, when did Lonestar go down???

In my best Andy Griffith voice; “It wus last October,….I believe it wuz.” 😉
Hambone my have a link to some of the old stuff.

June 30, 2011 1:33 pm

Californika hastens its slide down the tubes to the abyss of bankruptcy.

June 30, 2011 1:31 pm

TT; What struck me the most was this: “Being a Christian isn’t hard,” he told the group. “You won’t lose your friends or be unpopular at school. Nothing will change. Your life will be the same, just better.” Maybe his words would have slipped by me if they hadn’t been such blatant reversals of Jesus’ own warnings about the offensiveness… Read more »

June 30, 2011 1:29 pm

Lots of folks today like to sprinkle personal invective in their logic.

But Halperin’s right. He’s a dick.

June 30, 2011 1:29 pm

I have a VERY personal interest in this topic, so I think it’s important that this information be shared freely: HOUSTON – Dr. Soner Tarim, superintendent and CEO of Harmony Public Schools, issued the following statement today regarding the recently announced Legislative inquiry into the business practices of Texas charter schools: “We welcome the opportunity to demonstrate to the Texas… Read more »

June 30, 2011 1:25 pm

#33 – Pls see my #27……………………………(and I thought I was the only reader in here employing skimming at warp factor #8 (dern smilies!) 8)

June 30, 2011 1:22 pm

TT: Are you on “the river of snot” again?

June 30, 2011 1:22 pm

#30 – No Sally – the school (actually 2 or 3 T-shacks) is near (less than 2 miles) where I live out here in Katy………….I think that combination rural / suburban neighborhood is in ‘Barker’ if the post office still considers that a town………………..

June 30, 2011 1:18 pm

Dang it Doooooooooooode, dya think we mayhaps offended everyone?

June 30, 2011 12:31 pm

re: the link in #30 (about Harmony charter schools)
Probably not the reaction the author was going for, but it’s mine nonetheless.

June 30, 2011 12:20 pm

Barry O must be really messing up if Bubba is starting to insert himself into the fray again. Or could it be that Bubba just can’t stay out of the spotlight? And what “pearls of wisdom” does Bubba offer. . . . . .kick the can further down the road. Former President Bill Clinton sees a possible way past the… Read more »