Tuesday Open Comments

On this day in 1776, the Continental Congress authorizes the first national Revolutionary War memorial in honor of Brigadier General Richard Montgomery, who had been killed during an assault on Quebec on December 31, 1775.
Montgomery, along with Benedict Arnold, led a two-pronged invasion of Canada in late 1775. Before joining Arnold at Quebec, Montgomery successfully took Montreal. But the Patriot assault on Quebec failed, and Montgomery became one of the first generals of the American Revolution to lose his life on the battlefield.
When word of his death reached Philadelphia, Congress voted to create a monument to Montgomery’s memory and entrusted Benjamin Franklin to secure one of France’s best artists to craft it. Franklin hired King Louis XV’s personal sculptor, Jean Jacques Caffieri, to design and build the monument.
Upon its completion in 1778, the Montgomery memorial was shipped to America and arrived at Edenton, North Carolina, where it remained for several years. Although originally intended for Independence Hall in Philadelphia, Congress eventually decided to place the memorial in New York City. In 1788, it was installed under the direction of Major Pierre Charles L’Enfant beneath the portico of St. Paul’s Chapel, which served as George Washington’s church during his time in New York as the United States’ first president in 1789, and where it remains to this day. Montgomery’s body, which was originally interred on the site of his death in Quebec, was moved to St. Paul’s in 1818.
Caffieri also completed a bust of Franklin. Franklin gave seven copies of the bust to friends in the new United States; the original remains in Paris at the Bibliotheque Mazarine.






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January 26, 2011 8:22 am

Wednesday OC thread is now open for business.

January 26, 2011 8:16 am

I tried to listen on the radio, the bunker has no tv. It started out okay, the usual dribble that’s expected, and then he started on bashing the oil companies, while calling for more natural gas development, pushing windmills and other green crap that is economically unvialble and it went downhill from there so I turned it off. Trophy wife… Read more »

January 26, 2011 8:08 am

IT’S WAKEY WAKEY TIME YOU SLUMBER HEADS; WAKE THE *$^&*(& UP! That is the closest I can get to shouting here on Hammy’s couch. I tried to actually watch some of the SOTU Kabuki show last night; on 4 separate tries I think I logged a total of less than 3 minutes. I remember the foul “O” speaking of how… Read more »

El Gordo
January 26, 2011 3:04 am

Iowahawk has some good pointers on setting up a watch party for the SOTU. Personally I was unable to watch it this year, but I’m hopeful that following the 2012 elections results that I can resume watching in 2013. Pretty funny.

January 26, 2011 12:40 am

Come to think of it, I think it is Texmo the Greek Orthodox.
If so, my bad.

January 25, 2011 11:33 pm

#83; Bob’s scoreboard: Conservatives (hamous) = -201 Liberal (calling Mother Theresa a “hag” and only “sees meat” when viewing a chopped up baby or cutting the spine of babyies who were alive out of the womb)= +11 Let’s take a quick review: Hamous, the faithful-practicing Catholic quotes: First, never quote Mother Teresa at me — she was an evil hag… Read more »

January 25, 2011 10:24 pm

Aw come on, surely youse guys are not the lazy type that expects to be waited on hand and foot… Husbands and pets should be treated well, but not pampered.

January 25, 2011 9:36 pm

Puppy clearly does not understand the whole bed time story thing and is off playing.

January 25, 2011 9:30 pm

People need to relax and get a life. The guy that was gonna sell lion tacos is scrapping the plan after receiving numerous threats. He oughta get a live lion to guard himself and dare the do-gooders to come and get him.

January 25, 2011 9:14 pm

Sweetie is losing it, she’s telling the new puppy a bed time story.

January 25, 2011 9:06 pm

heheheheeeee, all kinda excercise right there!

January 25, 2011 8:58 pm

“Put another log on the fire. Cook me up some bacon and some beans. And go out to the car and change the tire. Wash my socks and sew my old blue jeans. Come on, baby, you can fill my pipe, And then go fetch my slippers. And boil me up another pot of tea. Then put another log on… Read more »

January 25, 2011 8:41 pm

#117 tim
After she makes him a sammich and brings him a beer.

January 25, 2011 8:32 pm

Lawrence. I heard you end the show this evening with Edd, talking about the Bear Stearn’s news.. I couldn’t help but laugh when I switched the channel and immediately heard the famous lyrics: “all the Federales say they could’ve had him ’em any day,, they only let ’em get away, out of kindness, I suppose.” See you at the car… Read more »

January 25, 2011 8:18 pm

I never understand why men want to run in a marathon when they could get some practical work done by, for example, pushing the lawn mower around the yard while they run.

