Thursday’s “It’s On !” Thread

It Begins: WalMart Warns Truckers It Will No Longer Work With Them If They Move Goods For Amazon

and this…

WalMart warned some tech companies that if they want Wal-Mart’s business, they can’t run applications on Amazon’s cloud platform, Amazon Web Services, some tech companies told The Wall Street Journal. Wal-Mart uses some tech vendors’ cloud apps that run on AWS, Wal-Mart spokesman Dan Toporek told the Journal, though he declined to say which apps or how many. But Toporek did acknowledge instances where Wal-Mart is pushing for AWS alternatives, the Journal reported Wednesday.

Wal-Mart spokesman Toporek told CNBC in an email: “Our vendors have the choice of using any cloud provider that meets their needs and their customers’ needs. It shouldn’t be a big surprise that there are cases in which we’d prefer our most sensitive data isn’t sitting on a competitor’s platform.” Wal-Mart doesn’t appear to be alone in this push to leave AWS, either.

Story here.



