The Terrifying Totalitarian Assault on the American Family

This is a must read piece by Rod Dreher from The American Conservative titled…

Trans Totalitarianism: Time For Moral Panic

The other day, I saw on Twitter someone saying that they are a good liberal and all that, but they are really worried about what they’re seeing regarding the emerging culture of the medical and teaching professions encouraging children to transition to the opposite sex. “But,” said this person, “I don’t want to surrender to a moral panic.”

I submit to you that a moral panic is precisely the correct response to this egregious phenomenon. That is, what is happening is so hideous, and so widespread, and the reaction by most people to this point has been so muted to non-existent, that if you are not panicking, you are not paying attention.

Most people are not on Twitter, and if you’re one of these people, you may not be aware of the extent of the insanity. The media are not covering it, of course. It falls to badasses like Matt Walsh, Chaya Raichik (who runs the Libs Of Tik Tok account), Christina Buttons, and Chris Elston, the guy who runs the Billboard Chris website and Twitter account, to sound the alarm.


Libs of TikTok has an important essay about the Left’s attempts to sever the relationship between parents and children. This phenomenon is one of the clearest and most alarming examples of the totalitarian nature of the contemporary Leftist project. When I was researching Live Not By Lies, people who escaped Communism kept telling me that one of the characteristics of the totalitarian regimes they escaped was the State inserting itself between children and their parents. This is well known to historians, as a matter of fact. The theory was that the State is the true parent, and as such, needs to defend the rights of children against their parents, who are carriers of old, oppressive values. This was necessary to liberate children from the past, and from its evil values.


When I was reporting Live Not By Lies, I talked to a senior physician at a major US hospital in a conservative state. The man only talked to me if I agreed not to use his name. His family emigrated to the West from the USSR when he was a child. Now, he said, he is seeing things that didn’t even exist in the Soviet Union. He told me that at his hospital, the management instructed all the physicians to give to any patient, including children, any gender-transition assistance they asked for — even if it violated the physician’s best judgment about that particular patient. There was no other health care issue in which doctors were told by the hospital to suspend their medical judgment to give a patient what he or she wants. Why do you think that is, reader? When the lawsuits begin, I wonder if “just following orders” will protect doctors?

By the way, this particular physician told me that the HR department at his hospital monitored their social media accounts, looking for wrongthink. He said that if he didn’t have a social media account, that would cause HR to flag him as a potential problem. So he kept his account up, but only put happy-clappy “wellness” things on it. This man is a top doctor at one of the country’s biggest hospitals, and he has to live in that kind of fear. Why doesn’t he quit? Because he has a family, and tuition to pay, and all the usual reasons. The other day in Vienna, I talked to a young Muslim from Canada, a man who works in IT. We agreed that the Canadian government is insane, and that trans ideology is destroying children and families. “Why don’t people stand up?” he said. I asked him if he would stand up, knowing that it would probably cost him his job. He thought for a second, and said, no, he guesses that he wouldn’t.





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August 18, 2022 7:17 pm

Where is everybody today?  Likely preparing for the rainstorm that was certainly a challenge to getting around in some places and a pitiful zero in others.  Like here with our magnificent 2/100s of rain late this afternoon.  But Fort Bend County to the south of us was getting drenched at 6pm news time.  Katy to the north of us was… Read more »

El Gordo
August 18, 2022 6:15 pm

Just as I posted the above, Mark Levin began talking about the same idea to some extent.  At least as it relates to charging and arresting Trump.

August 18, 2022 6:11 pm

Scary stuff indeed.

El Gordo
August 18, 2022 6:08 pm

Here’s the latest update compiled by me from sources out there, some available to all, some not.  Anyway, you may recall that last week I postulated that the raid on Mara Lago was prompted to retrieve documents held by Trump which would serve to exonerate him from the Russia probe that dogged him, and would name names as to exactly… Read more »

August 18, 2022 5:24 pm

Good late afternoon Hamsters, We await the storm, dark clouds from the north fill the sky, and the wind is very much alive.  I had the radio on a few minutes ago, and the Emergency Alert service broke in with their musical entrance and exit format.  But there was no message in between, and that is the first time I’ve… Read more »

August 18, 2022 5:14 pm

I believe God is separating the Luke warm believers from the flock and will build up a New Church with the remnant.   I’ve been wondering if the Abp. Vigano and the Coalition for Canceled Priests will be as the Irish were in the Dark Ages – the small reservoir of the Faith that holds fast in the darkness.  This… Read more »

Abuck Syxbits
Abuck Syxbits
August 18, 2022 4:41 pm

The Terrifying Totalitarian Assault on the American Family Posted on August 18, 2022 by Texpat When I was researching Live Not By Lies, people who escaped Communism kept telling me that one of the characteristics of the totalitarian regimes they escaped was the State inserting itself between children and their parents. Thanks Texpat. The passage above from the document you presented pretty… Read more »

August 18, 2022 4:33 pm

A blast from the Hamous past

Don’t forget. Teh Gheyz need to “marry” too to make things right. Hey, how ’bout a weed-themed lavender wedding?
And i will save my “sermon” for later.
August 18, 2022 4:20 pm

Keep your powder dry folks!

Tom Jefferson’s Liberty Tree is in more DIRE need of fresh fertilizer than ever before!