A Scar Upon Our Nation

On this somber anniversary here are a couple of op/ed pieces I read last week:

Perhaps the indictment of Gosnell will force us to now consider that full meaning of legal abortion.
So here’s a message for NOW, NARAL Pro Choice America and Kim Gandy.
Listen up, Emily’s List, Catholics for Choice and Nancy Pelosi.
There’s a long-distance call for you, Harry Blackmun.
Sometimes, it now seems, it’s hard to tell the difference between abortion and a capital crime.

And this one, surprisingly from Slate:

The question for Furedi, Berer, Yanow, Herold, and anyone else who asserts an indefinite right to choose is whether this part of the indictment should be dropped. You can argue that what Gosnell did wasn’t conventional abortion—he routinely delivered the babies before slitting their necks—but the 33 proposed charges involving the Abortion Control Act have nothing to do with that. Those charges pertain strictly to a time limit: performing abortions beyond 24 weeks. Should Gosnell be prosecuted for violating that limit? Is it OK to outlaw abortions at 28, 30, or 32 weeks? Or is drawing such a line an unacceptable breach of women’s autonomy?
Throwing Gosnell in jail won’t solve the problem. The women who came to him at 26, 28, or 30 weeks will show up somewhere else. And if you won’t say no to them, you will have to say yes.

In a weird way I find myself understanding the abortion absolutists (in a violent, puke-my-guts-out sort of way) more than the “safe, legal and rare” jellyfish. At least the absolutists take the position that if abortion is ever to be allowed it should always be allowed. I think they’re going to burn in a lake of fire for eternity but at least they’re taking a stand.
The other pusillanimous weasels are warped by kowtowing to the dominatrix-laden cultural Marxism our society has created over the last 40 years. When I hear someone parroting the cliche “I support a woman’s right to choose” I want to slap the taste out of their mouths. As a nation we seem to suffer from a collective battered wife syndrome when it comes to affording certain inalienable rights protection to the very least among us.
Like Wagonburner says, may God have mercy on our souls.



