Wednesday Inconvenient Truth Moment in History

The Navy’s decision to consider naming a cargo ship now under construction after labor activist Cesar Chavez has drawn sharp criticism from one veteran lawmaker who says that a military war hero should receive the honor instead.

I don’t particularly care what the Navy names their cargo ships. But I have to wonder if all these Victicrats are aware that their celebrated hero was vehemently against illegal immigration. I wonder if they knew that Chavez and the UFW set up barricades on the border and physically kept illegal aliens out lest they take their jobs long before those racist white Minutemen went down to the border. Did they know their hero was also known to sic la migra on illegals? By the 1980s Chavez’s UFW was losing clout. It was at this point he decided it was cool to back illegal immigration as a way to boost membership in his union.





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May 18, 2011 6:05 pm

Posted this yesterday. Looks like they name those ships after explorers. Maybe if they want to keep the spirit of naming it after a famous American explorer who happens to be Hispanic, they could call it the USS DORA.

May 18, 2011 6:05 pm

Posted this yesterday. Looks like they name those ships after explorers. Maybe if they want to keep the spirit of naming it after a famous American explorer who happens to be Hispanic, they could call it the USS DORA.