Thursday Burka Ban Open Comments

The French are making waves these days. It’s kinda nice to see another country stir people up for a change. For one thing, they’re “leading” the effort in bombing an oil-producing Arab country. And asking for help in bombing them harder and faster. You’d think that’d be enough, except Big Mo isn’t all that popular among his brother Arabs, so the rest of them are just wandering off, looking at the birds in the trees, and whistling.
What has really set the Arab Street seething is the ban on facial coverings in public that went into effect this week.

Hubba hubba

Under the law, anyone refusing to lift a veil for an identity check can be persuaded to remove the garment at a police station. A woman who is defiant and insists on appearing veiled in public can be fined 150 euros ($216) and will be ordered to attend re-education classes.

I also heard on the radio that the fine for forcing someone to wear a face covering carries something like a 20,000 euro fine. The Arabs, who are all about oppressing every other religion (and non-religion for that matter) at home are indignant.

Samia Abdullah, a 24-year-old journalist in Jeddah, was indignant: “Doesn’t France have freedom of religion in its law structure? There should be freedom to practice every religion and I do not see a reason behind this infuriating racial profiling.”

It’s racial I tell you!!! My wife loves wearing her CampMaster 3000 to the grocery store. Besides, there’s all kinds of room in there for the “discounted” groceries she manages to find. To be fair, some are actually somewhat understanding.

Thirty-year-old Sarah Kazim, a housewife, believes everyone should respect the law of the land. “If women are made to dress a different way and wear their hijab in Saudi Arabia and we respect it, then we should respect the laws of the French constitution. Why treat them differently when we have laws that are most distinct to any other country?”

And this:

Marketing executive Seema Nahdi, 35, warned against overreaction. “There is an identity crisis with the veil, you do not know who you are facing. It could be a man disguised or a potential threat. It is a different paradigm. People need to look at it from a political perspective and not strain it with emotional melodrama,” she said.

But Arabs have always been a bunch of drama queens. But, still there are others who just don’t get it.

Samah Ahmed, a 42-year-old mother in Riyadh, was outraged. She called the ban blasphemy. “How dare they take away our right to protect and practice our religion? Yes, this means my daughters cannot travel to France anymore but that is fine. We will not bow down to the injustice they dole out to us. It is time they treat women with respect,” she said.

How does someone in a CampMaster 3000 even get past security in an airport, anyway? If they don’t like it, they can just stay in the latrines of countries they come from.





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April 14, 2011 11:59 pm

ST #78;
Excellent news!!!

April 14, 2011 11:04 pm

Yea for the good gals, ST. And save the reward $ for better purposes!

April 14, 2011 10:20 pm

Age Activated ADD, I can relate!

April 14, 2011 10:16 pm

Way cool, ST! I’m so glad you’re baby’s back at home.
Although that’s one heckuva big baby!

April 14, 2011 10:08 pm

I am so glad to hear the news ST. This is wonderful. Details later, celebrate now. Wow.

April 14, 2011 10:05 pm

Great news ST !

Southern Tragedy
Southern Tragedy
April 14, 2011 10:01 pm

UPDATE: Ramses is home. No questions asked. *Sorta* No reward paid. Details later. /thank you, Lord, for answered prayers.
Excuse me whilst I cry tears of joy and thankfulness right now. /making a list of email updates and phone calls to be made 1st thing tomorrow……….

April 14, 2011 9:48 pm

Late to the party tonight. This has been–I hope–the last downer day of intermittent toothache/relief/ache in several more places/relief again kabuki that has been going on since Saturday. Dentist appointment on Monday had to be rescheduled to today because he had been terribly sick with the stomach flu. I sure don’t need that. Upshot of this afternoon’s appointment was the… Read more »

Super Dave
Super Dave
April 14, 2011 9:28 pm

#74 GJT 😀

Super Dave
Super Dave
April 14, 2011 9:27 pm

Hambone; the only TV station we could get at my grandparents house in Bristol was out of Dothan. I remember seeing a shape-note program on that station in the mid ’60s. That was my introduction to the genre. May have been him. From my link #60 In 1956, he developed a Sunday morning singing program that aired weekly over radio… Read more »

April 14, 2011 9:25 pm

Re: Wedding outfits When our oldest son got married a couple of years ago, my Sweetie had not gotten her dress yet and the wedding was about 3 weeks away. We stopped in this Foo-Foo place one day to look around. Looking over her opera glasses, Lovey tells us the due date is entirely unworkable and hints we prolly shouldn’t… Read more »

April 14, 2011 9:19 pm

#59 TT The story of Joe the mental patient and his cardboard computer made me think of the cargo cults that arose after the Allies left various South Pacific islands at the end of WW-II. Natives who had observed planes landing on their islands for years to disgorge all sorts of food and equipment tried to make cargo come back… Read more »

April 14, 2011 9:04 pm

7′ Statue of Jesus Torched – Baptists everywhere riot, beheadings, decapitated bodies drug down the streets, hung from bridges…….what’s that?….No? Nevermind.

