Thursday Open Comments

Daily Wire reports a story about the “affirming transgenderism is a good idea” being a bunch of hooey.

To summarize part of the story, the study that most pro-trans people depend on is a Dutch study – an environment where there is strict screening for those receiving the surgeries. They have to be adults, mentally competent, etc.  This is completely different than here in the states, where kids and/or the mentally confused are socially pushed into mutilating their bodies.

 The American approach is designed to reduce “gatekeeping” by entreating clinicians to deferring to patients’ own self-diagnosis. In the U.S., most pediatric patients referred to gender clinics today appear to be females with no prepubertal history of dysphoria and very high rates of mental health problems.

And the follow-up periods for these surgeries is 18 months – whereas it can take ten years for real regret to become a problem.

 “Two studies found that the average time to regret is around 10 years—and keep in mind that almost all the data in these studies comes from those who transitioned as adults and were gathered before the ‘affirming’ model and its hostility to safeguards became widespread.”

And the study results have yet to be replicated.  Replication is important in affirming scientific findings.  In fact, quite the opposite has been the case:

The results of the Dutch studies have still never been replicated, and the only attempt to do so by researchers in the UK yielded very different conclusions. The 2021 British study results actually found increases in “internalizing problems and body dissatisfaction” following puberty suppression, according to one report.

And, like the climate changemongers, when the results don’t fit your agenda, feel free to lie about it:

Another study Turban cited in his article was conducted by researchers at the University of Washington. But in August, it was revealed that the school deliberately withheld information that would damage its reputation and public standing. UW Medicine was caught distorting the results of a study on “gender affirming” care outcomes.

Researchers at UW Medicine found that the use of puberty blockers and hormones didn’t improve the mental health of trans-identified teens, but published a study claiming they did. Internal emails reveal that when the researchers were caught, officials at UW Medicine and Seattle Children’s Hospital advised each other against correcting the misinformation they put out.

So many kids are being mutilated by their virtue signaling parents wanting the latest trophy kid.  It used to be they would get a kid from say, Africa.  Now they just take their own kids and chop them up.  Or dress them in strange ways.  Or indoctrinate them into a form of sexuality that violates what we in the Catholic Church call “natural law” – how our bodies are supposed to work.

I despise parents like this.  Those children should be getting psychiatric care, instead of having mental instabilities being fed or developed those in whose care they are entrusted.

Personally, those parents are just as unstable as their kids.  IMHO, liberalism is codependency writ large.  A codependent is one whose view of self is entangled in how others see or act towards them.  They are reactive personalities; e.g., “This is the socially desirable behavior, and I want to be socially desirable, so I’ll engage in this behavior.”  The idea of not going along with the latest social norms is anathema.  Their acceptance of themselves is bound up in the acceptance of others.  There is a sense of narcissism in all of this.  It’s all about how those folks feel about themselves, not what is best for their childrens’ futures.  And these folks, being socially fragile, lash out if their views are challenged.

Karens of the world, unite!  Remember the videos of people more than willing to verbally or physically attack those who wouldn’t mask up?  Not wearing a mask was a challenge to their propped up sense of righteousness, of how society should work.

Currently, the social agenda norm is sexual perversion of all sorts. It’s the latest “in” thing.  So, sacrifice children on the altar of social acceptance.  I wonder if/how those families will hold together when the children grow up and realize their fertility was sacrificed so their parents could feel good about themselves?

Of course, this is my personal take, but the news article is well worth reading.



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October 13, 2022 10:08 pm

Shannon thanks for the 790AM tip and for mentioning that is an IHeart station so that I can listen to it on my phone. I only have three radios in this house that can pick up AM/FM. One is in a kid’s room, one is a bed side alarm clock that I only use as a clock, and the third is the receiver for my home theater set up. I am so accustomed to playing Spotify through my wifi speakers that I don’t know if I remember how to walk across the room, turn on a radio, and heaven forbid… Read more »

October 13, 2022 9:56 pm

Oh, my.

Two of my favorite subjects

I had to have it.

October 13, 2022 9:38 pm

Astros didn’t either. 😀 😀

October 13, 2022 9:37 pm

Looking at his stats, Correa didn’t lose a step in Minnesota.

October 13, 2022 9:30 pm

73 GJT

I saw earlier that Correa is expected to execute his option to dump the Twins and become a free agent, again, after just one year.

The $35 million he made this year probably eases his pain of no post-season for him.

October 13, 2022 9:21 pm

Cute kid.

My boy just caught alvarez hr ball

October 13, 2022 9:17 pm

EG posted this OY an hour ago, in response to my asking if all was going well:

All is well. There is a little more irritation than I expected, but napping seems to help. I’m prohibited from lifting or bending over, so I’m just taking it easy. Reading is difficult, so I’m avoiding that as well. Should be close to normal by tomorrow. Thanks for asking. Doing the other one next week.

