Weekend Open Comments

Well, it looks like we’ve made it through another disaster!  None of us have frozen to death, the world hasn’t come to an end (yet), and we have survived to live another day. Despite the warnings that certain death and destruction that was certain to be visited upon us.
I don’t know about any of you, but I quit listening to the news after 15 minutes of coverage.  How many times do I need to hear “It’s darn cold out thar!” and see pictures of ice before I get the message?  Does the mainstream media think we’re that so stupid that it takes endless coverage for us to get the message? Or do they just enjoy boring us with the repetitive coverage?  And I am sure that there is nothing important going on in the world while we deal with weather issues.  And I am quite sure that we don’t need to be distracted while waiting for that certain death and destruction to be visited upon us.
I see the same thing with hurricane coverage. Give us hourly updates, five minutes at a time.  I mean, the weather scans are only going to change a certain amount, aren’t they?  Even half hour updates would be an improvement over continuous non-stop coverage.
Fires.  Big arrests. Celebrities in trouble.  Report the news and move on. Otherwise you are nothing more than annoying.

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February 6, 2011 11:27 pm

Texpat #111;

What, exactly, is that suppposed to mean, Darren ?

Nothing at all. Just being silly. I thought it would be funny to blockquote your portion of linking to blockquotes and link to your post. Just silly humor. No need to look beyond that.

February 6, 2011 9:55 pm

Vince Lombardi is smiling from above, Bart Starr is smiling from a box at Cowboy Stadium, Green Bay fans wherever they may be are going nuts. The Lombardi trophy is going home with the team. And many Houston Oilers fans are pleased that Green Bay won. Old wounds, you know. Can imagine the Houston Green Bay Packers fan club is… Read more »

February 6, 2011 9:25 pm

Two gay bears in bed wearing clown suits singing show tunes…

… which will be a vast improvement over Black Eyed Peas. Not that it would take much.

February 6, 2011 9:18 pm

Commercials were a bust. I only saw one monkey commercial and no midgets. When will advertisers learn – if you want a funny commercial you have to have monkeys and/or midgets.
And I agree gto (#108), that was very confusing.

February 6, 2011 9:17 pm

The NFL has just announced the halftime show for next year’s Super Bowl…
Yup, you guessed it…
Two gay bears in bed wearing clown suits singing show tunes.

February 6, 2011 8:40 pm

A barrage of commercials with a few football scenes thrown in? yuk…

February 6, 2011 7:21 pm

#110 Darren
What, exactly, is that suppposed to mean, Darren ?

February 6, 2011 7:00 pm

I have been publishing and commenting on the internet for a number of years now and would never consider quoting anyone without proper citation.

Like this.

February 6, 2011 6:32 pm

#106 Shannon
Joe Bottum has also been over at the Weekly Standard since he left First Things.

February 6, 2011 5:41 pm

The guy in the red dress, what was that commercial about?

February 6, 2011 5:40 pm

I had to fix an antenna problem with the off the air DVR (slightly better HD quality because of greater bandwidth) but was successful, and only one cat got trapped in the attic this time.
SB45 is buffering up now so that I don’t have to sit through all the fluff and fanfare.

February 6, 2011 4:44 pm

95 Hamman
I was wondering where Bottum had landed since leaving First Things magazine.

February 6, 2011 4:35 pm

Good afternoon all. Presume the etcetera before the game is progressing on schedule. If the teams were exposed to all this hoopla they would be too tired to play. Yesterday morning after the Sun was up and about and warming things, the beasts of the field and the birds of the air appeared from their shelters as if by magic.… Read more »

February 6, 2011 4:10 pm

#86 Simple Simon I do not care if anyone chooses to publicly express an opinion with linked sources to buttress their position. However, if that person begins to offer statistics, data, quotes and ostensibly factual information, common sense dictates the writer has an obligation to provide sources and references for those things. Additionally, if a writer for the NY Times,… Read more »

February 6, 2011 3:08 pm

Off to muh sister and BIL’s for the festivities. Go Green Bay! I’d luv to root for the Steelers but my Luv ya Blue blood jus won’t allow for it. Besides, we gotta do it for our Ms Adee!

