Lila Rose and the Lessons Society SHOULD Learn

If you are an Andrew Breitbart fan, as I am, you probably have seen the first and maybe the second Planned Parenthood video released by Lila Rose and her organization. While these videos were at one time attributed to James O’Keefe, they have nothing to do with him. The confusion is understandable, though, as the technique was similar: a “pimp” and a “prostitute” go undercover into Planned Parenthood clinics to see if they can get help for their underage and illegally-in-the-states prostitute.
The second video is up at his Big Government site today. Along with that story is an article by a friend of his, a rather poignant article at that, musing about the media response to these citizen journalists and their efforts. What lessons COULD we have learned about human trafficking, if the media had looked at the content of the story and not the messenger? What changes MIGHT have been made, had the focus been on the true victims of rape, kidnapping, and assault, and not on the “victim status” of Planned Parenthood? And what does this say about the left that they would protect PP in light of such atrocities? Have they no soul?  And the realization that Andrew Breitbart himself, is adopted, not aborted, brings home the fact that aborted babies cannot contribute to society, and the implications that brings.
Every day, young girls are abused. Far from home, feeling powerless, they are forced to give their bodies to strange men over and over. They lose their childhood, their dignity, and their hope; sometimes their lives.
This abuse of young girls (and boys) must stop. Lila Rose has done her part to bring this story forward, but it is not getting the exposure it deserves. If we leave it up to NPR and the mainstream media, this story will die. Pass this story on, make it live – so that others can live, also.

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February 3, 2011 3:39 pm

I see questions being raised in the news now, “Should Planned Parenthood lose federal funding?” My question is why in the hell do they have ANY federal funding to begin with?

February 3, 2011 3:33 pm

Planned Parenthood is a criminal organization. I don’t mean only in the sense of crimes against the unborn, of which they are certainly guilty. They, as an organization, and as individuals within the organization are guilty of aiding and abetting statutory rape. Any time a pregnant underage girl presents herself at one of their facilities for services, they are bound… Read more »

El Gordo
February 3, 2011 10:10 am

BTW, whatever happened to Dr. Kermit Gosnell who liked to deliver them alive and then snip their spinal columns? Seems to have disappeared from the news.
If it doesn’t fit the agenda, it doesn’t get reported.

February 3, 2011 3:39 pm

I see questions being raised in the news now, “Should Planned Parenthood lose federal funding?” My question is why in the hell do they have ANY federal funding to begin with?

February 3, 2011 3:33 pm

Planned Parenthood is a criminal organization. I don’t mean only in the sense of crimes against the unborn, of which they are certainly guilty. They, as an organization, and as individuals within the organization are guilty of aiding and abetting statutory rape. Any time a pregnant underage girl presents herself at one of their facilities for services, they are bound… Read more »

Super Dave
February 3, 2011 10:10 am

BTW, whatever happened to Dr. Kermit Gosnell who liked to deliver them alive and then snip their spinal columns? Seems to have disappeared from the news.
If it doesn’t fit the agenda, it doesn’t get reported.