And what about the wimmins? Plenty of exercise in ironing her mans underwear and socks.

January 25, 2011 8:11 pm

#21 TT

12) A weed whacking golf driver $59.95

The catalog Item I like is the practical one. I never understand why men want to run in a marathon when they could get some practical work done by, for example, pushing the lawn mower around the yard while they run.

January 25, 2011 7:54 pm

Comment on the PZ Myers link: Ugh. I don’t want to ignite an argument over the morality of using animals in medical research and things, but that’s about all I could focus on in your post. Could you follow up in a comment and tell us why you were doing all those horrid things? Would make me feel a lot… Read more »

January 25, 2011 7:51 pm

I knew Rahm DeadFish would prevail but man, in one day? Chicago politics doesn’t even try to hide it anymore does it?

El Gordo
January 25, 2011 7:40 pm

Looks like Rahm enlisted one of his SEIU rent-a-mobs to assist the Illinois Supreme Court in reaching its decision. #80 Sarge was probably right – the voters will elect Rahm and the court will decide that it cannot overturn the will of the people and in effect, not rule on the issue at all.

January 25, 2011 7:19 pm

You poor minions fail to understand. Once we all drive Volts global warming will end. No more hurricanes to leave motorists stranded.

January 25, 2011 7:10 pm

Good Lord willin’, I will live long enough to someday pull alongside a dead Volt and get to ask them if they need a jump.

LOL! I’m adding that to my wishlist too.

January 25, 2011 7:04 pm

And what happens on thier way out of town during the evacuation when the roads are clogged up?

Good Lord willin’, I will live long enough to someday pull alongside a dead Volt and get to ask them if they need a jump.

January 25, 2011 6:50 pm

I’m done conversing with you, Bobo. It’s as clear as day that your definitions of right and wrong are at such polar opposites from mine there is no reason to continue trying to come to some understanding of each other. How you reach the bizarre justifications in what you consider your morals is your business but I will no longer… Read more »

January 25, 2011 6:48 pm

#17 Squawk

using waste energy from the town’s crematorium.

Before you know it, we’ll be eating Soylent Green!!!

January 25, 2011 6:43 pm

EG #15

I predict a quick reversal of this ruling

I’m hoping it won’t happen, but agree with you it probably will.

January 25, 2011 5:58 pm

I have to go to a meeting tonight. It’s a professional meeting, where we’ll be seeing a state inspection official and he’ll be giving us an update on codes and what not. I have not been going to our meetings as regularly as usual. The man who runs our organization has been annoying me in a cumulative fashion over the… Read more »

January 25, 2011 5:51 pm

So, what do ya’ll think of this weather? Cold enough for you?

January 25, 2011 5:47 pm

The Oscars are not something I would comment on, but Hailee Steinfeld is up for one. Her performance in True Grit carries the movie. Not sure why she is up for supporting actress and not lead, but glad she got the nod. That is one of very few movies I have seen that were worth the time to see in… Read more »

January 25, 2011 5:40 pm

#97 Hammie, have you always had these hallucinations, or are they a recent development? A Christian who says to a group of Christians that non-Christians are not his brothers and sisters (although he wants them to be) is a dangerous authoritarian to be ran out of town on a rail while a man who makes no moral distinction between severing… Read more »

January 25, 2011 5:21 pm


Texpat says:
Texas history was a required subject of every seventh grader when I was in school.

But the question is whether Quanah Parker was covered in the textbook. I myself do not recall.

January 25, 2011 5:10 pm

#10 Sarge I was in Texas public schools from grades 1-12 and I do not remember reading or hearing of Quanah Parker in school. I did encounter that bit of Texas history later on, but no longer remember if it might have been in a college history class (still a requirement when I was an undergraduate at UT) or something… Read more »

January 25, 2011 5:01 pm

You are bereft of a moral compass.

Actually, I think its that he relies on his political compass more.