February 6, 2011 2:56 pm

Simple #86; I suppose that you might think that it was Ms. Simple’s and my parenting skills that brought this about and we both acknowlege there were things we could have done better. I’m assuming “you” is meant in general for I specifically have never held such a notion. I find your daughter making her own decisions despite good upbringing.… Read more »

Simple Simon
Simple Simon
February 6, 2011 2:47 pm

Hamous 93,
I suppose that the Pain Clinics on the East Site haven’t heard that either.


February 6, 2011 1:52 pm


February 6, 2011 1:49 pm

I don’t think the motoivation is to intrude on a woman’s most private decisions.
I think its to make sure her baby gets to make some.

February 6, 2011 1:22 pm


Conservatives talk out of both sides of their mouths when they clamor for limited government and yet increasingly demand that government intrude into women’s most private decisions.

Yeh, demanding my tax money not be used for murder of the most innocent. The irony screams at ya, does it not?.

February 6, 2011 1:09 pm
February 6, 2011 12:56 pm

George Greanias brings some fiscal discipline to Metro? Wrong.

Next week, Jerome Gray, a former TV anchor with no background in public transit, is scheduled to start work as chief spokesman for Metro, earning $170,000 annually.

Hey Georgie, I’ll do it for half that salary.

February 6, 2011 12:38 pm

Joseph Bottum caught a curious comparison made by the NYT: The Brotherhood, founded in Egypt in 1928, is the oldest and largest Islamist movement in the world, with affiliates in nearly every Muslim country and adherents in Europe and the United States. Its size and diversity, and the legal ban that has kept it from genuine political power in Egypt… Read more »

February 6, 2011 12:27 pm

I didn’t know SNL was still doing these bits. “Isn’t that special.”

February 6, 2011 11:55 am

I keep waiting for the Republican controlled state legislature to close down the loopholes, but for three sessions I have seen squat. Maybe you missed this: In its last session the Texas Legislature passed a new law concerning Pain Management Clinics. The law, which becomes effective on September 1, 2010, makes it illegal to own / operate a Pain Management… Read more »

February 6, 2011 11:55 am

One of the very few drawbacks of not working in an evil large corporation anymore (Sweetie is a realtor and works alone, our company consists of me, my boss and a secretary) is not having access to superbowl pots, I miss the bad numbers I always got. 😀

February 6, 2011 11:46 am

#85 Texpat I hope the politicians and usual suspects don’t use the utility problems we had as a crisis that can’t be wasted. I know there are issues with Texas’ deregulated system, but sounds like the problems we had are relatively easy to remedy (easy for me to say) by correcting mechanical shut down issues and better communications between the… Read more »

Super Dave
Super Dave
February 6, 2011 11:28 am

OK, I was at the Barber shop yesterday and picked the Houston Comical and it had an article on the rolling blackouts, complete with a map with black, blue and red grids on it. The black are NEVER turned off because they are high priority areas. The red was subject to the blackouts but the blue wasn’t, the difference? The… Read more »

February 6, 2011 11:19 am

I’d thought that feeding tube use was limited to geriatrics and paraplegics until my adopted ‘lil sister Sarah (age 29) had to get one a little over a year ago. She’d lost 30% of her body weight before being diagnosed with a rare disorder called Gastroparesis. Essentially, the stomach is unable to move food into the small intestine normally, and… Read more »

Super Dave
Super Dave
February 6, 2011 11:09 am

#84 bob 😀

February 6, 2011 10:43 am

How come Chrissy Pour isn’t out interviewing the Egyptian in the street this week?

Simple Simon
Simple Simon
February 6, 2011 10:39 am

Darren 79 I am not sure if I should render an opinion not backed up by “internet” quotes as suggested by Texpat, but an opinion is just that…an opinion which is freely given with no expectation that it is accepted. Your observations are generally consistent with our experience. Our daughter has been an addict for 15 years and shows no… Read more »

February 6, 2011 10:07 am

This is a good recap of the power problems in Texas this week from the Dallas Morning News.
Batting average for designers new coal-fired power plants: real bad.