October 13, 2022 9:08 pm

Correa not in the playoffs. That one’s gotta hurt.

Jeremy Peña being interviewed by Carlos Correa postgame


October 13, 2022 8:52 pm

If you just eliminate the flour, corn, sugar, potatoes and other carbs in your life, you will go a long way to losing a ton of weight and feel a lot better.

It is not complicated.  Live on meats, cheeses, nuts and green vegetables.  Everybody is different and I eat a little flour and corn meal without any real downside, but it is sugar that does me in and I see the results by the next day.  I cannot metabolize it.

October 13, 2022 8:36 pm

70 Bones

I’m trying to accomplish a modified version of that.

The problem is trying to get people to haul off the “stuff” that is supposedly important to them.

What am I, a free mini-warehouse??


October 13, 2022 8:24 pm

I just watched an interesting show on Netflix called “The Minimalist”.

The basic thrust is to jettison all the crap in your house, office, and life that doesn’t really matter.  Being an anti-horder if you will.

I have to say that not being a slave to your stuff has lots of appeal.

Edited: There are degrees of minimalizing, and going hard core and living in a storage shed type space doesn’t work well for me. Having the forethought and wisdom to determine what is crap and what has lasting value is the key.

October 13, 2022 8:22 pm


The Keto diet is basically meat, eggs, above ground vegetables, and some cheese.

NOTHING ELSE is allowed, except water.

If you eat that way you’ll live forever.

Miserable. But forever.




October 13, 2022 8:14 pm

So good.

October 13, 2022 8:12 pm

#66 – Capsaicin is excellent for overall health Brother – keep eatin those Japalenos!

October 13, 2022 8:07 pm

Whenever my side dishes are black beans with a healthy addition of pickled jalapeño slices and pineapple chunks on a bed of cottage cheese, the chances that I’ll ever be able to do the keto diet again become slimmer.

October 13, 2022 7:42 pm


Current conditions at Hobby include a 10 mph wind from the East.

So I suppose Stinkadena could be wafting your way.

October 13, 2022 6:39 pm


I’m listening to Astros baseball on Houston Sports-talk Radio 790 AM.

Which is an iHeart radio network station.

At home, I use Fay’s phone, WiFi, and play it thru my bookshelf speakers with Bluetooth.

October 13, 2022 6:34 pm

Well, if it makes ya’ll feel any better – we’ve had the TV on, on some station that is in Spanish (I think it’s a version of TBS – but we can’t get the English version)… and listening to the radio for the version we understand… Besides, I’m really used to listening to the games on the radio – they’re not quite as obnoxious as the TV commenters.

October 13, 2022 6:32 pm

At least the World Series is on Fox…

October 13, 2022 6:31 pm

Ditto to Shannon’s Harrrumph on the TBS only TV option.

October 13, 2022 6:31 pm

Which radio station are y’all listening to the Stros on?

October 13, 2022 6:20 pm


October 13, 2022 6:07 pm

Shannon, the Astros’ schedule says “TBS”

October 13, 2022 6:06 pm



October 13, 2022 6:02 pm

Game 3 is Saturday.

I wonder if it’s going to be on free TV for us po’ folks?

October 13, 2022 6:00 pm

Radio only for me. Mostly while on the road.

I didn’t start listening until about the 5th.

October 13, 2022 5:58 pm

With ElGordo and Super Dave out, thanks for stepping up with extra content today Tedtam.

I was planning on it, but stuff got in the way.

October 13, 2022 5:58 pm

51 Shannon – It was a “nice” game, wasn’t it?  Once again, we listened on the “radio” and had the espanol version on TV with the sound off…  I wasn’t watching the screen much – but the replays were AWESOME

October 13, 2022 5:56 pm


Thanks, I will


October 13, 2022 5:56 pm

Astros win again.

Peńa and the Big Guy did it again.

October 13, 2022 5:55 pm

Yes – I ain’t worried about Nellie cause she’s a Cosori, too… I’m just torn about what temp to use… It’s not like it’s raw chicken – for jerky… I guess I could go up to the 135 for leftovers?

October 13, 2022 5:54 pm

Squawk I haven’t said yet, but please keep the Today’s Hamousonian coming. I’ve enjoyed them all.

October 13, 2022 5:47 pm

Tedtam – here’s a link

She said that she did her’s at 115 because she doesn’t like to go past that on her Nesco and is afraid the trays will warp.  I’ve got mine set at 125 – not the 135 for “leftovers/meals” since the chicken was cooked  prior.  The chart I’ve got says 155 for meat/jerky… but I don’t want this turned to jerky – I just want it really good and dry… Whatcha think?

