Wednesday Martini Open Comments

The Martini. Stylish. Sophisticated. Elegant. Classic.

As the linked article notes, the Martini is not only not for the young, it is not for amateurs. There are likely hundreds of recipes for this elixir. There are wretched concoctions of vodka and some sort of sweet liqueur. These are known to Martini enthusiasts as abominations, simple drinks for simple tastes.
Then there are the Martini Officinalis. These mixtures of fine gin and dry vermouth into which one marinates one or more olives are close to the water of life (Scotch) in their simple complexity (or is it complex simplicity?).
The best Martinis are ice cold mixtures of 3 or 4 parts of a good, dry gin. I prefer Tanqueray Number Ten or Bombay Sapphire. The gin should be mixed in a shaker full of ice with one part of a good dry vermouth. I like Noilly Prat the most, but Cinzano will do in a pinch.
Once the ingredients are loaded into the shaker, shake that sucker for all you’re worth. You will want to wrap a towel around the shaker, especially a metal one, because it will get really, really cold. Strain into a Martini glass and plunk a couple of olives into it. Garlic stuffed ones are best, but plain pimiento stuffed are acceptable. Try to use good, really big ones; they will represent your vegetable servings for the evening.
Drink it before it warms up too much.
Just be careful. Martinis can go down real easy and the cold masks their strength.
Oh, leave the vodka in the cabinet. You’ll need it for the Bloody Mary’s in the morning. Trust me.
Martinis are not for amateurs.




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May 11, 2011 11:13 pm

I’m no expert on such matters — though I’ve talked to several about this — but even a casual World War II buff can understand that the shelf life of actionable intelligence would be extended if we hadn’t told the whole world, and al-Qaeda in particular, that we had it. It’s a bit like racing to the microphones to announce… Read more »

May 11, 2011 10:54 pm

The only good news we can find is that the uninsured rate has dropped to 2% today from 6% in 2006. Yet four out of five of the newly insured receive low- or no-cost coverage from the government. The subsidies will cost at least $830 million in 2011 and are growing, conservatively measured, at 5.1% a year. Total state health-care… Read more »

May 11, 2011 10:21 pm

#122 –

Especially the weasels wanting to cut medicaid support to the families who need it the most.

Which weasels are those? What’s their plan?

I was hoping someone would ask!

May 11, 2011 8:51 pm

Especially the weasels wanting to cut medicaid support to the families who need it the most.

Which weasels are those? What’s their plan?

May 11, 2011 8:32 pm

Farrgin’ iceholes!

May 11, 2011 8:18 pm

#119 EG
Woo hoo!

El Gordo
May 11, 2011 8:10 pm

This about sums it up for me:
Language caution.

May 11, 2011 8:00 pm

#113 Adee I am surprised you didn’t get some from the same system I did. I was looking at it on weather radar and the animation flow showed it coming from southwest of Sugar Land. Actually, I was thinking at the time that you were probably getting rain too. I didn’t think to select a broader view at that time.… Read more »

May 11, 2011 7:55 pm

Bonecrusher #52;
I just emailed that story to family. Very nice. I know they’ll like it.

May 11, 2011 7:31 pm

Hammie here is the wiki on that “song”.

Simple Simon
Simple Simon
May 11, 2011 7:28 pm

77 TexMo Ms. Simple and I are raising our legally blind granddaughter who also has Asbergers Syndrome. She goes to physical therapy twice a week and I too feel blessed when I see the children who are in far worse shape. I also see the eyes of the parents and it is hard to tell which life has more sorrow.… Read more »

May 11, 2011 7:27 pm

#112 Man, how on earth did those kids keep from rolling on the floor laughing???

May 11, 2011 7:19 pm

We’ve had a couple of spits enough to put polka dots on the concrete within the past couple of hours, but otherwise only a heavy mist that vanished all too soon. The sky looks soooo promising. Saw a brief shower when dining at a restaurant a few miles from here. Does that count if it fell on our car and… Read more »

May 11, 2011 7:16 pm
Simple Simon
Simple Simon
May 11, 2011 7:16 pm

105 SeaGull
Thanks…good link.

May 11, 2011 7:03 pm

Water is actually running down the valleys of my roof and making noise here in the barrio. The roads are wet even underneath the live oaks. I think I even hear cries of joy from the grass.

May 11, 2011 6:55 pm

Rained in near northwest Houston at around 6:15. And the ground is still wet. What a rush!

