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Something to think about as you go about your week:

Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it is stupid.
– A. Einstein

It is a little more profound than the usual ” I need a man like a fish needs legs.” Although, if the fish had legs and could climb trees, it wouldn’t feel stupid, would it? Or would we simply judge it on some other attribute? But then, if a fish had legs, would it then appreciate those appendages, or would they simply get in the way? Because if a fish had legs, it might find a “need” for them, right? Kinda like if I had wings, I’m sure I’d find a “need” for me to use them for my trip to the store or to work. But since I don’t have wings, I don’t have a “need” for them.
Just a little deep thinkin’ as you face your daily grind.




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June 7, 2011 10:56 pm

Can’t blame the hoax on the full moon, ’cause that was last week. Moon’s half full this week, so maybe there’s a correlation to the tipster who is obviously “half there.” What an uproar over nada, and what a waste of time and $ for the agencies that had to run it down. Hope the perp is caught and proseucuted.… Read more »

Simple Simon
Simple Simon
June 7, 2011 9:23 pm

Check This Out!

June 7, 2011 9:05 pm

Texas to U.S. Department of Justice: Come and take it Texans have a chance to get the TSA anti-groping bill on the agenda for our special legislative session. A coalition called Stop Austin Scanners has a handy email blaster that will enable you to contact all the legislative leaders and Governor Perry. You can use the boilerplate text or send… Read more »

Simple Simon
Simple Simon
June 7, 2011 9:04 pm

86 Hamous No one in the middle-east can be trusted on the face value of what they say. The Ayatollah did say those things about the Israelis; but it did not stop him from buying spare parts from those hated Israelis to keep his aging fleet of F4 Phantoms going during the Iran-Iraq war. Ironically, there is some video on… Read more »

June 7, 2011 8:45 pm

I sure do hope it’s not true. Probably not if cadaver dogs haven’t sniffed anything out as of yet. If there were 30 bodies I do think a trained dog would have scented at least one out by now.

Southern Tragedy
Southern Tragedy
June 7, 2011 8:39 pm

Update from the Comical: The first call came in Monday night. After nothing was found by deputies, the tipster called again and said they had gone to the wrong place. The house is near the intersection of County Roads 2048 and 2049. “I do hope and pray this is a false alarm,” the county judge said, “but in this day… Read more »

Southern Tragedy
Southern Tragedy
June 7, 2011 8:13 pm

ST hits the Big One!


ST slapped a pimple on her butt?

Y’all just remember that Hardin is meth alley. Heck, 1st cousins would “date” each other iffin’ one had a $10 rock. I find this story a bit hoaxy but a busy day in that town.

June 7, 2011 7:45 pm

But, but, but at least the National Enquirer “got” John Edwards when nobody else was interested. Am waiting patiently for the hoorah to sort itself out. Hope sincerely that it is not true and that many families who are missing kin are not worked up into a frenzy of worry while everything is in flux. And speaking of frenzy, the… Read more »

June 7, 2011 6:36 pm

Why in the world would the media start publicly broadcasting this story just on a tip from an idiot psychic. Shame, shame, shame. If it turns out this is false the so-called news outlets should be branded as nothing more than National Enquirers.

June 7, 2011 6:16 pm

Here’s the just breaking (complete): Source: Psychic tips to mass grave HOUSTON CHRONICLE June 7, 2011, 6:06PM Liberty County sheriff’s officials Tuesday afternoon said they found blood at a rural residence that a tipster said was the burial site of 25 to 30 dismembered bodies. A state law enforcement source later Tuesday afternoon told the Houston Chronicle that deputies had… Read more »

June 7, 2011 6:07 pm

May not be true. Let’s keep praying that’s the case.

June 7, 2011 5:35 pm

#99 Darren says:

I don’t know much about this potential treaty so I can’t say for myself but:

Back to that old familiar adage:
“When they pry my cold dead fingers off it.”
And I’m dead serious when I say that.

June 7, 2011 5:29 pm

101 Hamous
I google mapped it. It’s just outside Daisyetta on an old farm road where they re-routed the new farm road to cut out a curve. The north side of the road is a patch of pines and brush. they must have got a tip from someone.

June 7, 2011 5:25 pm

35 Darren says:
June 7, 2011 at 10:42 am

Oletimer #31;
so I can look at the bikinis and think of days gone by………………………….

Oletimer used to wear bikinis!!!! 😉

Here’s your mental image for the day:
Ichabod Crane wearing a speedo with his left testicle hanging out. I don’t think so.