Super Dave
October 13, 2022 5:33 pm

Well we made it to Midland. Left the farm about 7 Am, drove a little less than 2 hours to North Florida Airport and touched down in Midland about 3:30. Gawd bless Amerika. We were supposed to have a 30 minute layover in Dallas but they had an issue with the equipment so we had time for lunch at a Mexican place. It was pricey but pretty good for airport grub. Oh and we flew out of PC in a 737 dash 8 with NO empty seats. The plane out of Dallas was scheduled to be a 737 700 but… Read more »

October 13, 2022 5:10 pm

Hey Tedtam – if you’re around… I just got thru deboning & cutting up the chicken leg/thigh meat into bite sized pieces, and it seemed really greasy – think I should rinse it with hot water? Oh – never mind – I just rewatched the video where she baked chicken and picked it off “didn’t bother rinsing”…

October 13, 2022 4:55 pm

Today’s Hamousonian

  1. I’ll stick with my original description: It’s kinda like eating a putrefied rat that’s been packed in Comet cleanser for about 100 years.
October 13, 2022 4:44 pm

Buying low and selling at a profit is how my son keeps upgrading his bikes, cars and trucks, he has had nothing like your cousin but he’s decent at it. He is on vette #2 now, 2015 model, whichever C version they call that year.

October 13, 2022 4:40 pm

Enjoyed the video TexMo, some really cool cars. My son shares some of his tastes like the BMW’s and Subarus and vettes, me not so much. Saw your mug with the Trans Am. Wife 2 had a black Trans Am, 1978 model. Of course being a late 70’s car it had no guts but it was fun to drive. No AC though! I spoke of that before, she was from Michigan and they didn’t believe you needed AC. Bull! When she lived up there the Trans Am was parked in the winter, the limited slip differential caused you to slip… Read more »

October 13, 2022 4:29 pm

Ha! My cousin has already texted me and said he forgot to include a Porche 986 in his video.

My cousin is the master of buying low and selling high. That is how he has been able to own so many cars over the years without losing his shirt and reducing his net worth to something close to zero.

October 13, 2022 3:54 pm

Enjoyed the car vid, Texmo.

October 13, 2022 3:41 pm

When I gave a eulogy for my grandaddy at his funeral five years ago, I brought up that quote with the F-bomb. I brought it up in the context that many of those WWII vets internalized all the horror and grief they witnessed overseas. They came home used the GI bill to go to college, went to work, got married, and had children. When I was a little boy, he’d retell funny or humorous stories. As he got older he started to tell some of the more macabre stories. I’m still upset with myself that I never sat him down… Read more »

October 13, 2022 3:31 pm

GJT you might be interested in my cousin’s life long obsession with cars. In this YouTube video, he takes a trip down memory lane of all (or most of) the cars he’s ever owned. At about the six min mark, I make a cameo with my 2002 Trans Am. You’ll here my cousin say we were on a road trip to visit my granddaddy. Those photos were taken in Brownwood. That’s the trip were I brought up Tom Hanks, Band of Brothers, and Hank’s efforts to get a new WWII memorial on the National Mall. I had never seen Grandaddy… Read more »

October 13, 2022 2:41 pm

One pan of chicken leg quarters sprinkled with Tony Chacheres’ and one pan sprinkled with lemon pepper – in the oven for 45-55 minutes… in preparation for “feeding them to Nellie…” to dehydrate…  Prayers appreciated LOL

October 13, 2022 2:36 pm

#36 – HoleeSCHMIDT Big Brudda!

I just read that to Barb – She shares my abject HORROR at such E V I L

October 13, 2022 2:22 pm

I haven’t been particularly surprised over the years at the Left’s assault on the First and Second Amendments and the rest of the Bill of Rights.  They’ve been signaling their contempt and hostility for the Constitution for over a hundred years. What I am shocked about is this kind of thing. “A pediatrician who was present at the American Academy of Pediatrics conference over the weekend in Anaheim, Calif., posted a disturbing video on Twitter in which Alabama gender doctor Morissa Ladinsky declared that the suicide of a trans-identified teen was a “bold” act. ‘And then the final days of… Read more »

October 13, 2022 2:09 pm

Texmo #33

Oh for sure.  The vote getting aspect is the amount of the COLA. +-8% raise is unprecedented in modern times, post 20th century.  I was listening to two different (SNICKER) news sources and the confetti throwing was off the charts.  It reminded me of when i was in Chicago, every park, winter ice skating rink, bus stop, EL train stop, gubment associated works had a “Gift of Mayor Richard M Daley and the City of Chicago” sign attached to it.

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