May 11, 2011 6:53 pm

Y’all must be spending domestic time and away from the computer . . . . . . .goood on you!

May 11, 2011 4:56 pm

#79 – Be of good CHEER Mom!
You prepared your young Lady well and she will fare well because of it!

May 11, 2011 4:52 pm

I just heard thunder! Thunder! And earlier, I actually felt a few drops of wetness as I exited a store! Wet stuff from the sky!
It’s about time that Bush turned on his weather machine!

May 11, 2011 4:45 pm

Here is something neat. Interactive 3D solars system scope.
One of them things I wish had been around when my kids lived at home.
/Dangit I miss em.

May 11, 2011 4:20 pm

The Brits did a better job of showing Harry Reid’s black eye and arm in a sling:
than Drudge’s photo & link, where the shiner is obvious, but not mentioned in the story.

May 11, 2011 3:57 pm

#101 Squawk

I don’t think the HOA is gonna like it.

As Katfish might say: “GuaranTOLD ya mine won’t like it!”

May 11, 2011 3:54 pm

#95 Squawk
I liked the comment:

I love the glittery styrofoam star!

May 11, 2011 3:51 pm
May 11, 2011 3:37 pm

Am I here for #100?

May 11, 2011 2:57 pm

Don’t read this just prior to eating.
Crap. I mean, literally, CRAP!

May 11, 2011 2:51 pm

#97 Cain’t see it. Blocked by the proxy server.

May 11, 2011 2:48 pm
May 11, 2011 2:43 pm

What is more annoying than me arguing with Sarge? Probably this.
/I made it 46.3 seconds

May 11, 2011 2:07 pm

#’s 52 & 86 – Oh LORDY me too yall! *sniffle*
Part & parcel of why many of us bikers wear sunglasses I guaranTOLD you!
I will PASS that one ON to my BACA Sisters and Brothers!

May 11, 2011 2:02 pm

Do you find yourself worrying about the end of the world? Are your scouring the web at work and fear your boss is gonna take notice? Is your home life just not the same since joined all those mailing lists about end of times? Well worry bo more. Here is handy little service who will email you when the world… Read more »

May 11, 2011 2:01 pm

This is prolly one of the best Leslie Nielsen bits ever!

May 11, 2011 1:56 pm

#88 SD: Another POS rapper goes to the WH; what’s the big deal yanno, birds of a feather. . . . . . . . . . . smoke crack together.

May 11, 2011 1:53 pm

#87 Hamous: Hey man, stop talking so loud, I have a splitting headache.

May 11, 2011 1:48 pm

#86 Mharper: It had a similar effect on me. I have 2 very intelligent, physically strong and attractive children, and was blessed with 21 nieces and nephews. Out of all those kids, one is not quite right (asburgers syndrome) and another had hidden emotional pain and he ended it all (permanently); the rest are happy healthy intelligent and strong. My… Read more »

Super Dave
Super Dave
May 11, 2011 1:48 pm

I’m Not paying attention, so if this has already been linked ….Never Mind.
White House defends rapper’s invitation to poetry event.

May 11, 2011 1:47 pm

What’s that hon? I can’t understand you. Sounds like your choking on something.

When Andrew Linn first met Dr. Andrew Coates, an associate professor of surgery at University Medical Center, he was conscious – and trying to use his cell phone, which Coates said surprised him, considering he had a pole through his head.

May 11, 2011 1:39 pm

#52 Bones
Just between you & me: you had tears running down my face with that story.

May 11, 2011 1:36 pm

#74 Squawk: Unibrow warning

May 11, 2011 1:36 pm

#68 Mondo cool! I would like to see a scaled up and tuned version (mounted on a navy ship) or perhaps even a hand held device; now that would be really cool.

May 11, 2011 1:31 pm
May 11, 2011 1:22 pm

From Sarge’s link in 76. the county annual median household income is $71,735. In other words they pay the lifeguard 40% more than the median household income. A typical household these days consists of two wage earners so that means these lifeguards are making out like bandits. And the left will frame this in terms of worker’s rights and earning… Read more »

May 11, 2011 1:21 pm

This is just wrong on soooooo many levels

May 11, 2011 1:14 pm
May 11, 2011 1:12 pm

Lovely Daughter is on the road, heading towards home her new apartment.
And so begins a new chapter in her life.

May 11, 2011 1:05 pm