June 7, 2011 5:09 pm

101 – O M G

June 7, 2011 5:08 pm

#99 –

5.In short, overriding our national sovereignty, and in the process start an internal CIVIL WAR in these formerly great United Snakes……….

no CHAHGE for the edit Sir!

June 7, 2011 5:05 pm

30 bodies of children found in mass grave in Liberty County. Time to pray hard.

June 7, 2011 5:04 pm

Detroit — General Motors Co. CEO Dan Akerson wants the federal gas tax boosted as much as $1 a gallon to nudge consumers toward more fuel-efficient cars, and he’s confident the government will soon shed its remaining 26 percent stake in the once-bankrupt automaker. So, at the moment, when the CEO of GM advocates higher taxes isn’t that simply saying… Read more »

June 7, 2011 5:00 pm

I don’t know much about this potential treaty so I can’t say for myself but: While the terms have yet to be made public, if passed by the U.N. and ratified by our Senate, it will almost certainly force the U.S. to: 1.Enact tougher licensing requirements, creating additional bureaucratic red tape for legal firearms ownership. 2.Confiscate and destroy all “unauthorized”… Read more »

June 7, 2011 4:54 pm

Sarge #92: We were sending arms to the Chinese in 1941. Was that enough provocation to justify the Japanese attack on us? >DID IT EVER OCCUR TO YOU THAT <strong THE JAPANESE WERE AGGRESSORS IN 1941 AND THAT IS WHY WE WERE SUPPLYING CHINA? Did you ever hear of the rape of nanking, are you aware of the Japanese atrocities… Read more »

June 7, 2011 4:52 pm

We were sending arms to the Chinese in 1941. Was that enough provocation to justify the Japanese attack on us?

If ever the Japanese wanted a swift and firm kick in the a$$, bombing Pearl Harbor was an excellent way to get one. Perhaps if they tried it now they’d get nothing more than drone attacks in response.

June 7, 2011 4:49 pm

Checking in on sarge and, nope, nothing useful.
To note that I don’t advocate sinking Iranian subs per se but if it happens **for whatever reason** I’ll support it. As far as international law is concerned, if it does not recognize Iran as an enemy combatant against the United States, then international law can go s*rew itself.

June 7, 2011 4:37 pm

I’m done now, too

June 7, 2011 4:37 pm

It’s beginning to look more and more like you and Barry share the same sentiment on American Exceptionalism. I think I’m done here. Nice try. Looks like you’re an advocate of the “Kill them all, let God sort them out” school. Looks like you want gas to cost $20.00 a gallon. Looks like you want trade with Europe to come… Read more »

June 7, 2011 4:34 pm

Nope. Said so at the time. Brought a lot of it to the attention of folks. … I’ve got a big problem with it. I’ve also got a problem with the arms China sends to the Norks. But apparently it doesn’t rise to the level of “provocation”. We were sending arms to the Chinese in 1941. Was that enough provocation… Read more »

June 7, 2011 4:29 pm

So you’re cool with direct Iranian involvement in the Iraq War. Nope. Said so at the time. Brought a lot of it to the attention of folks. No problem with Iran supplying rockets to Hezbollah and Hamas that rain down on Israelis because that’s not “provocation” since they’re not actually firing the rockets. I’ve got a big problem with it.… Read more »

June 7, 2011 4:26 pm

If we sank the entire Iranian navy, only the Euros, the Commies and assorted other socialists would claim there was no provocation.

And of course, that wouldn’t affect our economy or foreign trade at all.

June 7, 2011 4:24 pm

Because it was in response to an actual attack on members of the US military. So you’re cool with direct Iranian involvement in the Iraq War. No problem with Iran supplying rockets to Hezbollah and Hamas that rain down on Israelis because that’s not “provocation” since they’re not actually firing the rockets. Final question, and its a two-parter: Is Ron… Read more »

June 7, 2011 4:13 pm

But I’m sure his statements were taken out of context. Iran is just like any other nation and should be treated as such.&lt/sarc> And now I’m going to make believe this is what Sarge believes because i have no actual argument He’s an evil baby killing bastard. I want to see him dead. I just don’t want to see what… Read more »

June 7, 2011 4:04 pm

If we sank the entire Iranian navy, only the Euros, the Commies and assorted other socialists would claim there was no provocation.

And Sarge.