April 14, 2011 9:00 pm

RE: 3D porn
Wouldn’t you be afeared the glasses would fall off at the crescendo wrong time?

April 14, 2011 8:55 pm

#69 – My Dad and all his people were from the Bristol area. My mom’s family have deep roots in and around Kissimmee, which is where I was born. But I spent every summer and breaks up in Bristol. I still have a couple acres up there. It’s all that’s left of my great-grandfather’s farm still in the family. My… Read more »

Super Dave
Super Dave
April 14, 2011 8:40 pm

Hambone when I was a youngun the only TV station we could get at my grandparents house in Bristol was out of Dothan. Dang Dammit, that ‘Splain’s it! early on you talked about north Florida like you lived there and later on I found out that you grew up near the future “Mouse Kingdom” Dawneth the light! I believe Wilbur… Read more »

April 14, 2011 8:16 pm

I saw a documentary on Alabama football a few years back. Bear wanted to integrate the football team but the alumni and board of reagents would have none of it. The story goes that Bryant made a deal with USC coach John McKay to come play Alabama in 1970. USC kicked their asses. The next year Bear was allowed to… Read more »

Super Dave
Super Dave
April 14, 2011 8:10 pm

Googling, I came across this; Tom Mc Lendon’ s 5 th season. Check out “Sidney Linier” Outta’ Montgomery,…. Think “Ball High” 😉

April 14, 2011 8:05 pm

Speaking of Alabamans, I sure do love this girl’s voice, even if she did up and marry an unhinged lefty weirdo:

Super Dave
Super Dave
April 14, 2011 8:01 pm

Oh speaking of fixin’ someone’s TV I fixed this guy’s TV, I also went to school with him. The year he Graduated we beat Dothan (4A) and Enterprise (our rival, 3A) we were a 3A. Ellis Beck, Wilber Jackson and Dexter Wood all went to Alabama the next year.

April 14, 2011 7:57 pm

Dave – I don’t remember the name but when I was a youngun the only TV station we could get at my grandparents house in Bristol was out of Dothan. I remember seeing a shape-note program on that station in the mid ’60s. That was my introduction to the genre. May have been him. I do remember seeing the PBS… Read more »

Super Dave
Super Dave
April 14, 2011 7:28 pm

Hambone I’m pretty sure that you’ve never heard of Dewey Williams but he was raised @ Haw Ridge Alabama, my great-great grandfather was born in Russell County Alabama, (Phenix City) and moved to Haw Ridge when he was 2 years old. When he got married in 1878 he bought the old farm house that I now own. Haw Ridge is… Read more »

April 14, 2011 7:23 pm

I’m not even sure that I’m a UU. But then, I reckon that a bit of uncertainty removes all doubt.

April 14, 2011 6:57 pm

Dave – That would be Southern Baptists. Much different than Yankee Lutheran food.
I’ve been to a few Shape Note/Sacred Heart singings in my time. There’s something very spiritual about it that I’ve never quite felt anywhere else. Almost trance-like.

Super Dave
Super Dave
April 14, 2011 6:49 pm

Lutherans will force everyone to eat bland casseroles at least once a week! That made me think of “Dinner on the Ground” sumpin’ the Baptists did in south Alabama. Everyone brought a covered dish and it was some of the best dang food you’d ever want to eat, cooked by mothers, aunts and grandmothers. About 2 years ago, I went… Read more »

April 14, 2011 6:47 pm

Stumbled upon this story at this website (edited, and adding spacing and punctuation to make it readable): I was working as a phone technician for Blorchizon, so for those of you in the know… we get the weirdest of the weird. I had moved up through the ranks, handling only the most difficult of issues. A tier 2 agent had… Read more »

April 14, 2011 6:33 pm

Well, this is a lesson learned!

