Tuesday Open Thread

This is a huge exaggeration, but suicide bombings and other attacks by Palestinians did drop dramatically, unfortunately never to zero.

Here is an article with plenty of facts about the “fence” along the West Bank.

This triggered the Israeli decision to build a barrier on the West Bank. And soon Tirza got to put his maps to work as chief architect of the 450-mile “fence,” as he calls it — only 5% of which consists of concrete wall.

The number of Israelis killed in terror attacks peaked in 2002 at about 450. By 2005, with the fence complete, terror deaths fell to about 60, and didn’t get that high again for a decade.

They had no choice but to build it, says Tirza. Israeli security forces had been stymied in their efforts to stop militants from crossing into Jewish territory because there was no established border. “It was a joke. When we caught illegals and terrorists, we couldn’t do anything. They would say, ‘Where’s the border? We didn’t know we were crossing into Israel.’”

and this,

Tirza was also involved in Israel’s 2012 move to build a 15-foot fence along its 150-mile border with Egypt, through the desert of the Sinai Peninsula. Before, the line was marked in many places by a ramshackle fence, and some 10,000 migrants were crossing the border every year. Since the new Sinai fence went in, says Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, human trafficking has fallen 99% and cross-border terror attacks have stopped.


It’s more than just a physical barrier. Israel deploys a phalanx of other technologies along its fences, including balloons with cameras, infrared sensors and radar that can see for miles around. Seismic sensors can pick up on vibrations from smugglers digging tunnels. They even have unmanned, remote controlled vehicles that patrol the barriers. Most of the time they run on autopilot, sending back live video to base. Newer models are built on Ford F-350 trucks and feature remote-controlled machine guns.