February 6, 2011 9:37 am

Most of the lecture was pretty boring, but the surprise ending was funny.

Super Dave
Super Dave
February 6, 2011 8:44 am

Mystery of the mummy’s Chinese travel ban.Because she LQQKs like a Caucasian? For her advanced years, she looks remarkable. Despite nearing the ripe old age of 4,000, long eyelashes still frame her half-open eyes and hair tumbles down to her remarkably well-preserved shoulders. But the opportunity for new audiences in the United States to view the “Beauty of Xiaohe” –… Read more »

February 5, 2011 11:26 pm

Well here it is just after 11 pm and obviously too late to even say good evening. Have enjoyed reading the posts today and catching up. Thanks to Southern Tragedy for the link to the Ronald Reagan tribute scheduled before kickoff tomorrow. It was beautiful and to the point, no wasted words or pics. Blessings upon Tedtam and her sister… Read more »

February 5, 2011 10:42 pm

Just in case any one asks:
The world is becoming an ultra-efficient waste of time.

February 5, 2011 9:27 pm

I don’t know if Nixon was more or less evil that any of the guys that came before him. Not even close though he still doesn’t rank vey high (no pun intended) with me in terms of good presidents. I apologize if you thought I was picking a fight…the opposite was true. Very kind for you to say that but… Read more »

El Gordo
February 5, 2011 9:22 pm

Woodrow Call: [riding in San Antonio] Things sure have changed since the last time I was here. It’s all growed up. Gus McCrae: Of course it’s growed up, Woodrow. He killed all the Indians and bandits so the bankers could move in. Woodrow Call: Only a fool would want the Indians back. Gus McCrae: Has it ever occurred to you,… Read more »

February 5, 2011 9:21 pm

bob; Next time it gets as cold as it was this morning, I’ll remember to put on pants before I go out to get the paper. HOA thanks you in advance. Enjoy your tea and I’m glad to hear about the help your mother has received over the years, including from yourself. Good that things for the house worked out.… Read more »

February 5, 2011 8:54 pm

#66 TT and #74 Bob Two inspiring stories about relatives and neighbors taking care of their elderly, thanks for sharing. TT, I was startled to hear you talk of throwing usable items away so I am glad there were scavengers around to salvage some of it. I understand it can be difficult sometimes to divert discards into donation channels. Heck,… Read more »

February 5, 2011 8:33 pm

Tedtam, I offer best hopes for your family with all that’s going on. I know it’s hard and I’m glad you had some help, It sounds like it was mutually beneficial. My mom’s neighbors have been a great help over the last 15 years, during the time of her husbands lengthy illnesses. They brought her food, and even kept the… Read more »

February 5, 2011 8:17 pm

#66 TedTAm: PLease call your sister and tell her NOT to put a heating pad on her as that will make it MUCH WORSE. Get her to soak in a warm tub with epsom salts and then put ice where it hurts. Follow the above recipe and she will be dramaticlly better tomorrow.

February 5, 2011 8:15 pm

#36 Simple Simon
Your batting average on providing links to the articles you quote:
Don’t complain you haven’t figured out how to provide internet source, context and citation after all these years when you are such a spectacular management genius, a stellar project hoss and the very definition of verifiable technical superiority.

Super Dave
Super Dave
February 5, 2011 7:23 pm


Right now, it’s Tea Time.

Now that’s a good idea! I think I’ll have another!
And yes, I’m a Redneck, not fond of the imported stuff,….I E I’m a cheap date. 😉

February 5, 2011 7:18 pm

The way I see it the inevitable results of this spate of bad weather will be exponential increases in population and home/auto insurance rates. More damage to our income that even Obama could conjure.

February 5, 2011 7:16 pm

It’s funny that at live music venues on Austin’s 6th street, there’s often a two drink minimum, whereas on Hammie’s couch there’s a two link maximum.
Darren, I’ll respond to your comment that HAL choked on later. Right now, it’s Tea Time.