June 7, 2011 4:04 pm

Unprovoked? Really??? That’s a curious position considering Iran is the main supplier of arms to every terrorist organization in the middle east and has publicly announced their goal is to wipe every Jew off the face of the earth. Yeah, there’s no cause for concern there. never said there wasn’t cause for concern, just that there’s legal and not legal,… Read more »

June 7, 2011 4:04 pm

Ahmadinejad quoted a remark from Iran’s Ayatollah Khomeini, the founder of Iran’s Islamic revolution, who said that Israel “must be wiped out from the map of the world.” “And God willing, with the force of God behind it, we shall soon experience a world without the United States and Zionism.” “the new wave of confrontations generated in Palestine and the… Read more »

June 7, 2011 4:02 pm

If we sank the entire Iranian navy, only the Euros, the Commies and assorted other socialists would claim there was no provocation.

June 7, 2011 3:47 pm

Just noting that the guy who advocates committing an unprovoked act of war gets a pass, but the guy who notes that Iran is doing something every nation does is climbed on. Unprovoked? Really??? That’s a curious position considering Iran is the main supplier of arms to every terrorist organization in the middle east and has publicly announced their goal… Read more »

June 7, 2011 3:35 pm

I suppose every case is different, but it is not a completely sad duty. There was often much laughter and mining of rich memories when Texpat and I prepared Mom’s estate sale. Her’s was a rich Christian life, well lived. Example: We always knew Mom was the Basket Queen of the South but after a solid hour of baskets pouring… Read more »

June 7, 2011 3:27 pm

#81 –

we’d never get away with it.

Agreed – which is WHY our apology would be SO “fervent”!!!!!

June 7, 2011 3:19 pm

……… the concept of sending a fervent apology AFTER “accidentally” vaporizing one? I could live with that (then of course we’d have the unintended resulting consequence of the current POTUS seeming to grow some gonads all of a sudden-like……………which would NOT help (IMHO) defeat / unseat him in 2012) It would be neat, but that kind of thing only happens… Read more »

Simple Simon
Simple Simon
June 7, 2011 3:15 pm

76 Ted I have done it for both of my parents now. Dad died in the early nineties and we had to pack up his house and sell it. Mom was incapable of completely taking care of herself; therefore we took her to an assisted living center in Webster. She died a few years later and we repeated the exercise… Read more »

June 7, 2011 3:08 pm

#76 –

There’s nothing more depressing than closing out a person’s life.

MsTT I remember all too well helping my 2 nephews & 1 niece clean out my younger Sister’s apartment post-suicide……………………a grisly business at best…………..

June 7, 2011 3:05 pm

#60 – CrusherBubba – no one would love to see an Iranian Sub vaporized more than I – of this I can assure you…………….I just agree with Simple in this regard that we cannot ‘sell’ that to the rest of the world OR ourselves as an “acceptable national security policy”………….it would be the most flagrant violation of international law ………… Read more »

June 7, 2011 2:36 pm

You’re getting pretty good at this victim thing. Is that going to be your standard response from now on when anyone disagrees with you? If so, I’ll just give up trying to converse with you in a rational manner. Just noting that the guy who advocates committing an unprovoked act of war gets a pass, but the guy who notes… Read more »

June 7, 2011 2:29 pm

You’re the one ignoring what was said. I do not inherently have a problem with sinking Iranian subs in the defense of Israel nor destroying Iranian stuff.

Do you seriously think that this nation should sink those Iranian subs?

June 7, 2011 2:28 pm

If we are going to be a Nation of Laws, then we honor our treaties and we don’t go around sinking submarines or killing people without the legal cover of actual provocation.
Anything else is just plain irresponsible.

June 7, 2011 2:24 pm

Lawrence #69;
ST slapped a pimple on her butt?

June 7, 2011 2:23 pm

Sarge; You’re the one ignoring what was said. I do not inherently have a problem with sinking Iranian subs in the defense of Israel nor destroying Iranian stuff. They’ve been involved directly ad indirectly in the killing of American troops in Iraq and is a big supporter of anti-Israeli groups dedicated to destroying Israel. My issue was taken to the… Read more »

June 7, 2011 2:20 pm

It seems that some of the responses generated are based more on who is posting than on what is actually being said. You’re getting pretty good at this victim thing. Is that going to be your standard response from now on when anyone disagrees with you? If so, I’ll just give up trying to converse with you in a rational… Read more »

June 7, 2011 2:17 pm

ST hits the Big One!

June 7, 2011 2:13 pm

Good grief, Sarge. Who said that can’t be in the Red Sea? The point of my contention was based upon simple’s nonchalant “don’t worry” attitude regarding Iran’s intent on sending subs to the Red Sea. And I’ve no doubt this is just one of many instances of the two coutnries spying on each other. And you took issue with that… Read more »