January 25, 2011 4:49 pm

Speaking of sociopaths—or at least paranoid schizophrenics. JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. – A man accused of stabbing a Kansas City college official intended to instead attack Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon and mistakenly believed he had done so, police said Thursday. The suspect, 22-year-old Casey Brezik, did not know Nixon and had no particular beef with the governor, but he decided to… Read more »

fat albert
fat albert
January 25, 2011 4:44 pm

Bobby: Apparently the DSM-IV doesn’t use the term psychopath but rather “Antisocial Personality Disorder”. I would say that looking at a dead child and seeing only meat would qualify someone as “Antisocial.” Apparently the DSM-V working party is recommending a revision of Antisocial Personality Disorder to include “Antisocial/Psychopathic Type”, with the diagnostic criteria having a greater emphasis on character than… Read more »

January 25, 2011 4:40 pm

A Christian who says to a group of Christians that non-Christians are not his brothers and sisters (although he wants them to be) is a dangerous authoritarian to be ran out of town on a rail while a man who makes no moral distinction between severing the spine of an innocent human baby and dissecting a lab rat is just… Read more »

January 25, 2011 4:32 pm

Meat may not frighten him. But that moment after he takes his last breath…

January 25, 2011 4:30 pm

Let’s repeat:

You want to make me back down by trying to inspire revulsion with dead baby pictures? I look at them unflinchingly and see meat. And meat does not frighten me.

This is the same sociopathic behavior exhibited by Jeffery Dahmer. How you can continue to defend this guy is beyond comprehension.

January 25, 2011 4:25 pm

[soh-see-uh-path, soh-shee-]
–noun Psychiatry .
a person, as a psychopathic personality, whose behavior is antisocial and who lacks a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience.

Jeez, they may as well put his picture next to the definition.

January 25, 2011 4:12 pm

#89 FA, nobody is asking you to even consider changing your mind on your religious beliefs, least of all me. As I mentioned above, I prefer other, more laid back non-theist sites to Myers’ site, but I’ve been there enough to know when he is being intentionally, flippantly, and arrogantly obtuse when he responds to an unsolicited email on his… Read more »

January 25, 2011 4:10 pm

who else would hire him ?

Bobby seems to have a problem with the way he’s being portrayed.
Maybe he can get a job in the circles Bobby travels in.

January 25, 2011 4:04 pm

He earns his living as a biology professor at the University of Minnesota, Morris.

Of course, PZ Myers earns a living off the government academic teat – who else would hire him ?

January 25, 2011 3:47 pm

From the link in 82:

This is the naked face of atheism, ladies and gentlemen. Look on it well and remember it, because it usually doesn’t dare to show its disgusting and anti-human nature so openly.

fat albert
fat albert
January 25, 2011 3:38 pm

#84 Bob: Only a sociopath/psychopath could write: You want to make me back down by trying to inspire revulsion with dead baby pictures? I look at them unflinchingly and see meat. And meat does not frighten me. By his own admission Meyers is unmoved by a dead child – at best it’s simple some waste to dispose of; at worst… Read more »

January 25, 2011 3:33 pm

btw – his position of authority and respect is that of a University Professor, where he is pretty free to espouse his views on life and atheism as much as he likes, as opposed to those professors who happen to be Christian and are discriminated against or fired because of their views. HEY! Don’t you know that anybody who critcizes… Read more »

January 25, 2011 3:28 pm

Wulp, I must admit it when I’m proven wrong with such a preponderance of evidence. Y’all are right. Myres is obiously a psychopathic, sociopathic, hate speaking baby killer and baby eater that delights in death of any kind, and whose mouth waters at the sight of aborted fetuses. It’s more than obvious that he constantly preaches atheism in his biology… Read more »

January 25, 2011 2:25 pm

#83 bob No, he comes by that opinion of Myers from the fact that he appears to delight in killing. I understand that in biological research a certain amount of death is to be expected, but he appears to have no respect for animal life of any kind. His lack of respect for life is not confined to non-human animals;… Read more »

January 25, 2011 2:01 pm

I really don’t care what you see anymore Bobo. I’ve grown weary of you saying things and then denying you are saying them. There are four possibilities: 1. You really didn’t mean what you typed and the rest of us (ALL of us) just misinterpreted what you said. 2. We’re all blithering idiots and you are Superman. 3. You think… Read more »

January 25, 2011 1:55 pm

And now he’s a “sociopath?” LOL, and it’s not even a full moon.
However, it is a fact that Myers does in fact eat babies.

January 25, 2011 1:51 pm

Hamous, I really don’t see how you could logically reach these conclusions. PZ Myers is in an elite class of hate-filled psychopaths – he actually has a position of authority and respect among the godless and other assorted liberals, and gets paid for it. I kinda suspect you reach such conclusions simply because he dares to doubt the accuracy of… Read more »

January 25, 2011 1:46 pm

Vox Day gets in on the discussion: It’s probably a good thing he is an atheist without any moral standards, otherwise he might demonstrate at least a modicum of conscience for the bloody acts in which he appears to take such pride. And if he happened to take any sexual gratification from them as well, who can say it is… Read more »