Thanksgiving Open Comments

Things I am thankful for:

I have a loving and forgiving Lord and Savior. Especially the forgiving part. Because….me.

We live in a country that, some obvious setbacks, is still the best dang country to live in.

I have a husband who loves me.

I have family members that are loving and supportive. And friendly.

A roof over my head. It doesn’t even leak.

I have bills, but I can pay ’em.

I am not hungry. We can buy food.

Clothes. (You should be grateful for that, too. All of you. Trust me.)

A car that goes when I say go and stops when I say whoa.

Two of the best kids ever.

And grandkids, too.

I am well educated and I think, not relatively stupid.

Relatively good health.

I have supportive friends who are there when I need ’em.

I have hobbies that help me stay sane.

Not even last, and not even least: my blogger family who makes me laugh and think, and keeps me sane. Lubs y’all!

Your turn. God bless you all.