Super Dave
Super Dave
April 14, 2011 6:27 pm

And the UU’s “Church of what’s Happening Now”; will require everyone to participate in weekly group hugs. FIFY,…No charge. 😉

April 14, 2011 4:40 pm

#54 Good Heavens! The right-wing nutjobs are in charge! This means that the Baptists will outlaw dance halls, the Catholics will outlaw divorce, the Pentecostals will pass legislation requiring “Speaking in Tongues” be taught in all public schools, and the Lutherans will force everyone to eat bland casseroles at least once a week!

April 14, 2011 4:06 pm

Breaking news: The Seventh Circuit just vacated the district court decision that held that the federal statute requiring the President to declare a National Day of Prayer violates the Establishment Clause. The Circuit held that plaintiff lacked standing to challenge either the statute or the President’s proclamation. And even “[i]f this means that no one has standing, that does not… Read more »

El Gordo
April 14, 2011 3:43 pm

#51 – They can’t eat pork, but camel is OK? Here’s the idea – let them keep the camel meat and we will keep the pork. Do they fight over who gets the hump(s). I guess you could use the hooves for soup bowls. Will anyone try it for the chili cook-off next rodeo season? Here’s a good recipe.

El Gordo
April 14, 2011 3:39 pm

Well I see (by process of elimination) that my good Representative Pete Olsen voted in favor of the continuing resolution again, while 50 other Republicans voted no. Heck, Nick Lampson could have done that. I’m beginning to get more and more disenchanted with Representative Olsen – doesn’t he realize that he represents one of the most conservative districts in the… Read more »

Super Dave
Super Dave
April 14, 2011 3:30 pm

Tastes like Chicken; Camel meat could be exported. Mr El Ashram said he plans to process 100,000 camels a year, as well as goats and donkeys, for export to the Middle East and North Africa. “North Africa, the Middle East, we’re talking about Egypt, Libya – they love camel meat.” The federal government is currently carrying out a culling program… Read more »

April 14, 2011 2:46 pm

As posted on ole IowaHawk
*Hat Tip* to Tennessee Ernie Ford

Robert M
Robert M
April 14, 2011 2:38 pm

I’m sorry, I left off the obvious Joe BADen “deep thought”:
11) Let me do my imitation of an air traffic controller.

April 14, 2011 2:26 pm

Let’s see, the economy is in the tank, unemployment continues to rise, fuel costs sky rocket and Arizona is making Mexican trucks green. How do we stop this ideocy? NOGALES – Hundreds of big trucks cross the U.S.-Mexican border here every day, many more than once. On a busy day, the rigs idle for long stretches of time, waiting in… Read more »

April 14, 2011 2:18 pm

#45 Pyro: That made my day:>)

April 14, 2011 2:12 pm

#43 We did a “trade-out” of commercials for product with a local carpet company to shag those walls. We had to take what we could get, but mainly the owner’s wife liked the yellow scheme. It was still one of the best laid out studios I worked in. There was lots of room under that “stand up” board. One night,… Read more »

April 14, 2011 2:04 pm

What does this booby picture do fer ya?

April 14, 2011 2:01 pm

#40 ButtMan42: That harvest gold shag carpet is just like TT’s kitty; Barftastic!

April 14, 2011 2:00 pm

#37 Bonecrusher Does BK have good taste where she chooses to ‘decorate’? She decorates wherever Mother Nature calls her to do so. This is why our stuffed furniture downstairs is draped with various textiles that are more easily and more thoroughly cleaned than the upholstered items. Our floors are concrete, wood, or subfloor plywood (still waiting to get the floor… Read more »

April 14, 2011 1:59 pm

TT’s kitty is just barf-tastic!

April 14, 2011 1:57 pm

#34 Tedtam, I guess I’ve lived under a rock. It was the first time I’ve seen that one. However, I’m not entirely unfamiliar with the “full moon” phenomena. I became immune to it while working in this studio that had a window facing the parking lot. At least every other weekend, some high schoolers would pull in to the lot… Read more »

April 14, 2011 1:55 pm

Obummer management style.

April 14, 2011 1:40 pm

#35 TT: Does BK have good taste where she chooses to ‘decorate’? does she always choose difficult to wash fabrics, like the couch or the inside of a shoe, or does she prefer easy to clean spots like the tile?

April 14, 2011 1:38 pm

#34 TT: I guess we’ll have to change his name to Buttman42.

April 14, 2011 1:20 pm

It looks like Two-fer Thursday in Barf Kitty World! Woo-Hoo!
/sarc off