Friday Feeling Small Open Comments

Want to feel utterly insignificant? The image below zooms to scales of ~10ly (light-years) to ~1,000,000,000ly. The graphic below shows an area with a radius of approximately 50,000ly around us. There are about 200,000,000,000 stars in that volume of space.

Click around a bit. It should give you a little perspective.





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January 28, 2011 11:41 pm

Good night all. Have been busy today with numerous things and no time for the review of early morning events. See y’all tomorrow.

January 28, 2011 10:56 pm

#94 Hamous, I agree.

Good thing you didn’t discuss where the band’s name came from.

Such a discussion would be more appropriate for a women’s group meeting.

January 28, 2011 10:41 pm

We ended up discussing the lyrics of that song briefly during a men’s group meeting at church one time.

Good thing you didn’t discuss where the band’s name came from.

January 28, 2011 10:12 pm
January 28, 2011 9:58 pm

Appropriate for Bob…
The Cuervo Gold
The fine Columbian
Make tonight a wonderful thing

Y’all have a good evening.

January 28, 2011 9:48 pm

We ended up discussing the lyrics of that song briefly during a men’s group meeting at church one time. Don’t remember how it came up, but it’s kind of a dark song when you have a look at it. Love the tune though, and I do love some Steely Dan.

January 28, 2011 9:39 pm

#87 Dude42, that needs a linkie. I wish I could still “work the saxophone.” It was fun.
I’d also like to date a gal named “AJA.” But now I’m dreaming (again.)

January 28, 2011 9:36 pm

Where is Adee lately? I didn’t see her country weather poetry this morning. Hope she is all right.

January 28, 2011 9:31 pm

I just want a name when I lose.

Sorry, Deacon Blue is already taken. You’ll have to come up with your own.

January 28, 2011 9:24 pm

#3 GJT:
HA HA! You are a 2nd row runner now, Timbo.

It’s been a bad 2 day stretch, 1st the blogboss steals my hunnerd, then you took the front row.
I just want a name when I lose.

January 28, 2011 8:46 pm

Bone #80; #77 With all due respect sir and friend, if a prophet teaches something contrary to Scripture (Genesis thru Malachi) it is commanded that he be stoned. Must be why bob42 preaches contrary to the Bible. He likes being stoned. If a preacher tells you that a certain passage in the New Testament cancels out the Old Testament Agreed:… Read more »

January 28, 2011 7:59 pm

I am signing off until tomorrow morning when I will go and visit my mother who will be celebrating the completion of her 77th year on the planet. She looks great and could pass for 60:>)

January 28, 2011 7:57 pm


Tedtam, you, your sis and your bro-in-law are in my thoughts.

TT, I’ll go along with Bob on this one. I don’t pray, but you have my sympathies for you and your family members.

January 28, 2011 7:57 pm

I hit a wrong button, let me continue. HOW DOES ONE KNOW IF HE IS DOING THE RIGHT THING OR PRACTICING LAWLESSNESS? WHAT IS LAWLESSNESS? Matt 7:13-14 The Narrow and Wide Gates 13 “Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it.… Read more »

January 28, 2011 7:54 pm

further to my #80: I am urging extreme caution when following ANY DENOMINATION OR PREACHER OR PROPHET! Some of these are ‘wolves in sheep’s clothing’. The really sad part is that most of them do not even realize that they are wolves in sheep’s clothing. Matt 7:15-23 15 “Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing,… Read more »

January 28, 2011 7:47 pm

#77 With all due respect sir and friend, if a prophet teaches something contrary to Scripture (Genesis thru Malachi) it is commanded that he be stoned. There is no conflict (if one has understanding) between old and new Testaments. There are “prophets” who teach error and as such their counsel merits no consideration. Please note that I have not called… Read more »

January 28, 2011 7:29 pm

Tedtam, you, your sis and your bro-in-law are in my thoughts.

January 28, 2011 7:22 pm

Brother-in-Law will be in my prayers.

January 28, 2011 7:20 pm

bonecrusher #14; I believe in studying the scriptures humbly, diligently, guided by the Spirit and under the inspired knowledge of living prophets. Except for natural human imperfection, you can’t go wrong with that formula. So a embership in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints gives you all that for a bout $650 less than the price of scriptural… Read more »

January 28, 2011 6:50 pm

texanadian #5;
Yup, you’ve been texanized 😉

January 28, 2011 6:45 pm

#72 Kneemail on the way.


January 28, 2011 6:00 pm

#68 Pyro
What a dumba$$ method to detonate a bomb — unless the handler is at the scene as well, how could they know when it was the best moment? Anyway, the accident was pretty funny and richly deserved.

January 28, 2011 5:46 pm

I just got an update on my brother-in-law. Please keep him and my sister in your prayers. It doesn’t look good at all. The tumors are growing and spreading and surgery only gives them a little hope – but they’ve been turned down by surgeons once already. The only blessing in all of this is that he is turning to… Read more »

January 28, 2011 4:54 pm

Further to #70:

In keeping in that spirit of levity go here

Yes, in this case my grammar created a big time low pressure zone (it sucked for those who read this blog and still vote D). It should have read, In keeping with that spirit of levity . . .

January 28, 2011 4:50 pm

#68 Pyro:


I could not have said it better myself. In keeping in that spirit of levity go here.

January 28, 2011 4:34 pm

Mubarak just made a speech—from Cairo. Sounds like he thinks he’s going to stick around. He’s asked his government to resign and he will appoint a new one appointed today. Now that this is out, Barry is in a tight spot. Egypt protests: America’s secret backing for rebel leaders behind uprising The American government secretly backed leading figures behind the… Read more »

January 28, 2011 4:08 pm

Simple; There’s info out there that suggests that those who are in the streets are wired-in middle class youth —-the Facebook Generation of the Middle East. Saudi and the Emirates have a more affluent and stable middle class. Jordan, not so much. My biggest fear is that we’re seeing deja vu all over again. We’ve got another liberal democrat running… Read more »

Simple Simon
Simple Simon
January 28, 2011 3:34 pm

Sarge 60,
I hope that you are right about Saudi Arabia and the Emirates. Conditions there are not as bleak as in Egypt, but I didn’t think the government in Jordan is as unpopular as it seems to be.
This has been brewing for a while.

January 28, 2011 3:19 pm

ElBaredai a moderate?

When compared to the alternative, yes.
I admit its a bit like comparing Oral Roberts to Pat Robertson, but you have to look at the alternatives.

Super Dave
Super Dave
January 28, 2011 3:16 pm

#59 Don’t know about you, but in my house I WAS the remote control, not a big job since we only received 2 channels, WSFA, NBC, Montgomery Al and WTVY CBS Dothan Al. If you had a tall tower 50-60′ you could get channel 3 and 9 out of Columbus Ga and channel 7 out of Panama City Fl.

January 28, 2011 3:05 pm

ElBaredai a moderate? I beg to differ as does Caroline Glick here As IAEA head, Elbaradei shielded Iran’s nuclear weapons program from the Security Council. He repeatedly ignored evidence indicating that Iran’s nuclear program was a military program rather than a civilian energy program. When the evidence became too glaring to ignore, Elbaradei continued to lobby against significant UN Security… Read more »

January 28, 2011 2:52 pm

Gibbsy giving a WH press briefing now.
He’s leaving his job in a couple of weeks.
The country will be well served by his absence.

January 28, 2011 2:40 pm

I have my doubts about Saudi and the emirates. Jordan and Albania are another story—and possibly Syria.
If its truly middle class democratic movement, its not bad news, really—–unless Islamists use the confusion to co-opt the revolutions. From reports I’m reading, this does not look like an Islamist inspired revolt.

January 28, 2011 2:38 pm

You had to get off your ass and walk over to the TV to change the channel!!! NO REMOTES!!!

In the 60’s we had a Philips B&W TV with a hand held air pump and hose to change channels. Didn’t know how privildge I was.

January 28, 2011 2:37 pm
Super Dave
Super Dave
January 28, 2011 2:30 pm

This just droped into the ole mail box; If you are 36, or older, you might think this is hilarious! When I was a kid, adults used to bore me to tears with their tedious diatribes about how hard things were. When they were growing up; what with walking twenty-five miles to school every morning…. Uphill… Barefoot… BOTH ways…yadda, yadda,… Read more »

Simple Simon
Simple Simon
January 28, 2011 2:24 pm

53 & 54 There is not much the US government can do in Egypt, Jordan, or Yemen. The core of the protests is financial. Angry folks who have empty stomachs and little hope for the future are not receptive to the slick promises of politicians. Of course the various fundamentalist factions with use the discontent to their advantage. After all…Why… Read more »

January 28, 2011 2:13 pm

FOX reporting the attempt to take over the TV station was unsucessful.
It might mean that if it was an assault by an organized group they were thwarted and their chances for sucess is greatly diminished. It could also mean that it was a spontaneous event done by protestors and not an organized assault.
Both would be good news.

January 28, 2011 1:50 pm

Forget the secretary of state and the president. I want to hear what Sarah Palin thinks about the situation.

January 28, 2011 1:45 pm

FOX reporting that State Department announcing that US is “reviewing” foreign aid being sent to Egypt.
Might be a bad sign.

January 28, 2011 1:34 pm

But the White House tweeted something, I think I saw on Drudge. That’s gotta count for something. Whatever it counts for was wiped out by the Man With The Scary Doll Hair. Asked if he would characterize Mubarak as a dictator Biden responded: “Mubarak has been an ally of ours in a number of things. And he’s been very responsible… Read more »

January 28, 2011 1:31 pm

Oil just jumped $7 a barrel

Glad I filled up yesterday.

January 28, 2011 1:30 pm

#46 Pyro
Would a chocolate shortage caused by a civil war in Africa lead to “blood cocoa” ?

January 28, 2011 1:27 pm

Oil just jumped $7 a barrel

January 28, 2011 1:10 pm

Both the White House and State Department have just cancelled news conferences wihtou rescheduling.